Israel Kills 7 Palestinians And Injures 52 In Ongoing Attack On Occupied Gaza

Blah blah. Stop firing rockets and stop trying to kill Israelis and there wont be attacks.

Pretty simple, no?

Oh wait sorry. I forgot hamas is resisting :lol:


Why don't you go educate yourself about the Fourth Geneva Convention?

Civilian slaughter and attacks on civilian objects are unlawful, and the fact that militants might fire rockets changes none of that, attacks on Genttile civilians and Gentile civilian objects by the IDF remains unlawful.


Why don't you go educate yourself? People who fire rockets at civilian areas and non-militarty targets, who use their civilians as human shields and fire rockets from populated areas endangering their civilian population and their children all the while knowing full well that retaliation will obviously be incurred against those co-ordinates, have already violated the conventions themselves on numerous counts and are therefore no longer entitled to its protection - that means the terrorist rocket launching scum regularly cut their own noses off to spite their own faces - but they don't mind because there are so many dhimwits like you around to buy and peddle their propaganda. Duhhhhhhh.
Blah blah. Stop firing rockets and stop trying to kill Israelis and there wont be attacks.

Pretty simple, no?

Oh wait sorry. I forgot hamas is resisting :lol:


Why don't you go educate yourself about the Fourth Geneva Convention?

Civilian slaughter and attacks on civilian objects are unlawful, and the fact that militants might fire rockets changes none of that, attacks on Genttile civilians and Gentile civilian objects by the IDF remains unlawful.


Why don't you go educate yourself? People who fire rockets at civilian areas and non-militarty targets, who use their civilians as human shields and fire rockets from populated areas endangering their civilian population and their children all the while knowing full well that retaliation will obviously be incurred against those co-ordinates, have already violated the conventions themselves on numerous counts and are therefore no longer entitled to its protection - that means the terrorist rocket launching scum regularly cut their own noses off to spite their own faces - but they don't mind because there are so many dhimwits like you around to buy and peddle their propaganda. Duhhhhhhh.

People who fire rockets at civilian areas and non-militarty targets,...

Israeli citizens are not considered "civilians" by the Fourth Geneva Convention.
Blah blah. Stop firing rockets and stop trying to kill Israelis and there wont be attacks.

Pretty simple, no?

Oh wait sorry. I forgot hamas is resisting :lol:


Why don't you go educate yourself about the Fourth Geneva Convention?

Civilian slaughter and attacks on civilian objects are unlawful, and the fact that militants might fire rockets changes none of that, attacks on Genttile civilians and Gentile civilian objects by the IDF remains unlawful.


Might launch missiles? There are hundreds of missiles being fired every month you blind terrorist **** . What the hell is firing missiles into populated Israeli cities going to accomplish?

A retaliation that the pals and the dhimmies such as Sherri then exploit for their own nefarious anti-Israel antisemitic purposes ???

Why don't you go educate yourself about the Fourth Geneva Convention?

Civilian slaughter and attacks on civilian objects are unlawful, and the fact that militants might fire rockets changes none of that, attacks on Genttile civilians and Gentile civilian objects by the IDF remains unlawful.


Why don't you go educate yourself? People who fire rockets at civilian areas and non-militarty targets, who use their civilians as human shields and fire rockets from populated areas endangering their civilian population and their children all the while knowing full well that retaliation will obviously be incurred against those co-ordinates, have already violated the conventions themselves on numerous counts and are therefore no longer entitled to its protection - that means the terrorist rocket launching scum regularly cut their own noses off to spite their own faces - but they don't mind because there are so many dhimwits like you around to buy and peddle their propaganda. Duhhhhhhh.

People who fire rockets at civilian areas and non-militarty targets,...

Israeli citizens are not considered "civilians" by the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Yet we southerners are.
The religion or culture of the people has nothing to do with the FACT that Israel is within its INTERNATIONAL LEGAL RIGHTS to return fire upon the coordinates from which rockets are fired into Israeli territory.

Whether any Israelis are harmed by those rockets is irrelevent. Whether there are civilians clustered around those coordinates is likewise irrelevent.

the presence of non-combatants, especially children, is never irrelevent.
sherri: you said

How long is this particular Israeli Gentile killing operation in Occupied Palestine going to continue?

How much blood of innocent civilian Gentiles in Palestine, (the indigenous peoples of Palestine), is enough for Israel?

using the word Gentile in this context puts a different anti semitic spin on what you say

why do you so often do this, please??

Good point. However...

