Islamic clerics issue fatwa against living on Mars

Emirati wannabe space traveller: ‘Fatwa won’t stop me in my Mars mission’

7DAYS February 23, 2014

Despite a fatwa being issued last week in the UAE against Muslims making a one-way trip to Mars, a candidate planning to embark on the mission says it hasn’t put him off the epic journey.

The fatwa committee under the UAE’s General Authority of Isla*mic Affairs and Endowment (AWQAF) said Muslims cannot follow a proper Islamic way of life outside of planet Earth.

The Islamic ruling is influenced by the Mars One mission that is planning to establish permanent residency on the Red Planet by 2020. A mufti from AWQAF said going outside of Earth can be considered as “suicide”.

“If a person is to go and live on Mars, he cannot pray or fast properly. He will be putting himself in danger because the new planet can bring unexpected dangers,” the mufti said. However, the Emirati shortlisted candidate for the Mars residency, Khalid Al Jaaidi, said the fatwa has not affected his plans at all.

He said: “The fatwa does not make sense to me. If going to Mars is a suicide mission, than driving a car and crossing the street should be suicide too, because it is quite dangerous too.

“The only problem I see with living a normal Muslim life there is being able to fast properly because there will be two moons. Rulings like this will limit the amount of scientific breakthroughs we can discover.”

Al Jaaidi believes the reasons behind issuing the fatwa are “just not strong enough”. The Emirati has passed the medical examinations and will now be interviewed by the Martian committee in the next stage of the process for selection for the mission. If he passes, Al Jaaidi will begin his training in a simulated Mars environment.

The Mars One team responded to the fatwa on their website and requested AWQAF to withdraw it. They also said they are willing to work with the fatwa committee and invited the Islamic scholars to “assess the risk of the mission” while it is still in its’ training phase.

The Mars One team explained that before humans reach the Red Planet, there will be eight robotic unmanned vehicles that will prepare a habitable settlement.

“Water and a breathable atmosphere will be produced inside the habitat and the settlement will be operational for two years, even before the first crew leaves Earth,” the statement said.
Ya sure you fucking wanker, go to Mecca, the center of Islam (did you know?) and yell out to people to give up sharia and stop beating their wives, and selling their children. And I'll set up a pool where everyone here will bet on how many minutes it'll take for you to be beheaded. The koran allows all these things, so if you're against sharia and all that, you're not even a real muslim anyways.

And your pictures look like a 4th world shithole not fit for anyone but muslims.

Your hate has eaten away at your very soul.

I hope you recover.
Sadly it is not just wives, but women in general can be victims to rape and abuse by muslims.

The same goes for the U.S. army.

U.S. soldier who raped 14-year-old Iraqi and killed her family is spared death sentence | Mail Online

These American soldiers gang raped a 14 year old girl and murdered her whole family in an attempt to cover their crime.
The official reaction was to pop them into prison but refuse the death penalty. Pretty much official 'letting them off'.

You give me a gang rape by Muslims and I'll respond by linking to one by Americans.
A few events hardly make the whole guilty or, if your argument is valid, you have to suggest ALL American men are rapists.

Now, we can stop being silly and admit both groups have rapists, drug dealers and so on, or we could exchange stories of rape and accuse all of each group because some of that group engage in such things.

Stereotypes just don't work.
Hold the phone.

BBC News - Convicted US war criminal Steven Green dead in 'suicide'

19 February 2014

The ringleader of a group of US soldiers who raped an Iraqi girl and murdered her and her family has been found dead in an apparent suicide.

Steven Dale Green, 28, was found on Saturday in his cell at a federal prison in Arizona where he was serving multiple life sentences.

In 2006 he raped Abeer Qassim al-Janabi, 14, before killing her and set her body on fire.

That's one turn flushed down the toilet. How about the others?

Spielman, Cortez and Barker were tried in a military court and are serving lengthy sentences in a military prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, technically eligible for parole in 2015.

They murdered a bunch of people and gang raped a child but their "lengthy sentences" could be over by next year.

American women beware, American rapists are on your streets and American officials condone their crimes.
This gets worse.

Home - Support for Jesse Spielman

A stars and stripes adorned website, inviting Americans to support a rapist and murderer, making up excuses for their crimes and inviting cash support for murder and rape.

The families stand by their rapist, murdering sons, hoping for military support to get them off.

Kin hope military will support soldier - Houston Chronicle

There are loads of other sites, all asking for support and cash to get convicted white American murderers and rapists out of prison.
Sadly it is not just wives, but women in general can be victims to rape and abuse by muslims.

The same goes for the U.S. army.

U.S. soldier who raped 14-year-old Iraqi and killed her family is spared death sentence | Mail Online

These American soldiers gang raped a 14 year old girl and murdered her whole family in an attempt to cover their crime.
The official reaction was to pop them into prison but refuse the death penalty. Pretty much official 'letting them off'.

You give me a gang rape by Muslims and I'll respond by linking to one by Americans.
A few events hardly make the whole guilty or, if your argument is valid, you have to suggest ALL American men are rapists.

