Israel's Women of the Wall pray for equality

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli security guards at the Western Wall on Friday searched women worshippers arriving at the holiest place where Jews can pray for a seemingly inoffensive object — the Jewish prayer shawl, which under the Orthodox tradition can be worn only by men.

Once the shawls were found, dozens of women had to deposit them before proceeding to pray in the section reserved for women. A few, who managed to sneak the shawls in under their coats and wrapped them around their shoulders, were promptly evicted or detained.

Israel's Women of the Wall pray for equality - Yahoo! News
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli security guards at the Western Wall on Friday searched women worshippers arriving at the holiest place where Jews can pray for a seemingly inoffensive object — the Jewish prayer shawl, which under the Orthodox tradition can be worn only by men.

Once the shawls were found, dozens of women had to deposit them before proceeding to pray in the section reserved for women. A few, who managed to sneak the shawls in under their coats and wrapped them around their shoulders, were promptly evicted or detained.

Israel's Women of the Wall pray for equality - Yahoo! News
I think it strange that Tinnie would even bring something like this up considering the fact that so many men in the Muslim world treat their women worse than their animals. Maybe Tinnie would like to send a Holiday Card to the young Afghani woman who is now in the U.S. getting treated for having her nose and ear cut off by her own husband. These incidents seem very commonplace in the Muslim world. By the way, Tinnie no doubt closes his eyes to all the Muslim women who are clamoring for equality, like those in Egypt.
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli security guards at the Western Wall on Friday searched women worshippers arriving at the holiest place where Jews can pray for a seemingly inoffensive object — the Jewish prayer shawl, which under the Orthodox tradition can be worn only by men.

Once the shawls were found, dozens of women had to deposit them before proceeding to pray in the section reserved for women. A few, who managed to sneak the shawls in under their coats and wrapped them around their shoulders, were promptly evicted or detained.

Israel's Women of the Wall pray for equality - Yahoo! News

Too bad the Pro- Palestinian Hypocrite who still denies that Abbas wants a " Jew Free Palestinian State/ No Israeli " despite proof doesn't show the same " concern" lol about those women in Saudi Arabia, Afganistan, and other parts of the world. With each post they expose themselves more and more. :D :clap2:
They certainly do seem DESPERATE Anyone here want to talk about the SS LIBERTY again? how about the bombing of the king david british military headquarters? How about king david's act of adultery?
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli security guards at the Western Wall on Friday searched women worshippers arriving at the holiest place where Jews can pray for a seemingly inoffensive object — the Jewish prayer shawl, which under the Orthodox tradition can be worn only by men.

Once the shawls were found, dozens of women had to deposit them before proceeding to pray in the section reserved for women. A few, who managed to sneak the shawls in under their coats and wrapped them around their shoulders, were promptly evicted or detained.

Israel's Women of the Wall pray for equality - Yahoo! News

Too bad the Pro- Palestinian Hypocrite who still denies that Abbas wants a " Jew Free Palestinian State/ No Israeli " despite proof doesn't show the same " concern" lol about those women in Saudi Arabia, Afganistan, and other parts of the world. With each post they expose themselves more and more. :D :clap2:

Forgot a few things; The Pro Palestinian Hypocrite is suddenly " concerned" about EQUALITY among women in the Jewish Community? He should be more concerned about " HONOR KILLINGS," or STONING TO DEATH. Just more of their lies, ignorance, Anti- Semitism and Racism :clap2:
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli security guards at the Western Wall on Friday searched women worshippers arriving at the holiest place where Jews can pray for a seemingly inoffensive object — the Jewish prayer shawl, which under the Orthodox tradition can be worn only by men.

Once the shawls were found, dozens of women had to deposit them before proceeding to pray in the section reserved for women. A few, who managed to sneak the shawls in under their coats and wrapped them around their shoulders, were promptly evicted or detained.

Israel's Women of the Wall pray for equality - Yahoo! News

Muslim women have it alot worse. Besides, what does this have to do with the conflict? Like Tinnie always says--Irrelevent.
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli security guards at the Western Wall on Friday searched women worshippers arriving at the holiest place where Jews can pray for a seemingly inoffensive object — the Jewish prayer shawl, which under the Orthodox tradition can be worn only by men.

Once the shawls were found, dozens of women had to deposit them before proceeding to pray in the section reserved for women. A few, who managed to sneak the shawls in under their coats and wrapped them around their shoulders, were promptly evicted or detained.