Perhaps she should use "Muslims and Christians" since Israel makes no distinction between the two and attacks them equally.
Are you suggesting that it is Christians who are firing rockets from Gaza?
The religion or culture of the people has nothing to do with the FACT that Israel is within its INTERNATIONAL LEGAL RIGHTS to return fire upon the coordinates from which rockets are fired into Israeli territory.

Whether any Israelis are harmed by those rockets is irrelevent. Whether there are civilians clustered around those coordinates is likewise irrelevent.


A boy playing soccer is not a lawful military target to strike and kill. Imagine if that had been your son when he was that young, how would you feel?

A house and its civilian inhabitants is not a lawful military target to strike. But we all see the images of deliberately destroyed civilian homes in the Opening Post. How would you feel if terror attacks like that, deliberate strikes on civilian homes, were fired at your home and caused that devastation?

Parents burying their murdered children, that is a regular event for nonJewish parents in Palestine, and the killers of these children are Israeli Jews. Does that make you proud to be Jewish, watching Jews kill children and nonJewish civilians? I wonder, were Nazis proud to be German, in that very same way, when they killed Jewish children and Jewish civilians?

sherri: you said

How long is this particular Israeli Gentile killing operation in Occupied Palestine going to continue?

How much blood of innocent civilian Gentiles in Palestine, (the indigenous peoples of Palestine), is enough for Israel?

using the word Gentile in this context puts a different anti semitic spin on what you say

why do you so often do this, please??

Good point. However...

Perhaps she should use "Muslims and Christians" since Israel makes no distinction between the two and attacks them equally.
Are you suggesting that it is Christians who are firing rockets from Gaza?

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine fighters on Tuesday claimed responsibility for an attack that wounded an Israeli soldier on the Gaza border.

The Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades said in a statement that it was responsible for a bomb that went off beside an army patrol east of Khan Younis in southern Gaza. It said no PFLP militants were injured in the operation.

PFLP fighters claim attack on Israeli soldiers | Maan News Agency
sherri: you said

How long is this particular Israeli Gentile killing operation in Occupied Palestine going to continue?

How much blood of innocent civilian Gentiles in Palestine, (the indigenous peoples of Palestine), is enough for Israel?

using the word Gentile in this context puts a different anti semitic spin on what you say

why do you so often do this, please??

Good point. However...

Perhaps she should use "Muslims and Christians" since Israel makes no distinction between the two and attacks them equally.
Are you suggesting that it is Christians who are firing rockets from Gaza?

There are a lot more Christians in the West Bank.

Many of the homes bulldozed by Israel to make room for settlements and the wall are Christian homes. Muslims, Christians...makes no difference to Israel.
Interesting cartoon published today on Israeli newspapers.

On the right side (lol) Tel Aviv, on the left, South Israel. Two places, not even 50 KM separation between them, yet a whole different world.


This is a discussion board about Israel and Palestine, how many times do you have to be reminded of that? It would not be appropriate to discuss what is happening in Syria here, Syria is not a part of Israel and Palestine.

Palestinians are human beings, how many times do you have to be reminded of that?

When they are attacked and injured and killed, and civilian objects like houses are attacked, and civilians injured and killed inside those deliberately targeted structures, photos are taken documenting these Zionist crimes against humanity.

Truth about Israel's deliverate targeting and killing of Gentiles in Palestine is being brought into the Light, and that will keep happening as long as the civilian killing massacres of the IDF continue.

Why do you keep defending Zionist Gentile killing operations?

What don't you understand about making comparisons? And when people talk about Palistinians, they are talking about Syrians, Egyptians and Jordanians,which is what Palis actually are. What floors me are the blatant lies you spout about the murder and mayhem going on in Gaza. Your hysterical accusations are not reported or even hinted about in the Palestine media, so where are you coming up with these ridiculous charges? You need to commit yourself to the booby hatch.

Your hysterical accusations are not reported or even hinted about in the Palestine media, so where are you coming up with these ridiculous charges?

GAZA, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces have escalated its airstrikes and attacks on the Gaza Strip during the past 24 hours, which resulted, until the moment, in killing 6 Palestinians, including three children, and wounding 52 other civilians.

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights monitored in a statement on Sunday the aggression during the past hours, noting that four civilians were killed and 38, including six women and 12 children, were wounded in artillery fire that targeted a football stadium in the east of Gaza City.

The occupation warplanes also targeted early Sunday fighters in the Palestinian resistance, which led to killing two members of Islamic Jihad's military wing.

