It Was Done on Tobacco. It Can Be Done on Guns.

The NRA wont even allow gun violence to be studied. They hate Americans!

That is a lie.....never happened......we have posted the various gun studies the CDC has conducted since they were told they can't do anti gun propaganda, they can do research, they just can't do propaganda.....


The 2nd Amendment is sooo confusing and obsolete. Trying to live modern life according to the Constitution is much like trying to live modern life according to the Bible. Both are obsolete and subject to vast interpretations. Anyone here belong to a militia? Know anyone who belongs to a militia? I don't...

Funny you are posting under the 1st asshat and I know thousands and thousands of people who belong to the militia.


The 2nd Amendment is sooo confusing and obsolete. Trying to live modern life according to the Constitution is much like trying to live modern life according to the Bible. Both are obsolete and subject to vast interpretations. Anyone here belong to a militia? Know anyone who belongs to a militia? I don't...

Funny you are posting under the 1st asshat and I know thousands and thousands of people who belong to the militia.

What militia?
How did that shooter get 20 guns in his hotel room? It's been reported they included .223 and .308 calibers.
Why are the calibers significant?

Because I'm familiar with those calibers in my hunting world. Both are very deadly - especially .308.
Even a 22 is deadly. The .223 is the standard NATO military round.

Funny. I grew up around firearms. A .22 is certainly not deadly at 400 yards. I also carried a .223 in the military - and it is deadly at 400 yards. A .308 is much more deadly.
By Dennis A. Henigan

The American people can overcome the gun lobby, but only if we confront, and expose, three myths that have long dominated the gun debate and given the politicians a ready excuse for inaction.

First, we must not let the opponents of reform get away with the empty bromide that "guns don't kill people, people kill people." Does any rational person really believe that the Sandy Hook killer could have murdered twenty-seven people in minutes with a knife or a baseball bat? Guns enable people to kill, more effectively and efficiently than any other widely available weapon.

Second, we must challenge the idea that no law can prevent violent people from getting guns. This canard is refuted by the experience of every other western industrialized nation. Their violent crime rates are comparable to ours. But their homicide rates are exponentially lower because their strong gun laws make it harder for violent individuals to get guns.

Third, we must not accept the notion that our Constitution condemns us to the continued slaughter of our children. It is true that the Supreme Court has expanded gun rights in recent years; it is equally true that the Court has insisted that the right allows for reasonable restrictions. In his opinion in the Heller Second Amendment case, Justice Scalia listed restrictions on "dangerous and unusual weapons" among the kinds of gun laws that are still "presumptively lawful." Assault weapons that fire scores of rounds without reloading surely are "dangerous and unusual."

The tobacco control movement overcame some equally powerful mythology to fundamentally alter American attitudes toward tobacco products. The tobacco industry's effort to sow confusion and uncertainty about the link between smoking and disease eventually was exposed as a fraud. The entrenched view that smoking was simply a bad habit that individuals can choose to break was destroyed by evidence that the tobacco companies knew that nicotine was powerfully addictive and engineered their cigarettes to ensure that people got hooked and stayed hooked. The assumption that smoking harms only the smoker was contradicted by the overwhelming evidence of the danger of second-hand smoke.

Once these myths were exposed, attitudes changed, policies changed and we started saving countless lives. Since youth smoking peaked in the mid-1990s, smoking rates have fallen by about three-fourths among 8th graders, two-thirds among 10th graders and half among 12th graders. A sea change has occurred on the tobacco issue.

Similarly fundamental change can come to the gun issue as well. The myths about gun control, however, still have a hold on too many of our political leaders and their constituents. We will hear them repeated again and again in the coming weeks of intense debate. Every time we hear them, we must respond and we must persuade.

There is too much at stake to be silent.

More: Dennis A. Henigan: It Was Done on Tobacco. It Can Be Done on Guns
There isn't a Constitution right to Tobacco
There is one for firearms
The NRA wont even allow gun violence to be studied. They hate Americans!
/—-/ You act as though the NRA patrols school hallways listening for teachers who talk about gun violence. You imbecile, the NRA can’t prevent any discussion.


The 2nd Amendment is sooo confusing and obsolete. Trying to live modern life according to the Constitution is much like trying to live modern life according to the Bible. Both are obsolete and subject to vast interpretations. Anyone here belong to a militia? Know anyone who belongs to a militia? I don't...[/QUOTE/—-/——/ Yes Spanky, I know people in the National Guard.


The 2nd Amendment is sooo confusing and obsolete. Trying to live modern life according to the Constitution is much like trying to live modern life according to the Bible. Both are obsolete and subject to vast interpretations. Anyone here belong to a militia? Know anyone who belongs to a militia? I don't...

Funny you are posting under the 1st asshat and I know thousands and thousands of people who belong to the militia.

What militia?
/—-/ The National Guard run by states as opposed to the military DUHHH
How did that shooter get 20 guns in his hotel room? It's been reported they included .223 and .308 calibers.

Carried in in suit cases, how dense are you? Hotels don’t look at what people bring into their hotels. He was a criminal, criminals do bad things that are against the law. They don’t find a need to follow the law like law abiding citizens. That is why they are criminals.

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