Women of the Wall pray for equality - Yahoo! News

Muslim women have it alot worse. Besides, what does this have to do with the conflict? Like Tinnie always says--Irrelevent.

its the best tinnie could do-----he found a little group of women who want to
use prayer shawls in Israel For the record---the "wall" is treated for
"legal purposes" like a synagogue-----and therefore ruled of conduct
are by RELIGIOUS AUTHORITY Prayer shawls are part of ----"male" ritual..
according to jewish religious practice ------what those ladies want with them is
about as logical to me as public demonstrations that involved burning bras
in the 60s
A woman who tried to pray near the wall in a bikini would probably
be stopped too.

A woman who has an "AUDIENCE WITH THE POPE" who showed
up in a Bikini-----might be stopped too

getting back to gender equality-----a male who tried to pray at
the Wall ----wearing a thong bathing suit would be stopped, too
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli security guards at the Western Wall on Friday searched women worshippers arriving at the holiest place where Jews can pray for a seemingly inoffensive object — the Jewish prayer shawl, which under the Orthodox tradition can be worn only by men.

Once the shawls were found, dozens of women had to deposit them before proceeding to pray in the section reserved for women. A few, who managed to sneak the shawls in under their coats and wrapped them around their shoulders, were promptly evicted or detained.

Israel's Women of the Wall pray for equality - Yahoo! News

Muslim women have it alot worse. Besides, what does this have to do with the conflict? Like Tinnie always says--Irrelevent.

What else can you expect from the Pro- Palestinian posting irrelevant things??? :clap2:
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli security guards at the Western Wall on Friday searched women worshippers arriving at the holiest place where Jews can pray for a seemingly inoffensive object — the Jewish prayer shawl, which under the Orthodox tradition can be worn only by men.

Once the shawls were found, dozens of women had to deposit them before proceeding to pray in the section reserved for women. A few, who managed to sneak the shawls in under their coats and wrapped them around their shoulders, were promptly evicted or detained.

Israel's Women of the Wall pray for equality - Yahoo! News
"Reform and Conservative streams, which are large in the U.S., have been at odds with Orthodox Israeli rabbis in Israel. Many members and supporters of Women of the Wall are American and are appalled at the authorities' reaction to their attempts to wear the shawls and pray at the Wall.

"Laura Geller, a rabbi at Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills in Los Angeles, was one of the women forced to leave her prayer shawl behind on Friday.

"'It's interesting that Israel is one of the few countries in the world where I can't be the Jew that I am,' she said, a blue and white skullcap placed atop her grey curls. 'The Wall needs to be big enough for us to find a way to share it.'"

Apparently some Jews are more "chosen" than others.
Hardly surprising considering the racist, misogynistic origins of Judaism.

Israel's Women of the Wall pray for equality - Yahoo! News
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli security guards at the Western Wall on Friday searched women worshippers arriving at the holiest place where Jews can pray for a seemingly inoffensive object — the Jewish prayer shawl, which under the Orthodox tradition can be worn only by men.

Once the shawls were found, dozens of women had to deposit them before proceeding to pray in the section reserved for women. A few, who managed to sneak the shawls in under their coats and wrapped them around their shoulders, were promptly evicted or detained.

Israel's Women of the Wall pray for equality - Yahoo! News
"Reform and Conservative streams, which are large in the U.S., have been at odds with Orthodox Israeli rabbis in Israel. Many members and supporters of Women of the Wall are American and are appalled at the authorities' reaction to their attempts to wear the shawls and pray at the Wall.

"Laura Geller, a rabbi at Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills in Los Angeles, was one of the women forced to leave her prayer shawl behind on Friday.

"'It's interesting that Israel is one of the few countries in the world where I can't be the Jew that I am,' she said, a blue and white skullcap placed atop her grey curls. 'The Wall needs to be big enough for us to find a way to share it.'"

Apparently some Jews are more "chosen" than others.
Hardly surprising considering the racist, misogynistic origins of Judaism.