Several areas in the Gaza Strip witnessed shootings and bombing by Israeli warplanes and artillery shells that targeted several civilian properties. On Saturday evening Israeli occupation forces, stationed east of Khan Younis, fired two artillery shells toward the water tank belonging to the Municipality of Khuza'a, which lies about 800 meters from the Israeli security fence.

Following this aggression 11 Palestinian civilians, including five women and two children were moderately wounded and were transferred to the Gaza European Hospital to receive treatment.

The occupation forces fired an artillery shell at the headquarters of the electricity Distribution Company in the Shagaf neighborhood, east of the city, damaging the fourth floor of the headquarters.

The Israeli warplanes opened heavy fire towards open areas in the northwest of the town of Beit Lahia, in the northern Gaza Strip, that continued for about 5 minutes, with no casualties reported.

In the late hours of Saturday night, the warplanes fired a missile at a factory in the east of Al-Tuffah neighborhood in Gaza, which resulted in completely destroying the factory.

They also fired two missiles at a metal workshop, destroying the workshop and partially damaging a house adjacent to it, injuring a mother and her son.

Three missiles targeted a concrete factory in the southwest of the city of Rafah, and no one was injured.

The IOF warplanes bombed a poultry farm located in the neighborhood of Al-Hashash, northwest of the city of Rafah, which led to the destruction of the farm and severely damaging many neighboring houses.

Israeli strikes kill 6 Palestinians and wound 52 others in Gaza


Destruction of Infrastructure of a civilian population, electricy facilities and water facilities,
is unlawful under The Fourth Geneva Convention.

Civilians playing soccer/football in a football stadium, they are not proper military tragets under The Fourth Geneva Convention.

A civilian Factory is not a proper target under The Fourth Geneva Convention.

A poultry farm and chickens that feed a civilian population are not proper targets under The Fourth Geneva Convention.

A metal workshop and the houses that surround it are not proper military targets under The Fourth Geneva Convention.

Grave violations of The Fourth Geneva Convention constitute war crimes under international law.

When will Israel's Impunity for these unlawful attacks on the nonJews of Palestine end?

I cry out to God for an end to these Injustices!

God, I Pray, be with those who are suffering under Occupation and fill them with your peace and love, despite their circumstances, wrap your arms around them and show them your love and let them know the Injustices will end, in your timing, assure them they are never alone and you will always be with them, for today and for eternity, give them strength and fill them with Hope and Joy despite their circumstances, a Hope only you can instill in man. So much, I see this hope displayed in the lives of Palestinians living under Occupation, and I know you are a God who loves all of us and you love them, too. In Jesus name I pray, Amen

What don't you understand about making comparisons? And when people talk about Palistinians, they are talking about Syrians, Egyptians and Jordanians,which is what Palis actually are. What floors me are the blatant lies you spout about the murder and mayhem going on in Gaza. Your hysterical accusations are not reported or even hinted about in the Palestine media, so where are you coming up with these ridiculous charges? You need to commit yourself to the booby hatch.

Your hysterical accusations are not reported or even hinted about in the Palestine media, so where are you coming up with these ridiculous charges?

GAZA, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces have escalated its airstrikes and attacks on the Gaza Strip during the past 24 hours, which resulted, until the moment, in killing 6 Palestinians, including three children, and wounding 52 other civilians.

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights monitored in a statement on Sunday the aggression during the past hours, noting that four civilians were killed and 38, including six women and 12 children, were wounded in artillery fire that targeted a football stadium in the east of Gaza City.

The occupation warplanes also targeted early Sunday fighters in the Palestinian resistance, which led to killing two members of Islamic Jihad's military wing.

Several areas in the Gaza Strip witnessed shootings and bombing by Israeli warplanes and artillery shells that targeted several civilian properties. On Saturday evening Israeli occupation forces, stationed east of Khan Younis, fired two artillery shells toward the water tank belonging to the Municipality of Khuza'a, which lies about 800 meters from the Israeli security fence.

Following this aggression 11 Palestinian civilians, including five women and two children were moderately wounded and were transferred to the Gaza European Hospital to receive treatment.

The occupation forces fired an artillery shell at the headquarters of the electricity Distribution Company in the Shagaf neighborhood, east of the city, damaging the fourth floor of the headquarters.

The Israeli warplanes opened heavy fire towards open areas in the northwest of the town of Beit Lahia, in the northern Gaza Strip, that continued for about 5 minutes, with no casualties reported.

