It's all about educaton!

Hell, I'm a high school dropout. What I learned without schooling:

Programming computers in assembly (6 months to learn), C (two years to learn), and Java (3 months to learn). Web development (on going process that never ends). Network engineering (on going again). Celestial mechanics. Chaos theory. Theological studies including christian, ancient, and modern-pagan religions (though so I could figure out which was right for me it still counts). Sewing and knitting (I was too young to remember how long that took). Survival skills (taught by my dad). Electronic design, theory, application, and even some mechanical engineering (we know that's on going). .... and the list goes on and on. My specialty (and current career) network engineering, though I want to go back to being a chef someday.

So why isn't every high-school dropout a master programmer? You're the exception that proves the rule.

They have other very useful skills, you may as well ask why every college grad isn't a computer programmer.

Just because someone decided that only "schooled" people are useful doesn't mean they were right. Where do you think all the stuff you learn in school came from in the first place? Us "idiot dropouts", that's who. As a matter of fact when I was in high school we had a computer lab, with Apple IIes, and a few 286es, that's it. Computers were thought of as nothing but fancy toys or science tools, nothing more. I started learning about them before it was "in" and most computer programmers who taught the teachers in colleges are high school dropouts. AOL, Microsucks, even Apple use to hire hackers, they didn't care about education they were built on people who didn't like school. Windoze didn't use to get fucked up so much until they started only hiring college morons. I have to clean up networks after "higher" educated morons mess with them all the time, as a matter of fact that's what my primary job is, cleaning up their mistakes, which is slowly changing though as they are getting tired of having to get it fixed they are starting to call me first and completely ignoring the contracts (not even renewing those "professional" contracts when they run out). They ask me to interview their new hires for tech when I tell them I won't do more than part time. Go figure, me, a high school dropout, doing tech better than those who "studied" for it (between beers and fucks).

Yes, I'm an old school tech, we don't exist in colleges and universities anymore because we get hired for jobs before we are even out of high school.
Some Jobs Hard To Fill Amid Massive Layoffs

Yet even with 15 million people hunting for work, even with the unemployment rate nearing 10 percent, some employers can't find enough qualified people for good-paying career jobs.


This is what I've been saying for a while. It's all about education. Can someone explain to me why I'm wrong?

General Motors Recalls 1,000 Workers In Ohio

AP: Some U.S. Areas Show Signs Of Recovery

The problem: Some idiots thought a piece of paper can actually tell you that someone is qualified in place of a real work ethic.

And oddly enough, earning that piece of paper can be a real indication of said "work ethic".

Or it could be an indication of a person who desparately clings to the acedemic womb for as long as possible for fear of hard work, and who when put in a real working environment can't distinguish acedemic exercises from real productive work.

If anything college degrees from any but the best schools are nothing but a certification of mindless conformity with fanatic sycophantic personalities.
If this is "work ethics" to you, you need to try some manual labor for a decade first:

1. Don't believe everything you see on TV. The lives of your average college students make for boring programming.

2. Even at Greek-friendly schools, Greeks are a small fraction of the student body.

3. In my 4 years at University, I attended exactly three crazy parties, and I was not unique.

I live near the "bar district", I see the college brats (same ones) every weekend. Those were just the first clips that came up.
The problem: Some idiots thought a piece of paper can actually tell you that someone is qualified in place of a real work ethic.

And oddly enough, earning that piece of paper can be a real indication of said "work ethic".

Or it could be an indication of a person who desparately clings to the acedemic womb for as long as possible for fear of hard work, and who when put in a real working environment can't distinguish acedemic exercises from real productive work.

If anything college degrees from any but the best schools are nothing but a certification of mindless conformity with fanatic sycophantic personalities.

That could be, I have seen many "professional" college kids who will do anything to stay in school so they don't have to actually work, often sucking on mommy and daddies teet.
Hey, I'm another almost six figure income college drop out who runs the IT systems at the R&D for one of the largest chemical manufacturers in the world.

I work with a lot of doctorate level research chemists.

Some people with degrees are brilliant, some are idiots - we get rid of those ASAP. Having a college degree is no mark of either intelligence or of productivity. It's unfortunate but the American collegiate system SUCKS!

It may be true that in college you may get some (limited) amount of knowledge and it may also be true, as they say, "Knowledge is Power".

But power in the hands of an idiot is not a good thing!

Which explains how our corp of college educated bankers and mostly college educated mortgage brokers managed to destroy this country's economy by pushing sub-prime mortgages and derivatives.

Financial geniuses!

