It was NOT Bush's fault...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
That the bust that supposedly provided the "Clinton surplus" actually starting in 2002 reduced Federal revenue by $166 billion for the next 30 years.
Nor was the 9/11 attack Bush's fault (remember the Gorelick Memo that kept the CIA from sharing with the FBI info about the 9/11 terrorists in the USA???) that cost another $2 trillion or $66 billion a year in reduced Federal Revenue.
And as much as Obama could have halted the WORST HURRICANE SEASONS (PLURAL!
in American history that including Katrina costs another $1 trillion or $33 billion a year in tax loss writeoffs.. there WAS NOTHING Bush could do about that!
Finally when you have millions of people in shock and fear (remember anthrax attacks which we ALL thought right after 9/11 were due to terrorists???) of terrorism and SOMETHING had to be done.. Bush knew that at least HOLDING Saddam to the 1991 Cease Fire terms was something that could A) reduce another possible terrorist attack from at that time the prime candidate Saddam.. B) show the world we would hold TERRORISTS,THUGS like Saddam responsible the USA had every right and reason to Liberate the 28 million Iraqis from this terrorists! (Doesn't that sound a lot like Assad of Syria right now???)

BUT Bush like MOST Americans would NEVER believe that Americans MUCH less members of Congress would be HELPING the terrorists! Would be by telling the terrorists..
Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”

or Presidential candidates that said:
American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night,
terrorizing kids and children."
Senator Kerry (D) calling our troops "TERRORISTS"!

or a future President saying:
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

NO.. Bush like MOST Americans never thought the likes of the above WANTED to prolong the Liberation of Iraq costing American troops, $600 billion and stretching it out 6 years!
NO American would EVER encourage the enemy by calling our troops "KILLERS" Terrorists!

EXCEPT Bush WAS wrong!
These traitors DID that and as a result Bush will be THANKS to these traitors linked to Iraq negatively EVEN though right now Iraqis are enjoying the greatest increase in their per person gross domestic product increase.. over 400% in Iraq today!

Bush was wrong.. in not being able to halt the Bust.
Wrong in not stopping 9/11 or not being able to stop the worst hurricanes in history!
Wrong in assuming Americans would NEVER say encouraging words to terrorists!
Bush was wrong in being a human being and in trusting Democrats!
That the bust that supposedly provided the "Clinton surplus" actually starting in 2002 reduced Federal revenue by $166 billion for the next 30 years.
Nor was the 9/11 attack Bush's fault (remember the Gorelick Memo that kept the CIA from sharing with the FBI info about the 9/11 terrorists in the USA???) that cost another $2 trillion or $66 billion a year in reduced Federal Revenue.
And as much as Obama could have halted the WORST HURRICANE SEASONS (PLURAL!
in American history that including Katrina costs another $1 trillion or $33 billion a year in tax loss writeoffs.. there WAS NOTHING Bush could do about that!
Finally when you have millions of people in shock and fear (remember anthrax attacks which we ALL thought right after 9/11 were due to terrorists???) of terrorism and SOMETHING had to be done.. Bush knew that at least HOLDING Saddam to the 1991 Cease Fire terms was something that could A) reduce another possible terrorist attack from at that time the prime candidate Saddam.. B) show the world we would hold TERRORISTS,THUGS like Saddam responsible the USA had every right and reason to Liberate the 28 million Iraqis from this terrorists! (Doesn't that sound a lot like Assad of Syria right now???)

BUT Bush like MOST Americans would NEVER believe that Americans MUCH less members of Congress would be HELPING the terrorists! Would be by telling the terrorists..
Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”

or Presidential candidates that said:
American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night,
terrorizing kids and children."
Senator Kerry (D) calling our troops "TERRORISTS"!

or a future President saying:
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

NO.. Bush like MOST Americans never thought the likes of the above WANTED to prolong the Liberation of Iraq costing American troops, $600 billion and stretching it out 6 years!
NO American would EVER encourage the enemy by calling our troops "KILLERS" Terrorists!

