Zone1 "Islam saved Jewry." Professor of Jewish Studies

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
The article “So, what did the Muslims do for the Jews?” by David J Wasserstein published in The Jewish Chronicle discusses the contributions of Muslims to Jewish culture and society. The author argues that the Islamic Golden Age (8th-13th centuries) was a period of great intellectual and cultural exchange between Jews and Muslims. During this time, Jews were able to flourish under Muslim rule, and many Jewish scholars made significant contributions to Islamic thought and culture. The article also highlights the role of Muslims in protecting Jews during the Holocaust.

The author notes that the Islamic Golden Age was a time of great intellectual and cultural exchange between Jews and Muslims. During this time, Jews were able to flourish under Muslim rule, and many Jewish scholars made significant contributions to Islamic thought and culture. The author also highlights the role of Muslims in protecting Jews during the Holocaust. For example, the Grand Mosque of Paris provided shelter and protection to Jews during the Nazi occupation of France. The article also discusses the contributions of Muslim scholars to Jewish philosophy, science, and medicine.

The article further notes that the relationship between Jews and Muslims has not always been positive. The author acknowledges that there have been periods of conflict and tension between the two groups throughout history. However, he argues that the Islamic Golden Age represents a time of great cooperation and mutual respect between Jews and Muslims. The author concludes by calling for greater understanding and dialogue between Jews and Muslims in the modern world.

The article “So, what did the Muslims do for the Jews?” by David J Wasserstein published in The Jewish Chronicle discusses the contributions of Muslims to Jewish culture and society. The author argues that the Islamic Golden Age (8th-13th centuries) was a period of great intellectual and cultural exchange between Jews and Muslims. During this time, Jews were able to flourish under Muslim rule, and many Jewish scholars made significant contributions to Islamic thought and culture. The article also highlights the role of Muslims in protecting Jews during the Holocaust.

The author notes that the Islamic Golden Age was a time of great intellectual and cultural exchange between Jews and Muslims. During this time, Jews were able to flourish under Muslim rule, and many Jewish scholars made significant contributions to Islamic thought and culture. The author also highlights the role of Muslims in protecting Jews during the Holocaust. For example, the Grand Mosque of Paris provided shelter and protection to Jews during the Nazi occupation of France. The article also discusses the contributions of Muslim scholars to Jewish philosophy, science, and medicine.

The article further notes that the relationship between Jews and Muslims has not always been positive. The author acknowledges that there have been periods of conflict and tension between the two groups throughout history. However, he argues that the Islamic Golden Age represents a time of great cooperation and mutual respect between Jews and Muslims. The author concludes by calling for greater understanding and dialogue between Jews and Muslims in the modern world.

Your OP is idiotic-----a more realistic statement would be JUDAISM SAVED
ISLAM Even Salaadin could not function without a jewish doctor----Jewish
doctors have saved the lives of millions of muslims
The article “So, what did the Muslims do for the Jews?” by David J Wasserstein published in The Jewish Chronicle discusses the contributions of Muslims to Jewish culture and society. The author argues that the Islamic Golden Age (8th-13th centuries) was a period of great intellectual and cultural exchange between Jews and Muslims. During this time, Jews were able to flourish under Muslim rule, and many Jewish scholars made significant contributions to Islamic thought and culture. The article also highlights the role of Muslims in protecting Jews during the Holocaust.

The author notes that the Islamic Golden Age was a time of great intellectual and cultural exchange between Jews and Muslims. During this time, Jews were able to flourish under Muslim rule, and many Jewish scholars made significant contributions to Islamic thought and culture. The author also highlights the role of Muslims in protecting Jews during the Holocaust. For example, the Grand Mosque of Paris provided shelter and protection to Jews during the Nazi occupation of France. The article also discusses the contributions of Muslim scholars to Jewish philosophy, science, and medicine.

The article further notes that the relationship between Jews and Muslims has not always been positive. The author acknowledges that there have been periods of conflict and tension between the two groups throughout history. However, he argues that the Islamic Golden Age represents a time of great cooperation and mutual respect between Jews and Muslims. The author concludes by calling for greater understanding and dialogue between Jews and Muslims in the modern world.

