Israel’s definition of a ceasefire

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
14 January 2013 | Beit Lahiya, Gaza Strip, Occupied Palestine

Just three days after the fatal shooting of Anwar Al-Malouk near Jabalia, the Israeli military has murdered another Palestinian civilian despite a supposed ceasefire being in place. Mustafa Abu Jarad, 20, was one of a group of bird hunters working on a plot of land in an area north of Beit Lahiya in the very north of the Gaza Strip, over a kilometre away from the border fence.

From the border, the Israeli army began firing heavily in their direction and immediately targeted Mustafa directly in the forehead. The group had thrown themselves onto the ground and when the situation calmed enough for them to move they realised that Mustafa had been hit.

The latest attacks increase the number of Palestinian casualties since the ceasefire announcement to more than 80, according to officials in Gaza.

To further flout the ceasefire agreement, several Israeli military vehicles were reported to have breached the border with Gaza this morning in an agricultural area east of Khan Younis in the south of the Gaza Strip, according to Ma’an News Agency.

Israel?s definition of a ceasefire
tinnies post is a cut and paste_-----I was under the impression that cuts and pastes
of news articles were not allowed on this messageboard anyone?
Do you think maybe NOW might be a good time for the Palestinians to end their vow to annihilate Israel & work with Israel for peace?
14 January 2013 | Beit Lahiya, Gaza Strip, Occupied Palestine

Just three days after the fatal shooting of Anwar Al-Malouk near Jabalia, the Israeli military has murdered another Palestinian civilian despite a supposed ceasefire being in place. Mustafa Abu Jarad, 20, was one of a group of bird hunters working on a plot of land in an area north of Beit Lahiya in the very north of the Gaza Strip, over a kilometre away from the border fence.

From the border, the Israeli army began firing heavily in their direction and immediately targeted Mustafa directly in the forehead. The group had thrown themselves onto the ground and when the situation calmed enough for them to move they realised that Mustafa had been hit.

The latest attacks increase the number of Palestinian casualties since the ceasefire announcement to more than 80, according to officials in Gaza.

To further flout the ceasefire agreement, several Israeli military vehicles were reported to have breached the border with Gaza this morning in an agricultural area east of Khan Younis in the south of the Gaza Strip, according to Ma’an News Agency.

Israel?s definition of a ceasefire
Palestinian definition: keep shooting rockets and killing and terrorizing while expecting the other side to do nothing.
tinnies post is a cut and paste_-----I was under the impression that cuts and pastes
of news articles were not allowed on this messageboard anyone?
You can cut and paste but you need to post a link to your article.
Rocket Attacks - Maps and Graphics

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Home > v2 - Standalone Pages > Israel Under Fire > Rocket Attacks - Maps and Graphics

Rocket Attacks on Israel

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Since Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005, terrorists have fired more than 7,000 rockets and mortars into Israel, putting millions of Israelis under threat on a daily basis. Hamas is the ruling entity of the Gaza Strip; the terrorist organization is designated as a terrorist entity by the US, UK, EU and Israel. In the last year, more than 566 rockets and mortar shells were fired at major population centers in southern Israel:

More than half a million Israelis have less than 60 seconds to find shelter after a rocket is launched from Gaza into Israel. Most rockets launched from Gaza into Israel are capable of reaching Israel’s biggest southern cities:

Click to Enlarge

Although Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005, terrorists continued to launch thousands of rockets into Israeli cities and communities. After exhausting non-military moves and diplomatic overtures to hinder Hamas’ incessant rocket attacks, Israel launched Operation Cast Lead in December 2008. The military operation was successful in destroying Hamas’ rocket and mortar launchers and terror infrastructure

The Palestinians definition of a " truce" and working for " peace". There will be no response; there never is. Consider the source :D
tinnies post is a cut and paste_-----I was under the impression that cuts and pastes
of news articles were not allowed on this messageboard anyone?
You can cut and paste but you need to post a link to your article.
Click here: Rocket Attacks - Maps and Graphics-The Israel Project

You're right... I forgot

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Rocket Attacks - Maps and Graphics

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Home > v2 - Standalone Pages > Israel Under Fire > Rocket Attacks - Maps and Graphics

Rocket Attacks on Israel
Courtesy of IDF

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Since Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005, terrorists have fired more than 7,000 rockets and mortars into Israel, putting millions of Israelis under threat on a daily basis. Hamas is the ruling entity of the Gaza Strip; the terrorist organization is designated as a terrorist entity by the US, UK, EU and Israel. In the last year, more than 566 rockets and mortar shells were fired at major population centers in southern Israel:

More than half a million Israelis have less than 60 seconds to find shelter after a rocket is launched from Gaza into Israel. Most rockets launched from Gaza into Israel are capable of reaching Israel’s biggest southern cities:

Click to Enlarge

Although Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005, terrorists continued to launch thousands of rockets into Israeli cities and communities. After exhausting non-military moves and diplomatic overtures to hinder Hamas’ incessant rocket attacks, Israel launched Operation Cast Lead in December 2008. The military operation was successful in destroying Hamas’ rocket and mortar launchers and terror infrastructure.