EXCEPT Bush WAS wrong!
These traitors DID that and as a result Bush will be THANKS to these traitors linked to Iraq negatively EVEN though right now Iraqis are enjoying the greatest increase in their per person gross domestic product increase.. over 400% in Iraq today!

Bush was wrong.. in not being able to halt the Bust.
Wrong in not stopping 9/11 or not being able to stop the worst hurricanes in history!
Wrong in assuming Americans would NEVER say encouraging words to terrorists!
Bush was wrong in being a human being and in trusting Democrats!

This attempt to witewash history will become easier as more years go by. Right now it's too fresh so it sounds lame and pathetic.

There is just too much evidence out there showing that Bush was used by his daddy's buddies as little more than a usefull puppet.

Much of this evidence comes from members of Bush's own cabinet who were present initially and who confirm that plans were made to invade Iraq from Bush's first day in office (and even before....hence the phony Florida vote fiasco of 2000) and to use the 9-11 attacks to justify it. There was a finely orchestrated campaign to manipulate intelligence on Iraq to bolster the case for war without technically "lying" to anyone as well.

There was a perceptible shift in attitude. Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy. The NSC had no patience with the UN route, and no enthusiasm for publishing material on the Iraqi regime's record. There was little discussion in Washington of the aftermath after military action.


It seemed clear that Bush had made up his mind to take military action, even if the timing was not yet decided. But the case was thin. Saddam was not threatening his neighbours, and his WMD capability was less than that of Libya, North Korea or Iran. We should work up a plan for an ultimatum to Saddam to allow back in the UN weapons inspectors. This would also help with the legal justification for the use of force.

The Downing Street Memos :: The text

now go ahead....use the standard Bush apologist bullshit sounbyte...."But the Downing Street Memo has been debunked!"

no it hasn't. You can't "debunk" an official memo from Bush's biggest ally in the invasion of Iraq.

Well, I guess you can if your goal is simply to "debunk" anybody that tells the truth in an attempt to vindicate Bush....which is what your post is about!

How can you debunk Condi Rice's testimony to Congress where in one breath she said there was simply no way the president could have foreseen the 9-11 attacks and then when asked about the August 6, 2001 PDB Bush received she said it was entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States."

More about your other myths later.
That the bust that supposedly provided the "Clinton surplus" actually starting in 2002 reduced Federal revenue by $166 billion for the next 30 years.
Nor was the 9/11 attack Bush's fault (remember the Gorelick Memo that kept the CIA from sharing with the FBI info about the 9/11 terrorists in the USA???) that cost another $2 trillion or $66 billion a year in reduced Federal Revenue.
And as much as Obama could have halted the WORST HURRICANE SEASONS (PLURAL!
in American history that including Katrina costs another $1 trillion or $33 billion a year in tax loss writeoffs.. there WAS NOTHING Bush could do about that!
Finally when you have millions of people in shock and fear (remember anthrax attacks which we ALL thought right after 9/11 were due to terrorists???) of terrorism and SOMETHING had to be done.. Bush knew that at least HOLDING Saddam to the 1991 Cease Fire terms was something that could A) reduce another possible terrorist attack from at that time the prime candidate Saddam.. B) show the world we would hold TERRORISTS,THUGS like Saddam responsible the USA had every right and reason to Liberate the 28 million Iraqis from this terrorists! (Doesn't that sound a lot like Assad of Syria right now???)

BUT Bush like MOST Americans would NEVER believe that Americans MUCH less members of Congress would be HELPING the terrorists! Would be by telling the terrorists..
Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”

or Presidential candidates that said:
American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night,
terrorizing kids and children."
Senator Kerry (D) calling our troops "TERRORISTS"!

or a future President saying:
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

NO.. Bush like MOST Americans never thought the likes of the above WANTED to prolong the Liberation of Iraq costing American troops, $600 billion and stretching it out 6 years!
NO American would EVER encourage the enemy by calling our troops "KILLERS" Terrorists!

