Israeli's word, isn't worth the paper its printed on

If you really were objective about what is going on in the Middle East, you certainly would be posting on other message boards discussing what is happening in other Middle East countries where there are not Jews involved.
Being objective doesn't mean you have to comment on everything under the sun.

I told you, start a thread about these other issues and I'll comment on them there.

Why is it, you always try to derail the conversation on to something else?
Did I say you have to be on many message boards? I was just curious, since you said you also didn't care about the Arabs either, and wondering if you possibly were on another message board or two discussing what the Arabs are doing in other Middle East countries. Since you didn't answer in the affirmative, I will take it that you only go to this board because it involves the Jews.
Did I say you have to be on many message boards? I was just curious, since you said you also didn't care about the Arabs either, and wondering if you possibly were on another message board or two discussing what the Arabs are doing in other Middle East countries. Since you didn't answer in the affirmative, I will take it that you only go to this board because it involves the Jews.
I also said I don't care about the jews, either.

So I certainly didn't come to this board because of them.

But I will tell you what got my attention, is that everytime someone would criticize Israel, it didn't matter how valid the criticism was, certain people would just go ballistic and launch personal attack after personal attack on that person. It's as if Israel is this sacred cow no one can say anything bad about. And since I don't care for premadonna's and absolutely despise hypocrites, pissing off Israeli kiss-asses, has become my Disneyland. And that's all it is. Other than that, I could care less.
Its kind of refreshing to see an anti-Zionist like yourself finally condemn the alleged 'resistance' of the Palestinians. I mean that.

For what it's worth, I, and I'm sure most if not all Israelis, condemn any attack on Palestinian fisherman for no reason. I have no clue why they were shooting at the boat, but I'll say this: Any soldier who fired on unarmed civilians for 'fun' or for no apparent reason should not be in the IDF, because that's not what the IDF represents
I've said all along, both sides are guilty. They both got blood on their hands. Now since you're the first person who's addressed the fisherman issue honestly, I see no reason to keep throwing it in people faces. I just kept bringing it up, because nobody wanted to talk about it. Now that someone has, there's no reason to bring it up. That's off the "to do" list and we move on to the next issue.

On the Israeli side, they simply need to honor their agreements and IHL.

On the muslim side, they all gotta accept the fact that, whether they like it or not, Israel exists and it's not going anywhere (unless we give them Wyoming, we already gave Utah to the mormons).

And I have to say, Hossfly is right, Hamas not only has committed crimes against the Israeli's, they've also committed crimes against Fatah members from the West Bank. So muslim on muslim crime does exist.

I'd like to see a little jew on jew crime, but Big Ben is too afraid of the settlers. They're fuckin' psycho's. They killed Rabin because they thought he was too soft on the Pals. Now that's out there!
Did I say you have to be on many message boards? I was just curious, since you said you also didn't care about the Arabs either, and wondering if you possibly were on another message board or two discussing what the Arabs are doing in other Middle East countries. Since you didn't answer in the affirmative, I will take it that you only go to this board because it involves the Jews.
I also said I don't care about the jews, either.

So I certainly didn't come to this board because of them.

But I will tell you what got my attention, is that everytime someone would criticize Israel, it didn't matter how valid the criticism was, certain people would just go ballistic and launch personal attack after personal attack on that person. It's as if Israel is this sacred cow no one can say anything bad about. And since I don't care for premadonna's and absolutely despise hypocrites, pissing off Israeli kiss-asses, has become my Disneyland. And that's all it is. Other than that, I could care less.
It's strange then that you have never commented on how when Islam is criticized, many Muslims have a fit and start rioting. In the real world, whatever is said on this message board actually doesn't matter at all and will not change anything. However, let's see you criticize Islam in public and see where that will get you.
The term "psychopath" is only a badge of honor to another psychopath
It's strange then that you have never commented on how when Islam is criticized, many Muslims have a fit and start rioting. In the real world, whatever is said on this message board actually doesn't matter at all and will not change anything. However, let's see you criticize Islam in public and see where that will get you.
I remember those Mohammed cartoons. I thought is was a pretty stupid thing to riot over. So is getting all in a huff, because someone doesn't care for your "book".
So, you DO think 9/11 was justified?
No I don't. If you got a bone to pick with the US, that's not the way you want to handle it.

As is the case with the quassam rockets into Israel. No one has more justification to be shooting at Israeli military than the Pals do, but firing indescriminant rockets is still a war crime. That's not the way they should handle resistance to armed aggression.
Were they under attack when they started firing the rockets?

They were.
No I don't. If you got a bone to pick with the US, that's not the way you want to handle it.

As is the case with the quassam rockets into Israel. No one has more justification to be shooting at Israeli military than the Pals do, but firing indescriminant rockets is still a war crime. That's not the way they should handle resistance to armed aggression.
Were they under attack when they started firing the rockets?

They were.
Hmm, I don't recall hearing them make that claim. Do you have a link from a credible source?
It's strange then that you have never commented on how when Islam is criticized, many Muslims have a fit and start rioting. In the real world, whatever is said on this message board actually doesn't matter at all and will not change anything. However, let's see you criticize Islam in public and see where that will get you.
I remember those Mohammed cartoons. I thought is was a pretty stupid thing to riot over. So is getting all in a huff, because someone doesn't care for your "book".
So who do you see rioting all over the world because of what was in "my book?" Please tell us -- I am curious who these people are.
Something other than an Islamic site with "Zionist" plastered all over it.
You do realize the Israeli's admitted to conducting an air strike on one of Hamas's commanders, don't you. The rocket attacks were after that.

