Israel settlements polluting the West Bank, the double edge sword of


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Palestinians, working at factories on their confiscated land to support their families. Most of the larger ones now are paying min. wage , but many smaller ones do not. Not only are their factories polluting the West Bank, but their sewage as well. An example:

Geshurei factory
Palestinians, working at factories on their confiscated land to support their families. Most of the larger ones now are paying min. wage , but many smaller ones do not. Not only are their factories polluting the West Bank, but their sewage as well. An example:

Geshurei factory

So which biased islamonazi site did you pull this video from as it is just propaganda and LIES.
Palestinians, working at factories on their confiscated land to support their families. Most of the larger ones now are paying min. wage , but many smaller ones do not. Not only are their factories polluting the West Bank, but their sewage as well. An example:

Geshurei factory

So which biased islamonazi site did you pull this video from as it is just propaganda and LIES.

Its the truth read about the pollution in the West Bank. that is where Israel puts all its factories, garbage and sewage.
Palestinians, working at factories on their confiscated land to support their families. Most of the larger ones now are paying min. wage , but many smaller ones do not. Not only are their factories polluting the West Bank, but their sewage as well. An example:

Geshurei factory

So which biased islamonazi site did you pull this video from as it is just propaganda and LIES.

Its the truth read about the pollution in the West Bank. that is where Israel puts all its factories, garbage and sewage.

According to Palestinian sources, which as we all know are consummate liars.

Now for the facts that Israel has very few industries in the west bank due to the BDS movement that has made many Palestinians unemployed. Those that do find work get paid twice the Palestinian minimum wage, with paid holidays and health care. The pollution in the west bank comes from Palestinians who are filthy animals and will discard their sewage on the streets. Just take a look at the two cultures and see who is the worst, even your comparison of the Warsaw ghetto's and gaza show that Warsaw was clean and uncluttered compared to gaza which is filthy and disgusting. Might I recommend going to a muslim enclave in any western nation and taking in the sights and smells. Pretty disgusting as I know from first hand experience, rotting food, human sewage and rotten meat are the smells that hit you first. Then the sight of broken windows, burnt out cars and fist sized rocks all over to say nothing of the flaking paint and litter strewn roads.
7 years ago there were no houses in the area around that factory,
the factory underwent thorough check-up's by the environmentals and Palestinian-Israeli experts as well. It's the PA that refuse to cooperate and spreads lies about chemical weapons, while demanding every plant, factory to report to them about what exactly and how they produce stuff, who works there and everything that's on the territory of those private-owned factories.
Interesting why?...

Read the official report with Ahmad Tibi

While Israel is a leading nation in environmental tech, the PA tries to blame all of their
environmental problems on Israel rather than do something with their own garbage..

Look it up here-

who's the leading environmental nation in the ME and the world in 2014?
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Sewage From West Bank Settlement Pollutes Palestinian Fields

The kilometer-long overflow from Betar Ilit began because of a malfunction in the ultra-Orthodox town’s main pump and lasted for about 10 days; director of Gush Etzion field school petitioned mayor to stop the overflow. Raw sewage from the ultra-Orthodox town of Betar Ilit in the West Bank overflowed this month and polluted fields cultivated by Palestinian farmers who live in the village of Wadi Fukhin below. Alerted to the issue, a settler from Gush Etzion came to the aid of the Palestinians and petitioned the Betar Ilit mayor to take a stand.

The sewage overflow began two weeks ago after a malfunction in the Betar Ilit delivery facility. According to residents of the Palestinian village, the leak continued for about 10 days. The sewage flowed for about a kilometer, ultimately reaching Ein Tzadik, a spring that serves the inhabitants of the village. That water was then polluted.

Of course its an illegal settlement. They have 1800 babies a year I read, and they expect the pop. to keep increasing and over half the men do not work nor woman.