EXCEPT Bush WAS wrong!
These traitors DID that and as a result Bush will be THANKS to these traitors linked to Iraq negatively EVEN though right now Iraqis are enjoying the greatest increase in their per person gross domestic product increase.. over 400% in Iraq today!

Bush was wrong.. in not being able to halt the Bust.
Wrong in not stopping 9/11 or not being able to stop the worst hurricanes in history!
Wrong in assuming Americans would NEVER say encouraging words to terrorists!
Bush was wrong in being a human being and in trusting Democrats!

The guys in the white coats are looking for you again.
So you guys deny that the $5 trillion dot com bust happened? What happened to the market losses.. they just don't disappear. So too 9/11 $2 trillion those business losses where did those write offs go then?
And the worst hurricanes in history NEVER happened?
Finally those traitorous remarks.."US troops are terrorists", cold blooded killers" civiilan killers" those remarks WERE never used by terrorists to recruit more terrorists thus prolonging Iraq? Those statements Never helped encourage terrorists?
People you are sucked by your own ignorance!
Presidential historians will rate Bush as having the worst press coverage that told the most false stories and the idiots that believed them like Bush/Cheney planted bombs in WTC or Bush Chaney blew up New Orleans levees.. Or Bush the supposed IDIOT planted the whole IDEA of invading Iraq to get even with Saddam for trying to kill his Dad!
Those tin-foil conspirators that you detractors represent are so far off base!
If Bush was SO stupid and dumb as you make him out to be then HOW in your warped minds was he
smart enough to
A) Tell Clinton "take chinese money -- instruct Gorelick to write the memo keeping CIA from sharing WTC bomber information...
B) THEN Bush on his own plants C-4 in WTC buildings sets them off because every one KNOWS LIke rosie O'Donnelll steel can't melt so the bombs bush planted took the buildings down!
C) The of course BUSH sent the Anthrax letters which every one at the time thought were from terrorists which that IDIOT Bush KNOWING idiots would believe used that excuse to Liberate Iraq!
D) And of course the grand idiot savant calling on the weather manipulators created the worst hurricane SEASONS 2003-2008 in history again Bush planned all this destruction so his buddies could get rich!

Right and of course IT WAS Bush's entire fault that the FANNIE/FREDDIE after their donating to Franks/Obama/Dodd they took Bush's bait and lent money to people that should never had the loans!
Yea that was all Bush's planning wasn't it tin-foils???
Bush the grand Idiot-Savant..
planned dot com bust/9/11/worst hurricanes in history and planned the housing collapsed all to
get even with Clinton/Saddam and to make his buddies rich!

You tin-foil hatted Bush is an idiot Savants are so ludicrous! So whacked out.. what you been smokin'??
your fucking insane

No sir you're insane and it's people like you that fucks this country up. You will be sorry in November when your political ass gets beat. Anyone that doesn't mind having a president that lies to the people and breaks the law daily is an idiot. What will you do when the Republican version of Obama gets in office? there will be no bounds on him and the constitution will already be mud thanks to Obama and fucking piss ant dick shits like you. One day you will be sorry you stood by and let the constitution be pissed away whether you know it now or not.
So you guys deny that the $5 trillion dot com bust happened? What happened to the market losses.. they just don't disappear. So too 9/11 $2 trillion those business losses where did those write offs go then?
And the worst hurricanes in history NEVER happened?
Finally those traitorous remarks.."US troops are terrorists", cold blooded killers" civiilan killers" those remarks WERE never used by terrorists to recruit more terrorists thus prolonging Iraq? Those statements Never helped encourage terrorists?
People you are sucked by your own ignorance!
Presidential historians will rate Bush as having the worst press coverage that told the most false stories and the idiots that believed them like Bush/Cheney planted bombs in WTC or Bush Chaney blew up New Orleans levees.. Or Bush the supposed IDIOT planted the whole IDEA of invading Iraq to get even with Saddam for trying to kill his Dad!
Those tin-foil conspirators that you detractors represent are so far off base!
If Bush was SO stupid and dumb as you make him out to be then HOW in your warped minds was he
smart enough to
A) Tell Clinton "take chinese money -- instruct Gorelick to write the memo keeping CIA from sharing WTC bomber information...
B) THEN Bush on his own plants C-4 in WTC buildings sets them off because every one KNOWS LIke rosie O'Donnelll steel can't melt so the bombs bush planted took the buildings down!
C) The of course BUSH sent the Anthrax letters which every one at the time thought were from terrorists which that IDIOT Bush KNOWING idiots would believe used that excuse to Liberate Iraq!
D) And of course the grand idiot savant calling on the weather manipulators created the worst hurricane SEASONS 2003-2008 in history again Bush planned all this destruction so his buddies could get rich!

