It's just mind boggling


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2010
that the mainstream media, who supports big government and thinks that the Lefty's ideology is the right way our country should be going, suddenly has a huge problem, when that same ideology encroaches on them and starts to take away their 1st amendment freedom and rights.

This is what their socialist agenda does, it erodes our amendment rights and finally gets to the point where it effects everyone.

I don't think that they even think about this at all.
Maybe they aren't capable of doing it. :confused:
All I know is that most of us are taxed enough already. The dilemna for the left is that they support all kinds of 'creative' taxes' (ie:double taxation, taxation w/o representation, etc..) to expand local, state, and federal gov't, but expect to maintain freedom, rights, and liberty. Can't have your cake and eat it too!

I'm not even a Tea Party's just common sense.
I'm not in the tea party either, but I was talking about big intrusive government in everything, not just taxes.
That ideology effects us all.
My main thing was about big government control over everything and the main stream media supports it.
When their ideology finally intrudes on their rights, only then do they get outraged.
The question is, do they see it?

No you can't have your cake and eat it too.
Big intrusive Government is loss of freedom
I'm not in the tea party either, but I was talking about big intrusive government in everything, not just taxes.
That ideology effects us all.
My main thing was about big government control over everything and the main stream media supports it.
When their ideology finally intrudes on their rights, only then do they get outraged.
The question is, do they see it?

No you can't have your cake and eat it too.
Big intrusive Government is loss of freedom

Keep in mind that MOST journalists received their degrees in secondary education from a glut of liberal professors hired by institutions of higher learning.
So they've already been inculcated to trust expanding Gov't (and ensuing taxes that support it), therefore do not question it, and learned very little about liberty and the constitution.
that the mainstream media, who supports big government and thinks that the Lefty's ideology is the right way our country should be going, suddenly has a huge problem, when that same ideology encroaches on them and starts to take away their 1st amendment freedom and rights.

This is what their socialist agenda does, it erodes our amendment rights and finally gets to the point where it effects everyone.

I don't think that they even think about this at all.
Maybe they aren't capable of doing it. :confused:

(My bold)

Disney/ABC TV & GE/NBC are not leftist, nor socialist. While the reporters & stringers who report the news may be leftist, they don't own the MSM. Those are conglomerates, corporates as noted above. & corporates, despite the Supreme Courts' best efforts to date, do not have the same constitutional rights as a flesh & blood person.

But you may be pleased when the Koch Bros. buy the Chicago Tribune & the rest of the newspapers for sale in that chain. I assume that they'll follow their footsteps with ALEC, or R. Murdoch's or R. Ailes' @ Fox. Maybe then you'll approve of the media's coverage, such as it may be.
that the mainstream media, who supports big government and thinks that the Lefty's ideology is the right way our country should be going, suddenly has a huge problem, when that same ideology encroaches on them and starts to take away their 1st amendment freedom and rights.

This is what their socialist agenda does, it erodes our amendment rights and finally gets to the point where it effects everyone.

I don't think that they even think about this at all.
Maybe they aren't capable of doing it. :confused:

Oh, they are thinking about some things. After 50 years of maligning Christians with SCOTUS support, now they have to deal with the reality that they will find themselves 6 feet under if they 'slander the prophet of islam' as Obama called it.
I agree about intrusive government.

But, that's what the right wants. They WANT the government to control women's reproduction. It's just unimaginable that the idiot rw's believe the state should control when and if women have babies.

That's bad enough but they also want government to control women's insurance covering birth control. They don't want women to be able to buy insurance that includes contraception.

No contraception, no abortion and, if they can, they'll make sure poor children (and the elderly) go hungry.

One freedom after another, one right after another - the rw scum are hard at work taking them away.
that the mainstream media, who supports big government and thinks that the Lefty's ideology is the right way our country should be going, suddenly has a huge problem, when that same ideology encroaches on them and starts to take away their 1st amendment freedom and rights.

