Israeli's word, isn't worth the paper its printed on


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
Pillar of Cloud raged from November 14 – 21, before a Memorandum understanding the terms of the ceasefire was issued.
Less than 24 hours later, the IDF killed a Palestinian boy and unjured 19 others.

On November 25, three more Palestinians were shot.

On November 26, another four Palestinians were injured.

On November 28, seven Palestinians were shot and injured.

Since November 22, 15 fishermen were accosted at sea.​
In every case, the Israeli government makes up story's to justify their persecution and murder of Palestinian's who made no threats, nor were they doing anything wrong.

Think about this, the Israeli's consider "non-violent protestors" and "humanitarian aid" ships, as a threat to their national security and responds to these incidents with deadly force. That's how whacked out this government is! They've broken practically every agreement they've ever made.

Their word, don't mean shit!
Pillar of Cloud raged from November 14 – 21, before a Memorandum understanding the terms of the ceasefire was issued.
Less than 24 hours later, the IDF killed a Palestinian boy and unjured 19 others.

On November 25, three more Palestinians were shot.

On November 26, another four Palestinians were injured.

On November 28, seven Palestinians were shot and injured.

Since November 22, 15 fishermen were accosted at sea.​
In every case, the Israeli government makes up story's to justify their persecution and murder of Palestinian's who made no threats, nor were they doing anything wrong.

Think about this, the Israeli's consider "non-violent protestors" and "humanitarian aid" ships, as a threat to their national security and responds to these incidents with deadly force. That's how whacked out this government is! They've broken practically every agreement they've ever made.

Their word, don't mean shit!
And of course Lamb Chop believes everything he reads on the Muslim propaganda sites. Meanwhile, Lamb Chop, do you actually think the Arabs keep their word and they never ever lie? So, tell us, out of curiosity do you worry about the other Arabs being killed by their fellow Arabs in the Middle East, or since there are no Jews involved, you really don't care what is happening. Personally I don't think you really care about the Arabs, but fake it because the Jews happen to be involved. No Jews involved, no interest in the Arabs.
And of course Lamb Chop believes everything he reads on the Muslim propaganda sites.
Actually, the site is Canadian. And non-partisan. The source of the article, doesn't change the people who were killed or the people who were doing the killing.

Meanwhile, Lamb Chop, do you actually think the Arabs keep their word and they never ever lie?
I'm sure they do. But not in this case, or any other ceasefire agreement with the Israeli's.

So, tell us, out of curiosity do you worry about the other Arabs being killed by their fellow Arabs in the Middle East, or since there are no Jews involved, you really don't care what is happening. Personally I don't think you really care about the Arabs, but fake it because the Jews happen to be involved. No Jews involved, no interest in the Arabs.
I don't care about either one.

That's why I'm the most objective voice you'll find on this subject.
Lemme guess, you think 9/11 was a retaliatory strike too, right?
9/11 didn't happen in a vacuum. You don't have a bunch of guys sitting around a room, then one of them jumps up all of a sudden and say's, "Hey, I know, let's go to America, get some flying lesssons..."

You got to have a real "hate-on" to do shit like that and it doesn't come from some book or the way people are raised. If you don't think our foreign policy played some role in generating the hatred these people had for us, then you're just an irresponsible adult.

And WTF does that have to do with this thread?
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Lemme guess, you think 9/11 was a retaliatory strike too, right?
9/11 didn't happen in a vacuum. You don't have a bunch of guys sitting around a room, then one of them jumps up all of a sudden and say's, "Hey, I know, let's go to America, get some flying lesssons..."

You got to have a real "hate-on" to do shit like that and it doesn't come from some book or the way people are raised. If you don't think our foreign policy played some role in generating the hatred these people had for us, then you're just an irresponsible adult.

And WTF does that have to do with this thread?
So, you DO think 9/11 was justified?
And of course Lamb Chop believes everything he reads on the Muslim propaganda sites.
Actually, the site is Canadian. And non-partisan. The source of the article, doesn't change the people who were killed or the people who were doing the killing.

Meanwhile, Lamb Chop, do you actually think the Arabs keep their word and they never ever lie?
I'm sure they do. But not in this case, or any other ceasefire agreement with the Israeli's.

So, tell us, out of curiosity do you worry about the other Arabs being killed by their fellow Arabs in the Middle East, or since there are no Jews involved, you really don't care what is happening. Personally I don't think you really care about the Arabs, but fake it because the Jews happen to be involved. No Jews involved, no interest in the Arabs.
I don't care about either one.

That's why I'm the most objective voice you'll find on this subject.
If you really were objective about what is going on in the Middle East, you certainly would be posting on other message boards discussing what is happening in other Middle East countries where there are not Jews involved.
Lemme guess, you think 9/11 was a retaliatory strike too, right?
9/11 didn't happen in a vacuum. You don't have a bunch of guys sitting around a room, then one of them jumps up all of a sudden and say's, "Hey, I know, let's go to America, get some flying lesssons..."