Right and of course IT WAS Bush's entire fault that the FANNIE/FREDDIE after their donating to Franks/Obama/Dodd they took Bush's bait and lent money to people that should never had the loans!
Yea that was all Bush's planning wasn't it tin-foils???
Bush the grand Idiot-Savant..
planned dot com bust/9/11/worst hurricanes in history and planned the housing collapsed all to
get even with Clinton/Saddam and to make his buddies rich!

You tin-foil hatted Bush is an idiot Savants are so ludicrous! So whacked out.. what you been smokin'??

I concur with the majority, you are insane.
That the bust that supposedly provided the "Clinton surplus" actually starting in 2002 reduced Federal revenue by $166 billion for the next 30 years.
Nor was the 9/11 attack Bush's fault (remember the Gorelick Memo that kept the CIA from sharing with the FBI info about the 9/11 terrorists in the USA???) that cost another $2 trillion or $66 billion a year in reduced Federal Revenue.
And as much as Obama could have halted the WORST HURRICANE SEASONS (PLURAL!
in American history that including Katrina costs another $1 trillion or $33 billion a year in tax loss writeoffs.. there WAS NOTHING Bush could do about that!
Finally when you have millions of people in shock and fear (remember anthrax attacks which we ALL thought right after 9/11 were due to terrorists???) of terrorism and SOMETHING had to be done.. Bush knew that at least HOLDING Saddam to the 1991 Cease Fire terms was something that could A) reduce another possible terrorist attack from at that time the prime candidate Saddam.. B) show the world we would hold TERRORISTS,THUGS like Saddam responsible the USA had every right and reason to Liberate the 28 million Iraqis from this terrorists! (Doesn't that sound a lot like Assad of Syria right now???)

BUT Bush like MOST Americans would NEVER believe that Americans MUCH less members of Congress would be HELPING the terrorists! Would be by telling the terrorists..
Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”

or Presidential candidates that said:
American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night,
terrorizing kids and children."
Senator Kerry (D) calling our troops "TERRORISTS"!

or a future President saying:
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

NO.. Bush like MOST Americans never thought the likes of the above WANTED to prolong the Liberation of Iraq costing American troops, $600 billion and stretching it out 6 years!
NO American would EVER encourage the enemy by calling our troops "KILLERS" Terrorists!

EXCEPT Bush WAS wrong!
These traitors DID that and as a result Bush will be THANKS to these traitors linked to Iraq negatively EVEN though right now Iraqis are enjoying the greatest increase in their per person gross domestic product increase.. over 400% in Iraq today!

Bush was wrong.. in not being able to halt the Bust.
Wrong in not stopping 9/11 or not being able to stop the worst hurricanes in history!
Wrong in assuming Americans would NEVER say encouraging words to terrorists!
Bush was wrong in being a human being and in trusting Democrats!

"The Smoking Gun will be a Mushroom Cloud"

nuff said
Nothing can ever be Bush's fault because he was the un-president.

Whatever happened during his two terms was either FDR's, President Carter's, President Clinton's, the Democratic Congress' or President Obama's fault. Bush was never really president.

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