It's The Wall, Stupid

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Trump won the presidency on two major issues, the economy and the wall/border security.

Now that Trump has fixed the economy it's time for the wall and it doesn't matter if the libtardos throw a temper tantrum the wall is going to get built. And with the NAFTA renegotiation Mexico will pay for it though increased revenue to the treasury coming from businesses who benefit from the lower trade deficit and companies moving back to America and paying taxes.

Every day this assinine shutdown goes on brings more attention to the process and sheds light on how obstructionists are hurting Americans while siding with those who have no legal right to be here in the first place.

As the lame stream media rails Trump claims to be the best negotiator why can't he cut a deal, the joke is on them. Trump has already won. It's just a matter of how much damage the stupid libtardos want to inflict on themselves in the process.
Trump won the presidency on two major issues, the economy and the wall/border security.

Now that Trump has fixed the economy
:lmao: :rofl:

Rump has a magic time machine built into his hair that lets him retroactively "fix" things nine years in the past.


Racists. SMH
Trump won the presidency on two major issues, the economy and the wall/border security.

Now that Trump has fixed the economy
:lmao: :rofl:

Rump has a magic time machine built into his hair that lets him retroactively "fix" things nine years in the past.


Racists. SMH

What's that supposed to point out?

10 Trillion in deficit spending and 4 Trillion on the Federal Reserve's balance sheet can increase the value of the stock market while real incomes for workers went down?

The Blue Wall told the libtardos to go pound sand. They wanted a raise and Trump gave it to them.
Trump won the presidency on two major issues, the economy and the wall/border security.

Now that Trump has fixed the economy
:lmao: :rofl:

Rump has a magic time machine built into his hair that lets him retroactively "fix" things nine years in the past.


Racists. SMH

What's that supposed to point out?

10 Trillion in deficit spending and 4 Trillion on the Federal Reserve's balance sheet can increase the value of the stock market while real incomes for workers went down?

The Blue Wall told the libtardos to go pound sand. They wanted a raise and Trump gave it to them.

What''s it supposed to point out? LINEAR TIME. Have a look at where that dip turned around and check, the timeline. Then have a look at the date of Rump's inauguration (shouldn't be hard to find since it was the largest gathering of people ever on the planet, like fifty Woodstocks, and it wasn't raining at all) and compare the dates. Then look up the word "fix".

Fucking DUH?
Trump won the presidency on two major issues, the economy and the wall/border security.

Now that Trump has fixed the economy
:lmao: :rofl:

Rump has a magic time machine built into his hair that lets him retroactively "fix" things nine years in the past.


Racists. SMH

What's that supposed to point out?

10 Trillion in deficit spending and 4 Trillion on the Federal Reserve's balance sheet can increase the value of the stock market while real incomes for workers went down?

The Blue Wall told the libtardos to go pound sand. They wanted a raise and Trump gave it to them.

What''s it supposed to point out? LINEAR TIME. Have a look at where that dip turned around and check, the timeline. Then have a look at the date of Rump's inauguration (shouldn't be hard to find since it was the largest gathering of people ever on the planet, like fifty Woodstocks, and it wasn't raining at all) and compare the dates. Then look up the word "fix".

Fucking DUH?

FUCKING DUH is RW's name
did I mention there wont be a wall



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