Israel refuses to to any refugees

I disagree with the obvious hatred of the OP, but Israel is fucking nuts.
Why should they?

Look people, this refugee problem isn't europe's fault, it isn't America's fault, and it isn't israel's fault. Hell, for once it isn't even Obama's fault.

If a country decides to take them then fine. If it doesn't it doesn't mean they are evil.
Yeah, but....nobody took the Jews when they needed help. Seems to me they would know how that feels and try to assist. Then again...what can they do? The refugee problem stems from "home".
Yeah, but....nobody took the Jews when they needed help. Seems to me they would know how that feels and try to assist. Then again...what can they do? The refugee problem stems from "home".

Many of the Arabs states are very rich, other than Jordan which ones are taking in their Arab brothers like the Jews take in their brothers?:dunno:

More than a million Jews were expelled from Arab and Muslim countries between 1948 and 1974, without asking for compensation or the right to return. Pierre Rehov's "Silent Exodus", is a tribute to their tragedy
more importantly democrat traitors are trying to bring 65000 Syrian refugees to the US.
Those fleeing.....they are not the ilk of ISIS sorta mentality, hence running for their lives?
Yeah, but....nobody took the Jews when they needed help. Seems to me they would know how that feels and try to assist. Then again...what can they do? The refugee problem stems from "home".

Many of the Arabs states are very rich, other than Jordan which ones are taking in their Arab brothers like the Jews take in their brothers?:dunno:

More than a million Jews were expelled from Arab and Muslim countries between 1948 and 1974, without asking for compensation or the right to return. Pierre Rehov's "Silent Exodus", is a tribute to their tragedy

Jordan, as you noted, has taken huge numbers as has Egypt. While not technically an Arab state, Turkey has taken by the most. All three of those countries are at their breaking point.

The rhetoric here sure echo's the rhetoric of 70 years ago doesn't it? Refugees fleeing unimaginable horrors only to be turned away.

So they can advocate and help and push for the invasion of Europe but they won't take any....typical jewish supremacism.
Jews want to keep their "race" clean… just like you know who… no intermarriage even with goyims… maybe if the goyim converts to judaism…MAYBE...

That's silly. Israel is very small. It also has it's own problems with an ongoing conflict of it's own, security problems at it's borders with Syria and complex demographic problems. It would be nice if it took in refugees. But hey - how many refugees has the US, with it's huge landmass, wealthy economy and stable government taken in? Fewer than 1,000.
All men within military age should be sent back to fight for their home land. Women and children in refugee camps. The US could put up state of the art facilities for refugees in a very short time in Turkey, Jordan, Egypt if EU would foot the bill. That would be a solution.
The entire country of Israel is as big as New Jersey. Take in the Christians tell them to fight it out with the pallys.

Syrians who will not fight for syria should have all doors closed to them.

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