Israel's Women of the Wall pray for equality - Yahoo! News
Evidently Georgie Boy has no problem with the Muslim women not being allowed to sit with the men at mosques. Nor does he seem to have a problem with the fact that animals are treated better than the Muslim women. In your own hometown, Georgie Boy, there is a young woman from Afghanistan who had her nose and ear cut off by her husband and a Jewish doctor is trying to make her look decent again. Why not pay her a visit and tell her you sympathize with her plight and the other Muslim women who are disfigured by their husbands?
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli security guards at the Western Wall on Friday searched women worshippers arriving at the holiest place where Jews can pray for a seemingly inoffensive object — the Jewish prayer shawl, which under the Orthodox tradition can be worn only by men.

Once the shawls were found, dozens of women had to deposit them before proceeding to pray in the section reserved for women. A few, who managed to sneak the shawls in under their coats and wrapped them around their shoulders, were promptly evicted or detained.

Israel's Women of the Wall pray for equality - Yahoo! News
"Reform and Conservative streams, which are large in the U.S., have been at odds with Orthodox Israeli rabbis in Israel. Many members and supporters of Women of the Wall are American and are appalled at the authorities' reaction to their attempts to wear the shawls and pray at the Wall.

"Laura Geller, a rabbi at Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills in Los Angeles, was one of the women forced to leave her prayer shawl behind on Friday.

"'It's interesting that Israel is one of the few countries in the world where I can't be the Jew that I am,' she said, a blue and white skullcap placed atop her grey curls. 'The Wall needs to be big enough for us to find a way to share it.'"

Apparently some Jews are more "chosen" than others.
Hardly surprising considering the racist, misogynistic origins of Judaism.

Israel's Women of the Wall pray for equality - Yahoo! News
Evidently Georgie Boy has no problem with the Muslim women not being allowed to sit with the men at mosques. Nor does he seem to have a problem with the fact that animals are treated better than the Muslim women. In your own hometown, Georgie Boy, there is a young woman from Afghanistan who had her nose and ear cut off by her husband and a Jewish doctor is trying to make her look decent again. Why not pay her a visit and tell her you sympathize with her plight and the other Muslim women who are disfigured by their husbands?

The Pro- Palestinian sees Nothing wrong with the way women are treated in the Arab World. In " Civilized" Arab Countries ( No such thing) we have BEHEADINGS, " HONOR KILLING" and " STONING" .

Why isn't the Pro- Palestinian condemning the Taliban who KILL if they find out the females are even to learn how to read, do NOT cover themselves up from head to toe, etc. etc.

Last but not least; Let's talk about Female Circumcision which is also done in the Arab World. Does the Pro- Palestinian condemn that? Of course not. Because he also is uncivilized. :clap2:
"Reform and Conservative streams, which are large in the U.S., have been at odds with Orthodox Israeli rabbis in Israel. Many members and supporters of Women of the Wall are American and are appalled at the authorities' reaction to their attempts to wear the shawls and pray at the Wall.

"Laura Geller, a rabbi at Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills in Los Angeles, was one of the women forced to leave her prayer shawl behind on Friday.

"'It's interesting that Israel is one of the few countries in the world where I can't be the Jew that I am,' she said, a blue and white skullcap placed atop her grey curls. 'The Wall needs to be big enough for us to find a way to share it.'"

Apparently some Jews are more "chosen" than others.
Hardly surprising considering the racist, misogynistic origins of Judaism.

Israel's Women of the Wall pray for equality - Yahoo! News
Evidently Georgie Boy has no problem with the Muslim women not being allowed to sit with the men at mosques. Nor does he seem to have a problem with the fact that animals are treated better than the Muslim women. In your own hometown, Georgie Boy, there is a young woman from Afghanistan who had her nose and ear cut off by her husband and a Jewish doctor is trying to make her look decent again. Why not pay her a visit and tell her you sympathize with her plight and the other Muslim women who are disfigured by their husbands?

The Pro- Palestinian sees Nothing wrong with the way women are treated in the Arab World. In " Civilized" Arab Countries ( No such thing) we have BEHEADINGS, " HONOR KILLING" and " STONING" .

Why isn't the Pro- Palestinian condemning the Taliban who KILL if they find out the females are even to learn how to read, do NOT cover themselves up from head to toe, etc. etc.

Last but not least; Let's talk about Female Circumcision which is also done in the Arab World. Does the Pro- Palestinian condemn that? Of course not. Because he also is uncivilized. :clap2:
I doubt anyone believes that Georgie Boy is concerned with women anywhere in the world, no matter how badly these females are treated.
Morocco's hidden scourge: 'servant girls' abused & underpaid - General news -
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli security guards at the Western Wall on Friday searched women worshippers arriving at the holiest place where Jews can pray for a seemingly inoffensive object — the Jewish prayer shawl, which under the Orthodox tradition can be worn only by men.

