It is bizarre to me that republican voters want this tax bill


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Here are some basic facts about the economy under Obama. Repubs can pretend they don’t exist, but that does nothing to change them.

1) There was an unprecedented string of job growth under Obama.

2) The stock market soared under Obama

3) The recession that started under Bush ended 6 months into Obama’s administration.

4) Corporations became wealthier than ever before under Obama

Why in the hell do you think this tax bill will accomplish anything besides rich people richer? Republican economics have always failed. Bush’s tax cuts were enormous but the recession happened anyway. It’s just incredible to me how conservatives just blindly trust anything the GOP does. The poor and middle class will only suffer with this tax bill.

You people just aren’t smart enough to understand economics I guess. Because major corporations are already wealthier than ever before from previous republican policy, there is no incentive for them to invest in labor. Are you comprehending this yet?

This is the actual way you grow the economy: strengthing the middle class. The middle class’s buying power is the key to economic growth. That is the real way you inject money into the economy.

Quit being pawns about this shit.
The Republican game is to increase the deficit/national debt by another $1.5 trillion to reward their rich friends - then they will later use that as an argument to cut social programs such as Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid to reduce the deficit/national debt that they had previously inflated. I have an MBA, but a kindergartner could see through this cruel NaziCon shit.

It's not popular among Republican voters either.

It's popular with Republican DONORS.
Here are some basic facts about the economy under Obama. Repubs can pretend they don’t exist, but that does nothing to change them.

1) There was an unprecedented string of job growth under Obama.


2) The stock market soared under Obama


3) The recession that started under Bush ended 6 months into Obama’s administration.


4) Corporations became wealthier than ever before under Obama


This is the actual way you grow the economy: strengthing the middle class. The middle class’s buying power is the key to economic growth. That is the real way you inject money into the economy.

So stop killing it.
It's not popular among Republican voters either.

It's popular with Republican DONORS.
IMO It's very popular with people who pay taxes. It's unpopular with those who live off the sweat of taxpayers.

I'm not so sure about that.

Here are some of the polls on it (I chose theHill because it's usually regarded as a decent source by both sides):
Democratic poll shows tax bill hurts GOP incumbents
Poll: Majority oppose GOP tax bill

Those that pay the most taxes probably sweat the least when you come right down to it.

It is interesting though...lots of opposition to lowering corporate taxes. That's one I'm willing to go along with to see how it plays out.
It should be popular to those still seeking a JOB. $2T-$4T is parked offshore. A good portion of that will flow back here for investment...that is the hope.

Could mean more new jobs? Raises for those in jobs to keep them on.
It should be popular to those still seeking a JOB. $2T-$4T is parked offshore. A good portion of that will flow back here for investment...that is the hope.

Could mean more new jobs? Raises for those in jobs to keep them on.

Except it usually does not translate into "investment" and jobs - it's returned to shareholders.
Here are some basic facts about the economy under Obama. Repubs can pretend they don’t exist, but that does nothing to change them.

1) There was an unprecedented string of job growth under Obama.

2) The stock market soared under Obama

3) The recession that started under Bush ended 6 months into Obama’s administration.

4) Corporations became wealthier than ever before under Obama

WHY, THE PAWN SPEAKS! Man, you really do live in a snowflake bubble, don't you, man?

1). Yes, the unprecedented string of shovel-ready jobs created under Obama --- --- paying minimal wage!

2). The stock market eventually rebounded after years back to where it started. Why do you think they called it a mini-depression?

3). The recession that started under Bush was actually spurred by the democratically-controlled Senate and their takeover of the savings and loan industry, which they destroyed.

4). Rich people DID become much wealthier under Obama while everyone else suffered, richer especially if they were a friend or supporter of Barack Obama. It's called Crony Capitalism.

