Issa is working hard for you! Wants to name US-waters after Reagan!

This is clearly why Hillary Clinton is mopping up the floor with any and all GOP comers.
Yawn, how often does this have to be posted, moron? Polls now are measures of name recognition. Hillary has 100% name recognition and under 50% approval. Of course she will poll better at this stage. But most people arent even aware the presidential election is next year.
Why do you think Trump shot up in the polls after his remarks on Mexicans? Because he has name recognition and was in the news. Let Bobby Jindal have the kind of exposure Trump has had and I guarantee Bobby Jindal would be beating Hillary.
The fact is the Democrats have been losing elections right and left and will continue to do so in 2016. The press is not going to cover for Hillary the way they did for Obama.

Well, let's put that to rest for once and for all, Herr Arschlochlecker:

Polls are more than measures of name recognition.

Early polls are far more predictive than people want to admit.

Not only Hillary has close to 100% name recognition. Most of the GOP field does, too, but it's in even far worse shape. Must suck to be a Rightie these days.

Bobby Jindal HAS been pitted against Hillary, and she crushes him.

This is the longest data-stream of early polling in our nation's history. By mid-year of the year BEFORE the presidential election, already there have been almost 350 polls and over 1,400 matchups, of which Hillary has won over 97% of national matchups and over 80% of all matchups total, including matchups in a bevy of red states. You see, you think you can say this shit over just one poll, but I watch ALL of them, and there are eery similarities between mid-2015 and mid-2011 to be found: in mid-2011, Obama was already consistently leading every possible Republican in Ohio and Virginia, North Carolina and Florida were tossups. In 2015, same story for Clinton, excepting Kasich in Ohio, whom she then crushes in Florida, and Florida is much less of a toss-up this year. North Carolina has been one of the most polled states in the Union and it ranges from Hillary +7 to a GOPer +3 - and that is a state that the GOP should have put away a long time ago were the data pointing to the GOP having the upper hand. But Hillary clearly and demonstrably has the upper hand, because she is romping in the black vote, the Latino vote, the Jewish vote (69-30) and most importantly, the female vote.

Useful idiots like you who were sooooooo sure that Obama was going to lose, poo-pooed all those early polls, all of which pointed toward a win for Obama. Only, this time around, the numbers are even stronger for Hillary at this point in the game than they were for Obama, because it's not about the "Obama coalition". It's about the new Democratic coalition that will just as willingly come out for Hillary as it did for Obama, only with a much stronger Latino vote for her, thanks to the Trumpians of the world.

So, scream all you want, Herr Schwanzlecker, it's all you've got. Meanwhile, I've got hard data from MANY sources.
At this point polls had Hillary beating either Giuliani or McCain,back in 2007.
Yeah tell me about data, Herr Horsesass.
BNo president had ever won with the economic numbers Obama had. BUt no one counted on the outpouring of black votes i inner cities, both real and faked.

No, Hillary did not win the nomination, but the Democratic Party scored an impressive victory in 2008. And you, poor fool, think it was because of "faked" black votes.

Yepp, yer a racist Rightie, alright.

And you are no Jew. Jews are not racists.
Yes Hillary dd not win, despite polls that showed she would be the nominee.
Shows that polls at this stage are worthless. Like you.

Hillary does not have the same kind of challenger this time that she had in 2008.
And your own Republican Party history should have already taught you how possible it is for a vanquished candidate to come back and at a later date, become the nominee. Reagan, lost the nomination narrowly in 1976, won the nomination in 1980.

So, talk about worthless. Don't let me keep you from going back to sucking lots of BBC and taking it up the ass. Enjoy your day, bareback bitch.

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