It's Not The Gov't's Fault New York Doesn't Have More Ventilators, It's Cuomo's


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
It’s Not The Federal Government’s Fault New York Doesn’t Have More Ventilators, It’s Andrew Cuomo’s
Once again, government intrusion into the health-care sector has proved disastrous.
30 Mar 2020 ~~ By Shawn Fleetwood
While New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo blames the president and the federal government for the lack of beds and ventilators in his state, the power to determine the number of these critical medical supplies in New York hospitals falls squarely upon the shoulders of the governor.
During a Tuesday press conference, Cuomo lashed out at the federal government for not sending enough ventilators as the Wuhan coronavirus continues to rattle the state. “Four hundred ventilators? I need 30,000 ventilators,” Cuomo said. “You want a pat on the back for sending 400 ventilators?” The state is projecting it will need approximately 140,000 beds in 14 to 21 days, which is higher than its previous estimation of 110,000 beds by early to mid-May.
However, New York, along with 35 other states and the District of Columbia, have in place what are known as certificate-of-need (CON) laws. According to Reason, “Their stated purpose is to keep hospitals from overspending, and thus from having to charge higher prices to make up for unnecessary outlays of capital costs. But in practice, they mean hospitals must get a state agency’s permission before offering new services or installing a new medical technology. Depending on the state, everything from the number of hospital beds to the installation of a new MRI machine could be subject to CON review.”
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Yet Cuomo, who blames the federal government for a lack of beds and ventilators in his state, seemingly forgot it was his mismanagement that led to these shortages. According to RealClearPolitics, “After learning that the state’s stockpile of medical equipment had 16,000 fewer ventilators than New Yorkers would need in a severe pandemic, Gov. Andrew Cuomo came to a fork in the road in 2015. He could have chosen to buy more ventilators. Instead, he asked his health commissioner, Howard Zucker to assemble a task force and draft rules for rationing the ventilators they already had.”
Cuomo could’ve spent the necessary $576 million on the ventilators to prepare for the worst-case scenario, but instead opted to spend $750 million on a solar panel factory.
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More government control of our health-care industry is the exact opposite of what should be happening in Washington, D.C, and states around the country. Instead, lawmakers across the nation should be focusing on getting rid of these big-government barriers that make it more difficult for doctors and medical experts to treat patients. Letting the market solve its own problems is the answer to many of our problems in health care. The government needs to know when to step out of the way.

This comes as no surprise. Time and again, Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat leadership has proved to be less than stellar.
Cuomo's role model, Pres Barack Obama, cut CDC expenditures at the same time albeit for a different reason. (Obama found out the CDC helped white people avoid disease more than it did minorities). Cuomo was miffed that he would be held to a higher standard than a Nobel Prize winner....
Presently on TV Cuomo appears to be effective. At least he has shown little of the panic you see with other governors and worked the problem every day. Unfortunately, this is not the real Andrew Cuomo New York State residents have seen during his governorship--as he has dug the fiscal hole in NY ever deeper. Once this is over, I expect behavioral mean reversion.
Meanwhile his whining about the lack of ventilators and PPE equipment has come back to bite him. When he has the choice between 16,000 ventilators or financial boondoggles like Solar and wind manufacturing, he chose to spend on boondoggles....
Has anyone in the State ever wondered why the Cuomo is corrupt?

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Oct 16, 2018 · Coincidence or corruption? In Andrew Cuomo’s government it’s hard to tell. Jazz Shaw Posted at 6:41 pm on ... and then were later discovered to have benefitted from state government “generosity” and wound up in handcuffs? ... This story starts with a situation we first covered more than a year ago and it dealt with some donors who .

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Feb 15, 2018 ¡ Key Witness in Corruption Trial Tells a Tale of Cuomo. By Vivian ... and top state officials, and he had just learned that Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo himself might drop in. ... Howe on Thursday during ..

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The Buffalo Billion case heads to the jury this week. Whatever the verdicts, the trial has further exposed the massive corruption of Gov. Cuomo’s economic-development apparatus — which ...
Trump later said he felt Cuomo was requesting an unnecessary number of ventilators. "I have a feeling that a lot of the numbers that are being said in some areas are just bigger than they are going to be," Trump said. "I don't believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators."
Trump later said he felt Cuomo was requesting an unnecessary number of ventilators. "I have a feeling that a lot of the numbers that are being said in some areas are just bigger than they are going to be," Trump said. "I don't believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators."

Gov. Andrew Cuomo Admits Stockpile of Thousands of Unused ...
Mar 27, 2020 · Cuomo responded to a comment from President Donald Trump on Twitter that there were thousands of ventilators in New York not being used. “Yes, they’re in a stockpile because that’s where they are supposed to be, because we don’t need them yet,” Cuomo said. “We need them for the apex, the apex isn’t here, so we’re gathering them in a stockpile.”

So according to Cuomo, when should the stockpile of ventilators be distributed? As of last week he was crying that hospital were or had run out of ventilators... while 4,000 stayed in the Edison NJ warehouse....

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