Now, we can stop being silly and admit both groups have rapists, drug dealers and so on, or we could exchange stories of rape and accuse all of each group because some of that group engage in such things.

Stereotypes just don't work.

Try again freddie-----of the 1/4 million rapes comitted by the west pakistani
army in 1971-----NOT ONE was prosecuted as a crime------and of the hundreds of
thousands of rapes comitted by the boys of Khartoum in south sudan----not
one has been prosecuted as a crime for more unprosecuted rapes----
read the koran. Hubby carries a family legacy of ------rape murder victims---
also victims of jihadi boys never prosecuted in the shariah cesspit of his birth
Sadly it is not just wives, but women in general can be victims to rape and abuse by muslims.

The same goes for the U.S. army.

U.S. soldier who raped 14-year-old Iraqi and killed her family is spared death sentence | Mail Online

These American soldiers gang raped a 14 year old girl and murdered her whole family in an attempt to cover their crime.
The official reaction was to pop them into prison but refuse the death penalty. Pretty much official 'letting them off'.

You give me a gang rape by Muslims and I'll respond by linking to one by Americans.
A few events hardly make the whole guilty or, if your argument is valid, you have to suggest ALL American men are rapists.

Now, we can stop being silly and admit both groups have rapists, drug dealers and so on, or we could exchange stories of rape and accuse all of each group because some of that group engage in such things.

Stereotypes just don't work.

Try again freddie-----of the 1/4 million rapes comitted by the west pakistani
army in 1971-----NOT ONE was prosecuted as a crime------and of the hundreds of
thousands of rapes comitted by the boys of Khartoum in south sudan----not
one has been prosecuted as a crime for more unprosecuted rapes----
read the koran. Hubby carries a family legacy of ------rape murder victims---
also victims of jihadi boys never prosecuted in the shariah cesspit of his birth

Is that the same as Jewish IDF soldiers who rape their mate's daughters?

Perhaps IDF soldier rape their female counterparts so many times is your senior officers say it's fine to rape.

General Staff document: Large rise in number of rapes in IDF Israel News | Haaretz

IDF colonel-rabbi implies: Rape is permitted in war | +972 Magazine

I think you should try to sort out your own Jew on Jew mass rape problem before you start on other people.
The same goes for the U.S. army.

U.S. soldier who raped 14-year-old Iraqi and killed her family is spared death sentence | Mail Online

These American soldiers gang raped a 14 year old girl and murdered her whole family in an attempt to cover their crime.
The official reaction was to pop them into prison but refuse the death penalty. Pretty much official 'letting them off'.

You give me a gang rape by Muslims and I'll respond by linking to one by Americans.
A few events hardly make the whole guilty or, if your argument is valid, you have to suggest ALL American men are rapists.

Now, we can stop being silly and admit both groups have rapists, drug dealers and so on, or we could exchange stories of rape and accuse all of each group because some of that group engage in such things.

Stereotypes just don't work.

Try again freddie-----of the 1/4 million rapes comitted by the west pakistani
army in 1971-----NOT ONE was prosecuted as a crime------and of the hundreds of
thousands of rapes comitted by the boys of Khartoum in south sudan----not
one has been prosecuted as a crime for more unprosecuted rapes----
read the koran. Hubby carries a family legacy of ------rape murder victims---
also victims of jihadi boys never prosecuted in the shariah cesspit of his birth

Is that the same as Jewish IDF soldiers who rape their mate's daughters?

Perhaps IDF soldier rape their female counterparts so many times is your senior officers say it's fine to rape.

General Staff document: Large rise in number of rapes in IDF Israel News | Haaretz

IDF colonel-rabbi implies: Rape is permitted in war | +972 Magazine

I think you should try to sort out your own Jew on Jew mass rape problem before you start on other people.

There is no Jew on Jew mass rape problem-----your Imam lied The IDF ----just as
the US military----defines ANY sex between officers and non officers in the military as

"IMPLIES" ??? roflmao

oh----btw ----an honest colleague of mine-----pakistani----told me in response to
a bit of a scandal-----"this stuff happens in pakistan all the time----but any girl
who opens her mouth about it will be dead before the next morning.

In fact---rape of non muslims by muslims is legal in the stench of islamic law---face
The same goes for the U.S. army.

U.S. soldier who raped 14-year-old Iraqi and killed her family is spared death sentence | Mail Online

These American soldiers gang raped a 14 year old girl and murdered her whole family in an attempt to cover their crime.
The official reaction was to pop them into prison but refuse the death penalty. Pretty much official 'letting them off'.

You give me a gang rape by Muslims and I'll respond by linking to one by Americans.
A few events hardly make the whole guilty or, if your argument is valid, you have to suggest ALL American men are rapists.

Now, we can stop being silly and admit both groups have rapists, drug dealers and so on, or we could exchange stories of rape and accuse all of each group because some of that group engage in such things.

Stereotypes just don't work.

