It isn't your grandfather's LEFT anymore

The so called left was never anti-war. Just like people claiming Trump was antiwar.
Oh yeah. It was patriotic right wing Americans stealing valor, burning draft cards, organizing massive public protests, throwing things and spitting on the vets coming home from Viet Nam. No, wait. That wasn't right leaning Americans at all.
They're getting closer to communism every year. And most of them just can't see it.
They'll turn this country into Venezuela north if left unchecked.
Oh yeah. It was patriotic right wing Americans stealing valor, burning draft cards, organizing massive public protests, throwing things and spitting on the vets coming home from Viet Nam. That wasn't right leaning Americans at all.
I knew of a lot of democrats that died fighting in that war.
I find political theory a drudgery to read and no human has duplicated the theories into actual working polis.
I suppose you really think the intelligence response is I don't know anything about it because it is too tedious to study but I'll tell you all about it anyway.

But oh well. Have a pleasant afternoon Moonglow.
My grandfather???

Shit, it ain't even my former Left from just a few years back.

During his Presidency, Obama once actually said he didn't want to see immigrants with Mexican flags at American soccer games, because they should cheer their new homeland.

Chuck Schumer said we should build a wall, and he wasn't talking about protecting his favorite Delicatessen.

As VP, China Joe said he was opposed to Gay Marriage - now he thinks teachers should be able to trans your kids without your knowledge.

If any of them said that now, they'd be lynched by Antifa.

Meanwhile, the MAGA Right has - to a degree - adopted some of the Left's former policies. Such as tariffs, a secure border to ensure fair wages for working class Americans, and being judged by the content of your character; not the color of your skin.

And the Neocon warmongers all support the Democrats now.

And the Leftist moonbats don't even see it.

It's uncanny I tell ya.
Okay. I don't really have an argument against that. :)
Off topic but it just crossed my mind:

Does anybody else think Moonglow and Rightwinger could be the same person? Just a thought.

Okay back to the topic.
I was just private messaged the link to this Real Clear Politics/Epoch Times article featured last December. I had not seen it but it strongly echoes the thesis of the OP: To Oddball and others who say I am going back too far in history, this article seems to agree with you and think this massive shift of the Left into what they became began with Trump Derangement Syndrome and went into overdrive during COVID.


". . .So too, this is what Trump Derangement Syndrome has done to the left in this country. It began in 2016, when Donald Trump won the presidency over Hillary Clinton, who was somehow supposed to win. After that, the single-minded focus of opposition became to grind him and his presidency into the ground and oppose everything about him, including his supporters and even the system that brought him to office.

The bitter irony here is that the left has become the very thing that they warned against. They said Trump was an authoritarian and brutal, a financial racketeer who lived off manipulation. They warned that he would use his personality cult to impose a quasi-dictatorship.

And here we are six years later and what do we see of the left in this country? Especially during the COVID crisis, they embraced censorship, authoritarianism, imposition on bodily autonomy, and attacks on the freedom of association. For a time, the word freedom itself became a bad word to them. People who were merely trying to get schools open or the freedom to run a small business became the object of their loathing, even to the point that the left began to label as fascist those who wanted freedom. . ."

How the Left Became What It Once Hated

Commentary In the final scenes of the book and film “The Hunger Games,” Katniss Everdeen has the opportunity ...

MY grandfather? ...

Before airplanes ... before cars ...

"Liberalism" was even talking to Europeans ... "Conservatives" were former slave-owners ... and a third of the children died before their tenth birthday ... 12 hours days, six days a week for 10¢ a day ...

... no internet ...
How did it happen? Why did it happen? How does it sustain itself and spread? Inquiring minds want to know.

The left used to be anti-war.
Now they’re giving Zelensky a blank check with no accountability required and don't seem to care that North Korea, Iran, and China are all saber rattling.

The left used to be anti-FBI and other government law enforcement.
Now they own it and use it against law abiding Americans.

The left used to be pro- women.
Now they applaud transgendered men taking women's jobs, sporting records, scholarships, and putting women at higher risk for assault and worse.

The left used to be pro-children.
Now they applaud or turn a blind eye to grooming of children via inappropriate curriculum, entertainment, recreation and don't seem to care that American students are far behind their counterparts in most core subjects around the world.

The left used to be pro-diversity of opinions and freedom of choice.
Now they tell you what opinions you MUST have and how you are required to live.

The left used to be pro-free speech.
Now they say speech is violence, and silence you if you hurt someone’s feelings.

The left used to be American.
Now they are New World Order one world government advocates.

The change has occurred as the left becomes more and more the large majority in government, media, education, entertainment, scientific organizations, big business and has more and more power and control of all.
Independent and republican voters need to call the leftist politicians what they are, Marxists. In the House and Senate, Republicans need to stop referring to their opponents across the aisle as "colleagues" and refer to them more accurately: opponents, adversaries, pro-authoritarians or, Marxists.
Off topic but it just crossed my mind:

Does anybody else think Moonglow and Rightwinger could be the same person? Just a thought.
No...They're different moronic fruitcakes.
Okay back to the topic.
I was just private messaged the link to this Real Clear Politics/Epoch Times article featured last December. I had not seen it but it strongly echoes the thesis of the OP: To Oddball and others who say I am going back too far in history, this article seems to agree with you and think this massive shift of the Left into what they became began with Trump Derangement Syndrome and went into overdrive during COVID.


". . .So too, this is what Trump Derangement Syndrome has done to the left in this country. It began in 2016, when Donald Trump won the presidency over Hillary Clinton, who was somehow supposed to win. After that, the single-minded focus of opposition became to grind him and his presidency into the ground and oppose everything about him, including his supporters and even the system that brought him to office.