It was the actions of your favorite swap-spit-buddy Barack and all the harm he did to this country on these and so many other levels, including from almost reducing us to a third world country of no consequence or role in the world, crushing our military and defense, ignoring our vets, tearing the Middle East and Europe apart giving rise to ISIS, annihilating our economy, more than doubling our national debt to more than all other presidents combined, propelling animus against our police, creating massive racial tension and violence in our streets, promoting illegal aliens, open borders, promoting Muslims and other racial and sexual minorities over the broader populace that lead to the drive and receptivity of Trump's message to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN and propelling him into the White House over Hillary! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!
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Most people, like 70% of the population DON'T want this tax plan. This tax plan is the death nail in the Republican party for the 2018 elections. In 12 months from now all the Conservatives are going to be bitching because the Democrats will have the majority and will be trying to overturn all the damage Trump and friends are doing now. It will never get fixed as it will be a continual battle back and forth.
Here are some basic facts about the economy under Obama. Repubs can pretend they don’t exist, but that does nothing to change them.

1) There was an unprecedented string of job growth under Obama.

2) The stock market soared under Obama

3) The recession that started under Bush ended 6 months into Obama’s administration.

4) Corporations became wealthier than ever before under Obama

Why in the hell do you think this tax bill will accomplish anything besides rich people richer? Republican economics have always failed. Bush’s tax cuts were enormous but the recession happened anyway. It’s just incredible to me how conservatives just blindly trust anything the GOP does. The poor and middle class will only suffer with this tax bill.

You people just aren’t smart enough to understand economics I guess. Because major corporations are already wealthier than ever before from previous republican policy, there is no incentive for them to invest in labor. Are you comprehending this yet?

This is the actual way you grow the economy: strengthing the middle class. The middle class’s buying power is the key to economic growth. That is the real way you inject money into the economy.

Quit being pawns about this shit.
It should be popular to those still seeking a JOB. $2T-$4T is parked offshore. A good portion of that will flow back here for investment...that is the hope.

Could mean more new jobs? Raises for those in jobs to keep them on.

Except it usually does not translate into "investment" and jobs - it's returned to shareholders.

Shareholders which include 401K recipients and union pension funds
Here are some basic facts about the economy under Obama. Repubs can pretend they don’t exist, but that does nothing to change them.

1) There was an unprecedented string of job growth under Obama.


2) The stock market soared under Obama


3) The recession that started under Bush ended 6 months into Obama’s administration.


4) Corporations became wealthier than ever before under Obama


This is the actual way you grow the economy: strengthing the middle class. The middle class’s buying power is the key to economic growth. That is the real way you inject money into the economy.

So stop killing it.
You know I’m right. That’s why all you can muster are emoticons.
There are only a couple of means by which a majority of Citizens would oppose a Tax CUT.

1) A Majority do not pay Taxes to begin with and hate the idea of a Tax Cut, because such outrageous notions may one day morph into a cut in the FREE SHIT they have come to hold so dear...generation after generation...illegal alien or not.

2) The people have been violently mislead about the Tax Bill....mislead by Schumer and other Marxists, or near Democrat/Socialists who fear what the Citizens will think when, in February the current workers see a raise in their Take Home, and in June they see actual raises because the Economy is booming like it did when Kennedy did the same thing in the 1960's and Reagan did the same thing in the 1980's...and those who want to work can find jobs where they could not before.

I hope it is the latter; Democrats hope it is the former.
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It's not popular among Republican voters either.

It's popular with Republican DONORS.
IMO It's very popular with people who pay taxes. It's unpopular with those who live off the sweat of taxpayers.

I'm not so sure about that.

Here are some of the polls on it (I chose theHill because it's usually regarded as a decent source by both sides):
Democratic poll shows tax bill hurts GOP incumbents
Poll: Majority oppose GOP tax bill

Those that pay the most taxes probably sweat the least when you come right down to it.

It is interesting though...lots of opposition to lowering corporate taxes. That's one I'm willing to go along with to see how it plays out.
Me personally, scream bullishit that people actually think 45 % of Americans actually pay taxes is amusing
Here are some basic facts about the economy under Obama. Repubs can pretend they don’t exist, but that does nothing to change them.

1) There was an unprecedented string of job growth under Obama.

2) The stock market soared under Obama

3) The recession that started under Bush ended 6 months into Obama’s administration.

4) Corporations became wealthier than ever before under Obama

WHY, THE PAWN SPEAKS! Man, you really do live in a snowflake bubble, don't you, man?

1). Yes, the unprecedented string of shovel-ready jobs created under Obama --- --- paying minimal wage!

2). The stock market eventually rebounded after years back to where it started. Why do you think they called it a mini-depression?