Yes most of the factories are in the West Bank and yes they , the larger ones, pay more than the min wage in Gaza , but as one said, its makes one feel bad to work in them, but they have to feed their families, but working in an Israel factory on their land makes them feel like traitors. Also not all the places are good to work at and getting paid what is the going wage happened not long ago , several years ago.
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7 years ago there were no houses in the area around that factory,
the factory underwent thorough check-up's by the environmentals and Palestinian-Israeli experts as well. It's the PA that refuse to cooperate and spreads lies about chemical weapons, while demanding every plant, factory to report to them about what exactly and how they produce stuff, who works there and everything that's on the territory of those private-owned factories.
Interesting why?...

Read the official report with Ahmad Tibi

While Israel is a leading nation in environmental tech, the PA tries to blame all of their
environmental problems on Israel rather than do something with their own garbage..

Look it up here-

who's the leading environmental nation in the ME and the world in 2014?

Well it must be an Israel company because they are not doing anything in Israel are they. You can't even be baptized in the Jordan anymore. Also they sell their tech, doesn't mean they use it apparently.

I'd venture to say Israel is one of the dirtiest countries, they demolished so much of Gaza, the water , sewage plant and schools, it will be inhabitable they say by 2020. Also by the way that man talks in the video, that factory (just one of them) is an air pollutant and ground, and it showed the garbage stacked up in back . So your pretty much using the Old Bank like garbage dump and you will make things so bad in Gaza they'll have to leave , the rich will live on the water front.
They say the Med Sea is saltier than the Atlantic Ocean and looses 3 feet of water height a year. The Dead Sea is dying.

Now since Israel is #1 why is this happening? I think you have the west nile there as well going on.
7 years ago there were no houses in the area around that factory,
the factory underwent thorough check-up's by the environmentals and Palestinian-Israeli experts as well. It's the PA that refuse to cooperate and spreads lies about chemical weapons, while demanding every plant, factory to report to them about what exactly and how they produce stuff, who works there and everything that's on the territory of those private-owned factories.
Interesting why?...

Read the official report with Ahmad Tibi

While Israel is a leading nation in environmental tech, the PA tries to blame all of their
environmental problems on Israel rather than do something with their own garbage..

Look it up here-

who's the leading environmental nation in the ME and the world in 2014?

Well it must be an Israel company because they are not doing anything in Israel are they. You can't even be baptized in the Jordan anymore. Also they sell their tech, doesn't mean they use it apparently.

I'd venture to say Israel is one of the dirtiest countries, they demolished so much of Gaza, the water , sewage plant and schools, it will be inhabitable they say by 2020. Also by the way that man talks in the video, that factory (just one of them) is an air pollutant and ground, and it showed the garbage stacked up in back . So your pretty much using the Old Bank like garbage dump and you will make things so bad in Gaza they'll have to leave , the rich will live on the water front.
They say the Med Sea is saltier than the Atlantic Ocean and looses 3 feet of water height a year. The Dead Sea is dying.

Now since Israel is #1 why is this happening? I think you have the west nile there as well going on.

So much nonsense Penelope..a bunch of BS nazi tales.

1. Israel uses it's alternative energy and green technologies in day-to day life. Or where do you think these technologies are being modified into real-world products before selling.

2.They say that by 2025 (correct me) the balestinians will reach a double size. The Gaza is run by the same thugs that made France the garbage can it is, Jerusalem and especially the temple area was piled with metes of garbage layers accumulated under the Muslim occupation.
Bedouins are mostly dirty, don't compare Israelis to Bedouins in Gaza, their dirt is ages old.

3. Air polluting factory with garbage in the back- that's UNHEARD OF!!
A commision of Israeli-balestinian scientists confirmed he factory was in norm.

4.Water problems are everywhere. And I personally know a woman who came just is summer to baptize in the Jordan, even got a certificate.

You didn't research on anything you wrote.
Read the Ahmad Tibi numerous reports about this exact factory.
Last edited:
7 years ago there were no houses in the area around that factory,
the factory underwent thorough check-up's by the environmentals and Palestinian-Israeli experts as well. It's the PA that refuse to cooperate and spreads lies about chemical weapons, while demanding every plant, factory to report to them about what exactly and how they produce stuff, who works there and everything that's on the territory of those private-owned factories.
Interesting why?...

