Italy : African migrant doing what he does best


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Europa invited African Muslims to enjoy all benefits of western welfare state: no education, skill, IQ higher as 60 are required, only good knowelage of Quran, lot of criminal records , at best mental illnesses, four wives and lot of inbreeding children are necessary.
A typical scene somewhere in Italy ( Germany, France, UK etc. ).
An African Muslim 'thanks' the guest country, 'police' doing nothing to avoid sacking due to 'racism', 'nazi', politically incorrectness or simple fearing beating or killing by Antifa.

what he heck is going on there?

He shows his power, no one can stop him.
African Muslims literally poop on Europeans, police, state, churches.
Any resistance is prohibited by law as 'hate crime' or 'racism', Antifa can kill 'racists' without police investigations.
For example sharing of this video in Germany is hate crime, can be punished by 5m fine and 4 years in prison according to the new Merkel & MaasFacebook Hate Speech law.
Do you still want to visit Europe?
A typical picture somewhere in socialist EU. African Muslims demand, demand, demand!
Almost 99% of them will never work.

Europa invited African Muslims to enjoy all benefits of western welfare state: no education, skill, IQ higher as 60 are required, only good knowelage of Quran, lot of criminal records , at best mental illnesses, four wives and lot of inbreeding children are necessary.
A typical scene somewhere in Italy ( Germany, France, UK etc. ).
An African Muslim 'thanks' the guest country, 'police' doing nothing to avoid sacking due to 'racism', 'nazi', politically incorrectness or simple fearing beating or killing by Antifa.

You have no idea where this man is from or what his religion is. He's a nut job, plain and simple. Come to Las Vegas. We see weird shit like that here all the time
Europa invited African Muslims to enjoy all benefits of western welfare state: no education, skill, IQ higher as 60 are required, only good knowelage of Quran, lot of criminal records , at best mental illnesses, four wives and lot of inbreeding children are necessary.
A typical scene somewhere in Italy ( Germany, France, UK etc. ).
An African Muslim 'thanks' the guest country, 'police' doing nothing to avoid sacking due to 'racism', 'nazi', politically incorrectness or simple fearing beating or killing by Antifa.

You have no idea where this man is from or what his religion is. He's a nut job, plain and simple. Come to Las Vegas. We see weird shit like that here all the time


if a Muslim commits crime it would be insanity, nut jobs etc. for lefts.
Almost all African immigrants to Europe are Muslims, because very few Christians can be killed in Mediterranean by Muslims, therefore they do not move to Europe.
Do you still want to visit Europe?
A typical picture somewhere in socialist EU

I go to Europe frequently and no, this is not a typical picture
Europe's a big place. These things don't happen in the Czech Republic. Know why? They're not taking immigrants from third-world shit holes.

Good for them! Who needs that shit?

EU & Merkel want to replace Europeans by African Muslims therefore they invited only African rubbish to Europe.
I can't figure out what this thread is about or what that guy is doing. He can't be pooping; he's bent the wrong way.

Be clear, people.
I can't figure out what this thread is about or what that guy is doing. He can't be pooping; he's bent the wrong way.

Be clear, people.

The thread is about 'normal' situation in dying Europe, it shows degeneration and death of state.
The thread is about 'normal' situation in dying Europe, it shows degeneration and death of state.

Cute, Baron, but what is the photo SHOWING? :confused-84: I mean, besides abstractions such as "degeneration" and "death of state."

I think Europe is dying, too, committing suicide, really, so I'm interested in the topic.

Whatever it is.
The thread is about 'normal' situation in dying Europe, it shows degeneration and death of state.

Cute, Baron, but what is the photo SHOWING? :confused-84: I mean, besides abstractions such as "degeneration" and "death of state."

I think Europe is dying, too, committing suicide, really, so I'm interested in the topic.

Whatever it is.

The same will be in the US too, but ten - twenty years later.
Why was the cop not doing his job and remove the idiot from the road?
if you give them an inc they will take a mile. Have to nip this shit in the bud.
Epic fail on the cops part.
Do you still want to visit Europe?
A typical picture somewhere in socialist EU. African Muslims demand, demand, demand!
Almost 99% of them will never work.

It's what ignoramuses think the rest of the world looks like. They don't venture far from home.
It is symbolic as to the politically correct paralysis the establishment has inflicted on the West. The savage should have been deposited in the green street cleaner vehicle and taken to a landfill (the middle east and or africa).

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