The bitter irony here is that the left has become the very thing that they warned against. They said Trump was an authoritarian and brutal, a financial racketeer who lived off manipulation. They warned that he would use his personality cult to impose a quasi-dictatorship.

And here we are six years later and what do we see of the left in this country? Especially during the COVID crisis, they embraced censorship, authoritarianism, imposition on bodily autonomy, and attacks on the freedom of association. For a time, the word freedom itself became a bad word to them. People who were merely trying to get schools open or the freedom to run a small business became the object of their loathing, even to the point that the left began to label as fascist those who wanted freedom. . ."

How the Left Became What It Once Hated

Commentary In the final scenes of the book and film “The Hunger Games,” Katniss Everdeen has the opportunity ...

They became what they claimed to hate because they never really hated it...They were just covetous of the power.

How did it happen? Why did it happen? How does it sustain itself and spread? Inquiring minds want to know.

The left used to be anti-war.
Now they’re giving Zelensky a blank check with no accountability required and don't seem to care that North Korea, Iran, and China are all saber rattling.

The left used to be anti-FBI and other government law enforcement.
Now they own it and use it against law abiding Americans.

The left used to be pro- women.
Now they applaud transgendered men taking women's jobs, sporting records, scholarships, and putting women at higher risk for assault and worse.

The left used to be pro-children.
Now they applaud or turn a blind eye to grooming of children via inappropriate curriculum, entertainment, recreation and don't seem to care that American students are far behind their counterparts in most core subjects around the world.

The left used to be pro-diversity of opinions and freedom of choice.
Now they tell you what opinions you MUST have and how you are required to live.

The left used to be pro-free speech.
Now they say speech is violence, and silence you if you hurt someone’s feelings.

The left used to be American.
Now they are New World Order one world government advocates.

The change has occurred as the left becomes more and more the large majority in government, media, education, entertainment, scientific organizations, big business and has more and more power and control of all.
It is not your Grandfater's right anymore

The right used to be the party of family values
With a man who has 5 children from 3 wives with multiple affairs and brags about grabbing women by the pussy, leading the right, family values are down the drain

The right used to be the party of law and order
Now the right attacks our judicial system, the CIA and wants to defund the FBI

The right used to be fiscal conservatives
Trump added to the national debt more than any one term President in history

The right used to be a proponent of laissez faire economics, advocated for open markets.
Trump is trying to close the US economy

The party of Lincoln, abolished slavery
Trump's racial policies attract the KKK, white supremacists, neo-NAZIs.
Independent and republican voters need to call the leftist politicians what they are, Marxists. In the House and Senate, Republicans need to stop referring to their opponents across the aisle as "colleagues" and refer to them more accurately: opponents, adversaries, pro-authoritarians or, Marxists.
We aren't saying they don't promote some Marxist policies. Everybody capable of intellectual honesty and critical thinking has to acknowledge that.

What I want to know is how did they get that way? I have my theories but they are untested. Just based on personal observation, logic, reason.
It is not your Grandfater's right anymore

The right used to be the party of family values
With a man who has 5 children from 3 wives with multiple affairs and brags about grabbing women by the pussy, leading the right, family values are down the drain

The right used to be the party of law and order
Now the right attacks our judicial system, the CIA and wants to defund the FBI

The right used to be fiscal conservatives
Trump added to the national debt more than any one term President in history

The right used to be a proponent of laissez faire economics, advocated for open markets.
Trump is trying to close the US economy

The party of Lincoln, abolished slavery
Trump's racial policies attract the KKK, white supremacists, neo-NAZIs.
Okay this one is too much parroting of the assigned slogans and catch words and frankly just too intellectually dishonest and apparently deliberately ignorant to give attention to. Have a nice afternoon.
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No...They're different moronic fruitcakes.

They became what they claimed to hate because they never really hated it...They were just covetous of the power.

Maybe. But such a sea change in values and rhetoric by such a large group of people just seems unique in American history. It of course began with the hippy culture of the 1960's which was the first generation to largely reject the values, traditions, customs of their parents. But even those would moderate themselves and become the Walter Cronkites, Peter Jennings, David Brinkleys of the 1970s and 80's.

But maybe it was Trump that started another massive cultural change of those who were distressed that he was restoring so many traditional American values and principles? Most especially when those policies were yielding so many good things that made the leftist agenda look so much worse.

And then COVID managed by the deep state gave them all the tools they needed to shut down the right, shut up the right, strip power from the right and it has been spiraling out of control ever since.
Maybe. But such a sea change in values and rhetoric by such a large group of people just seems unique in American history. It of course began with the hippy culture of the 1960's which was the first generation to largely reject the values, traditions, customs of their parents. But even those would moderate themselves and become the Walter Cronkites, Peter Jennings, David Brinkleys of the 1970s and 80's.
But they still do reject those values....That's why I say that they're merely covetous of the power, instead of truly anti-establishment.
But maybe it was Trump that started another massive cultural change of those who were distressed that he was restoring so many traditional American values and principles? Most especially when those policies were yielding so many good things that made the leftist agenda look so much worse.

And then COVID managed by the deep state gave them all the tools they needed to shut down the right, shut up the right, strip power from the right and it has been spiraling out of control ever since.
Trump didn't start it...This goes back at least to Ross Perot, if not Nixon...Maybe even Kennedy.

The thing with Trump is that his policies are those of a 1980s democrat....He's not even close to the "conservatism" of a Reagan, let alone a Goldwater or Ron Paul.....That's how far into the neo-Marxist loony bin the left has descended.