Read the official report with Ahmad Tibi

While Israel is a leading nation in environmental tech, the PA tries to blame all of their
environmental problems on Israel rather than do something with their own garbage..

Look it up here-

who's the leading environmental nation in the ME and the world in 2014?

Well it must be an Israel company because they are not doing anything in Israel are they. You can't even be baptized in the Jordan anymore. Also they sell their tech, doesn't mean they use it apparently.

I'd venture to say Israel is one of the dirtiest countries, they demolished so much of Gaza, the water , sewage plant and schools, it will be inhabitable they say by 2020. Also by the way that man talks in the video, that factory (just one of them) is an air pollutant and ground, and it showed the garbage stacked up in back . So your pretty much using the Old Bank like garbage dump and you will make things so bad in Gaza they'll have to leave , the rich will live on the water front.
They say the Med Sea is saltier than the Atlantic Ocean and looses 3 feet of water height a year. The Dead Sea is dying.

Now since Israel is #1 why is this happening? I think you have the west nile there as well going on.

So much nonsense Penelope..a bunch of BS nazi tales.

1. Israel uses it's alternative energy and green technologies in day-to day life. Or where do you think these technologies are being modified into real-world products before selling.

2.They say that by 2025 (correct me) the balestinians will reach a double size. The Gaza is run by the same thugs that made France the garbage can it is, Jerusalem and especially the temple area was piled with metes of garbage layers accumulated under the Muslim occupation.
Bedouins are mostly dirty, don't compare Israelis to Bedouins in Gaza, their dirt is ages old.

3. Air polluting factory with garbage in the back- that's UNHEARD OF!!
A commision of Israeli-balestinian scientists confirmed he factory was in norm.

4.Water problems are everywhere. And I personally know a woman who came just is summer to baptize in the Jordan, even got a certificate.

You didn't research on anything you wrote.
Read the Ahmad Tibi numerous reports about this exact factory.

Israel is a polluted country not as bad as they made Palestine. Israel in their quest to steal land rushed and never considered the sewage problem. They could careless about the West Bank living in their garbage. I don't care what Israel says, I have run across so many lies and untruths.

Israel has destroyed Gaza and is continuing to do so. That is why it will be unsustainable, and yet Israel is tops in sustainable companies and technology, I doubt that.

Don't try and bring another country into this. Really everyone knows the Jordan is polluted, she must of had to hold her nose, but I read they are baptizing elsewhere. You will reap what you sow, I guess that sandstorm was a sign, I bet a lot of Israeli immigrants are wondering why they came there.
Read the official reports done by Israeli-Palestinian commission and numerous environmental NGO's who visited the factory.

What You say is ridiculous.
Jordan river is bordered by Palestinian Territories, Jordan Kingdom and Israel.

The other location for baptizing is in Jordan, people go there because 'by new estimates' it's closer to the place where Jesus was baptized.
7 years ago there were no houses in the area around that factory,
the factory underwent thorough check-up's by the environmentals and Palestinian-Israeli experts as well. It's the PA that refuse to cooperate and spreads lies about chemical weapons, while demanding every plant, factory to report to them about what exactly and how they produce stuff, who works there and everything that's on the territory of those private-owned factories.
Interesting why?...

Read the official report with Ahmad Tibi

While Israel is a leading nation in environmental tech, the PA tries to blame all of their
environmental problems on Israel rather than do something with their own garbage..

Look it up here-

who's the leading environmental nation in the ME and the world in 2014?

Well it must be an Israel company because they are not doing anything in Israel are they. You can't even be baptized in the Jordan anymore. Also they sell their tech, doesn't mean they use it apparently.

I'd venture to say Israel is one of the dirtiest countries, they demolished so much of Gaza, the water , sewage plant and schools, it will be inhabitable they say by 2020. Also by the way that man talks in the video, that factory (just one of them) is an air pollutant and ground, and it showed the garbage stacked up in back . So your pretty much using the Old Bank like garbage dump and you will make things so bad in Gaza they'll have to leave , the rich will live on the water front.
They say the Med Sea is saltier than the Atlantic Ocean and looses 3 feet of water height a year. The Dead Sea is dying.