In the late hours of Saturday night, the warplanes fired a missile at a factory in the east of Al-Tuffah neighborhood in Gaza, which resulted in completely destroying the factory.

They also fired two missiles at a metal workshop, destroying the workshop and partially damaging a house adjacent to it, injuring a mother and her son.

Three missiles targeted a concrete factory in the southwest of the city of Rafah, and no one was injured.

The IOF warplanes bombed a poultry farm located in the neighborhood of Al-Hashash, northwest of the city of Rafah, which led to the destruction of the farm and severely damaging many neighboring houses.

Israeli strikes kill 6 Palestinians and wound 52 others in Gaza


Destruction of Infrastructure of a civilian population, electricy facilities and water facilities,
is unlawful under The Fourth Geneva Convention.

Civilians playing soccer/football in a football stadium, they are not proper military tragets under The Fourth Geneva Convention.

A civilian Factory is not a proper target under The Fourth Geneva Convention.

A poultry farm and chickens that feed a civilian population are not proper targets under The Fourth Geneva Convention.

A metal workshop and the houses that surround it are not proper military targets under The Fourth Geneva Convention.

Grave violations of The Fourth Geneva Convention constitute war crimes under international law.

When will Israel's Impunity for these unlawful attacks on the nonJews of Palestine end?

I cry out to God for an end to these Injustices!

God, I Pray, be with those who are suffering under Occupation and fill them with your peace and love, despite their circumstances, wrap your arms around them and show them your love and let them know the Injustices will end, in your timing, assure them they are never alone and you will always be with them, for today and for eternity, give them strength and fill them with Hope and Joy despite their circumstances, a Hope only you can instill in man. So much, I see this hope displayed in the lives of Palestinians living under Occupation, and I know you are a God who loves all of us and you love them, too. In Jesus name I pray, Amen


Indeed, they are all war crimes.
Blah blah. Stop firing rockets and stop trying to kill Israelis and there wont be attacks.

Pretty simple, no?

Oh wait sorry. I forgot hamas is resisting :lol:


Why don't you go educate yourself about the Fourth Geneva Convention?

Civilian slaughter and attacks on civilian objects are unlawful, and the fact that militants might fire rockets changes none of that, attacks on Genttile civilians and Gentile civilian objects by the IDF remains unlawful.


Might launch missiles? There are hundreds of missiles being fired every month you blind terrorist **** . What the hell is firing missiles into populated Israeli cities going to accomplish?


I am not a supporter of the rocket attacks, I only support nonviolent resistance to the Occupation, but these rocket attacks from Gaza, that rarely kill, are not a justification for the civilian massacres Israel regularly carries out in Gaza.


Why don't you go educate yourself about the Fourth Geneva Convention?

Civilian slaughter and attacks on civilian objects are unlawful, and the fact that militants might fire rockets changes none of that, attacks on Genttile civilians and Gentile civilian objects by the IDF remains unlawful.


Might launch missiles? There are hundreds of missiles being fired every month you blind terrorist **** . What the hell is firing missiles into populated Israeli cities going to accomplish?


I am not a supporter of the rocket attacks, I only support nonviolent resistance to the Occupation, but these rocket attacks from Gaza, that rarely kill, are not a justification for the civilian massacres Israel regularly carries out in Gaza.


Not responding to those rockets launching will only cause more Israeli harmed civilians.

In the last two days, more than 100 rockets were fired. over 5 houses destroyed, more than 30 Israelis harmed, only 3 of them soldiers, rest of them civilians.

In case people missed the other side of the border, they should know it also exists.
Might launch missiles? There are hundreds of missiles being fired every month you blind terrorist **** . What the hell is firing missiles into populated Israeli cities going to accomplish?


I am not a supporter of the rocket attacks, I only support nonviolent resistance to the Occupation, but these rocket attacks from Gaza, that rarely kill, are not a justification for the civilian massacres Israel regularly carries out in Gaza.


Not responding to those rockets launching will only cause more Israeli harmed civilians.

In the last two days, more than 100 rockets were fired. over 5 houses destroyed, more than 30 Israelis harmed, only 3 of them soldiers, rest of them civilians.

In case people missed the other side of the border, they should know it also exists.

Indeed, the Palestinians responding to Israeli attacks.
Israel continues its attacks on Gaza, injuring and killing civilians, committing war crimes in its unlawful attacks on the civilian population of Gaza, in clear violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention. So, far, 7 have been murdered by the IDF terrorists, which includes 3 Palestinian children and 52 Gazans have been injured.