Muslim contributions to civilization:

<insert sound of crickets >
Another interesting testimony:

Another interesting testimony:

View attachment 880931
more islamo nazi BS. Interesting reality. Saladin was not an arab---he was a BERBER--.
The Berbers were natives in many of the lands
which were pillaged, raped and claimed for
ISLAM by the minions of the rapist of Mecca in the "GLORIOUS" age of islamic conquest. The natives took to the hills of a whole bunch of such countries---Iran, Iraq, Syria---even Morocco. They are today the people arab muslims love to hate----to wit THE KURDS.
Kurds are, historically, a lot more friendly to Jews----who also fled the arab onslaughts. It happened that Saladin who was a big time
military genius---needed a doctor. It is probably his influence that leads to present day affinity of arab muslims for Jewish doctors---even in the USA. In any case SALADIN saved
MAIMONIDES from execution---muslims claimed him as a muslim----and since he was not he was accused of ----(gasp) APOSTASY ---
Saladin had lots of power and Maimonides as his personal and court physician----the rest
is history. Some poor muslim kids are still being taught that Maimonides was a muslim.---
a page in islamo nazi propaganda
more islamo nazi BS. Interesting reality. Saladin was not an arab---he was a BERBER--.
The Berbers were natives in many of the lands
which were pillaged, raped and claimed for
ISLAM by the minions of the rapist of Mecca in the "GLORIOUS" age of islamic conquest. The natives took to the hills of a whole bunch of such countries---Iran, Iraq, Syria---even Morocco. They are today the people arab muslims love to hate----to wit THE KURDS.
Kurds are, historically, a lot more friendly to Jews----who also fled the arab onslaughts. It happened that Saladin who was a big time
military genius---needed a doctor. It is probably his influence that leads to present day affinity of arab muslims for Jewish doctors---even in the USA. In any case SALADIN saved
MAIMONIDES from execution---muslims claimed him as a muslim----and since he was not he was accused of ----(gasp) APOSTASY ---
Saladin had lots of power and Maimonides as his personal and court physician----the rest
is history. Some poor muslim kids are still being taught that Maimonides was a muslim.---
a page in islamo nazi propaganda
more islamo nazi BS. Interesting reality. Saladin was not an arab---he was a BERBER--.
The Berbers were natives in many of the lands
which were pillaged, raped and claimed for
ISLAM by the minions of the rapist of Mecca in the "GLORIOUS" age of islamic conquest. The natives took to the hills of a whole bunch of such countries---Iran, Iraq, Syria---even Morocco. They are today the people arab muslims love to hate----to wit THE KURDS.
Kurds are, historically, a lot more friendly to Jews----who also fled the arab onslaughts. It happened that Saladin who was a big time
military genius---needed a doctor. It is probably his influence that leads to present day affinity of arab muslims for Jewish doctors---even in the USA. In any case SALADIN saved
MAIMONIDES from execution---muslims claimed him as a muslim----and since he was not he was accused of ----(gasp) APOSTASY ---
Saladin had lots of power and Maimonides as his personal and court physician----the rest
is history. Some poor muslim kids are still being taught that Maimonides was a muslim.---
a page in islamo nazi propaganda

Saladin was a Kurd. Wasn't he from Tikrit?
Saladin was a Kurd. Wasn't he from Tikrit?
lots of Berbers are or were KURDS. There were even jewish "kurds". As to the jews who escaped to the hills in northern Yemen----I do not think they are ever called "Kurds" (??) ---the "ethnic" lines are very blurred---kinda like
APPALACHIA where the descendants of scots and irish and welsh ----play
lots of Berbers are or were KURDS. There were even jewish "kurds". As to the jews who escaped to the hills in northern Yemen----I do not think they are ever called "Kurds" (??) ---the "ethnic" lines are very blurred---kinda like
APPALACHIA where the descendants of scots and irish and welsh ----play

