It's Official in FL: 'Old Dixie Hwy' Becomes 'President Barack Obama Hwy'

The Savior. The Great One. The Almighty Leader....Barack Hussein Obama. Praise Him and bow down upon his presence.

it gives me the creeps. I've never seen anything like it before. just cultish creepy
I personally believe MLK would be ashamed of the way Obama has acted as President and even as a human being
They named the Florida Turnpike after shitstain Regan long before he died. I missed your outrage.
Maybe an aircraft carrier will be next.

The USS Barack Obama. Has a nice ring to it, no?
We do have Obamacare named after our President

Quite an honor
So what? Roads and highways get named after Presidents, living and dead, all the time.

If the voters in Riveria Beach have an issue with changing the name then they will vote them out accordingly.
I've been thinking about this since your thoughtful post on the deal in New Orleans of a similar nature. You know what this is? It's Democrats attempting to erase their own racist history while pretending it exists because of Republicans. All these monuments they're taking down and highways being renamed were originally established by Democrats. Just like the Rebel flags flying over the statehouses were put there by Democrats, sour about desegregation and civil rights. So now that they want to establish this narrative of the Racist Republicans, they need to erase their own culpability. They smugly and slyly act appalled, offended and outraged, but it was their own party who did this. It was THEIR politicians who stood in the schoolhouse door and defied desegregation. THEIR politicians who enacted and supported Jim Crow laws. THEIR politicians who started the Civil War.

This is their stealthy attempt to expunge the record of their past and at the same time, make it appear that it exists because of the "racist republicans" know... those who mysteriously and inexplicably "changed parties" back in '68 when Nixon ran for president. (Although, no records exist of this mythical transformation.)
well that is interesting. I never thought of that. but you could be onto something. And if you look where it's being done they are run by Lib/Democrats.
but it's gotten out of hand under this Obama regime is all I know
So it will take people where they don't want to go through misleading signage and then tell them it's where they should have wanted to go anyhow.
If I were a conservative......I would refuse to drive on that highway

That will fix that Obama!
If I were a conservative......I would refuse to drive on that highway

That will fix that Obama!
Any person concerned with their own safety won't drive on that road because it will become populated by the feral culture that populates MLK-named roads.
Do not know why more black voters aren't attracted by the RW.
I spite of the Right's best efforts to prevent President Obama from accomplishing anything, he's been a very successful president, indeed.
If I were a conservative......I would refuse to drive on that highway

That will fix that Obama!
Any person concerned with their own safety won't drive on that road because it will become populated by the feral culture that populates MLK-named roads.
God, can you imagine buying property on some boulevard that gets renamed MLK or BHO? Ouch!
If I were a conservative......I would refuse to drive on that highway

That will fix that Obama!
Any person concerned with their own safety won't drive on that road because it will become populated by the feral culture that populates MLK-named roads.
Do not know why more black voters aren't attracted by the RW.
It was a black comedian who made that joke about MLK roads. And he was being serious.
If I were a conservative......I would refuse to drive on that highway

That will fix that Obama!
Any person concerned with their own safety won't drive on that road because it will become populated by the feral culture that populates MLK-named roads.
God, can you imagine buying property on some boulevard that gets renamed MLK or BHO? Ouch!
Time to sell to a rich black family and move.

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