(It's Started) Sarah Palin: I Could Beat President Barack Obama

I can envision a scenario where she runs as a third (tea) party candidate, splitting the republican vote and giving Obama a cake walk to a second term.

Remember where you heard it first. :thup:
That wont happen. I've been watching the news back and forth tonight after she said this to Barabara Walters and they have interviewed lots of people and several candidates for the GOP and they said they would certainly get behind her if she was the nominee. Palin is GOP all the way and she will unite the Tea Party with the GOP and form her own vision thats different from the old establishment. That is what she did in Alaska and beat 2 Governors with that style of politicking.

For the record, I first saw the Headline on CNN and proceeded to come over here only to ensure that ArmyRetard had made a thread on the matter.

If he had not, I had serious doubts about the sun rising tomorrow.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Sarah Palin is the most polarizing of the potential 2012 Republican presidential candidates, while impressions of Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney lean more positive, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll. As for the rest — Pawlenty, Barbour, Thune, Daniels — most Americans say, "Who?"

Palin, the former Alaska governor and 2008 vice presidential nominee, is the best-known and most divisive of the bunch. In the wake of her high-profile role in endorsing candidates all over the country, 46 percent of Americans view her favorably, 49 percent unfavorably, and 5 percent don't know enough about her to form an opinion.

In terms of winning the 2012 nomination, the question is how Republican-leaning Americans view the contenders. Palin comes out on top. Among adults who identify themselves as Republicans or GOP-leaning independents, 79 percent view her favorably, and 17 percent unfavorably.

These findings worry many Republican officials. The poll suggests Palin might be able to win the nomination. But among independents, they could be the deciding factor in the general election, just 43 percent hold a favorable view of Palin, compared with 61 percent with a positive view of Obama.

That is why, Rinata, right now that Obama in head to head polling leads Palin by 11%. Anything can change as we well know, but my bet as the American people get to know Palin better the lead grows for Obama.

The GOP does not want Palin as flag bearer and does not want Tea Party setting the agenda.
My doubts about Obama (least national experience of any recent President) go double for Palin. A one-term Governor who quit midterm? Who -- seriously -- could not name a newspaper or magazine she routinely read? However, one can never underestimate the ability of the American people who ignore the substance of an issue and go for the shiny object. You betcha!
republicans are scared cause they know they will bitch slap her and expose her for the glorified GED/community college degree she managed to get in 7 years as a dumbass to make her lose the nomination.
She will then run as a tea bagger bitching about the fat old white dude club, and other batshit crazy's like Bauchman will join her. It's Obama's only hope.
For the record, I first saw the Headline on CNN and proceeded to come over here only to ensure that ArmyRetard had made a thread on the matter.

If he had not, I had serious doubts about the sun rising tomorrow.

what's your point ?

That ArmyRetard is a moron with an unhealthy Palin obsession.

It's okay, you are a rookie. Give yourself another 100 posts to figure it out.
I can envision a scenario where she runs as a third (tea) party candidate, splitting the republican vote and giving Obama a cake walk to a second term.

Remember where you heard it first. :thup:
That wont happen. I've been watching the news back and forth tonight after she said this to Barabara Walters and they have interviewed lots of people and several candidates for the GOP and they said they would certainly get behind her if she was the nominee. Palin is GOP all the way and she will unite the Tea Party with the GOP and form her own vision thats different from the old establishment. That is what she did in Alaska and beat 2 Governors with that style of politicking.

And got Joe Miller elected!

Oh, wait a tick......
I can envision a scenario where she runs as a third (tea) party candidate, splitting the republican vote and giving Obama a cake walk to a second term.

Remember where you heard it first. :thup:
That wont happen. I've been watching the news back and forth tonight after she said this to Barabara Walters and they have interviewed lots of people and several candidates for the GOP and they said they would certainly get behind her if she was the nominee. Palin is GOP all the way and she will unite the Tea Party with the GOP and form her own vision thats different from the old establishment. That is what she did in Alaska and beat 2 Governors with that style of politicking.

And got Joe Miller elected!

Oh, wait a tick......
So. That's just one candidate. Palin targeted 20 specific districts that were democrat held during the McCain/Obama election. It was called 'Take back the 20' and guess what? She took back 19 districts.

Sarah Palin's 'Take Back the 20' PAC scores a bull's-eye - Yahoo! News

During the 2010 midterm elections, Sarah Palin went hunting for Democrats and nearly bagged her limit.