You got to have a real "hate-on" to do shit like that and it doesn't come from some book or the way people are raised. If you don't think our foreign policy played some role in generating the hatred these people had for us, then you're just an irresponsible adult.

And WTF does that have to do with this thread?
You're right. 9/11 didn't happen in a vacuum. Bin Laden couldn't stand to see American boots on the ground on the sacred soil of Saudi Arabia.
You're right. 9/11 didn't happen in a vacuum. Bin Laden couldn't stand to see American boots on the ground on the sacred soil of Saudi Arabia.
That's right! And KSM said another reason was our un-conditional support to Israel. I have to believe, if we would've just treated the Pals and the Israeli's the same, meaning be fair to both sides, 9/11 might not have happened.
If you really were objective about what is going on in the Middle East, you certainly would be posting on other message boards discussing what is happening in other Middle East countries where there are not Jews involved.
Being objective doesn't mean you have to comment on everything under the sun.

I told you, start a thread about these other issues and I'll comment on them there.

Why is it, you always try to derail the conversation on to something else?
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So, you DO think 9/11 was justified?
No I don't. If you got a bone to pick with the US, that's not the way you want to handle it.

As is the case with the quassam rockets into Israel. No one has more justification to be shooting at Israeli military than the Pals do, but firing indescriminant rockets is still a war crime. That's not the way they should handle resistance to armed aggression.
So, you DO think 9/11 was justified?
No I don't. If you got a bone to pick with the US, that's not the way you want to handle it.

As is the case with the quassam rockets into Israel. No one has more justification to be shooting at Israeli military than the Pals do, but firing indescriminant rockets is still a war crime. That's not the way they should handle resistance to armed aggression.
Were they under attack when they started firing the rockets?
Were they under attack when they started firing the rockets?
Of coarse. Israel has broken every ceasefire they've had. They shoot at Palestinian fisherman almost on a daily basis, while they are fishing in Gazan territorial waters. Anyone that comes within 300 yards of their security fence, gets shot at. Keep in mind, Israel has no jurisdiction on the Gazan side of the fence. So they have no legal justification to dictate a 300 yard buffer zone on that side.

This last round of rockets started when the IDF killed a Hamas member on a Gazan street then blew away some kids in a soccer field. The drones are constantly flying over Gazan air space, terrifying everyone when they hear flying by. This doesn't stop.
Were they under attack when they started firing the rockets?
Of coarse. Israel has broken every ceasefire they've had. They shoot at Palestinian fisherman almost on a daily basis, while they are fishing in Gazan territorial waters. Anyone that comes within 300 yards of their security fence, gets shot at. Keep in mind, Israel has no jurisdiction on the Gazan side of the fence. So they have no legal justification to dictate a 300 yard buffer zone on that side.

This last round of rockets started when the IDF killed a Hamas member on a Gazan street then blew away some kids in a soccer field. The drones are constantly flying over Gazan air space, terrifying everyone when they hear flying by. This doesn't stop.
Any documentation for all these claims?
Any documentation for all these claims?
What do you think I started this thread with?

Here's a video of them shooting at a fishing boat.

[ame=]IDF Live Fire & No Boarding on Palestinian Fishermen Boats - YouTube[/ame]
So, you DO think 9/11 was justified?
No I don't. If you got a bone to pick with the US, that's not the way you want to handle it.

As is the case with the quassam rockets into Israel. No one has more justification to be shooting at Israeli military than the Pals do, but firing indescriminant rockets is still a war crime. That's not the way they should handle resistance to armed aggression.

Its kind of refreshing to see an anti-Zionist like yourself finally condemn the alleged 'resistance' of the Palestinians. I mean that.

For what it's worth, I, and I'm sure most if not all Israelis, condemn any attack on Palestinian fisherman for no reason. I have no clue why they were shooting at the boat, but I'll say this: Any soldier who fired on unarmed civilians for 'fun' or for no apparent reason should not be in the IDF, because that's not what the IDF represents
And BTW, they shot in the water, most likely as a warning because they were in Israeli waters
You're right. 9/11 didn't happen in a vacuum. Bin Laden couldn't stand to see American boots on the ground on the sacred soil of Saudi Arabia.
That's right! And KSM said another reason was our un-conditional support to Israel. I have to believe, if we would've just treated the Pals and the Israeli's the same, meaning be fair to both sides, 9/11 might not have happened.
You seem to conveniently forget that Bin Laden never initially mentioned Israel. He threw that in later on so his main objective was American military on the sacred soil of Saudi Arabia. You seem to forget that we were the Infidels in his eyes. Since the Muslims can't stand to see any Jews governing in the Middle East but the Jews are OK as long as they are the dhimmis to the Muslims, do you really think they would care if the Arabs and Jews were treated the same. In fact, even if the Arabs were treated ten times better than the Jews, the Muslims would still have a fit with the Jews governing even one inch of land in the Middle East

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