Israeli Atrocities In Gaza Fuel Anti-semitism World-wide...


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012
Israeli atrocities in Gaza fuel anti-Semitism...

Chief rabbi says French society has turned indifferent to anti-Semitism - Yahoo News
mark 3 hours ago
The problem is that it appears that the French (along with other countries citizens) do not distinguish between the State of Israel and Jewish people. The acts of the Israeli State actions appalled people, but fail to realise that many Jews did not or would not support the action. Further there are Jewish groups who have always opposed the creation of Israel.
Any anti-Semetic behaviour, as any anti religious behaviour is wrong, but the old us and them right wing rhetoric seems to bring out the tribal instinct in some and they follow like a pack of dogs following their leader.

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    DAVE 2 hours ago
    Apparently, the false dilemma dictated by "Semitic" propagandists is that a non-Semite can only be "anti-Semitic," or "pro-Semitic." Unless you are "Semitic," you are either one or the other, and there is no neutrality or 'middle ground.' Not much of a 'choice,' is it?

    Obviously, this deceptive tactic is used to control debate, censor critics and criticism, and frame arguments in a light that is favorable to "Semites" (or unfavorable to non-Semites). This political weapon is most often used as a slanderous smokescreen and subversive subterfuge that defames, de-legitimizes, and discredits the non-Semite.

    In essence, this 'language trap' is a politically-expedient canard to sabotage honest dialogue: A technique to suppress freedom of speech, censor dissent, and silence criticism. Name-calling, branding, and labeling in lieu of truth, transparency, and trustability.

    How did we ever allow ourselves to be pigeonholed and controlled in such an insidious manner?

    "Whoever controls the language, the images, controls the race." Allen Ginsberg

    "The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words." Philip K. #$%$

    "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the [public] is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country." Edward Bernays (Sigmund Freud's nephew, attributed with PR campaign to get women to smoke cigarettes).
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    David 4 hours ago
    I never thought anything disagreeable about jews, French, germans etc until it finally was brought home to me how the Palestinians had been invaded and pushed off their land and slaughtered by invading European jews and slaughtered if they tried to get any of their land back. My feelings are not anti semitic, they are anti warmongering jews. Those jews who stand against the treatment of the Palestinians and those jews in the IDF who do not want to participate in further and ongoing brutality of Palestinians are my fellow human beings.

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    David 4 hours ago
    When Heetler invaded Czechoslovakia, then Poland then Ukraine, etc, and occupied these lands and slaughtered lots of the inhabitants of those countries, people began to hate Heetler and his supporters. Not long after WWII, the jews invaded Palestine, killed large number of Palestinians and occupied the place. Lots of people began to hate the jews for their brutality and their occupation of Arab land so now the jews scream "Anti-Semitism" instead of accepting the truth, which is that no one likes them because they are a brutal invading and occupying force. I have no doubt that if MR. Heetler was Jewish, he would also claim that people who did not like him did so because of anti-Semitism

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    K9GSD 6 hours ago
    Semantics is important when we have to learn to read labels. This article talks about Anti-Semitism. Sorry, it's Anti-Jew sentiment we are referring to.
    The Arabs and the Armenians are Semites, same as the Jews. Anti-Semitic slogans are directed against the Jews, not against the Arabs or the Armenians. Just for the sake of accuracy, let's call a spade a spade and not a shovel.
What a excellent post and how very true. I agree this throwing around anti Semitism every time we say anything about Israel at all , right away they make it about race and accuse a person of being a racist, and disregard we are talking about their actions, not race. Its a way then to shut us up and make us look bad.

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