"Of course, our failures are a consequence of many factors, but possibly one of the most important is the fact that society operates on the theory that specialization is the key to success, not realizing that specialization precludes comprehensive thinking."
R. Buckminster Fuller, Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth, 1963

There's nothing like the self-educated!
Hell, I'm a high school dropout. What I learned without schooling:

Programming computers in assembly (6 months to learn), C (two years to learn), and Java (3 months to learn). Web development (on going process that never ends). Network engineering (on going again). Celestial mechanics. Chaos theory. Theological studies including christian, ancient, and modern-pagan religions (though so I could figure out which was right for me it still counts). Sewing and knitting (I was too young to remember how long that took). Survival skills (taught by my dad). Electronic design, theory, application, and even some mechanical engineering (we know that's on going). .... and the list goes on and on. My specialty (and current career) network engineering, though I want to go back to being a chef someday.

Jack of all trades, master of none.

Actually, I have mastered network engineering (the "official" title), programming was my hobby which forced me to learn many sciences (artificial intelligence requires a lot of various mathematics). The rest were just because I wanted to.

Currently, computer makers are having a difficult time getting the same type of precisions from 64 bit and 128 bit floating point calculations that they do from 32 bit. It seems that non-physical artifacts may be introduced into physical simulations which could result in, oh, well, you know. Perhaps you could give them a call and explain how you learned all this on your own?
Perhaps you could record the conversation? I would love to hear the educated schooled by the home schooled.
Jack of all trades, master of none.

Actually, I have mastered network engineering (the "official" title), programming was my hobby which forced me to learn many sciences (artificial intelligence requires a lot of various mathematics). The rest were just because I wanted to.

Currently, computer makers are having a difficult time getting the same type of precisions from 64 bit and 128 bit floating point calculations that they do from 32 bit. It seems that non-physical artifacts may be introduced into physical simulations which could result in, oh, well, you know. Perhaps you could give them a call and explain how you learned all this on your own?
Perhaps you could record the conversation? I would love to hear the educated schooled by the home schooled.

You don't know much about mastery, which explains a lot about your naivety.
Kitten, I think you and the other guy are exceptions that prove the rule -- the less education the more likely one is to be terminated during hard times.
Kitten, I think you and the other guy are exceptions that prove the rule -- the less education the more likely one is to be terminated during hard times.

No, we are educated, we just didn't get educated by someone "official" ... that's the problem you have. Education doesn't have to come from someone telling you how to do something, even with education if there is no desire to learn on their own then they have no value. Unless you can and will buckle down and learn the skills and knowledge without the push of a "teacher" then you will not really learn it.

Get a clue, that piece of paper is bullshit, worth no more than butt paper, and only shows that you had money handed to you. Businesses are waking up to this fact, when they higher someone who went to a university they are hiring a spoiled brat or someone who has a ton of debt, and still no proof they know anything more than how to dress themselves (even that's not a skill anymore since everyone wears the same damned thing anyway). Soon you will have to actually prove you can do it, the pieces of paper will be completely ignored, thanks to programmers like me we have created simulator software (through Open Source projects) which can simulate almost anything, once we get these almost perfect I foresee companies hiring us to implement them in testing applicants in place of looking at their "paid education" level.
Jack of all trades, master of none.

Actually, I have mastered network engineering (the "official" title), programming was my hobby which forced me to learn many sciences (artificial intelligence requires a lot of various mathematics). The rest were just because I wanted to.

Currently, computer makers are having a difficult time getting the same type of precisions from 64 bit and 128 bit floating point calculations that they do from 32 bit. It seems that non-physical artifacts may be introduced into physical simulations which could result in, oh, well, you know. Perhaps you could give them a call and explain how you learned all this on your own?
Perhaps you could record the conversation? I would love to hear the educated schooled by the home schooled.

Wow are you a case!

If you knew what the term precision meant, you'd know that 32-bit, 64-bit and 128-bit refers to the precision. Of course you don't get the same precision - you get much better precision - by definition.

As for your failing simulations - sounds like another college educated bullshit artist not wanted to admit that they just screwed up the programming.

Or are your non-physical artifacts some sort of spiritual entities?

KK, you are so wrong, but believe what you want. Businesses are fully cognizant of the importance of the sheepskin. That you have a great skill that overcomes your lack of the degree says much about you. But you and a few others are the exception.
Actually, I have mastered network engineering (the "official" title), programming was my hobby which forced me to learn many sciences (artificial intelligence requires a lot of various mathematics). The rest were just because I wanted to.

Currently, computer makers are having a difficult time getting the same type of precisions from 64 bit and 128 bit floating point calculations that they do from 32 bit. It seems that non-physical artifacts may be introduced into physical simulations which could result in, oh, well, you know. Perhaps you could give them a call and explain how you learned all this on your own?
Perhaps you could record the conversation? I would love to hear the educated schooled by the home schooled.

Wow are you a case!

If you knew what the term precision meant, you'd know that 32-bit, 64-bit and 128-bit refers to the precision. Of course you don't get the same precision - you get much better precision - by definition.