Saladin was a Kurd from Iraq and a Sunni Muslim.
Saladin was a Kurd from Iraq and a Sunni Muslim.
right---a KURD---not an arab muslim---he was native to TIKRIT and his community escaped into the hills to ESCAPE the filth which were the minions of the rapist of Mecca. Mexico became "christian" with the murder of Montezuma and the invasion of the SPANIARDS---who imposed the stink and filth of INQUISITION on that land.
YOU MUST BE PROUD. Well Francis had the decency to apologize to the natives of Canada for the filth that gladdens your heart
At one point in history Muslims were making impressive advancements in math and science.
not really----there were christians, jews and zoroastrians living in areas controlled by muslims-----some of those named MUSLIMS ---were----anything BUT
right---a KURD---not an arab muslim---he was native to TIKRIT and his community escaped into the hills to ESCAPE the filth which were the minions of the rapist of Mecca. Mexico became "christian" with the murder of Montezuma and the invasion of the SPANIARDS---who imposed the stink and filth of INQUISITION on that land.
YOU MUST BE PROUD. Well Francis had the decency to apologize to the natives of Canada for the filth that gladdens your heart

You need to talk to someone.
The article “So, what did the Muslims do for the Jews?” by David J Wasserstein published in The Jewish Chronicle discusses the contributions of Muslims to Jewish culture and society. The author argues that the Islamic Golden Age (8th-13th centuries) was a period of great intellectual and cultural exchange between Jews and Muslims. During this time, Jews were able to flourish under Muslim rule, and many Jewish scholars made significant contributions to Islamic thought and culture. The article also highlights the role of Muslims in protecting Jews during the Holocaust.

The author notes that the Islamic Golden Age was a time of great intellectual and cultural exchange between Jews and Muslims. During this time, Jews were able to flourish under Muslim rule, and many Jewish scholars made significant contributions to Islamic thought and culture. The author also highlights the role of Muslims in protecting Jews during the Holocaust. For example, the Grand Mosque of Paris provided shelter and protection to Jews during the Nazi occupation of France. The article also discusses the contributions of Muslim scholars to Jewish philosophy, science, and medicine.

The article further notes that the relationship between Jews and Muslims has not always been positive. The author acknowledges that there have been periods of conflict and tension between the two groups throughout history. However, he argues that the Islamic Golden Age represents a time of great cooperation and mutual respect between Jews and Muslims. The author concludes by calling for greater understanding and dialogue between Jews and Muslims in the modern world.

surprising. … but once it was so
surprising. … but once it was so
not surprising at all. Jews were very VALUABLE to muslim rulers. Unlike the overwhelming majority of muslims-----the majority of jews were literate. Zoroastrians also had a much higher level of literacy than did muslims as did Christian clergy. Just as Saudi arabia and other oil rich nations IMPORT persons of the same groups they teach their children are legal targets of exploitation, rape and murder----when they NEED their expertise---the same was true back in the day during the "GOLDEN AGE OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST AND FILTH' Keep in mind---October 7 is lauded amongst muslim
How many Jews murdered by Crusaders?

During the Crusades alone, it is estimated that over a 100,000 European Jews were slaughtered.

The fate of the Jews (Arab and non-Arab alike) of Jerusalem was no less atrocious. During the first few hours of the carnage in Jerusalem, the entire small Jewish community of the holy city gathered in their own main synagogue to pray. The Western blond knights barricaded the exits and stacked all the bundles of wood they could find in a ring around the synagogue. The Temple was then put to the torch. Those Jews who managed to escape were massacred in the neighboring alleyways. The rest were burned alive. [39]

The monuments of saints and the tomb of Ibraheem (Abraham) were also completely destroyed by the Crusaders. One eyewitness wrote that at the Temple of Solomon, where about 10,000 Jews were slaughtered, "men rode in blood up to their knees and bridle reins." [40] In writing about the mutilated Jewish corpses that covered the Temple area, the priest Raymond of Aguilers joyfully quoted Psalm 118: "This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it." [41]

Vs Salahuddin:

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How many Jews murdered by Crusaders?

During the Crusades alone, it is estimated that over a 100,000 European Jews were slaughtered.

Vs Salahuddin:

View attachment 881285
that was SALADIN----the KURD----and his tight friendship with MAIMONIDES ---since that time jews in most lands infected by islam were subjected to GENOCIDE and the filth of shariah. My very own husband escaped the INFANT THROAT SLITTING PARTY of Aden, 1947 because his parents managed to escape that shariah shit hole before it happened. As it happens----the land in question committed
a comprehensive genocide in the name of allah and his rapist BF

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