It sucks being a Taliban


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
U.S.: Raids have taken out 900 Taliban leaders -

U.S.-led military forces have captured or killed more than 900 Taliban leaders in the past 10 months, making it harder for the insurgency to maintain its offensive capabilities, according to the U.S. military in Afghanistan.

"We are getting indications that the (insurgency) is struggling to find replacements for leaders," said Maj. Sunset Belinsky of the International Security Assistance Force, which oversees coalition military operations in Afghanistan.

"In several cases, insurgents have actually refused to take over the leadership positions, have had difficulty finding technical experts, such as IED (improvised explosive devices) facilitators, gun runners and bomb trainers," she said.

The decapitation of leadership comes amid stepped-up raids by U.S. special operations units in Afghanistan. The raids have netted insurgent leaders, weapons and drugs used to finance actions against coalition forces, NATO says.

Among them:

•On March 1, U.S. and Afghan troops in Kandahar seized 20,000 pounds of bombmaking fertilizer, 15 heavy machine guns and ammunition and five rocket-propelled grenade launchers with 200 rounds. The ammonium nitrate fertilizer could have been used to make 400 IEDs, according to the Pentagon's Joint IED Defeat Organization.

•On Feb. 24, troops in Kandahar captured two Taliban leaders who had supplied insurgents with weapons.

•On Feb. 21 in Nangarhar province, troops destroyed drugmaking labs and seized 10,000 pounds of opium and heroin, which were used to finance attacks
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Killing lots of terrorists? AWESOME.

Good thing Bush didn't pull out in 2005 when you and your ilk demanded it.
Phew I'm so relieved, I've been hiding under my bed in fear of a potential Taliban invasion.
Good... the more of them dead.. the better... the more secure we are as citizens and as a country... one of the few things I give Obama credit for, is not stopping the attacks against these fuckers
It would be even better if the madrassas in Pakistan weren't churning out 10 more for each Taliban we kill.

Exactly, get out of the middle east and stop giving them the motivation.

Nah... they did not have ANY motivation or actions before we started battling them in Afghanistan or finishing the job that should have been finished right the first time in Iraq :rolleyes:
It would be even better if the madrassas in Pakistan weren't churning out 10 more for each Taliban we kill.

Exactly, get out of the middle east and stop giving them the motivation.

Technically Afghanistan is not in the Middle East but I get your point, we can't just leave though until we liquidate all our assets there and don't need them for their oil anymore.
It sucks even worse being in AlQaida

Hunted down wherever you go. Your own people turned against you. Stick your head out and a drone silently kills you
It sucks even worse being in AlQaida

Hunted down wherever you go. Your own people turned against you. Stick your head out and a drone silently kills you

If I were a Taliban I would talk to my leadership about just handing those fuckers over to the US so they could stop looking for us.
It would be even better if the madrassas in Pakistan weren't churning out 10 more for each Taliban we kill.

Exactly, get out of the middle east and stop giving them the motivation.

Blowback is a legit concept. But these leaders will find their motivation in other places, like a certain nation somewhere around the eastern Mediterranean. And our military doesn't need to be there in order for them to rant about the immorality and Satanic nature of the Western world. They'll do whatever they can to deflect blame to external forces to keep attention away from their own internal failings.
It would be even better if the madrassas in Pakistan weren't churning out 10 more for each Taliban we kill.

Exactly, get out of the middle east and stop giving them the motivation.

Technically Afghanistan is not in the Middle East but I get your point, we can't just leave though until we liquidate all our assets there and don't need them for their oil anymore.

Just to be a pedantic douche...I think the Middle East is a geo-political term that includes North Africa, down to Oman, up to Turkey, and out to Pakistan.
Exactly, get out of the middle east and stop giving them the motivation.

Technically Afghanistan is not in the Middle East but I get your point, we can't just leave though until we liquidate all our assets there and don't need them for their oil anymore.

Just to be a pedantic douche...I think the Middle East is a geo-political term that includes North Africa, down to Oman, up to Turkey, and out to Pakistan.