This is what their socialist agenda does, it erodes our amendment rights and finally gets to the point where it effects everyone.

I don't think that they even think about this at all.
Maybe they aren't capable of doing it. :confused:

Oh, they are thinking about some things. After 50 years of maligning Christians with SCOTUS support, now they have to deal with the reality that they will find themselves 6 feet under if they 'slander the prophet of islam' as Obama called it.

Actually, it was your hero, gw, who said that. He also got rid of the bible in the Oval Office and replaced it with the Quran.

(Why is it that you rw's NEVER get your facts right?)
that the mainstream media, who supports big government and thinks that the Lefty's ideology is the right way our country should be going, suddenly has a huge problem, when that same ideology encroaches on them and starts to take away their 1st amendment freedom and rights.

This is what their socialist agenda does, it erodes our amendment rights and finally gets to the point where it effects everyone.

I don't think that they even think about this at all.
Maybe they aren't capable of doing it. :confused:

(My bold)

&, of course, Disney/ABC & GE/NBC love big government. Or @ least have figured out how to make a profit from it. Disney did a lot of training films for the US military in WWII, GE had several divisions that sold directly to the US military. & both TV operations profit handsomely from the fundraising/media buy strategy of big-time national politics. & more when ALEC, Koch Bros., NRA, & other "issues" campaigns go into hyperdrive & start buying up TV time left & right.
that the mainstream media, who supports big government and thinks that the Lefty's ideology is the right way our country should be going, suddenly has a huge problem, when that same ideology encroaches on them and starts to take away their 1st amendment freedom and rights.

This is what their socialist agenda does, it erodes our amendment rights and finally gets to the point where it effects everyone.

I don't think that they even think about this at all.
Maybe they aren't capable of doing it. :confused:

If there were a mainstream media like you say there is, why are they silent on the trans pacific partnership which will take power away from government and give it to international corporations? Or for that matter, that the supposed left wing Obama plans on signing this treaty, something a lefty would never do. If the media is left wing, why didn't they antagonize for investigations into the bush war crimes? Or after all this hullabaloo about the IRS investigating conservative organizations, why didn't they report the fact that none of these organizations were denied tax exemptions after all?
that the mainstream media, who supports big government and thinks that the Lefty's ideology is the right way our country should be going, suddenly has a huge problem, when that same ideology encroaches on them and starts to take away their 1st amendment freedom and rights.

This is what their socialist agenda does, it erodes our amendment rights and finally gets to the point where it effects everyone.

I don't think that they even think about this at all.
Maybe they aren't capable of doing it. :confused:

(My bold)

Disney/ABC TV & GE/NBC are not leftist, nor socialist. While the reporters & stringers who report the news may be leftist, they don't own the MSM. Those are conglomerates, corporates as noted above. & corporates, despite the Supreme Courts' best efforts to date, do not have the same constitutional rights as a flesh & blood person.

But you may be pleased when the Koch Bros. buy the Chicago Tribune & the rest of the newspapers for sale in that chain. I assume that they'll follow their footsteps with ALEC, or R. Murdoch's or R. Ailes' @ Fox. Maybe then you'll approve of the media's coverage, such as it may be.
Why isn't the New York Times buying the Trib? The LA Times?

It seems to me that the more Conservative media corporations are doing much better than the libs.

Yes I'll be pleased when the Koch brothers buy up all the liberal rags and either scrap them of turn them into profitable concerns.
that the mainstream media, who supports big government and thinks that the Lefty's ideology is the right way our country should be going, suddenly has a huge problem, when that same ideology encroaches on them and starts to take away their 1st amendment freedom and rights.

This is what their socialist agenda does, it erodes our amendment rights and finally gets to the point where it effects everyone.

I don't think that they even think about this at all.
Maybe they aren't capable of doing it. :confused:

(My bold)

Disney/ABC TV & GE/NBC are not leftist, nor socialist. While the reporters & stringers who report the news may be leftist, they don't own the MSM. Those are conglomerates, corporates as noted above. & corporates, despite the Supreme Courts' best efforts to date, do not have the same constitutional rights as a flesh & blood person.