Once the shawls were found, dozens of women had to deposit them before proceeding to pray in the section reserved for women. A few, who managed to sneak the shawls in under their coats and wrapped them around their shoulders, were promptly evicted or detained.

Israel's Women of the Wall pray for equality - Yahoo! News
"Reform and Conservative streams, which are large in the U.S., have been at odds with Orthodox Israeli rabbis in Israel. Many members and supporters of Women of the Wall are American and are appalled at the authorities' reaction to their attempts to wear the shawls and pray at the Wall.

"Laura Geller, a rabbi at Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills in Los Angeles, was one of the women forced to leave her prayer shawl behind on Friday.

"'It's interesting that Israel is one of the few countries in the world where I can't be the Jew that I am,' she said, a blue and white skullcap placed atop her grey curls. 'The Wall needs to be big enough for us to find a way to share it.'"

Apparently some Jews are more "chosen" than others.
Hardly surprising considering the racist, misogynistic origins of Judaism.

Israel's Women of the Wall pray for equality - Yahoo! News
Evidently Georgie Boy has no problem with the Muslim women not being allowed to sit with the men at mosques. Nor does he seem to have a problem with the fact that animals are treated better than the Muslim women. In your own hometown, Georgie Boy, there is a young woman from Afghanistan who had her nose and ear cut off by her husband and a Jewish doctor is trying to make her look decent again. Why not pay her a visit and tell her you sympathize with her plight and the other Muslim women who are disfigured by their husbands?
"Under Israel's predominantly Orthodox Jewish tradition, only men may wear a prayer shawl, a skullcap and phylacteries. Liberal Reform Judaism, marginal in Israel but the largest denomination in the United States, allows women to practice the same way as men do in Orthodox Judaism: they may be ordained as rabbis, read from the Torah, the Jewish holy book, and wear prayer shawls."

Obviously Hossie's unable to defend Jewish discrimination so he deflects any criticism of the "chosen people" by pointing out similar instances of discrimination perpetrated by Muslims.

Do you support the discrimination against women perpetrated by Orthodox Jews?

Israel's Women of the Wall pray for equality - Yahoo! News
"Reform and Conservative streams, which are large in the U.S., have been at odds with Orthodox Israeli rabbis in Israel. Many members and supporters of Women of the Wall are American and are appalled at the authorities' reaction to their attempts to wear the shawls and pray at the Wall.

"Laura Geller, a rabbi at Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills in Los Angeles, was one of the women forced to leave her prayer shawl behind on Friday.

"'It's interesting that Israel is one of the few countries in the world where I can't be the Jew that I am,' she said, a blue and white skullcap placed atop her grey curls. 'The Wall needs to be big enough for us to find a way to share it.'"

Apparently some Jews are more "chosen" than others.
Hardly surprising considering the racist, misogynistic origins of Judaism.

Israel's Women of the Wall pray for equality - Yahoo! News
Evidently Georgie Boy has no problem with the Muslim women not being allowed to sit with the men at mosques. Nor does he seem to have a problem with the fact that animals are treated better than the Muslim women. In your own hometown, Georgie Boy, there is a young woman from Afghanistan who had her nose and ear cut off by her husband and a Jewish doctor is trying to make her look decent again. Why not pay her a visit and tell her you sympathize with her plight and the other Muslim women who are disfigured by their husbands?

The Pro- Palestinian sees Nothing wrong with the way women are treated in the Arab World. In " Civilized" Arab Countries ( No such thing) we have BEHEADINGS, " HONOR KILLING" and " STONING" .

Why isn't the Pro- Palestinian condemning the Taliban who KILL if they find out the females are even to learn how to read, do NOT cover themselves up from head to toe, etc. etc.

Last but not least; Let's talk about Female Circumcision which is also done in the Arab World. Does the Pro- Palestinian condemn that? Of course not. Because he also is uncivilized. :clap2:
Do you condone or condemn discrimination against ALL women?
"Reform and Conservative streams, which are large in the U.S., have been at odds with Orthodox Israeli rabbis in Israel. Many members and supporters of Women of the Wall are American and are appalled at the authorities' reaction to their attempts to wear the shawls and pray at the Wall.

