Issa: Obama Admin Ignored Requests for Increased Security in Libya- Hearings


Conservative Babe
Feb 6, 2011
Today, Reps. Issa and Chaffetz sent a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asking why requests for more protection at the Benghazi embassy were denied. Rep. Issa is the Chairman of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Chaffetz is the Chairman of the subcommittee on National Security, Homeland Defense and Foreign Operations. The full committee will hold a hearing on October 10, 2012 to assess the security situation preceding the terrorist attack of September 11.

Yes!!!!!!!!!! They're not going to let this Appeasement Admin get away with this!! Go Daryl Issa! :clap2:
They can't run from this.. More and more information, as well as the Fast-N-Furious scandal is hitting the fan.. Even ABC news is now covering F-N-F.
Oh, come on! Everybody knows Hilary dodged bullets in Bosnia! That ambassador was such a wimp!

[ame=]Hillary WASN'T LYING! Bosnia gunfire footage discovered... - YouTube[/ame]

Must Watch!
Issa has proven himself to be a partisan hack who is more interested in scoring points at the detriment of his office.

I wouldn't expect the Obama administration to be terribly accommodating.
Issa has proven himself to be a partisan hack who is more interested in scoring points at the detriment of his office.

I wouldn't expect the Obama administration to be terribly accommodating.

Of course not..They have too much to hide.. like in Fast -N-Furious claiming EP.. They can only hide for so long.. the truth will come out.

As to Issa, how has he proven to be a hack??? By holding hearings?? Really?
Didn't Issa get sufficiently embarassed by the debacle of his Fast and Furious witch hunt?

Okay, that would assume that this scoundrel is capable of being embarassed.

More slop for the rightwing hog trough.
Issa is a joke.

He failed to find anything with Fast & Furious.

He'll fail here too.

FAIL thread.:clap2:
Issa has proven himself to be a partisan hack who is more interested in scoring points at the detriment of his office.

I wouldn't expect the Obama administration to be terribly accommodating.

Of course not..They have too much to hide.. like in Fast -N-Furious claiming EP.. They can only hide for so long.. the truth will come out.

As to Issa, how has he proven to be a hack??? By holding hearings?? Really?

How did F&F turn out for you and Issa?
Let the hearings begin and let the chips fall!!! We've all seen, heard, and read the truth about the Appeasement Admin dropping the ball on Bengazi and getting our Ambassador and several others SLAUGHTERED because of it.. They can attack Issa all they want.. It won't stop the truth from coming out.
Issa has proven himself to be a partisan hack who is more interested in scoring points at the detriment of his office.

I wouldn't expect the Obama administration to be terribly accommodating.

Of course not..They have too much to hide.. like in Fast -N-Furious claiming EP.. They can only hide for so long.. the truth will come out.

As to Issa, how has he proven to be a hack??? By holding hearings?? Really?

How did F&F turn out for you and Issa?

Perhaps we should ask the families of Brian Terry and 16 masacred teenagers? F-N-F isn't over.. Obama hid.. it won't last.
5 liberals post to the thread...none address the topic and ALL attack Issa. The desperation is showing. They know that this was a major screw up by the Obama administration.

Screwup is putting it mildly....
Today, Reps. Issa and Chaffetz sent a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asking why requests for more protection at the Benghazi embassy were denied. Rep. Issa is the Chairman of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Chaffetz is the Chairman of the subcommittee on National Security, Homeland Defense and Foreign Operations. The full committee will hold a hearing on October 10, 2012 to assess the security situation preceding the terrorist attack of September 11.

Yes!!!!!!!!!! They're not going to let this Appeasement Admin get away with this!! Go Daryl Issa! :clap2:

Did Issa cry again?
Didn't Issa get sufficiently embarassed by the debacle of his Fast and Furious witch hunt?

Okay, that would assume that this scoundrel is capable of being embarassed.

More slop for the rightwing hog trough.

You should have seen him here in CA years ago when he lead the Grey Davis recall thinking he was going to slide into the governorship......til Ah-nold stepped in and took the Republican nod.......and look how well THAT turned out. :lol::lol::lol:

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