It seems twitters trust and safety council is working overtime to van conservatives


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
It Seems Twitter's 'Trust and Safety Council' Is Working Overtime to Ban Conservatives
Sometimes I think all the hand-wringing about some sort of online "war on conservatives" is silly. Sure, dude, maybe nobody is paying attention to your brilliant tweets because you've been shadowbanned. Perhaps Twitter's "Trust & Safety Council" really is keeping you from reaching the audience you deserve. Or maybe you're just boring and kind of dumb? I tend to be skeptical of these complaints, but it's possible that there really is an ongoing conspiracy to silence half the country. I have to admit, it would explain why I keep getting suspended from Twitter for no good reason. Maybe Twitter really is out to get conservatives, even us RINO cuck #NeverTrump traitors who probably love Hillary.


Awwww the peaful, tolerant left couldn't do such things. They are such fair , caring , loving pos trash aren't they.
They play fairly because they love everyone equally don't you know.
It Seems Twitter's 'Trust and Safety Council' Is Working Overtime to Ban Conservatives
Sometimes I think all the hand-wringing about some sort of online "war on conservatives" is silly. Sure, dude, maybe nobody is paying attention to your brilliant tweets because you've been shadowbanned. Perhaps Twitter's "Trust & Safety Council" really is keeping you from reaching the audience you deserve. Or maybe you're just boring and kind of dumb? I tend to be skeptical of these complaints, but it's possible that there really is an ongoing conspiracy to silence half the country. I have to admit, it would explain why I keep getting suspended from Twitter for no good reason. Maybe Twitter really is out to get conservatives, even us RINO cuck #NeverTrump traitors who probably love Hillary.


Awwww the peaful, tolerant left couldn't do such things. They are such fair , caring , loving pos trash aren't they.
They play fairly because they love everyone equally don't you know.
well the lies you folks are up to today, I'm guessing you deserve it. Try being reasonable for once and see what happens.
It Seems Twitter's 'Trust and Safety Council' Is Working Overtime to Ban Conservatives
Sometimes I think all the hand-wringing about some sort of online "war on conservatives" is silly. Sure, dude, maybe nobody is paying attention to your brilliant tweets because you've been shadowbanned. Perhaps Twitter's "Trust & Safety Council" really is keeping you from reaching the audience you deserve. Or maybe you're just boring and kind of dumb? I tend to be skeptical of these complaints, but it's possible that there really is an ongoing conspiracy to silence half the country. I have to admit, it would explain why I keep getting suspended from Twitter for no good reason. Maybe Twitter really is out to get conservatives, even us RINO cuck #NeverTrump traitors who probably love Hillary.


Awwww the peaful, tolerant left couldn't do such things. They are such fair , caring , loving pos trash aren't they.
They play fairly because they love everyone equally don't you know.
well the lies you folks are up to today, I'm guessing you deserve it. Try being reasonable for once and see what happens.

Maybe twitter won't 'van' him.
There is only one way to think. Obey.

Big Tech is becoming Big Brother

What we are seeing in Big Tech is the inherent totalitarian impulse of the Left come into full focus. The Left is losing at the ballot box, and there are some signs it is starting to lose the culture war too. The free and open Internet has been indispensable in spreading conservative ideas, and it was indispensable in getting Donald Trump elected president — and now the Left wishes to destroy it.
Brad Parscale: Big Tech is becoming Big Brother

There is only one way to think. Obey.

Big Tech is becoming Big Brother

What we are seeing in Big Tech is the inherent totalitarian impulse of the Left come into full focus. The Left is losing at the ballot box, and there are some signs it is starting to lose the culture war too. The free and open Internet has been indispensable in spreading conservative ideas, and it was indispensable in getting Donald Trump elected president — and now the Left wishes to destroy it.
Brad Parscale: Big Tech is becoming Big Brother

One major problem with that theory: Facebook is entirely voluntary. And Alex Jones' free speech rights are pristinely uninfringed. He's still ranting at what a poor victim he is on his own website.

I don't think 'totalitarian' means what Brad thinks they mean.
Facebook is entirely voluntary.

