Israel pushing for another intifada

Poor innocent Palestinian just minding his own business, just gets shot out of the blue for no fucking reason whatsoever, eh? Ha ha ha.
Lead the way to martyrdom, tough guy.

Don't be such a coward as to sit in your basement, banging away on your keyboard while slobbering-on about some imagined inti-jihadi smack down.

Jihad is personal and collective, you silly little troll. Go out and take for muhammud (swish).

Oh, BTW, start sucking up to Israel while you still have time. Your terrorist heroes will soon have to hike-up their man dresses and run for cover when the real inter-jihad starts.

Isis vows to overthrow Hamas tyrants in Gaza

Isis vows to overthrow Hamas 'tyrants' in Gaza
By Jack Moore 7/1/15 at 3:16 PM

Terrorists terrorizing the other terrorists. :)
Any so-called Palestinian with an ounce of brains and two shekels to rub together should get his family out of there.
Any so-called Palestinian with an ounce of brains and two shekels to rub together should get his family out of there.
Very soon, the shiite will hit the fan, or the sunni, depending.

Any so-called Palestinian with an ounce of brains and two shekels to rub together should get his family out of there.
Very soon, the shiite will hit the fan, or the sunni, depending.


If you check this link: Isis vows to overthrow Hamas tyrants in Gaza

the spokes-beards for ISIS look like some kind of science experiment gone horribly wrong.
Hmm ISIS and Israel on the same side. What a world.

Very shallow thinking. Syria is fighting ISIS too. Does that mean they are on the same side as Israel?


Every time he posts he lies
Welcome to the board.

Did you spend some time here before you signed up?

Yes I did
Any so-called Palestinian with an ounce of brains and two shekels to rub together should get his family out of there.
Very soon, the shiite will hit the fan, or the sunni, depending.


If you check this link: Isis vows to overthrow Hamas tyrants in Gaza

the spokes-beards for ISIS look like some kind of science experiment gone horribly wrong.
Fcuk I have heard it all now,a ZIONIST BUM stating with almost glee how ISIS vows to overthrow Hamas......Lady you have SHIT FOR BRAINS,how long will it take ISIS to invade Israel.....No should be more circumspect for what you wish for.If your brain allows
Any so-called Palestinian with an ounce of brains and two shekels to rub together should get his family out of there.

Sounds like you're having a lebensraum moment ;)
Nope... a Reconquista moment... and the Reconquista is almost complete, now, isn't it?

< snicker >

There are about 4 million Arabs in the WB and Gaza and only 500,000 Jews. There are 4 million Syrian refugees right now, and the world doesn't give a damn. But the world is obsessed with Jews, so if Israel expelled 4 million Arabs, WW3 would break out. Therefore, some kind of agreement has to be made.
Any so-called Palestinian with an ounce of brains and two shekels to rub together should get his family out of there.

Sounds like you're having a lebensraum moment ;)
Nope... a Reconquista moment... and the Reconquista is almost complete, now, isn't it?

< snicker >

There are about 4 million Arabs in the WB and Gaza and only 500,000 Jews. There are 4 million Syrian refugees right now, and the world doesn't give a damn. But the world is obsessed with Jews, so if Israel expelled 4 million Arabs, WW3 would break out. Therefore, some kind of agreement has to be made.
Nahhhhh... WWIII would not break out... hell, the Israelis could kick 'em all out in a fortnight, if they put their minds to it, long before any so-called 'relief' could be brought to bear... it would be over in a relative heartbeat, and the world would go on, just fine, afterwards, relieved to have the damned thing over at last, and for some quiet, afterwards. But, in the Real World... slow-but-sure pressure-cooker tactics, to squeeze 'em out, seem to be working just fine; no particular flash-point, and ultimately having the same effect. Based on the so-called Palestinians' own propaganda maps of a 'shrinking Palestine', at this rate, they'll be standing 5-deep on each others' shoulders, and we'll be asking ourselves how many Palestinians can stand on the head of a pin. For any Palestinian with the means to do so, they'd be far better off getting their families out of there, and never coming back.

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