"Laura Geller, a rabbi at Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills in Los Angeles, was one of the women forced to leave her prayer shawl behind on Friday.

"'It's interesting that Israel is one of the few countries in the world where I can't be the Jew that I am,' she said, a blue and white skullcap placed atop her grey curls. 'The Wall needs to be big enough for us to find a way to share it.'"

Apparently some Jews are more "chosen" than others.
Hardly surprising considering the racist, misogynistic origins of Judaism.

Israel's Women of the Wall pray for equality - Yahoo! News
Evidently Georgie Boy has no problem with the Muslim women not being allowed to sit with the men at mosques. Nor does he seem to have a problem with the fact that animals are treated better than the Muslim women. In your own hometown, Georgie Boy, there is a young woman from Afghanistan who had her nose and ear cut off by her husband and a Jewish doctor is trying to make her look decent again. Why not pay her a visit and tell her you sympathize with her plight and the other Muslim women who are disfigured by their husbands?
"Under Israel's predominantly Orthodox Jewish tradition, only men may wear a prayer shawl, a skullcap and phylacteries. Liberal Reform Judaism, marginal in Israel but the largest denomination in the United States, allows women to practice the same way as men do in Orthodox Judaism: they may be ordained as rabbis, read from the Torah, the Jewish holy book, and wear prayer shawls."

Obviously Hossie's unable to defend Jewish discrimination so he deflects any criticism of the "chosen people" by pointing out similar instances of discrimination perpetrated by Muslims.

Do you support the discrimination against women perpetrated by Orthodox Jews?

Israel's Women of the Wall pray for equality - Yahoo! News
Of course civilized people condemn discrimination against all women, but for you to bring up this article considering what goes on with regard to women in the Muslim world was actually ridiculous on your part. I guess you will be too busy trying to find articles about discrimination of women in Israel to take any time to visit that young Afghani woman who is in a hospital in your own city and who had her nose and ear cut off by her husband. I would imagine that you think it is more important where women pray (even though Muslim women are segregated in mosques) than women who have been disfigured by their husband (such as the Muslim woman whose husband cut her fingers off because she wanted to get an education).
"While most Israelis are secular, Judaism has a formal place in the country's affairs and Orthodox rabbis strictly govern religious events such as weddings, divorces, and burials for the Jewish population.

"Also, the ultra-Orthodox are perennial kingmakers in Israeli coalition politics, though they make up only about 10 percent of the country's population.

"Israel's Orthodox establishment was also granted responsibility for the Western Wall and seeks to ensure its traditions are followed there."

"'We try to follow the customs that our grandfathers did, what was done 100 years ago, 200 years ago, and we try to keep extremism away,' said the Western Wall rabbi, Shmuel Rabinowitz.'"

Israel's "perennial kingmakers" penchant for extremism rivals that of Muslim and Christian fundamentalists. Secular Jews and Christians counter the influence of their respective fundamentalists while enhancing the power of fundamentalist Muslim slaves to "The self-existent One."

That Afghani girl you claim concern for would likely have avoided her disfigurement if hired killers from the US hadn't invaded and occupied her country AFTER an earlier generation of US elites created the Taliban to oppose the Russian invasion of Afghanistan.

It's just a little too hypocritical for an ex-hired killer like Hossie to shed crocodile tears over civilian abuses when he probably did worse himself.

Right, Killer?

Israel's Women of the Wall pray for equality - Yahoo! News
"While most Israelis are secular, Judaism has a formal place in the country's affairs and Orthodox rabbis strictly govern religious events such as weddings, divorces, and burials for the Jewish population.

"Also, the ultra-Orthodox are perennial kingmakers in Israeli coalition politics, though they make up only about 10 percent of the country's population.

"Israel's Orthodox establishment was also granted responsibility for the Western Wall and seeks to ensure its traditions are followed there."

"'We try to follow the customs that our grandfathers did, what was done 100 years ago, 200 years ago, and we try to keep extremism away,' said the Western Wall rabbi, Shmuel Rabinowitz.'"

Israel's "perennial kingmakers" penchant for extremism rivals that of Muslim and Christian fundamentalists. Secular Jews and Christians counter the influence of their respective fundamentalists while enhancing the power of fundamentalist Muslim slaves to "The self-existent One."

