It's okay if a white guy does it

I've documented and linked this many times on many threads---most [ just about all ]of the stories in the MSM are anti-white...and they usually have NOTHING to do with race--like when a cop shoots a black man
..but when a black murders whites BECAUSE of race, they never bring up the racial aspect
...many stories about blacks murdering/raping/beating/robbing whites are hardly ever headlines
..but when blacks can't use a private company's bathroom OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!headlines for weeks
perfect example out of many:
the blacks who beat a SPECIAL NEEDS white person
that didn't last long or was as big as the Starbuck's story
...your point is very pathetically weak
I've documented and linked this many times on many threads---most [ just about all ]of the stories in the MSM are anti-white...and they usually have NOTHING to do with race--like when a cop shoots a black man
..but when a black murders whites BECAUSE of race, they never bring up the racial aspect
...many stories about blacks murdering/raping/beating/robbing whites are hardly ever headlines
..but when blacks can't use a private company's bathroom OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!headlines for weeks
perfect example out of many:
the blacks who beat a SPECIAL NEEDS white person
that didn't last long or was as big as the Starbuck's story
...your point is very pathetically weak
Sure...there is not one thread on this murder. If the murderer had been black or Muslim the outrage would have been all over this forum. That the murderer was a white Christian means no outrage.
White Christian man killed a cop in central Florida last week. Not one hyperventilating thread on USMB about it, or any thread at all. What a surprise, not.

Thanks for the link, so I could figure out what you're talking about.
I've documented and linked this many times on many threads---most [ just about all ]of the stories in the MSM are anti-white...and they usually have NOTHING to do with race--like when a cop shoots a black man
..but when a black murders whites BECAUSE of race, they never bring up the racial aspect
...many stories about blacks murdering/raping/beating/robbing whites are hardly ever headlines
..but when blacks can't use a private company's bathroom OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!headlines for weeks
perfect example out of many:
the blacks who beat a SPECIAL NEEDS white person
that didn't last long or was as big as the Starbuck's story
...your point is very pathetically weak
Sure...there is not one thread on this murder. If the murderer had been black or Muslim the outrage would have been all over this forum. That the murderer was a white Christian means no outrage.
and the other big difference is whites usually don't go burning/looting/rioting/protesting FOR people who murder cops/criminals who attack cops/criminals !!
but blacks do ..blacks are PRO-criminal
White Christian man killed a cop in central Florida last week. Not one hyperventilating thread on USMB about it, or any thread at all. What a surprise, not.

Thanks for the link, so I could figure out what you're talking about.

Indeed. I missed the riots of white people protesting his arrest.

I'm more interested in knowing how the shithead cop-killer is supposed to represent white, Christian, conservatives.

I don't care who or what you are: You kill a police officer and you should get a guaranteed lethal injection.
White Christian man killed a cop in central Florida last week. Not one hyperventilating thread on USMB about it, or any thread at all. What a surprise, not.

Thanks for the link, so I could figure out what you're talking about.

Indeed. I missed the riots of white people protesting his arrest.

I'm more interested in knowing how the shithead cop-killer is supposed to represent white, Christian, conservatives.

I don't care who or what you are: You kill a police officer and you should get a guaranteed lethal injection.

I'm not interested in that. He only represents himself.
I haven't seen the story, but when a white guy kills a cop (if white) there is obviously no reason for people to run around like chickens with their heads cut off, screaming racism. It's just white killing white. However, if a white guy kills a black cop or a black guy is killed by a white cop, the anti-white racist black communities, generally led by Al Sharpton, start their running around screaming racism, racism at every death. While there have been a very few instances where blacks have been shot unjustly by cops, far more white people are shot by cops, even for unjust reasons.
One theme I see is that when blacks are pulled over (men and women), rather than cooperating fully with the cops, they get confrontational ("I din-du-nuffin) and that just escalates the situations negatively and can end in arrest or worse. Whenever I'm pulled over (and I've been pulled over several times.....I tend to be a bit lead-footed), I immediately hand over my driver's license and registration and respond with yes sir and yes ma'am when being chastised for speeding, I then sign the ticket....refusing only ends up with you in handcuffs and struggling to not be handcuffed only ends in being tazed, or worse.
it's funny how the white guy only represents himself, but the minority perps are representative of their ethnicity/race/religion.

That's because white folks aren't programmed to perceive everything in this world as being "racial."

Ever heard of a "White History Month"?
it's funny how the white guy only represents himself, but the minority perps are representative of their ethnicity/race/religion.

That's because white folks aren't programmed to perceive everything in this world as being "racial."

Ever heard of a "White History Month"?
That is held every day in school and during the holidays.
it's funny how the white guy only represents himself, but the minority perps are representative of their ethnicity/race/religion.

That's because white folks aren't programmed to perceive everything in this world as being "racial."

Ever heard of a "White History Month"?
That is held every day in school and during the holidays.
....that's because the whites had the intelligence/technology/advancement/etc whereas the blacks did not
"Zone 2": Political Forum / Israel and Palestine Forum / Race Relations/Racism Forum / Religion & Ethics Forum / Environment Forum: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed. Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads.
I know liberals cannot handle the truth. That's why I ask, where is the outrage when a black kills a cop?

Liberal logic.
Where is the link, jknowgood? Why the flaming? The OP simply does not stand on its own.

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