But that's really a moot point when you consider the Palestinian's have been living under a belligerant occupation for the last 45 years. And Gaza itself, has been under seige since 2006. If you want something credible, is 50 international humanitarian and health organizations from around the world, good enough for you?

International Pressure Mounts Over Gaza Blockade

Gaza 14 June 2012: Fifty international charities and United Nations Agencies have unanimously called for the lifting of the blockade of Gaza. The organizations have published a simple three line statement to mark the fifth anniversary of the tightening of the blockade of the Strip. It reads:

For over five years in Gaza, more than 1.6 million people have been under blockade in violation of international law. More than half of these people are children. We the undersigned say with one voice: “end the blockade now.”

The government of Israel is facing mounting international criticism for the Gaza blockade and this unanimous statement from some of the most world’s most respected international organizations is likely to increase pressure for the blockade to be lifted.

The international aid and development signatories include:
Action Contre la Faim (ACH)
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (Acted)
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
Amnesty International
Broederlijk Delen
CARE International
CCFD-Terre Solidaire
Christian Aid
Christian Peacemaker Team
A Different Jewish Voice (Een Ander Joods Geluid)
Emergency Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (EWASH)
Gruppo di Volontariato Civile (GVC)
Handicap International
Help Age International
International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC)
IKV Pax Christi
International Learning Center
Life for Relief and Development
Medicos del Mundo - España (MDM Spain)
Médecins du Monde France (MdM France)
Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP)
Medico International
Movement for Peace (MPDL)
Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA)
Norwegian Church Aid (NCA)
Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)
Palestine Solidarity Association of Sweden
Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH)
Première Urgence - Aide Médicale Internationale
Save the Children
Secours Islamique France
Swedish Organization for Individual Relief
Terre des Hommes Italy (TdH Italy)
Terre des Hommes Lausanne (TdH Suisse)
Terre des Homme
The Carter Center
United Nations Association International Service (UNAIS)
War Child

The United Nations signatories include:
United Nations Humanitarian/Resident Coordinator, occupied Palestinian territory
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)
United Nations Women
World Health Organization (WHO)​
Or do you think all these un-related organizations, are anti-semitic?
Something other than an Islamic site with "Zionist" plastered all over it.
You do realize the Israeli's admitted to conducting an air strike on one of Hamas's commanders, don't you. The rocket attacks were after that.

But that's really a moot point when you consider the Palestinian's have been living under a belligerant occupation for the last 45 years. And Gaza itself, has been under seige since 2006. If you want something credible, is 50 international humanitarian and health organizations from around the world, good enough for you?

International Pressure Mounts Over Gaza Blockade

Gaza 14 June 2012: Fifty international charities and United Nations Agencies have unanimously called for the lifting of the blockade of Gaza. The organizations have published a simple three line statement to mark the fifth anniversary of the tightening of the blockade of the Strip. It reads:

For over five years in Gaza, more than 1.6 million people have been under blockade in violation of international law. More than half of these people are children. We the undersigned say with one voice: “end the blockade now.”

The government of Israel is facing mounting international criticism for the Gaza blockade and this unanimous statement from some of the most world’s most respected international organizations is likely to increase pressure for the blockade to be lifted.

The international aid and development signatories include:
Action Contre la Faim (ACH)
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (Acted)
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
Amnesty International
Broederlijk Delen
CARE International
CCFD-Terre Solidaire
Christian Aid
Christian Peacemaker Team
A Different Jewish Voice (Een Ander Joods Geluid)
Emergency Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (EWASH)
Gruppo di Volontariato Civile (GVC)
Handicap International
Help Age International
International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC)
IKV Pax Christi
International Learning Center
Life for Relief and Development
Medicos del Mundo - España (MDM Spain)
Médecins du Monde France (MdM France)
Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP)
Medico International
Movement for Peace (MPDL)
Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA)
Norwegian Church Aid (NCA)
Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)
Palestine Solidarity Association of Sweden
Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH)
Première Urgence - Aide Médicale Internationale
Save the Children
Secours Islamique France
Swedish Organization for Individual Relief
Terre des Hommes Italy (TdH Italy)
Terre des Hommes Lausanne (TdH Suisse)
Terre des Homme
The Carter Center
United Nations Association International Service (UNAIS)
War Child

The United Nations signatories include:
United Nations Humanitarian/Resident Coordinator, occupied Palestinian territory
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)
United Nations Women
World Health Organization (WHO)​
Or do you think all these un-related organizations, are anti-semitic?
Every damn one.
You do realize the Israeli's admitted to conducting an air strike on one of Hamas's commanders, don't you. The rocket attacks were after that.
You would think the Palestinians would wise up and quit electing terrorists as their leaders.
You do realize the Israeli's admitted to conducting an air strike on one of Hamas's commanders, don't you. The rocket attacks were after that.
You would think the Palestinians would wise up and quit electing terrorists as their leaders.

As if they had a choice lolol
You do realize the Israeli's admitted to conducting an air strike on one of Hamas's commanders, don't you. The rocket attacks were after that.
You would think the Palestinians would wise up and quit electing terrorists as their leaders.

There are nothing but terrorists in Palestine according to the lying sacks of crap in Israel.

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