Israeli anti-Arab racism 'rises'

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Israeli anti-Arab racism 'rises'

An Israeli civil rights group has said racism against Arab citizens of Israel has risen sharply in the past year.
In a report, the Association for Civil Rights in Israel said expression of anti-Arab views had doubled, and racist incidents had increased by 26%.

Christian or Muslim Arab citizens of Israel make up 20% of the population.

But the civil rights quoted polls suggesting half of Jewish Israelis do not believe Arab citizens of Israel should have equal rights.

About the same amount said they wanted the government to encourage Arab emigration from Israel.

In another poll, almost 75% of Jewish youths said Arabs were less intelligent and less clean than Jews.

'Anti-Arab policies'

A prominent Israeli Arab politician, Mohammed Barakeh, said the poll results were the natural outcome of what he called the anti-Arab policies of successive Israeli governments.

Commenting on the findings of the report, the association's president Sami Michael warned: "We live in a democratic regime whose foundations are constantly weakening."

Official government spokesman Mark Regev responded that the Israeli government was "committed to fighting racism whenever it raises it ugly head and is committed to full equality to all Israeli citizens, irrespective of ethnicity, creed or background, as defined by our declaration of independence".

Israel's Construction and Housing Minister Zeev Boim said the rights group's report was biased and without credibility.

Occupied territories

Part of the group's annual report is dedicated to the situation in Gaza and the West Bank.

The report says: "Most of the human rights violations in the occupied territories are by-products of the establishment of settlements and outposts."

Restrictions on the movement of Palestinians designed to allow settlers "free and secure movement", have virtually split the West Bank into six separate parts, the report says.

The organisation says that the West Bank barrier "does not separate Palestinians from Israelis, but Palestinians from other Palestinians".

The report also asserts that despite its withdrawal from Gaza in 2005, Israel retains "moral and legal responsibility" for the Palestinians there because Israel controls access to the coastal territory.
The Hamas terror war against Israel

3 Sep 2008
1,087 rockets and over 1,218 mortar bombs fired from the Gaza Strip have struck southern Israel since the beginning of the year (Jan-July 2008).

Palestinian terrorists in Gaza continue to fire Kassam rockets at Israeli civilian targets

About 290,000 Palestinians who hold Israeli identity cards live in the Greater Jerusalem area (Central Bureau of Statistic1.6.2008), most of whom are residents. From 2008, there has been a marked increase in the number of East Jerusalem residents involved in terror. This is seen in the number of serious terror attacks committed in the city by Palestinian residents, and also in the number of arrests.

Involvement of East Jerusalem Residents in Terrorist Activity
The silence of the pro-Zionist, "Jews can do no wrong" clique is deafening. Could it be that they have no logical way of refuting the points put forth?
The silence of the pro-Zionist, "Jews can do no wrong" clique is deafening. Could it be that they have no logical way of refuting the points put forth?
Why don't you strap on a bomb and join the fight CB? Why are you wasting time on a stupid internet board. You care so much about terrorists being killed, go over there and help your brothers out!

You gotta love the consistency here. Jillian's ready to denounce any and all 'racism' and 'anti-Semitism' whether from me, Sarah Palin, Ron Paul, Rush Limbaugh or the granny down the street, but when it comes to the racism of Jews, it's all good!

I wouldn't care if Israel were twice as racist as it is now if Jews weren't also trying to genocide my own people!

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