No doubt. But it is very important to recognize that a pro leftist, anti conservative viewpoint is being pushed on a very large population. This Search Engine Manipulation Effect may be cheered by the leftist but for sane people with an understanding of history and leftist propaganda, this is ominous. To support it or to defend it says a lot about your inner totalitarian. About your desire to influence if not control what those beneath you think.

Little "a" American leftists have always pushed policies that prove they felt they know how to spend your hard earned money better than you. Now, they are coming out of the closet and letting us know they know best how we should think--and not think.

Fahrenheit 404
Are these companies entitled to be able to shut up dissenters? Of course they are. The First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees protection from the state, but not from individuals and companies. Freedom of speech is freedom from persecution by the state and no more.

The fact is that these internet companies created a cartel to get rid of dissenters.

The censorship algorithm for Twitter works so that after some time, conservatives in this social network are isolated from the outside world – their tweets practically unread as Twitter artificially eliminates followers and restricts access to tweets. At the same time, tweets of people of the left not only are not hustled up, but also receive the most extensive distribution.

Google applies yet another method of manipulating public opinion. Google has introduced a practice nicknamed "expulsion to the 101st kilometer," referring the Soviets forcibly evicting dissenting citizens 100 kilometers or more from Moscow. That was the twentieth century. Now, in the 21st century, Google decided to manipulate the results of internet searches in an analogous way. As a result of these manipulations, Google shows links to leftist political sites at the top of the results page, and links to conservative sites are artificially moved beyond the first hundred links. Google knows that people, as a rule, scan just the first ten to twenty links. Consequently, Google creates an impression that the whole world is full of leftist ideas only.
Facebook is entirely voluntary.

No doubt. But it is very important to recognize that a pro leftist, anti conservative viewpoint is being pushed on a very large population. This Search Engine Manipulation Effect may be cheered by the leftist but for sane people with an understanding of history and leftist propaganda, this is ominous. To support it or to defend it says a lot about your inner totalitarian. About your desire to influence if not control what those beneath you think.

The distinction between a private company that one can join voluntarily backed by nothing.......and a State mandated totalitarian regime backed by horrific violence, threats, intimidation and murder...

.....cannot be overstated.

Totalitarianism is a brutal form of government. It has nothing to do with a facebook account. And yet Brad and to a similar extent, you....are equating them. They have enormous, ridiculously significant differences.

The former will merely deny you the use of their property. Something you have no right to. You still have every right you always did. You can still disseminate your views on other platforms that consent to your use, or your own platform. There are no other penalties. No violence, nothing.

As Alex Jones demonstrates elegantly by his continued whining on his own website and others.

The latter will murder you and prevent you from speaking at all. They will torture and mutilate your body. They will imprison you. They will deny you your constitutional rights. They will prevent ANY speech they disagree with ANY format. This is totalitarianism. And it has *nothing* to do with a facebook ban.
The distinction between a private company that one can join voluntarily backed by nothing.......and a State mandated totalitarian regime backed by horrific violence, threats, intimidation and murder...

.....cannot be overstated.

I'm with you. I hear you. You make your point well.

What I'm trying to point out is that we're in new territory. We have private, extremely powerful companies run by a few young people who think they know what WE SHOULD THINK influencing a huge population. (Of mostly stupid people).

When has propaganda pushed by a totalitarian elite ended well?

Your defense of a tiny few, extremely young leftists influencing what the plebes think might call for a wee bit of scrutiny.

And just so I'm not misunderstood here: I have no idea who Alex Jones is or what he pushes. My shallow knowledge of his existence is that he runs a conspiracy website for profit. I've never been much for conspiracy. (OK, the UFO stuff is neat and my wife calls me a retard for watching it but I still dismiss it as bunk).

I don't care what the California leftist thought police approve of. Here's the bottom line:

If Google, Facebook, Twitter and all the other California leftist thought police were magically transformed to conservatives tomorrow, they would not delete leftist content. Why? Because leftist ideology has failed 100% of the time it's been tried over the last century. As a conservative Facebook CEO, I'd want maximum distribution and coverage of leftist thought out there on MY platform. I want their voices and images heard.

Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

Leftist ideology doesn't work. It has no persuasion. It has no history of success. Its only way to get its message out is to silence the opposition. The only way to make a society fail through leftist doctrine is through force, intimidation, tyranny and murder.

People see this. People, even the stupid, ask why are you shutting down the opposition.

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