It is outrageous that the Trump campaign used data mining.

Those facebook users knew their friends were going to manipulated? LOL
Try reading ALL the details

This has already been spoken of.

The article itself acknowledges that Obama's campaign ASKED the people for permission and that permission was given.

Those working for Trump did NOT gain that permission.

MASSIVE DIFFERENT for anyone with their eyes open.

It always cracks me up when a leftist is so dim witted that you think your SOCIAL MEDIA information is private. I mean my God ...
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This has already been spoken of.

The article itself acknowledges that Obama's campaign ASKED the people for permission and that permission was given.

Those working for Trump did NOT gain that permission.

MASSIVE DIFFERENT for anyone with their eyes open.
You can ask for someone's personal info to steal without first stealing it to get their contact info to begin with....


This has already been spoken of.

The article itself acknowledges that Obama's campaign ASKED the people for permission and that permission was given.

Those working for Trump did NOT gain that permission.

MASSIVE DIFFERENT for anyone with their eyes open.

It always cracks me up when a leftist is so dim witted that you think your SOCIAL MEDIA information is private. I mean my God ...
Reagan destroyed our right to privacy with his Executive Order 12333

This has already been spoken of.

The article itself acknowledges that Obama's campaign ASKED the people for permission and that permission was given.

Those working for Trump did NOT gain that permission.

MASSIVE DIFFERENT for anyone with their eyes open.

It always cracks me up when a leftist is so dim witted that you think your SOCIAL MEDIA information is private. I mean my God ...
Reagan destroyed our right to privacy with his Executive Order 12333

Allowing the intelligence agencies to share data? Explain

This has already been spoken of.

The article itself acknowledges that Obama's campaign ASKED the people for permission and that permission was given.

Those working for Trump did NOT gain that permission.

MASSIVE DIFFERENT for anyone with their eyes open.

It always cracks me up when a leftist is so dim witted that you think your SOCIAL MEDIA information is private. I mean my God ...
Reagan destroyed our right to privacy with his Executive Order 12333

Allowing the intelligence agencies to share data? Explain

Wrong! They record as much data as possible on every American. Bush knew who, what, where, when & why we would be attacked before 9/11 & let it happen, You worship repubtards! Your guns did not protect our rights or prevent tyranny!

This has already been spoken of.

The article itself acknowledges that Obama's campaign ASKED the people for permission and that permission was given.

Those working for Trump did NOT gain that permission.

MASSIVE DIFFERENT for anyone with their eyes open.
Thanks for saving me the typing.
Huge difference, but it's really just the B B B BUT OBAMA syndrome in action. Again.

This has already been spoken of.

The article itself acknowledges that Obama's campaign ASKED the people for permission and that permission was given.

Those working for Trump did NOT gain that permission.

MASSIVE DIFFERENT for anyone with their eyes open.
Thanks for saving me the typing.
Huge difference, but it's really just the B B B BUT OBAMA syndrome in action. Again.

It is 100% partisan hypocrisy

This has already been spoken of.

The article itself acknowledges that Obama's campaign ASKED the people for permission and that permission was given.

Those working for Trump did NOT gain that permission.

MASSIVE DIFFERENT for anyone with their eyes open.

I believe article said "encouraged" people to download the app.

Why you stopped reading there? It continues...

The campaign boasted that more than a million people downloaded the app, which, given an average friend-list size of 190, means that as many as 190 million had at least some of their Facebook data vacuumed up by the Obama campaign — without their knowledge or consent.

"without their knowledge or consent"

Typical leftist honesty...

This has already been spoken of.

The article itself acknowledges that Obama's campaign ASKED the people for permission and that permission was given.

Those working for Trump did NOT gain that permission.

MASSIVE DIFFERENT for anyone with their eyes open.
Thanks for saving me the typing.
Huge difference, but it's really just the B B B BUT OBAMA syndrome in action. Again.

Obviously you didn't read the article.
I love the logic of the Trump zealots.

I let Jim borrow my car so that gives Joe the right to steal my car.

What the fuck kind of a person thinks like that??

Sent from my iPhone using
The information the Russian professor from Cambridge University used to sell to and create Cambridge Analitica, was STOLEN information, not given with permission.

He told the people he took the survey of and told facebook the information was for academic research of the University, and did not tell those being surveyed that all of their friends and their friends friend's personal information would be gathered also....and then be sold for political purposes.

This Russian, should be put behind bars....for at least a short time..... theft is theft, period.

Your gymnastic moves are gold medal worthy with your Obama example.... :D
It is outrageous that the Trump campaign used data mining.

Duh, they misused data mining.


This has already been spoken of.

The article itself acknowledges that Obama's campaign ASKED the people for permission and that permission was given.

Those working for Trump did NOT gain that permission.

MASSIVE DIFFERENT for anyone with their eyes open.
obummmer asked what people for permission?
Anyone who believed there online information was private and was not being mined, harvested and bought and sold like a commodity was either naive a fool or both.
It was not bought and sold, it was stolen and used.

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