But you may be pleased when the Koch Bros. buy the Chicago Tribune & the rest of the newspapers for sale in that chain. I assume that they'll follow their footsteps with ALEC, or R. Murdoch's or R. Ailes' @ Fox. Maybe then you'll approve of the media's coverage, such as it may be.
Why isn't the New York Times buying the Trib? The LA Times?

It seems to me that the more Conservative media corporations are doing much better than the libs.

Yes I'll be pleased when the Koch brothers buy up all the liberal rags and either scrap them of turn them into profitable concerns.

Maybe big advertisers won't advertise on a liberal rag which is why we have a basically corporate run media. I don't care how left wing a journalist is, he doesn't decide what gets printed. Big corporations are right wing, so this is why we don't have too many left wing rags or radio stations. I'm sure you will disagree of course.
that the mainstream media, who supports big government and thinks that the Lefty's ideology is the right way our country should be going, suddenly has a huge problem, when that same ideology encroaches on them and starts to take away their 1st amendment freedom and rights.

This is what their socialist agenda does, it erodes our amendment rights and finally gets to the point where it effects everyone.

I don't think that they even think about this at all.
Maybe they aren't capable of doing it. :confused:

(My bold)

Disney/ABC TV & GE/NBC are not leftist, nor socialist. While the reporters & stringers who report the news may be leftist, they don't own the MSM. Those are conglomerates, corporates as noted above. & corporates, despite the Supreme Courts' best efforts to date, do not have the same constitutional rights as a flesh & blood person.

But you may be pleased when the Koch Bros. buy the Chicago Tribune & the rest of the newspapers for sale in that chain. I assume that they'll follow their footsteps with ALEC, or R. Murdoch's or R. Ailes' @ Fox. Maybe then you'll approve of the media's coverage, such as it may be.
Why isn't the New York Times buying the Trib? The LA Times?

It seems to me that the more Conservative media corporations are doing much better than the libs.

Yes I'll be pleased when the Koch brothers buy up all the liberal rags and either scrap them of turn them into profitable concerns.

When news is set up to turn a "profit" --- that's when you know it's not news.
Real news has no "profit". It only has costs. Commodities turn profits. They get there through advertising, and advertising is deception.
that the mainstream media, who supports big government and thinks that the Lefty's ideology is the right way our country should be going, suddenly has a huge problem, when that same ideology encroaches on them and starts to take away their 1st amendment freedom and rights.

This is what their socialist agenda does, it erodes our amendment rights and finally gets to the point where it effects everyone.

I don't think that they even think about this at all.
Maybe they aren't capable of doing it. :confused:

(My bold)

Disney/ABC TV & GE/NBC are not leftist, nor socialist. While the reporters & stringers who report the news may be leftist, they don't own the MSM. Those are conglomerates, corporates as noted above. & corporates, despite the Supreme Courts' best efforts to date, do not have the same constitutional rights as a flesh & blood person.

But you may be pleased when the Koch Bros. buy the Chicago Tribune & the rest of the newspapers for sale in that chain. I assume that they'll follow their footsteps with ALEC, or R. Murdoch's or R. Ailes' @ Fox. Maybe then you'll approve of the media's coverage, such as it may be.
Why isn't the New York Times buying the Trib? The LA Times?

It seems to me that the more Conservative media corporations are doing much better than the libs.

Yes I'll be pleased when the Koch brothers buy up all the liberal rags and either scrap them of turn them into profitable concerns.

(My bold)

There isn't much money anymore in print, especially newspapers. The NYT itself has been in trouble, & is looking - like all purely print media - for ways to leverage their way into Internet profits. So far, the models are not encouraging.