Here is the report from a human rights organization about the continuing Israeli civilian killing operation in Gaza:

"Over the past 72 hours, the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) have escalated their aerial and ground attacks against the Gaza Strip. Five Palestinian civilians, including 3 children, have been killed, and 52 others, including 6 women and 12 children, have been wounded. Four of these deaths and 38 of the injuries resulted from an Israeli attack on a football playground in al-Shoja’iya neighborhood east of Gaza City. Additionally, 2 members of the Palestinian resistance were killed, and some civilian facilities were destroyed or damaged.

According to investigations conducted by the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR), at approximately 15:30 on Saturday, 10 November 2012, Israeli military vehicles stationed at the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel fired an artillery shell at a number of Palestinian children who were playing football at al-Mentar Hill east of al-Shoja’iya neighborhood, which is east of Gaza City and nearly 1,500 meters away from the border. As a result, 2 children were instantly killed:

1- Mohammed Ussama Hassan Harara (16); and

2- Ahmed Mustafa Khaled Harara (17).

Following this attack, a number of Palestinian civilians, who were in the consolation house of the Harara family, rushed to the area, where the IOF immediately fired another 3 shells. As a result, 2 Palestinian civilians were instantly killed:

1- Ahmed Kamel Al- Dirdissawi (18); and

2- Matar ‘Emad ‘Abdul Rahman Abu al-‘Ata (19).

Additionally, 38 civilians, including 8 children, were wounded; the wounding of 10 of these civilians was described by medical crews as being serious.

Earlier, on Thursday evening, 08 November 2012, the IOF killed a Palestinian child during an incursion in the ‘Abassan village, east of the southern Gaza Strip town of Khan Yunis. According to investigations conducted by PCHR, at approximately 16:30 on Thursday, as a result of the indiscriminate shooting by IOF military vehicles that had moved into the ‘Abassan village, 13-year-old Ahmed Younis Khader Abu Daqqa was seriously wounded by a bullet to the abdomen. At the time he was shot, Ahmed had been playing football with his friends in front of his family’s house, located nearly 1,200 meters away from the area where the IOF were present. He was evacuated to the European Gaza Hospital in Khan Yunis, but he was pronounced dead 15 minutes later."

7 Palestinians, including 3 children, killed and 52 injured as Israeli attack on Gaza continues | Mondoweiss

How long is this particular Israeli Gentile killing operation in Occupied Palestine going to continue?

How much blood of innocent civilian Gentiles in Palestine, (the indigenous peoples of Palestine), is enough for Israel?

Here are more photos of damage on civilian objects and civilians inflicted by Israel on Gaza in the latest attacks:




Maan Images - In photos: Violence flares in Gaza, southern Israel | Maan News Agency

"occupied Gaza"? No such thing exists. Israelis have every right to go after those missile shooting suicide bombing animals. You don't like it? Go fuck yourself.


International law tell us Gaza remains Occupied, and it tells us targeting civilians and civilian targets remains unlawful, as well. I know you do not like to hear any of that, but I could really care less about that, our likes, mine or yours, are not the issue here.


I am not a supporter of the rocket attacks, I only support nonviolent resistance to the Occupation, but these rocket attacks from Gaza, that rarely kill, are not a justification for the civilian massacres Israel regularly carries out in Gaza.


Not responding to those rockets launching will only cause more Israeli harmed civilians.

In the last two days, more than 100 rockets were fired. over 5 houses destroyed, more than 30 Israelis harmed, only 3 of them soldiers, rest of them civilians.

In case people missed the other side of the border, they should know it also exists.

Indeed, the Palestinians responding to Israeli attacks.

The Israeli where responding to the Palestinian attack on IDF vihicle which injured 4.

Surely you didn't think the IDF will ignore the Palestinian attack on 4 soldiers?

This Haslamah was a Palestinian initiative.
Not responding to those rockets launching will only cause more Israeli harmed civilians.

In the last two days, more than 100 rockets were fired. over 5 houses destroyed, more than 30 Israelis harmed, only 3 of them soldiers, rest of them civilians.

In case people missed the other side of the border, they should know it also exists.

Indeed, the Palestinians responding to Israeli attacks.

The Israeli where responding to the Palestinian attack on IDF vihicle which injured 4.

Surely you didn't think the IDF will ignore the Palestinian attack on 4 soldiers?

This Haslamah was a Palestinian initiative.

I believe that the IDF vehicle was in Gaza.

The Palestinians have the right to defend themselves.

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