Israel is the ultimate refutation of Jewish moral pretension

Ariux...please correct me here if I am in error, but are you suggesting that the blame for the runaway sex-scandal of Catholic pedophiles is somehow the fault of Jews???
Yes, that's right, the Talmud encourages oral sex with little boys. I'M BEING SARCASTIC HERE!

You're ignorant and proud of it. You're also stupid for thinking that there is something too disgusting for Jews to be guilty of.

News item: July 12, 2012 A New York City’s Board of Mental Health and Hygiene held a hearing yesterday to discuss plans to have parents sign a consent form that details the risks of metzitzah b’peh, the direct oral-to-penis sucking done by many mohels [cock-sucking Jews].

Why? Because cock-sucking Jews have left a trail of dead and brain-damaged little boys by giving them STDs. Even though these Jews are only doing what the Talmud tells them to do.
I think Ariux is one of those victims that got butt fucked alot as a young altar boy. The priest kept telling him "The Jews made me do it". He still gets butt fucked, but now it's at the mosque. And he enjoys every minute of it. Oh well, to each his own.
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The Bible Christian, not Jewish. The Talmud is Jewish.

The Catholic Church could solve most of its molestation problem by kicking the fags out. But, instead, they listened to Jewish psychologists and let the fags in.----THIS HAS SIMPLY GOT TO BE ONE OF THE DUMBEST STATEMENTS RECORDED ON ANY MESSAGE-BOARD....IT IS DIZZYING

The Catholic Church may be endanger children with some of their practices, but Catholic teaching doesn't approve of sex with children nor does it instruct Catholics to perform oral sex on little boys as part of a ritual, as does the Talmud.
Could Skitt have been an altar boy who was abused by a priest, and now he has psychological problems because of it. I feel for you, Skitt, but perhaps your psychologist can help you. I certainly hope you have told him what happened to you. Tell us, do you blame the Jews for this too? I think many of us who read the other board can now understand why you used to post pictures of Gay men from Gay porn sites getting it on with each other.
Bogor Police Arrest Koran Teacher Who Allegedly Molested 13 Kids | The Jakarta Globe

Irose, why limit "Jew-hate" to Muslims and Arabs??? The entire world despises Jews---and always has...their communities have been expelled from every host culture they have entered for thousands of years...if we use 21st century Israel as an example, its easy to understand why...simply shouting "antisemite" tells us very little...try asking why there is so much of it
No, the entire world does not hate people of Jewish ancestry.

I have a business. The Jewish people I dealt with were always honest with me, helped if there was any kind of problem, answered questions, didn't pull any punches. It doesn't get better than that.

I also dealt with people of Middle Eastern ancestry. Same deal. Honest, helpful, answered questions, didn't pull punches.

Quit cutting off your nose to spite your face. Get along with whoever comes your way and treat them like family. It's like taking vitamins. You'll live longer.

uhhhhhhhhhhh stupid...I was speaking from an historical perspective....allow me to repeat for the prodigiously dense: I was speaking from an historical, organized perspective...if you doubt the base of my comments, may I suggest you conduct some lite-research on the subject, and not advance anecdotal formulations???
Ariux...please correct me here if I am in error, but are you suggesting that the blame for the runaway sex-scandal of Catholic pedophiles is somehow the fault of Jews???

The Roman Catholic Church officially holds the anti-biblical position that same-sex attraction is not a sin or a choice. This is the position that had been long promoted by psychology industry, which is heavily Jewish. E.g. George Weinberg invented the word "homophobia".

Following the notion that same-sex attraction is not a sin, the Catholic Church knowingly allowed homoseuals into the priesthood. The child molestation scandal naturally followed.
Ariux...please correct me here if I am in error, but are you suggesting that the blame for the runaway sex-scandal of Catholic pedophiles is somehow the fault of Jews???

The Roman Catholic Church officially holds the anti-biblical position that same-sex attraction is not a sin or a choice. This is the position that had been long promoted by psychology industry, which is heavily Jewish. E.g. George Weinberg invented the word "homophobia".

Following the notion that same-sex attraction is not a sin, the Catholic Church knowingly allowed homoseuals into the priesthood. The child molestation scandal naturally followed.
Why is this even being spoken about on here. Anyone with brains realizes that there are Gay people and pedophiles from all walks of life, all ethnicities, all religions, all cultures, etc. Perhaps the two of you would like to go to Afghanistan and join that group which has those little boys dress up as girls. They only use their wives to have children, but their preferences are these little boys. I think you two would fit in right well there.

Ariux...please correct me here if I am in error, but are you suggesting that the blame for the runaway sex-scandal of Catholic pedophiles is somehow the fault of Jews???