Yah, the trend is to consolidation of media ownership. Once Prexy Reagan removed FCC rules on domination of media markets, the major players have been buying & selling. Thus a lot of FM radio is fed by regional or national hubs that simply slide in tracks or CDs, or send out a feed from some central office somewhere. Which is why local news is dying, too - but that's a separate discussion.

What all the cheerleaders for this consolidation miss - is that once you have a Wallmart in every market of a minimum size, you don't need any other outlet. A lot of the Savages & Coulters & Malkins & so on are going to find that Limbaugh or Beck will do just fine, & you only need the one. It'll be another die-off @ the end of an era.
that the mainstream media, who supports big government and thinks that the Lefty's ideology is the right way our country should be going, suddenly has a huge problem, when that same ideology encroaches on them and starts to take away their 1st amendment freedom and rights.

This is what their socialist agenda does, it erodes our amendment rights and finally gets to the point where it effects everyone.

I don't think that they even think about this at all.
Maybe they aren't capable of doing it. :confused:

(My bold)

Disney/ABC TV & GE/NBC are not leftist, nor socialist. While the reporters & stringers who report the news may be leftist, they don't own the MSM. Those are conglomerates, corporates as noted above. & corporates, despite the Supreme Courts' best efforts to date, do not have the same constitutional rights as a flesh & blood person.

But you may be pleased when the Koch Bros. buy the Chicago Tribune & the rest of the newspapers for sale in that chain. I assume that they'll follow their footsteps with ALEC, or R. Murdoch's or R. Ailes' @ Fox. Maybe then you'll approve of the media's coverage, such as it may be.

The OP's strawman has it backwards. It's not a corporate media that "supports big government". It's a weak government that supports corporate media.

That's why media is as lockstep as it is -- it's kept there not by government but by corporatism ... the same force that runs the government.
(My bold)

Disney/ABC TV & GE/NBC are not leftist, nor socialist. While the reporters & stringers who report the news may be leftist, they don't own the MSM. Those are conglomerates, corporates as noted above. & corporates, despite the Supreme Courts' best efforts to date, do not have the same constitutional rights as a flesh & blood person.

But you may be pleased when the Koch Bros. buy the Chicago Tribune & the rest of the newspapers for sale in that chain. I assume that they'll follow their footsteps with ALEC, or R. Murdoch's or R. Ailes' @ Fox. Maybe then you'll approve of the media's coverage, such as it may be.
Why isn't the New York Times buying the Trib? The LA Times?

It seems to me that the more Conservative media corporations are doing much better than the libs.

Yes I'll be pleased when the Koch brothers buy up all the liberal rags and either scrap them of turn them into profitable concerns.

Maybe big advertisers won't advertise on a liberal rag which is why we have a basically corporate run media. I don't care how left wing a journalist is, he doesn't decide what gets printed. Big corporations are right wing, so this is why we don't have too many left wing rags or radio stations. I'm sure you will disagree of course.

I will. The majority of US print Media is Liberal. The ones that are profitable, are to a large extent the Conservative ones. Profitable Media corporations aren't all that interested in agenda. They are interested in profit.
Corporations have tried to launch new Liberal vehicles. Air American and Current TV are 2 that come to mind. Compare them to FoxNews and Clear Channel.

Draw your own conclusions.
Why isn't the New York Times buying the Trib? The LA Times?

It seems to me that the more Conservative media corporations are doing much better than the libs.

Yes I'll be pleased when the Koch brothers buy up all the liberal rags and either scrap them of turn them into profitable concerns.

Maybe big advertisers won't advertise on a liberal rag which is why we have a basically corporate run media. I don't care how left wing a journalist is, he doesn't decide what gets printed. Big corporations are right wing, so this is why we don't have too many left wing rags or radio stations. I'm sure you will disagree of course.

I will. The majority of US print Media is Liberal. The ones that are profitable, are to a large extent the Conservative ones. Profitable Media corporations aren't all that interested in agenda. They are interested in profit.
Corporations have tried to launch new Liberal vehicles. Air American and Current TV are 2 that come to mind. Compare them to FoxNews and Clear Channel.