That Afghani girl you claim concern for would likely have avoided her disfigurement if hired killers from the US hadn't invaded and occupied her country AFTER an earlier generation of US elites created the Taliban to oppose the Russian invasion of Afghanistan.

It's just a little too hypocritical for an ex-hired killer like Hossie to shed crocodile tears over civilian abuses when he probably did worse himself.

Right, Killer?

Israel's Women of the Wall pray for equality - Yahoo! News
Georgie Boy seems to like to call other Americans "killers" because they served their country. Why not go live in some Muslim country, Georgie Boy, where a person like you will feel more comfortable and maybe you can help your Muslim pals kill those they hate because of their religious beliefs. You would never be brave enough to serve America even if the enemy were pounding on your door so maybe you will find some bravery helping your Muslim friends. While you are there, you can observe how the women are treated so you can realize how ridiculous you were for your comments on this thread. Do the readers see how Georgie Boy is making excuses for the Afghani man who cut off his wife's ear and nose. He probably would make the same excuse for any disfigurement of any Muslim woman by blaming it on the U.S. even if a Muslim mean mistreated and disfigured his wife in Europe or some other Muslim country in which we are not involved -- Husband Cuts Off Wife’s Nose in Turkish village – Then She Gets Beaten by Police - By the way, what is your excuse for the honor killings that have occurred in America, Georgie Boy? Were the young girls murdered by someone in their family because of something Americans did? I hope Seal is reading this so he will actually see who is always calling those who served our country "killers."
georgie is a bit strange-----I do not believe his name is 'george' or 'philip'-----maybe ACHMED or ADOLF
"While most Israelis are secular, Judaism has a formal place in the country's affairs and Orthodox rabbis strictly govern religious events such as weddings, divorces, and burials for the Jewish population.

"Also, the ultra-Orthodox are perennial kingmakers in Israeli coalition politics, though they make up only about 10 percent of the country's population.

"Israel's Orthodox establishment was also granted responsibility for the Western Wall and seeks to ensure its traditions are followed there."

"'We try to follow the customs that our grandfathers did, what was done 100 years ago, 200 years ago, and we try to keep extremism away,' said the Western Wall rabbi, Shmuel Rabinowitz.'"

Israel's "perennial kingmakers" penchant for extremism rivals that of Muslim and Christian fundamentalists. Secular Jews and Christians counter the influence of their respective fundamentalists while enhancing the power of fundamentalist Muslim slaves to "The self-existent One."

That Afghani girl you claim concern for would likely have avoided her disfigurement if hired killers from the US hadn't invaded and occupied her country AFTER an earlier generation of US elites created the Taliban to oppose the Russian invasion of Afghanistan.

It's just a little too hypocritical for an ex-hired killer like Hossie to shed crocodile tears over civilian abuses when he probably did worse himself.

Right, Killer?

Israel's Women of the Wall pray for equality - Yahoo! News
Georgie Boy seems to like to call other Americans "killers" because they served their country. Why not go live in some Muslim country, Georgie Boy, where a person like you will feel more comfortable and maybe you can help your Muslim pals kill those they hate because of their religious beliefs. You would never be brave enough to serve America even if the enemy were pounding on your door so maybe you will find some bravery helping your Muslim friends. While you are there, you can observe how the women are treated so you can realize how ridiculous you were for your comments on this thread. Do the readers see how Georgie Boy is making excuses for the Afghani man who cut off his wife's ear and nose. He probably would make the same excuse for any disfigurement of any Muslim woman by blaming it on the U.S. even if a Muslim mean mistreated and disfigured his wife in Europe or some other Muslim country in which we are not involved -- Husband Cuts Off Wife’s Nose in Turkish village – Then She Gets Beaten by Police - By the way, what is your excuse for the honor killings that have occurred in America, Georgie Boy? Were the young girls murdered by someone in their family because of something Americans did? I hope Seal is reading this so he will actually see who is always calling those who served our country "killers."
I hope Seal and everyone else reading this sees how you squeal every single time US and Israeli war crimes are mentioned. Were you really ignorant enough to imagine the Vietnamese were "pounding on your door?" Of course you were. Did you willingly participate (twice) in an occupation that resulted in the murder, maiming, displacement, and disfigurement of millions of innocent girls and others?

Sure you did, and then you whined about no parades.
Stop whining.
You made a bad choice.
Live with it.
Or don't...this world is freer without slaves like you in it.

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