Now since Israel is #1 why is this happening? I think you have the west nile there as well going on.

So much nonsense Penelope..a bunch of BS nazi tales.

1. Israel uses it's alternative energy and green technologies in day-to day life. Or where do you think these technologies are being modified into real-world products before selling.

2.They say that by 2025 (correct me) the balestinians will reach a double size. The Gaza is run by the same thugs that made France the garbage can it is, Jerusalem and especially the temple area was piled with metes of garbage layers accumulated under the Muslim occupation.
Bedouins are mostly dirty, don't compare Israelis to Bedouins in Gaza, their dirt is ages old.

3. Air polluting factory with garbage in the back- that's UNHEARD OF!!
A commision of Israeli-balestinian scientists confirmed he factory was in norm.

4.Water problems are everywhere. And I personally know a woman who came just is summer to baptize in the Jordan, even got a certificate.

You didn't research on anything you wrote.
Read the Ahmad Tibi numerous reports about this exact factory.

Israel is a polluted country not as bad as they made Palestine. Israel in their quest to steal land rushed and never considered the sewage problem. They could careless about the West Bank living in their garbage. I don't care what Israel says, I have run across so many lies and untruths.

Israel has destroyed Gaza and is continuing to do so. That is why it will be unsustainable, and yet Israel is tops in sustainable companies and technology, I doubt that.

Don't try and bring another country into this. Really everyone knows the Jordan is polluted, she must of had to hold her nose, but I read they are baptizing elsewhere. You will reap what you sow, I guess that sandstorm was a sign, I bet a lot of Israeli immigrants are wondering why they came there.

The day Hamas was firing its' rockets from Hospitals and Schools,
Israel transferred tons of aid into Gaza, including food, water ,electricity
cooking gas and more. Want the actual numbers?
Sewage From West Bank Settlement Pollutes Palestinian Fields

The kilometer-long overflow from Betar Ilit began because of a malfunction in the ultra-Orthodox town’s main pump and lasted for about 10 days; director of Gush Etzion field school petitioned mayor to stop the overflow. Raw sewage from the ultra-Orthodox town of Betar Ilit in the West Bank overflowed this month and polluted fields cultivated by Palestinian farmers who live in the village of Wadi Fukhin below. Alerted to the issue, a settler from Gush Etzion came to the aid of the Palestinians and petitioned the Betar Ilit mayor to take a stand.

The sewage overflow began two weeks ago after a malfunction in the Betar Ilit delivery facility. According to residents of the Palestinian village, the leak continued for about 10 days. The sewage flowed for about a kilometer, ultimately reaching Ein Tzadik, a spring that serves the inhabitants of the village. That water was then polluted.

Of course its an illegal settlement. They have 1800 babies a year I read, and they expect the pop. to keep increasing and over half the men do not work nor woman.

Yes most of the factories are in the West Bank and yes they , the larger ones, pay more than the min wage in Gaza , but as one said, its makes one feel bad to work in them, but they have to feed their families, but working in an Israel factory on their land makes them feel like traitors. Also not all the places are good to work at and getting paid what is the going wage happened not long ago , several years ago.

Did you miss this in your link ?

According to residents of the Palestinian village,

So no corroborative evidence of this just islamoliars say so

But for the record not that long ago many farmers bought raw sewage to spread on their fields to improve the fertility of the soil. In many nations slurry ( animal sewage from horses, pigs, cattle etc ) is sprayed on the growing crops as a fertiliser to improve yields. Now you can buy treated sewage for use on fields as a soil improver and fertiliser
7 years ago there were no houses in the area around that factory,
the factory underwent thorough check-up's by the environmentals and Palestinian-Israeli experts as well. It's the PA that refuse to cooperate and spreads lies about chemical weapons, while demanding every plant, factory to report to them about what exactly and how they produce stuff, who works there and everything that's on the territory of those private-owned factories.
Interesting why?...