Read more on rocket attacks from Gaza


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The Israel Project is a nonprofit educational organization that provides factual information about Israel and the Middle East to the press, policy makers and the public. The Israel Project authorizes and welcomes use of any part or all of this release/statement free of charge and without attribution.
Rocket Attacks - Maps and Graphics

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Home > v2 - Standalone Pages > Israel Under Fire > Rocket Attacks - Maps and Graphics

Rocket Attacks on Israel

Click to Enlarge

Since Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005, terrorists have fired more than 7,000 rockets and mortars into Israel, putting millions of Israelis under threat on a daily basis. Hamas is the ruling entity of the Gaza Strip; the terrorist organization is designated as a terrorist entity by the US, UK, EU and Israel. In the last year, more than 566 rockets and mortar shells were fired at major population centers in southern Israel:

More than half a million Israelis have less than 60 seconds to find shelter after a rocket is launched from Gaza into Israel. Most rockets launched from Gaza into Israel are capable of reaching Israel’s biggest southern cities:

Click to Enlarge

Although Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005, terrorists continued to launch thousands of rockets into Israeli cities and communities. After exhausting non-military moves and diplomatic overtures to hinder Hamas’ incessant rocket attacks, Israel launched Operation Cast Lead in December 2008. The military operation was successful in destroying Hamas’ rocket and mortar launchers and terror infrastructure

The Palestinians definition of a " truce" and working for " peace". There will be no response; there never is. Consider the source :D
Here's the link for above:

Israel Under Fire-The Israel Project
The Palestinians definition of a " truce" and working for " peace". There will be no response; there never is. Consider the source :D
Here's the link for above:

Israel Under Fire-The Israel Project

No information on rockets since the cease fire?

That's how inbred with hate they are Tinnie, no rockets or any attacks or provocations since the ceasefire, yet all attacks, murders and provocations are coming from Israel. They can't defend the indefensible so they resort to foolishness.

No information on rockets since the cease fire?

That's how inbred with hate they are Tinnie, no rockets or any attacks or provocations since the ceasefire, yet all attacks, murders and provocations are coming from Israel. They can't defend the indefensible so they resort to foolishness.

By quoting an out of date Israel propaganda site.

No information on rockets since the cease fire?

That's how inbred with hate they are Tinnie, no rockets or any attacks or provocations since the ceasefire, yet all attacks, murders and provocations are coming from Israel. They can't defend the indefensible so they resort to foolishness.

Inbred with hate ? Really ?? A Palestinian who supports Hamas calling Jews inbred with hate ??? I mean, I knew you were a dumbass, but this post of yours is something else... :D
No information on rockets since the cease fire?

That's how inbred with hate they are Tinnie, no rockets or any attacks or provocations since the ceasefire, yet all attacks, murders and provocations are coming from Israel. They can't defend the indefensible so they resort to foolishness.

Inbred with hate ? Really ?? A Palestinian who supports Hamas calling Jews inbred with hate ??? I mean, I knew you were a dumbass, but this post of yours is something else... :D

Dude if you think you got with me that then I don't know what to say.....:lmao:
No information on rockets since the cease fire?

That's how inbred with hate they are Tinnie, no rockets or any attacks or provocations since the ceasefire, yet all attacks, murders and provocations are coming from Israel. They can't defend the indefensible so they resort to foolishness.

By quoting an out of date Israel propaganda site.

WTF? You use that bogus Palestinian site and except to be taken seriously ??? Blinded by the Arab propaganda
There was a Haaretz article on the latest incidents as well TM, I know, the truth hurts. What kind of message is Israel trying to send to the world about what kind of country they are?

No information on rockets since the cease fire?

That's how inbred with hate they are Tinnie, no rockets or any attacks or provocations since the ceasefire, yet all attacks, murders and provocations are coming from Israel. They can't defend the indefensible so they resort to foolishness.
Arab donkeys shouldn't be calling others in inbred with hate, considering your entire culture is one of hatred and intolerance.

[ame=]Children of Hamas - YouTube[/ame]
No information on rockets since the cease fire?

That's how inbred with hate they are Tinnie, no rockets or any attacks or provocations since the ceasefire, yet all attacks, murders and provocations are coming from Israel. They can't defend the indefensible so they resort to foolishness.

By quoting an out of date Israel propaganda site.
Really?! Your article link is from a Palestinian bullshit propoganda garbage site called "Pali" that claims the poor Palestinian was a "bird hunter". No, he was just minding his own business shooting birds that happened to be in the direction of the Israeli soldiers. Yup, very believable.

You are a scumbag and a piece of shit and a liar, anybody ever told you those things?

Palestinian: "don't mind me shooting at you, I'm just a 'bird hunter' minding my own business".

"Mustafa Abu Jarad, 20, was one of a group of bird hunters working on a plot of land in an area north of Beit Lahiya in the very north of the Gaza Strip. "

Bwahahahahah! They call a bunch of terrorist animals "bird hunters". Since when do Palestinians go bird hunting, and in groups Tin-asshole?
Last edited:
That's how inbred with hate they are Tinnie, no rockets or any attacks or provocations since the ceasefire, yet all attacks, murders and provocations are coming from Israel. They can't defend the indefensible so they resort to foolishness.

By quoting an out of date Israel propaganda site.
Really?! Your article link is from a Palestinian bullshit propoganda garbage site called "Pali" that claims the poor Palestinian was a "bird hunter". No, he was just minding his own business shooting birds that happened to be in the direction of the Israeli soldiers. Yup, very believable.

You are a scumbag and a piece of shit and a liar, anybody ever told you those things?

Palestinian: "don't mind me shooting at you, I'm just a 'bird hunter' minding my own business".

"Mustafa Abu Jarad, 20, was one of a group of bird hunters working on a plot of land in an area north of Beit Lahiya in the very north of the Gaza Strip. "

Bwahahahahah! They call a bunch of terrorist animals "bird hunters". Since when do Palestinians go bird hunting, and in groups Tin-asshole?

Gazan bird hunters do not shoot birds. They capture them live for sale.

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