Draw your own conclusions.

Your premise is faulty; it seems to assume that what "sells" in media is assent to viewpoint. That's not the case. Ratings represent attention, not assent or dissent. If TV channel A sells more eyeballs than TV channel B, it means A is getting more attention... not that more people agree with channel A. And in broadcasting (and media in general), you get more attention with controversy and drama than with straight objective news. Which way it slants, if it slants at all, is irrelevant to that.

As for Clear Channel, they're in business to make money. Where I live there's a radio station that broadcasts right-wing talk all day and another one that broadcasts left-wing talk all day. They're BOTH owned by Clear Channel (and both profitable). CC doesn't push the side of right or left; it pushes the side of profit.

The idea that one ideology "sells" and another doesn't is a myth. Because it's not ideology that they're purveying. That's just not how the psychology works.
Why isn't the New York Times buying the Trib? The LA Times?

It seems to me that the more Conservative media corporations are doing much better than the libs.

Yes I'll be pleased when the Koch brothers buy up all the liberal rags and either scrap them of turn them into profitable concerns.

Maybe big advertisers won't advertise on a liberal rag which is why we have a basically corporate run media. I don't care how left wing a journalist is, he doesn't decide what gets printed. Big corporations are right wing, so this is why we don't have too many left wing rags or radio stations. I'm sure you will disagree of course.

I will. The majority of US print Media is Liberal. The ones that are profitable, are to a large extent the Conservative ones. Profitable Media corporations aren't all that interested in agenda. They are interested in profit.
Corporations have tried to launch new Liberal vehicles. Air American and Current TV are 2 that come to mind. Compare them to FoxNews and Clear Channel.

Draw your own conclusions.

Many liberal stations that do well go to sports like KPOJ Portland did last year. Years ago mike malloy was doing very well in chicago and then one day, no malloy. Back to the "liberal" media. Back when Nafta was being pushed, we read about it and heard about it everywhere. It was finally pushed through but it had to be sold and it was a hard sell. There's not much reporting on the free trade pacts anymore that most Americans are against whether they're liberal or conservative. I think most of us here agree that offshoring has really hurt the middle class. We owe China money of course because they make almost everything anymore. Not our choice. Both political parties push for this because they're owned by corporations. So no news on free trade anymore because if we the people don't like it we could complain to our representatives. This is bad for business. ___ Transpacific partnership. The average person never heard about it though it's Nafta on steroids. Don't believe me? Ask some of your neighbors or co workers what they think of TPP. No news but Obama will ok it guaranteed. Where's the press? I'm against immigration reform. We have a shortage of jobs now and excess of labor. So the solution? Bring more workers here to lower wages. If there were a liberal press they would report this. No, they're all for it because big business is pushing it. Liberal press my foot, I say.
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Why isn't the New York Times buying the Trib? The LA Times?

It seems to me that the more Conservative media corporations are doing much better than the libs.

Yes I'll be pleased when the Koch brothers buy up all the liberal rags and either scrap them of turn them into profitable concerns.

Maybe big advertisers won't advertise on a liberal rag which is why we have a basically corporate run media. I don't care how left wing a journalist is, he doesn't decide what gets printed. Big corporations are right wing, so this is why we don't have too many left wing rags or radio stations. I'm sure you will disagree of course.

I will. The majority of US print Media is Liberal. The ones that are profitable, are to a large extent the Conservative ones. Profitable Media corporations aren't all that interested in agenda. They are interested in profit.
Corporations have tried to launch new Liberal vehicles. Air American and Current TV are 2 that come to mind. Compare them to FoxNews and Clear Channel.

Draw your own conclusions.

How can the majority of print media be liberal if they're not profitable? All successful print media needs advertisers. Advertisers are big business, anti liberal. All newsprint is corporate owned. We don't have the thousands of newspapers and radio station anymore like we used to. That is when we had some diversity of opinion.

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