Israel strikes militant targets in Gaza after mortar barrage

RE: Israel strikes militant targets in Gaza after mortar barrage
※→ Steve, et al,

We could argue the finer points of this position all day long and it would not make any difference.

Yes with 11 Billion $$$$$$$$ of other peoples money,inparticular American Taxpayers hard earnings...Time to pay the money back then if you are so great,Huh,that would be like a snowballs chance in hell....With Respect Rocco,steve

You, me, the Israelis, the Arab League, EVERYONE may not like it --- may want something different --- may even be right about some claims. It makes no difference! When the Sun rises in the morning, everyone must deal with the "realities" of the day; not the illusion of how they would like "reality" to be.

A little story:

I grew-up in the not so affluent side of town. Sure as hell, the reality was that if --- I was involved in a fight with a hood from the right side of the tracks, I had to stand alone. If I was going to have a car, I had to pay for it myself. If I was going to go to college, my parents would expect me to pay for it. I had the right to be safe from the bad asses that roamed the streets. I had the right to own a car. I had the right to go to college. Yeah, the American dream was with me. But just as I knew that I was never going to marry a debutante, I knew that I had to learn how to fight my own battles --- how to get a skill and hold a job. I knew that I would have to buy my own car and pay for my own education. I have all those things (except a debutante) today. In the last year three years I worked, I averaged six-figures. I have the a niece car and a Masters Degree. AND -- for the last 40 years, I've been married to the same 19 year old; she is the best I could ever want, and tough as nails. BUT, none of this was handed to me on a silver platter; just by me saying "I have the right to them." The world simply does not work like that (at least not in my hemisphere). The moral to the story is: work for it or go without.

The Arab Palestinians have to exercise self-determination --- which includes --- working to shape your own destiny; not just whining about it.

As for the "11 Billion $$$$$$$$" --- that is an investment in the future. And like any investment (taking a risk in our own best interest), it takes time to show a dividend. But two thing are for sure, America makes investment in almost every nation in that region of the world; which goes towards the interlocking protection of our principle investment. But that is for another thread --- for another discussion.

Most Respectfully,
Re-reading your post I wish to say...Thank God Rocco,you didn't persue a debutante and have misery(anyhow what's so great about a Deb?...all that Glitters is not gold)

You have a beautiful hard-assed Woman today,who loves and supports you and your I'm sure you do for her.

Well you can tell her from me,she is a Good Sort (Aussie,for dependable fine woman) the Best.

No doubt a soft hearted Princess,if the truth be known.

Viva le Femme and Best Regards to Mrs Rocco I say... and as you know Rocco.......I AM ALWAYS RIGHT...with Respect...steve

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