It Ain't Over, Til It's Over


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 2012
The FIX was already in, it was another OBVIOUS move by the DNC who just can't seem to even do that right. They wanted Bernie out and they did what had to be done to accomplish that. However they did it in such a way that everybody with a once of brains in their head knew it.
Bernie is toast, and "Well Done Toast". . Bloomberg came in and did his damage and will help Biden who is little more than a ventriloquist dummy, with the accent on the word "Dummy". . But better a ventriloquist dummy than a lying old communist stooge.
But I seriously doubt that it's over now. I still think that it's going to be a Brokered Convention and that some one else will slip in. Most possibly a Women. And I'm not counting our Michelle My Belle, or Her Thighness Clinton. But who knows who it will be, but it WILL be someone other that Sleepy Uncle Joe. The DNC knows damn well that he can't beat President Trump. And he won't!.
Still waiting for Pocahontas to decide who she teams up with.
IMHO it will be her soulmate Komrad Bernie.
That may still make it a contest, especially in states with fewer minorities.
If Bernie names Gray Beaver his VP, then it gets even more interesting.
I hear that she still has about $29m to bring to the gunfight with Biden and Mikey.
None of the democrats can beat Trump and they know it.
That's what makes this Kabuki dance so much fun to watch.
The FIX was already in, it was another OBVIOUS move by the DNC who just can't seem to even do that right.
We shall see. Bernie hasn't lost yet, though I must admit, following Joe, watching Joe and listening to him, I'm hard pressed to understand why anyone would rally behind him! The DNC had CLEARLY better candidates, and if the fix was ever in on anyone, I'd say it was on Tulsi Gabbard to essentially shut her out.

Bloomberg came in and did his damage and will help Biden who is little more than a ventriloquist dummy, with the accent on the word "Dummy". . But better a ventriloquist dummy than a lying old communist stooge.
I'm not sure what Bloomberg did. He came in, ran a buttload of ads saturating the airwaves how he was the guy and would get things done, then after ONE debate appearance where he was essentially handed his ass, he showed that he WASN'T the guy and COULDN'T get it done. So why should anyone give him brownie points now for supporting Biden?

But I seriously doubt that it's over now. I still think that it's going to be a Brokered Convention and that some one else will slip in. Most possibly a Women. And I'm not counting our Michelle My Belle, or Her Thighness Clinton. But who knows who it will be, but it WILL be someone other that Sleepy Uncle Joe. The DNC knows damn well that he can't beat President Trump. And he won't!.
We shall see. That would certainly be interesting if the DNC "elects" their own person to run that no one actually voted for. Of course, if the GOP did such a thing, there would be panic and rioting in the streets as they claimed our country was under Russian attack!!! Right now, it looks like it is coming down to Bernie and Joe, and I think that one of them, probably Joe, will get the 50% nod to be the candidate. I personally don't want to see Hillary in another race and I suspect that is a feeling shared by many.

She couldn't beat Trump as a total inexperienced outsider real-estate developer, what makes anyone think she can win now against PRESIDENT Trump with four years as a highly successful POTUS! In a mere four years, Trump has surpassed Hillary's storied 45 year history in politics!
BERNIE IS LOSING because he pissed off the blacks by ignoring them, the suburbs don't like his Health Care and possibly his college plan. And his supporters aren't voting.

Bernie stayed in the race in 2016 long after it was certain that Hillary would have more delegates, not even counting super delegates. And he never conceded, and not a few dems think that helped Trump. Even then, the Dem Party revamped its rules to accommodate Bernie's wishes for 20 so that superdelegates could not vote in the first ballot, so if Bernie again came in second, the top vote getter could not win in the first ballot unless he/she met the 1500+ threshold of 50%+1 WITHOUT super delegates. And in a second round, Bernie or any other candidate could try to convince delegates earned by candidates who dropped out to switch to him.

Every candidate in 20 - EXCEPT Bernie - publicly said that the goal was to find the strongest candidate to beat Trump. That's it. They'll take any platform or any candidate. Even Bernie, who is not a Democrat. And the superdelegates are on board with that.


If Bernie's message of medicare for all even if you lose your private insurance, free college, and using consumer taxes to keep people from buying gasoline can win, the Dems WOULD TAKE IT lock stock and barrel. Even if they didn't like it. They just want to beat Trump. BUT BERNIE PLAYS BY DIFFERENT RULES. He'll stay in until whenever just because he thinks HIS MOVEMENT is special … even though the VOTERS, not the DNC, DOESN'T LIKE HIS MOVEMENT.

All the more center left candidates assessed their support, and decided they didn't have a path to get the votes or THE DONOR MONEY, except Biden who ALL ALONG conceded he would not win Iowa or NH but bet on SC, and he won. Bloomberg stayed in past Super Tue because despite Warren taking him out in the debate, there was a possibility Biden couldn't get votes, and Bloomberg has all the donor money he'll ever need in his lifetime. Warren is not run by the Dem ESTABLISHMENT. She stayed in for Super Tuesday for her own reasons. Maybe Biden promised her something, but no one reports that … and I really can't imagine what that'd be besides maybe input on how a Biden admin would put back together Dodd Frank after McConnell took it apart.
The FIX was already in, it was another OBVIOUS move by the DNC who just can't seem to even do that right. They wanted Bernie out and they did what had to be done to accomplish that. However they did it in such a way that everybody with a once of brains in their head knew it.
Bernie is toast, and "Well Done Toast". . Bloomberg came in and did his damage and will help Biden who is little more than a ventriloquist dummy, with the accent on the word "Dummy". . But better a ventriloquist dummy than a lying old communist stooge.
But I seriously doubt that it's over now. I still think that it's going to be a Brokered Convention and that some one else will slip in. Most possibly a Women. And I'm not counting our Michelle My Belle, or Her Thighness Clinton. But who knows who it will be, but it WILL be someone other that Sleepy Uncle Joe. The DNC knows damn well that he can't beat President Trump. And he won't!.
I’m beginning to think the powers that be realize ‘20 is lost. Bigly and badly, but they gotta run someone against the Trump election meat grinder so why not trusty, loyal, sleepy old Joe? A dimocrat is needed, or at least his body, to catch the spears like any good sacrificial lamb, and since Mr. Magoo thinks he’s the man for the job, why not just get the hell out of his way and set sights on ‘24?
Still waiting for Pocahontas to decide who she teams up with.
IMHO it will be her soulmate Komrad Bernie.
That may still make it a contest, especially in states with fewer minorities.
If Bernie names Gray Beaver his VP, then it gets even more interesting.
I hear that she still has about $29m to bring to the gunfight with Biden and Mikey.
None of the democrats can beat Trump and they know it.
That's what makes this Kabuki dance so much fun to watch.
She hates Bernie like Hitler hated Commies....There has been no more apropos way to describe the two.

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