Israel has the most moral army in the world

Today, nearly all the westernized Armed Forces have made the turn from "warrior" to the "warfighter" (Professionals Soldier). But in doing so, they have become overwhelmed with the Customary IHL and the Priority Targeting as an effective combat operator.
One of the striking difference between the IDF and the Arab Palestinians is that it does not have the ability to recognize its history or its own character for what it is.


The part quoted is pure Hasbara B.S.

The IDF has a history of plunder and looting (Spoils) both in 1948, 1967, and the Lebanon wars
A basic tennet of Islam is (Sacrifice) for the people/religion.
Discipline? Often hard to tell the IDF and the Islamic Resistance apart, equally good and equally bad depending on the unit and circumstances at the time.
IDF provokes violence, so it can "retaliate" to "restore Law and Order" as it was originally taught to do by Orde Wingate. The Islamic Resistance's violence is mainly reactive.

I've always liked this cartoon. The superficial meme we are meant to take from this is that the IDF protects it's civillians, while the Islamic Resistance hides behind it's civillians. The reality however, is that although the Islamic Resistance might hit civillians using wildly inaccurate and unreliable weapons, it's main focus is killing the IDF, whereas the IDF is quite prepared to kill 100 civilians in order to kill 1 resistance fighter. As I've said before, if you have the capability to conduct precision strikes, there can be no justification to obliterate whole neighbourhoods.

So it must be true then if rat boy here says it is hasbara B.S.

Then comes out with his own islamonazi B.S. about how the Palestinian terrorist main focus is killing the IDF. Then maybe he can explain why they mostly target children as shown by the evidence. Silly things like blowing up school buses with anti tank weapons, kidnapping children before sodomising them and torturing them to death and lastly digging tunnels under Israeli schools and priming them with H.E. set to be exploded when the schools are full.

With that in mind there is every provocation to destroy all of gaza and to flatten it so no stone is left standing. He also forgets that the Palestinians elect to engage in war from civilian areas contrary to IHL and the Geneva Conventions in the hope that the areas get destroyed and civilians get killed for the propaganda it generates. Only the brain dead and terrorist supporters see this as an Israeli war crime
Israel regularly bombs family homes knowingly and willingly killing entire families.

Israel also regularly destroys shelter and livelihood of Palestinians.


apart from your usual islamonazi propaganda
Israel regularly bombs family homes knowingly and willingly killing entire families.

Israel also regularly destroys shelter and livelihood of Palestinians.

Palestinians regularly fire unguided rockets into Israel as a form of terrorism.

More often than not as a form of retaliation. Had the French Resistance found a way to fire unguided rockets into Nazi Germany, would you have called them "terrorists" or "inventive"?

Retaliation to Israel destroying the illegal rocket launch sites in civilian areas.

All you are doing is showing that the Palestinians are the immoral ones by placing the lives of their children at risk
Challenger, et al,

You might very well be correct here.

• By contrast, the “Core Values” of the British Army are:

 Selfless Commitment
 Courage
 Discipline
 Integrity
 Loyalty
 Respect for Others

I was surprised by this, as when I served we were taught none of this. Apparently these came in in 2008. In my day it was loyalty to the regiment and don't let your mates down, never volunteer and don't get caught.

I actually don't seen them before that date.

Most Respectfully,

7 year old islamonazi pallywood propaganda. One of your worst efforts at deflection and derailment yet

You should watch the video. You might learn something.

I know, I am being optimistic.

I doubt it as all you post is islamonazi propaganda that supports your POV. You never post anything that is close to reality

Oh really, what did they say that was incorrect?
Hmmm...................a comparison eh? Just out of curiosity, what standing army of an actual country (ISIL and terrorist organizations not allowed), do you think is the LEAST moral, as compared to the IDF?

russia's, then iran, then syria, with almost no difference between them. All three ignore the GC and have repeatedly targeted civilians without any concern about committing war crimes in syria and elsewhere.
More often than not as a form of retaliation. Had the French Resistance found a way to fire unguided rockets into Nazi Germany, would you have called them "terrorists" or "inventive"?

It is posts like this that confirm my belief that almost all of those who support the fakestinians are the absolute bottom of society, have very low intelligence, and are on someone's payroll in many cases - complete failures in life that they have clinged to this "cause" as a means to try and make themselves relevant in world that they have really no impact on whatsoever. The "arguments" they make often do not even apply, or in this case, actually work against them - but they are too stupid to grasp how that is so.

Did the french resistance or any other resistance, including the polish, dutch or ukraininan target german civilians? What about the jews who were specifically targeted by the germans?

You are the walking embodiment of why the pal arabs have been on the losing side of a 70-year conflict.

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