Try again freddie-----of the 1/4 million rapes comitted by the west pakistani
army in 1971-----NOT ONE was prosecuted as a crime------and of the hundreds of
thousands of rapes comitted by the boys of Khartoum in south sudan----not
one has been prosecuted as a crime for more unprosecuted rapes----
read the koran. Hubby carries a family legacy of ------rape murder victims---
also victims of jihadi boys never prosecuted in the shariah cesspit of his birth

Is that the same as Jewish IDF soldiers who rape their mate's daughters?

Perhaps IDF soldier rape their female counterparts so many times is your senior officers say it's fine to rape.

General Staff document: Large rise in number of rapes in IDF Israel News | Haaretz

IDF colonel-rabbi implies: Rape is permitted in war | +972 Magazine

I think you should try to sort out your own Jew on Jew mass rape problem before you start on other people.

Extenuating circumstances such as the girl lying about her age being 17; was already sexually experiences; had mental, behavioral and promiscuity problems in the past, before arriving on that particular base with her father; intentionally approached and seduced/wanted to have sex with the soldiers; all have to be considered. Soldiers had no idea about her true age. She did this to 17 soldiers over a three year period. Her father was well aware of her problems and could not or would not take steps to protect her from herself or make the base aware so soldiers would look out for her and not let her come on to them.
If Muslims pray daily facing Mecca, but they're on Mars which is orbiting the Sun, and the Earth may or may not be visible, how would they orient? Face the Sun and hope that's close enough? What about during the year or so trip there/back, or travelling in space in general? What about, in the distant future when we're left the solar system altogether? Facing the Sun would be possible, but you'd have no hope of being spot-on facing even the Earth.

Does Islam have provisions enabling observances with 'best-effort' attempts?
If Muslims pray daily facing Mecca, but they're on Mars which is orbiting the Sun, and the Earth may or may not be visible, how would they orient? Face the Sun and hope that's close enough? What about during the year or so trip there/back, or travelling in space in general? What about, in the distant future when we're left the solar system altogether? Facing the Sun would be possible, but you'd have no hope of being spot-on facing even the Earth.

Does Islam have provisions enabling observances with 'best-effort' attempts?
Great question! Maybe we should post this in LOL
If Muslims pray daily facing Mecca, but they're on Mars which is orbiting the Sun, and the Earth may or may not be visible, how would they orient? Face the Sun and hope that's close enough? What about during the year or so trip there/back, or travelling in space in general? What about, in the distant future when we're left the solar system altogether? Facing the Sun would be possible, but you'd have no hope of being spot-on facing even the Earth.

Does Islam have provisions enabling observances with 'best-effort' attempts?
Great question! Maybe we should post this in LOL

How would zero gravity affect the prayer mats and the ritual washing of the feet, hands, arms and nostrils. And were would they find the stones to use as toilet paper in space. Just thinking about the way they defecate makes me wonder how much suction will be needed on one of those squat crappers to stop the crap from floating al round the space craft.
If Muslims pray daily facing Mecca, but they're on Mars which is orbiting the Sun, and the Earth may or may not be visible, how would they orient? Face the Sun and hope that's close enough? What about during the year or so trip there/back, or travelling in space in general? What about, in the distant future when we're left the solar system altogether? Facing the Sun would be possible, but you'd have no hope of being spot-on facing even the Earth.

Does Islam have provisions enabling observances with 'best-effort' attempts?
Great question! Maybe we should post this in LOL

How would zero gravity affect the prayer mats and the ritual washing of the feet, hands, arms and nostrils. And were would they find the stones to use as toilet paper in space. Just thinking about the way they defecate makes me wonder how much suction will be needed on one of those squat crappers to stop the crap from floating al round the space craft.
These are great questions to post on - Ask a question

I would love to hear their responses!
If Muslims pray daily facing Mecca, but they're on Mars which is orbiting the Sun, and the Earth may or may not be visible, how would they orient? Face the Sun and hope that's close enough? What about during the year or so trip there/back, or travelling in space in general? What about, in the distant future when we're left the solar system altogether? Facing the Sun would be possible, but you'd have no hope of being spot-on facing even the Earth.

Does Islam have provisions enabling observances with 'best-effort' attempts?
Great question! Maybe we should post this in LOL

How would zero gravity affect the prayer mats and the ritual washing of the feet, hands, arms and nostrils. And were would they find the stones to use as toilet paper in space. Just thinking about the way they defecate makes me wonder how much suction will be needed on one of those squat crappers to stop the crap from floating al round the space craft.

Planets, mass, have a gravity though sticky corners can keep carpets securely down and a pointer or picture of a qibla can indicate the direction of earth and therefore mecca. If muslims can go to space, they can go to Mars. If god created the heavens and earth then god will accept prayers from wherever one happens to be and what ever schedule one keeps since they won't be keeping earth time. In zero gravity virtual prayer beads on an iPad or digital wrist watch with a lap counter are more likely than real prayer beads and prostrating will have to be replaced with just hand movements.

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