Read the official report with Ahmad Tibi

While Israel is a leading nation in environmental tech, the PA tries to blame all of their
environmental problems on Israel rather than do something with their own garbage..

Look it up here-

who's the leading environmental nation in the ME and the world in 2014?

Well it must be an Israel company because they are not doing anything in Israel are they. You can't even be baptized in the Jordan anymore. Also they sell their tech, doesn't mean they use it apparently.

I'd venture to say Israel is one of the dirtiest countries, they demolished so much of Gaza, the water , sewage plant and schools, it will be inhabitable they say by 2020. Also by the way that man talks in the video, that factory (just one of them) is an air pollutant and ground, and it showed the garbage stacked up in back . So your pretty much using the Old Bank like garbage dump and you will make things so bad in Gaza they'll have to leave , the rich will live on the water front.
They say the Med Sea is saltier than the Atlantic Ocean and looses 3 feet of water height a year. The Dead Sea is dying.

Now since Israel is #1 why is this happening? I think you have the west nile there as well going on.

All because an islamonazi propagandist says this is so, and you believe them. It was hamas that caused the destruction of gaza, it was hamas that stole the steel pipes from the sewage works to make more qassams. It was hamas that made the schools military targets.

By the way the minimum wage in gaza does not apply in the west bank where it is much higher, and the Israelis pay even more than this in the west bank. But seeing as your BDS has caused so many companies to close up shop in the west bank it must be illegal Palestinian occupation that is causing the pollution.
7 years ago there were no houses in the area around that factory,
the factory underwent thorough check-up's by the environmentals and Palestinian-Israeli experts as well. It's the PA that refuse to cooperate and spreads lies about chemical weapons, while demanding every plant, factory to report to them about what exactly and how they produce stuff, who works there and everything that's on the territory of those private-owned factories.
Interesting why?...

Read the official report with Ahmad Tibi

While Israel is a leading nation in environmental tech, the PA tries to blame all of their
environmental problems on Israel rather than do something with their own garbage..

Look it up here-

who's the leading environmental nation in the ME and the world in 2014?

Well it must be an Israel company because they are not doing anything in Israel are they. You can't even be baptized in the Jordan anymore. Also they sell their tech, doesn't mean they use it apparently.

I'd venture to say Israel is one of the dirtiest countries, they demolished so much of Gaza, the water , sewage plant and schools, it will be inhabitable they say by 2020. Also by the way that man talks in the video, that factory (just one of them) is an air pollutant and ground, and it showed the garbage stacked up in back . So your pretty much using the Old Bank like garbage dump and you will make things so bad in Gaza they'll have to leave , the rich will live on the water front.
They say the Med Sea is saltier than the Atlantic Ocean and looses 3 feet of water height a year. The Dead Sea is dying.

Now since Israel is #1 why is this happening? I think you have the west nile there as well going on.

So much nonsense Penelope..a bunch of BS nazi tales.

1. Israel uses it's alternative energy and green technologies in day-to day life. Or where do you think these technologies are being modified into real-world products before selling.

2.They say that by 2025 (correct me) the balestinians will reach a double size. The Gaza is run by the same thugs that made France the garbage can it is, Jerusalem and especially the temple area was piled with metes of garbage layers accumulated under the Muslim occupation.
Bedouins are mostly dirty, don't compare Israelis to Bedouins in Gaza, their dirt is ages old.

3. Air polluting factory with garbage in the back- that's UNHEARD OF!!
A commision of Israeli-balestinian scientists confirmed he factory was in norm.

4.Water problems are everywhere. And I personally know a woman who came just is summer to baptize in the Jordan, even got a certificate.

You didn't research on anything you wrote.
Read the Ahmad Tibi numerous reports about this exact factory.

Israel is a polluted country not as bad as they made Palestine. Israel in their quest to steal land rushed and never considered the sewage problem. They could careless about the West Bank living in their garbage. I don't care what Israel says, I have run across so many lies and untruths.

