Islamic State terror fighters guzzle RED BULL to fuel their stamina


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Maybe we should all starting drinking Red Bull if it is that effective, but I think I will stick with the caffeine I get from the cups of coffee I drink in the morning.

Islamic State terror fighters guzzle RED BULL to fuel their stamina
ISLAMIC STATE fighters in Syria and Iraq are fuelling their battlefield stamina with RED BULL energy drinks.
By: Rebecca Perring & Alan Hall
Published: Mon, November 10, 2014




Truckloads of the popular high-caffeine drink are daily shipped across the border from Turkey
Truckloads of the popular high-caffeine drink are daily shipped in lorries across the border from Turkey into Syria for the extremists.

Not only do the front-line fighters get more stamina, but commanders of the terror group - also known as ISIS or ISIL - are thought to be charging fees to traders, generating money for more weapons.

Mustafa Yilmaz, owner of Turkish trucking company Cem-Ay Transport, said: "While cement, vegetable oil, bulgur wheat, flour, salt and tinned fruit are popular, it is Red Bull that is most sought after by ISIS fighters.

"Every day we have four or five trucks carrying Red Bulls to Syria.

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Islamic State terror fighters drink red bull to fuel their stamina World News Daily Express

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