3). The recession that started under Bush was actually spurred by the democratically-controlled Senate and their takeover of the savings and loan industry, which they destroyed.

4). Rich people DID become much wealthier under Obama while everyone else suffered, especially if they were a friend or supporter of Barack Obama. It's called Crony Capitalism.

It was the actions of your favorite swap-spit-buddy Barack and all the harm he did to this country on these and so many other levels, including from almost reducing us to a third world country of no consequence or role in the world, crushing our military and defense, ignoring our vets, tearing the Middle East and Europe apart giving rise to ISIS, annihilating our economy, more than doubling our national debt to more than all other presidents combined, propelling animus against our police, creating massive racial tension and violence in our streets, promoting illegal aliens, open borders, promoting Muslims and other racial and sexual minorities over the broader populace that lead to the drive and receptivity of Trump's message to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN and propelling him into the White House over Hillary! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!
1) Oh really? It’s Obama’s fault corporations didn’t offer higher wage jobs? Also, do you think Bush created decent paying jobs? God that’s dumb.

2) Lol if was a mini depression because Obama’s stimulus package reversed it before it got worse.

3) That is such bullshit. There is no evidence of that whatsoever. By the way, I can give you evidence for point 2.

4) Um no the median wage went up under Obama. It just wasn’t nearly enough.

What’s hilarious is that you can’t even explain what Trump’s plan is in regards to a bullshit campaign slogan.
Here are some basic facts about the economy under Obama. Repubs can pretend they don’t exist, but that does nothing to change them.

1) There was an unprecedented string of job growth under Obama.


2) The stock market soared under Obama


3) The recession that started under Bush ended 6 months into Obama’s administration.


4) Corporations became wealthier than ever before under Obama


This is the actual way you grow the economy: strengthing the middle class. The middle class’s buying power is the key to economic growth. That is the real way you inject money into the economy.

So stop killing it.
You know I’m right. That’s why all you can muster are emoticons.

No, you are wrong.

And, I use emoticons because I cannot laugh to your face.
1) There was an unprecedented string of job growth under Obama.

Yes there was--part-time job growth.

2) The stock market soared under Obama

Thanks to the fed reserve for pumping in fake money, also known as quantitive easing.

3) The recession that started under Bush ended 6 months into Obama’s administration.

See above.

4) Corporations became wealthier than ever before under Obama

I thought that was a no-no!

Why in the hell do you think this tax bill will accomplish anything besides rich people richer?

You just pointed out that the rich never became richer than under DumBama.

Bush’s tax cuts were enormous but the recession happened anyway.

It had nothing to do with tax cuts, it had to do with the housing collapse which had many a Democrat fingerprint on it.

You people just aren’t smart enough to understand economics I guess. Because major corporations are already wealthier than ever before from previous republican policy

I thought you said that corporations have never been richer thanks to Obama!

This is the actual way you grow the economy: strengthing the middle class. The middle class’s buying power is the key to economic growth. That is the real way you inject money into the economy.

Which did happen when the price of fuel dropped. Americans across the country found savings from $50.00 to $500.00 a month thanks to fracking which Democrats are totally against. Everybody shared in the savings: the rich, the poor, the middle-class.
You dumbass. I never said the Obama’s economy was perfect. Of course what’s hilarious is that you conveniently ignore the fact that job growth under Bush was absolutely pathetic and we had two recessions. Why do you try so hard to pretend that isn’t true.

Also, you idiots still can’t explain why this tax bill is an awesome idea. That’s how pathetic this discourse is.
Here are some basic facts about the economy under Obama. Repubs can pretend they don’t exist, but that does nothing to change them.

1) There was an unprecedented string of job growth under Obama.


2) The stock market soared under Obama


3) The recession that started under Bush ended 6 months into Obama’s administration.


4) Corporations became wealthier than ever before under Obama


This is the actual way you grow the economy: strengthing the middle class. The middle class’s buying power is the key to economic growth. That is the real way you inject money into the economy.

So stop killing it.
You know I’m right. That’s why all you can muster are emoticons.

No, you are wrong.

And, I use emoticons because I cannot laugh to your face.
Nah, I’m just the smarter Billy between us.

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