Israel has destroyed Gaza and is continuing to do so. That is why it will be unsustainable, and yet Israel is tops in sustainable companies and technology, I doubt that.

Don't try and bring another country into this. Really everyone knows the Jordan is polluted, she must of had to hold her nose, but I read they are baptizing elsewhere. You will reap what you sow, I guess that sandstorm was a sign, I bet a lot of Israeli immigrants are wondering why they came there.

How about a link from an unbiased non partisan source then to prove your claim. I can show you pictures of muslim enclaves in the UK that look just like gaza and Beirut, and they are not being bombed. So these prove that muslims are filthy disgusting and unclean people that have no place in civilised nations
7 years ago there were no houses in the area around that factory,
the factory underwent thorough check-up's by the environmentals and Palestinian-Israeli experts as well. It's the PA that refuse to cooperate and spreads lies about chemical weapons, while demanding every plant, factory to report to them about what exactly and how they produce stuff, who works there and everything that's on the territory of those private-owned factories.
Interesting why?...

Read the official report with Ahmad Tibi

While Israel is a leading nation in environmental tech, the PA tries to blame all of their
environmental problems on Israel rather than do something with their own garbage..

Look it up here-

who's the leading environmental nation in the ME and the world in 2014?

Well it must be an Israel company because they are not doing anything in Israel are they. You can't even be baptized in the Jordan anymore. Also they sell their tech, doesn't mean they use it apparently.

I'd venture to say Israel is one of the dirtiest countries, they demolished so much of Gaza, the water , sewage plant and schools, it will be inhabitable they say by 2020. Also by the way that man talks in the video, that factory (just one of them) is an air pollutant and ground, and it showed the garbage stacked up in back . So your pretty much using the Old Bank like garbage dump and you will make things so bad in Gaza they'll have to leave , the rich will live on the water front.
They say the Med Sea is saltier than the Atlantic Ocean and looses 3 feet of water height a year. The Dead Sea is dying.

Now since Israel is #1 why is this happening? I think you have the west nile there as well going on.

So much nonsense Penelope..a bunch of BS nazi tales.

1. Israel uses it's alternative energy and green technologies in day-to day life. Or where do you think these technologies are being modified into real-world products before selling.

2.They say that by 2025 (correct me) the balestinians will reach a double size. The Gaza is run by the same thugs that made France the garbage can it is, Jerusalem and especially the temple area was piled with metes of garbage layers accumulated under the Muslim occupation.
Bedouins are mostly dirty, don't compare Israelis to Bedouins in Gaza, their dirt is ages old.

3. Air polluting factory with garbage in the back- that's UNHEARD OF!!
A commision of Israeli-balestinian scientists confirmed he factory was in norm.

4.Water problems are everywhere. And I personally know a woman who came just is summer to baptize in the Jordan, even got a certificate.

You didn't research on anything you wrote.
Read the Ahmad Tibi numerous reports about this exact factory.

Israel is a polluted country not as bad as they made Palestine. Israel in their quest to steal land rushed and never considered the sewage problem. They could careless about the West Bank living in their garbage. I don't care what Israel says, I have run across so many lies and untruths.

Israel has destroyed Gaza and is continuing to do so. That is why it will be unsustainable, and yet Israel is tops in sustainable companies and technology, I doubt that.

Don't try and bring another country into this. Really everyone knows the Jordan is polluted, she must of had to hold her nose, but I read they are baptizing elsewhere. You will reap what you sow, I guess that sandstorm was a sign, I bet a lot of Israeli immigrants are wondering why they came there.

How about a link from an unbiased non partisan source then to prove your claim. I can show you pictures of muslim enclaves in the UK that look just like gaza and Beirut, and they are not being bombed. So these prove that muslims are filthy disgusting and unclean people that have no place in civilised nations

Israel has turned Gaza and the West Bank into ghettos, and I want US taxes dollars to quit going to the
them, they are not our 51st state, and we need to distance ourselves from them.
7 years ago there were no houses in the area around that factory,
the factory underwent thorough check-up's by the environmentals and Palestinian-Israeli experts as well. It's the PA that refuse to cooperate and spreads lies about chemical weapons, while demanding every plant, factory to report to them about what exactly and how they produce stuff, who works there and everything that's on the territory of those private-owned factories.
Interesting why?...