The Roman Catholic Church officially holds the anti-biblical position that same-sex attraction is not a sin or a choice. This is the position that had been long promoted by psychology industry, which is heavily Jewish. E.g. George Weinberg invented the word "homophobia".

Following the notion that same-sex attraction is not a sin, the Catholic Church knowingly allowed homoseuals into the priesthood. The child molestation scandal naturally followed.

I cannot imagine which Catholic church you are affiliated with, but the one I am familiar with has gleefully persecuted homosexuals for its entire history...the irony is that the Vatican created such an atmosphere of fear for homosexuals and lesbians that the perfect shelter for their sexual identities was the church itself...who would ask why a middle-age Priest was unmarried?? The Catholic pulpit has long declared homosexuality a sin...listen to the rants...listen to the comments of the head of the Catholic league....sheesh!!!!
Why is this even being spoken about on here. Anyone with brains realizes that there are Gay people and pedophiles from all walks of life, all ethnicities, all religions, all cultures, etc. Perhaps the two of you would like to go to Afghanistan and join that group which has those little boys dress up as girls. They only use their wives to have children, but their preferences are these little boys. I think you two would fit in right well there.

Hossfly, you ignorant shitpounder, even by jewish shrink standards, most of the child molestation in the Catholic church is homosexual in nature, not pedophile in nature, and not heterosexual in nature. The point being, shithead, is that the Catholic Church could have protected these children by kicking homosexuals to the curb. Man, you're such a fucktard.
I cannot imagine which Catholic church you are affiliated with, but the one I am familiar with has gleefully persecuted homosexuals for its entire history...the irony is that the Vatican created such an atmosphere of fear for homosexuals and lesbians that the perfect shelter for their sexual identities was the church itself...who would ask why a middle-age Priest was unmarried?? The Catholic pulpit has long declared homosexuality a sin...listen to the rants...listen to the comments of the head of the Catholic league....sheesh!!!!

This wikipedia entry presents the evidence showing that your are wrong about the Catholic church. "The Church has stated that homosexual desires or attractions themselves are not sinful." Compare to Jesus saying looking with lust is a sin. Matthew 5:28.

As for unmarried middle-age priests, most people choose to become priests as teenagers, long before they're looking for an excuse not to be married.
I cannot imagine which Catholic church you are affiliated with, but the one I am familiar with has gleefully persecuted homosexuals for its entire history...the irony is that the Vatican created such an atmosphere of fear for homosexuals and lesbians that the perfect shelter for their sexual identities was the church itself...who would ask why a middle-age Priest was unmarried?? The Catholic pulpit has long declared homosexuality a sin...listen to the rants...listen to the comments of the head of the Catholic league....sheesh!!!!

This wikipedia entry presents the evidence showing that your are wrong about the Catholic church. "The Church has stated that homosexual desires or attractions themselves are not sinful."

OK, why would you distort what that site says? Are you that desperate to make your bones? Are you a sexually tormented soul?
"In Roman Catholicism, homosexual acts are considered contrary to natural law and sinful, while homosexual desires are considered "disordered" but not themselves sinful."
OK, why would you distort what that site says? Are you that desperate to make your bones? Are you a sexually tormented soul?
"In Roman Catholicism, homosexual acts are considered contrary to natural law and sinful, while homosexual desires are considered "disordered" but not themselves sinful."

We're talking about celibate priests. The Catholic Church doesn't believe homosexuality to be a sin, therefore they let homosexuals into the priesthood. There's no issue about letting practicing homosexuals into the priesthood. They don't do it.

Sinful desire is sin. Sin is in the heart, not the act.
OK, why would you distort what that site says? Are you that desperate to make your bones? Are you a sexually tormented soul?
"In Roman Catholicism, homosexual acts are considered contrary to natural law and sinful, while homosexual desires are considered "disordered" but not themselves sinful."

We're talking about celibate priests. The Catholic Church doesn't believe homosexuality to be a sin, therefore they let homosexuals into the priesthood. There's no issue about letting practicing homosexuals into the priesthood. They don't do it.

Sinful desire is sin. Sin is in the heart, not the act.

Your link specically says that "In Roman Catholicism, homosexual acts are considered contrary to natural law and sinful..." and whoever told you that sin is only in the heart, not in the act, lied.
Irose, why limit "Jew-hate" to Muslims and Arabs??? The entire world despises Jews---and always has...their communities have been expelled from every host culture they have entered for thousands of years...if we use 21st century Israel as an example, its easy to understand why...simply shouting "antisemite" tells us very little...try asking why there is so much of it

I have encountered many many people from entirely different backgrounds in the course of my life and have seen LOTS OF HATRED The most intense hatred I have seen is between IRANIAN MUSLIMS AND ARAB MUSLIMS I have never encountered anti semitism from HINDUS, ZOROASTRIANS or BUDDHISTS including hindus and zoroastrians and buddhists who have lived in cities with jews and closely encountered jews.
The most significantly anti semitic people historically have been christians and muslims ----for the same reason that muslims hate BAHAIS Jews rejected the religion of both the muslims and the christians who both believed that they had come up with a kind of IMPROVED VERSION OF JUDAISM Muslims hate Bahais because Bahais reject aspects of islam As to the hated between arab muslims and iranian muslims---it took me a few years to learn about the shiite sunni feud-----but only minutes to see the intense hatred

------did you know that even today sunnis and shiites are killing each other ASK YOURSELF ---WHY? who are the scum in that situation?