I thought the Middle East was just the Arab countries like Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon and out to Iran?
U.S.: Raids have taken out 900 Taliban leaders -

U.S.-led military forces have captured or killed more than 900 Taliban leaders in the past 10 months, making it harder for the insurgency to maintain its offensive capabilities, according to the U.S. military in Afghanistan.

"We are getting indications that the (insurgency) is struggling to find replacements for leaders," said Maj. Sunset Belinsky of the International Security Assistance Force, which oversees coalition military operations in Afghanistan.

"In several cases, insurgents have actually refused to take over the leadership positions, have had difficulty finding technical experts, such as IED (improvised explosive devices) facilitators, gun runners and bomb trainers," she said.

The decapitation of leadership comes amid stepped-up raids by U.S. special operations units in Afghanistan. The raids have netted insurgent leaders, weapons and drugs used to finance actions against coalition forces, NATO says.

Among them:

•On March 1, U.S. and Afghan troops in Kandahar seized 20,000 pounds of bombmaking fertilizer, 15 heavy machine guns and ammunition and five rocket-propelled grenade launchers with 200 rounds. The ammonium nitrate fertilizer could have been used to make 400 IEDs, according to the Pentagon's Joint IED Defeat Organization.

•On Feb. 24, troops in Kandahar captured two Taliban leaders who had supplied insurgents with weapons.

•On Feb. 21 in Nangarhar province, troops destroyed drugmaking labs and seized 10,000 pounds of opium and heroin, which were used to finance attacks

Great thing.... thanks GWB!
It would be even better if the madrassas in Pakistan weren't churning out 10 more for each Taliban we kill.

Exactly, get out of the middle east and stop giving them the motivation.

Nah... they did not have ANY motivation or actions before we started battling them in Afghanistan or finishing the job that should have been finished right the first time in Iraq :rolleyes:

I see, so the first time we were over in the middle east was the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Sounds like your eyes are constantly rolling, that'd be the only way to make someone inable to read and learn history.
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Exactly, get out of the middle east and stop giving them the motivation.

Nah... they did not have ANY motivation or actions before we started battling them in Afghanistan or finishing the job that should have been finished right the first time in Iraq :rolleyes:

I see, so the first time we were over in the middle east was the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Sounds like you're eyes are constantly rolling, that'd be the only way to make someone inable to read and learn history.

You gonna bring out Lebanon? Bases in the land of our ally Turkey? Military maneuvers during WWII?? Actions to try and get hostages out of Iran?

The fact is that these radical fuckers need no other motivation than us being a free country that supports Israel and does not accept their Sharia law wishes
Exactly, get out of the middle east and stop giving them the motivation.

Nah... they did not have ANY motivation or actions before we started battling them in Afghanistan or finishing the job that should have been finished right the first time in Iraq :rolleyes:

I see, so the first time we were over in the middle east was the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Sounds like your eyes are constantly rolling, that'd be the only way to make someone inable to read and learn history.

History? What about the historical fact that Islam has been at war with humanity since I dunno, 632 AD?

Nah... they did not have ANY motivation or actions before we started battling them in Afghanistan or finishing the job that should have been finished right the first time in Iraq :rolleyes:

I see, so the first time we were over in the middle east was the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Sounds like your eyes are constantly rolling, that'd be the only way to make someone inable to read and learn history.

History? What about the historical fact that Islam has been at war with humanity since I dunno, 632 AD?


Well you can read, just selectively, my advice is to read the history of christianity and other religions who have done the exact same thing that just you've chosen to ignore.
Nah... they did not have ANY motivation or actions before we started battling them in Afghanistan or finishing the job that should have been finished right the first time in Iraq :rolleyes:

I see, so the first time we were over in the middle east was the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Sounds like you're eyes are constantly rolling, that'd be the only way to make someone inable to read and learn history.

You gonna bring out Lebanon? Bases in the land of our ally Turkey? Military maneuvers during WWII?? Actions to try and get hostages out of Iran?

The fact is that these radical fuckers need no other motivation than us being a free country that supports Israel and does not accept their Sharia law wishes

Obviously I was being sarcastic, the more they're over there the more they hate us. Just like we would if there were a bunch of iranian troops and embassies all over the US trying to influece our government.

We're humans, at the core we're all very similar. Doesn't matter which God you think is over your head or isn't.

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