Read the official report with Ahmad Tibi

While Israel is a leading nation in environmental tech, the PA tries to blame all of their
environmental problems on Israel rather than do something with their own garbage..

Look it up here-

who's the leading environmental nation in the ME and the world in 2014?

Well it must be an Israel company because they are not doing anything in Israel are they. You can't even be baptized in the Jordan anymore. Also they sell their tech, doesn't mean they use it apparently.

I'd venture to say Israel is one of the dirtiest countries, they demolished so much of Gaza, the water , sewage plant and schools, it will be inhabitable they say by 2020. Also by the way that man talks in the video, that factory (just one of them) is an air pollutant and ground, and it showed the garbage stacked up in back . So your pretty much using the Old Bank like garbage dump and you will make things so bad in Gaza they'll have to leave , the rich will live on the water front.
They say the Med Sea is saltier than the Atlantic Ocean and looses 3 feet of water height a year. The Dead Sea is dying.

Now since Israel is #1 why is this happening? I think you have the west nile there as well going on.

So much nonsense Penelope..a bunch of BS nazi tales.

1. Israel uses it's alternative energy and green technologies in day-to day life. Or where do you think these technologies are being modified into real-world products before selling.

2.They say that by 2025 (correct me) the balestinians will reach a double size. The Gaza is run by the same thugs that made France the garbage can it is, Jerusalem and especially the temple area was piled with metes of garbage layers accumulated under the Muslim occupation.
Bedouins are mostly dirty, don't compare Israelis to Bedouins in Gaza, their dirt is ages old.

3. Air polluting factory with garbage in the back- that's UNHEARD OF!!
A commision of Israeli-balestinian scientists confirmed he factory was in norm.

4.Water problems are everywhere. And I personally know a woman who came just is summer to baptize in the Jordan, even got a certificate.

You didn't research on anything you wrote.
Read the Ahmad Tibi numerous reports about this exact factory.

Israel is a polluted country not as bad as they made Palestine. Israel in their quest to steal land rushed and never considered the sewage problem. They could careless about the West Bank living in their garbage. I don't care what Israel says, I have run across so many lies and untruths.

Israel has destroyed Gaza and is continuing to do so. That is why it will be unsustainable, and yet Israel is tops in sustainable companies and technology, I doubt that.

Don't try and bring another country into this. Really everyone knows the Jordan is polluted, she must of had to hold her nose, but I read they are baptizing elsewhere. You will reap what you sow, I guess that sandstorm was a sign, I bet a lot of Israeli immigrants are wondering why they came there.

How about a link from an unbiased non partisan source then to prove your claim. I can show you pictures of muslim enclaves in the UK that look just like gaza and Beirut, and they are not being bombed. So these prove that muslims are filthy disgusting and unclean people that have no place in civilised nations

Israel has turned Gaza and the West Bank into ghettos, and I want US taxes dollars to quit going to the
them, they are not our 51st state, and we need to distance ourselves from them.

Wrong as the arab muslims turned them into ghettos during the period 1949 to 1967. When Israel entered gaza in 1967 they saw sights very much like those seen in Eastern Europe during WW2. They saw abjext poverty, starvation, concentration camps and dead bodies all done by Egypt. The same in the west bank but not as many. The Palestinians knew no difference and just kept up with the filth and slum conditions. By the way have you been to the projects in America's cities and seen how your untermensch live ?
Read the official reports done by Israeli-Palestinian commission and numerous environmental NGO's who visited the factory.

What You say is ridiculous.
Jordan river is bordered by Palestinian Territories, Jordan Kingdom and Israel.

The other location for baptizing is in Jordan, people go there because 'by new estimates' it's closer to the place where Jesus was baptized.

They say Jesus never baptized , but the site is Jordan where John the Baptist did, so they say.

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