Its a Wonderful Life - The Musical

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Yes , sobering news this week that Macca is writing this un-wanted production. I can pretty much forgive him anything but this may test that stance.

It got me thinking about British Musicals and reflecting on how universally shit they have been since the dawn of time.

Rocky Horror
Everything by that little shit Lloyd Webber
Half a Sixpence
Les Mis

And hundreds that you will never have heard of.

There are only two that pass muster.

Oh What a Lovely War

Its an American art form and calls for skills that the rest of the world does not possess. Think again Macca.
Lots of images come to mind about a possible musical based on George and Mary and the angel Clarence and none of them good.

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