Rosie, Can I ask if you're a Hebrew speaker?

Lipush motek-----uhm shalom uhm ma nishmah well that's about it
Why is this even being spoken about on here. Anyone with brains realizes that there are Gay people and pedophiles from all walks of life, all ethnicities, all religions, all cultures, etc. Perhaps the two of you would like to go to Afghanistan and join that group which has those little boys dress up as girls. They only use their wives to have children, but their preferences are these little boys. I think you two would fit in right well there.

Hossfly, you ignorant shitpounder, even by jewish shrink standards, most of the child molestation in the Catholic church is homosexual in nature, not pedophile in nature, and not heterosexual in nature. The point being, shithead, is that the Catholic Church could have protected these children by kicking homosexuals to the curb. Man, you're such a fucktard.
Curb your foul tongue, Ariux. It only shows your childlike qualities.
OK, why would you distort what that site says? Are you that desperate to make your bones? Are you a sexually tormented soul?
"In Roman Catholicism, homosexual acts are considered contrary to natural law and sinful, while homosexual desires are considered "disordered" but not themselves sinful."

We're talking about celibate priests. The Catholic Church doesn't believe homosexuality to be a sin, therefore they let homosexuals into the priesthood. There's no issue about letting practicing homosexuals into the priesthood. They don't do it.

Sinful desire is sin. Sin is in the heart, not the act.

Your link specically says that "In Roman Catholicism, homosexual acts are considered contrary to natural law and sinful..." and whoever told you that sin is only in the heart, not in the act, lied.
Sounds like Ariux is one of these pre Vatican II Mel Gibson type Jew haters, who still claims that the "Christ killing Jews killed God". Yup, the Jews actually managed to outsmart even God Almighty. LOL.

With subhumans like Ariux there is nothing you can do. Its hatred was ingrained since early childhood in its upbringing and environment. Just observe it as a specimen and reminder of the mentality that brought about the Nazi Holocaust, pogroms and various genocides throughout history.
Your link specically says that "In Roman Catholicism, homosexual acts are considered contrary to natural law and sinful..." and whoever told you that sin is only in the heart, not in the act, lied.

The Roman Catholic issue is about knowingly letting homosexual men into the priesthood, men who have a desire for men, not men who practice homosexual acts. (Homosexual sin or not a sin, it's still a very dangerous thing to do, as proven by the molestation scandal.) It's like you have no understanding of the issues.

How can sin be in the act if there's no sinful desire behind the act? And, if there's sinful desire that makes the act a sin, then it's the desire that's really the sin.
Your link specically says that "In Roman Catholicism, homosexual acts are considered contrary to natural law and sinful..." and whoever told you that sin is only in the heart, not in the act, lied.

The Roman Catholic issue is about knowingly letting homosexual men into the priesthood, men who have a desire for men, not men who practice homosexual acts. (Homosexual sin or not a sin, it's still a very dangerous thing to do, as proven by the molestation scandal.) It's like you have no understanding of the issues.

How can sin be in the act if there's no sinful desire behind the act? And, if there's sinful desire that makes the act a sin, then it's the desire that's really the sin.
Ariuz learned all about the talmud from TWO SEPARATE catechism
teachers over there in his school SAINT BUGGERTHEASS
in after class lessons he loved it and always wanted to
learn MORE and MORE and MORE --
Why is this even being spoken about on here. Anyone with brains realizes that there are Gay people and pedophiles from all walks of life, all ethnicities, all religions, all cultures, etc. Perhaps the two of you would like to go to Afghanistan and join that group which has those little boys dress up as girls. They only use their wives to have children, but their preferences are these little boys. I think you two would fit in right well there.

Hossfly, you ignorant shitpounder, even by jewish shrink standards, most of the child molestation in the Catholic church is homosexual in nature, not pedophile in nature, and not heterosexual in nature. The point being, shithead, is that the Catholic Church could have protected these children by kicking homosexuals to the curb. Man, you're such a fucktard.
Curb your foul tongue, Ariux. It only shows your childlike qualities.

Yes, Ariux has proven his childish nature and arrested development with his name-calling, etc.

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