"Take Back the 20," Palin's political action committee, targeted 20 congressional districts across the country that John McCain carried in 2008 but had Democratic representatives in Congress.

The results, listed below, are eye-opening. Palin succeeded in 18 of 20 districts, losing in West Virginia's 3rd House District. At this time, the race in Arizona's 8th House District is too close to call.

The 18 Republican winners unseated freshman politicians, congressional veterans and even House Budget Committee Chairman John Spratt.

Here is the list of the 20 candidates Palin endorsed and the 2010 midterm results:

see link;
It seems like most of the time I vote against a candidate rather than for one. I feel it is that way with most of us therefore I think at this point nearly anyone could beat Obama.
Forget Obama, Soros just pulled the plug on him.

Palin needs to start looking at Evah Byah or whoever else will actually be the Dem nominee in 2012
Hey USA Retard.........wanna talk about Sharron Angle and Christine O'Donnell?

Palin's political capital is going down the tubes FAST!!!!!!! And, with this DWTS bullshit that the teabaggers have done for Bristol, I'm betting that the whole movement is going to be a joke by next July.
I can envision a scenario where she runs as a third (tea) party candidate, splitting the republican vote and giving Obama a cake walk to a second term.

Remember where you heard it first. :thup:
That wont happen. I've been watching the news back and forth tonight after she said this to Barabara Walters and they have interviewed lots of people and several candidates for the GOP and they said they would certainly get behind her if she was the nominee. Palin is GOP all the way and she will unite the Tea Party with the GOP and form her own vision thats different from the old establishment. That is what she did in Alaska and beat 2 Governors with that style of politicking.

She will NEVER gain the GOP nomination....NEVER....Even the toad Rove can see that she is inept. She will lose the GOP nomination, probably to Romney. She will then run as a Bagger. The GOP is scared to death. She costs them the Senate this year and the WH in 2012. That is the way it is going to be.

She can easily take the McCain route to the nomination. Most of the early GOP states are either Caucus states (which favor candidates with a passionate base), or are winner take all, which means Palin just has to win by a razor thin margin.

I know there's a lot of analysis out there that outlines how Palin takes the GOP nomination in 2012. It's actually pretty likely if she decides to run and does even a halfway competent job at it.

The general election is another matter though. I see that as just about unwinnable for Palin short of a complete and total collapse of the USA. Palin is poison to the moderates and motivates the Democrats much like HRC motivates the Republicans. Palin gets literally zero crossover voters, and would have to compromise a great deal to get the moderates. That would kill her most passionate supporters.

Palin's reputation for being a hardliner on the Right kills her chance in the General. You win the general in the Middle, and Palin isn't willing to move Center.
I can assure Ms Palin that she would have no problem beating a telepromter reading, Hopey/Changey, non-christian such as Obama.

I wholeheartedly urge her to run....Obama has no chance over someone as beloved as Palin
That wont happen. I've been watching the news back and forth tonight after she said this to Barabara Walters and they have interviewed lots of people and several candidates for the GOP and they said they would certainly get behind her if she was the nominee. Palin is GOP all the way and she will unite the Tea Party with the GOP and form her own vision thats different from the old establishment. That is what she did in Alaska and beat 2 Governors with that style of politicking.

And got Joe Miller elected!

Oh, wait a tick......
So. That's just one candidate. Palin targeted 20 specific districts that were democrat held during the McCain/Obama election. It was called 'Take back the 20' and guess what? She took back 19 districts.

Sarah Palin's 'Take Back the 20' PAC scores a bull's-eye - Yahoo! News

During the 2010 midterm elections, Sarah Palin went hunting for Democrats and nearly bagged her limit.

"Take Back the 20," Palin's political action committee, targeted 20 congressional districts across the country that John McCain carried in 2008 but had Democratic representatives in Congress.

The results, listed below, are eye-opening. Palin succeeded in 18 of 20 districts, losing in West Virginia's 3rd House District. At this time, the race in Arizona's 8th House District is too close to call.

The 18 Republican winners unseated freshman politicians, congressional veterans and even House Budget Committee Chairman John Spratt.

Here is the list of the 20 candidates Palin endorsed and the 2010 midterm results:

see link;

Yeah. "Forget Joe Miller" now that he was beaten in Palin's home state by a write-in candidate after Palin put a ton of time and energy into his campaign.

You guys have an outstanding capacity to "forget" the things that are inconvenient to your position.

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