As for your failing simulations - sounds like another college educated bullshit artist not wanted to admit that they just screwed up the programming.

Or are your non-physical artifacts some sort of spiritual entities?


:rofl: Nailed it!
KK, you are so wrong, but believe what you want. Businesses are fully cognizant of the importance of the sheepskin. That you have a great skill that overcomes your lack of the degree says much about you. But you and a few others are the exception.

Denying what's happening won't change it. Look at which jobs have been lost and which ones are still hiring, the problem is that idiots with a "sheepskin" won't do any real work anyway. Companies are also still hiring tech support, many of them are actively seeking out the truly skilled but can only pay them a small amount compared to what "higher" educated morons demand. Really, look more into the job market, it's not those with that worthless paper they are hiring.
How many doctors do you know who practice without MDs or DOs?
How many nurses do you know who practice without RN liscences?
How many high-school dropouts are designing microprocessors for Intel or AMD?
How many scientists are developing vaccines without PhDs or MSs?
How many engineers are designing buildings without ABET-accredited degrees?

KK, you were one of the lucky ones who entered an industry before it matured...there are now far more high-school dropouts than there are IT positions in this country.
How many doctors do you know who practice without MDs or DOs?
How many nurses do you know who practice without RN liscences?
How many high-school dropouts are designing microprocessors for Intel or AMD?
How many scientists are developing vaccines without PhDs or MSs?
How many engineers are designing buildings without ABET-accredited degrees?

KK, you were one of the lucky ones who entered an industry before it matured...there are now far more high-school dropouts than there are IT positions in this country.

Your questions are naive as well. Many people in the tech industry are high school dropouts. People can learn how to do anything with motivation, and it was only recently that they required nurses to have "higher" education papers, even then, most of what doctors and nurses learn they do as interns, we're talking about the idiots that read a book and take a few tests then get a piece of paper. Also, vaccines come from many third world countries, Madam Currie was not "educated" at all by your standards. Our most durable buildings (talking thousands of years old) were not built by people with your "education" standards. Seriously, do you think the world was always like this? All of our advances we owe to people who were not educated by your standard actually.
KK, you are so wrong, but believe what you want. Businesses are fully cognizant of the importance of the sheepskin. That you have a great skill that overcomes your lack of the degree says much about you. But you and a few others are the exception.

Businesses are controlled by the banking system, which are controlled by the super-wealthy, who are mostly concerned with maintaining the social order.

College grads are rewarded with high paying jobs to give them some incentive to get some education and to emulate intelligent people. Most of them have never voluntarily read a book in their life.

On a macro-social scale, it's the only way to get them to rise above the level of monkeys.

But it leaves the hard working, productive, intelligent people screwed.
How many doctors do you know who practice without MDs or DOs?

I'd sooner go to a self taught witch-doctor then trust those whores. (And very happily have)

How many nurses do you know who practice without RN liscences?
No complaints about nurses - they seem to really try to do a good job.

How many high-school dropouts are designing microprocessors for Intel or AMD?

Bill Gates doesn't have a college degree.

How many scientists are developing vaccines without PhDs or MSs?
If Pharma companies would promote based on competence, I'm sure that their'd be quite a few

How many engineers are designing buildings without ABET-accredited degrees?

Neither Thomas Edison nor the Wright Bros had degrees. I think you'd be surprised how much engineering is done by non-degreed engineers.

Of course it's kind of hard to get a job based on talent and ability in a soceity that's more dedicated to social order.
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Those that can. DO.
Those that cannot. Teach
I attended college. What a fucking waste of time and money.
I did ,however, learn one important lesson.
Once I began interviewing I knew I never wanted to work " for" anyone.
I never did.
KK, you were one of the lucky ones who entered an industry before it matured...there are now far more high-school dropouts than there are IT positions in this country.

Your questions are naive as well. Many people in the tech industry are high school dropouts.
There is a distinct difference between IT support and microprocessor engineering. You cannot learn microprocessor engineering in your garage.

People can learn how to do anything with motivation, and it was only recently that they required nurses to have "higher" education papers, even then, most of what doctors and nurses learn they do as interns, we're talking about the idiots that read a book and take a few tests then get a piece of paper.
You have no idea of the pains medical students endure to get that "piece of paper."

Also, vaccines come from many third world countries, Madam Currie was not "educated" at all by your standards.
Incorrect. Madam Currie obtained degrees in both Mathematics and Physics from EPSCI in 1893, and then her Doctorate in 1903. She was a full professor in Paris by 1906.

Our most durable buildings (talking thousands of years old) were not built by people with your "education" standards. Seriously, do you think the world was always like this? All of our advances we owe to people who were not educated by your standard actually.

Indeed. :lol:

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