ISIS withdraws from Aleppo


Nov 14, 2012
In recent days the ISIS Terrorist group threatened the other "rebel"-forces they would withdraw from Aleppo if these "rebel"-groups wold continue their offensive against ISIS. Now, they were beaten by the rebels and were allowed to leave if they would release their prisoners alive. ISIS already withdrew from the Turkish border areas and was beaten in several towns and cities in northern Syria. An ISIS spokesmen announced, that "We have armies in Iraq and Syria full of hungry lions, who drink their blood and consume their flesh, and they find nothing tastier than the blood," excluding the FSA from that statement and directing that not towards the Syrian government. The Syrian Arab Army in the meantime surrounds Aleppo and will re-take it totally in due time.

Meanwhile the Syrian government and the opposition agreed to allow humanitarian aid into some blocked-off parts of the scarred Mideast country.
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In recent days the ISIS Terrorist group threatened the other "rebel"-forces they would withdraw from Aleppo if these "rebel"-groups wold continue their offensive against ISIS. Now, they were beaten by the rebels and were allowed to leave if they would release their prisoners alive. ISIS already withdrew from the Turkish border areas and was beaten in several towns and cities in northern Syria. An ISIS spokesmen announced, that "We have armies in Iraq and Syria full of hungry lions, who drink their blood and consume their flesh, and they find nothing tastier than the blood," excluding the FSA from that statement and directing that not towards the Syrian government. The Syrian Arab Army in the meantime surrounds Aleppo and will re-take it totally in due time.

Meanwhile the Syrian government and the opposition agreed to allow humanitarian aid into some blocked-off parts of the scarred Mideast country.
Is the Hezbollah leader still hiding under the protective arms of Syria's Assad, or did he pack his bags and leave to another Muslim terrorist shithole? I bet you the pig is hiding in Iran now surrounded by women and children as human shields, of course. Just like they do back home in Palestine. LOL
Is the Hezbollah leader still hiding under the protective arms of Syria's Assad, or did he pack his bags and leave to another Muslim terrorist shithole? I bet you the pig is hiding in Iran now surrounded by women and children as human shields, of course. Just like they do back home in Palestine. LOL
Maybe you are in the wrong thread. This one is about opponents of the Syrian gov´t canceling each other.
Is the Hezbollah leader still hiding under the protective arms of Syria's Assad, or did he pack his bags and leave to another Muslim terrorist shithole? I bet you the pig is hiding in Iran now surrounded by women and children as human shields, of course. Just like they do back home in Palestine. LOL
Maybe you are in the wrong thread. This one is about opponents of the Syrian gov´t canceling each other.
Hey, I'm just wondering if the Hezbo leader is still hiding in Syria or not. You don't need to have such a hissy-fit over it.

As far as I'm concerned they're all terrorists if you ask me. Whether they be secular or religious it's a culture of thuggery and corruption. The Syrian people had a chance to free themselves from the shackles of a brutal dictator two years ago. Unfortunately the idiot we have in office today, refused to do anything, and the Islamists moved in like vultures. At this point it's too late and useless to do anything until this whole madness plays itself out. This is what happens when Americans vote for a weak knucklehead as president. There is a difference.
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Let us all join together & pray that both terrorist sides & all factions within the Syrian conflict reign victorious in rubbing each other out, until there are none. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Is the Hezbollah leader still hiding under the protective arms of Syria's Assad, or did he pack his bags and leave to another Muslim terrorist shithole? I bet you the pig is hiding in Iran now surrounded by women and children as human shields, of course. Just like they do back home in Palestine. LOL
Maybe you are in the wrong thread. This one is about opponents of the Syrian gov´t canceling each other.
Hey, I'm just wondering if the Hezbo leader is still hiding in Syria or not. You don't need to have such a hissy-fit over it.

As far as I'm concerned they're all terrorists if you ask me. Whether they be secular or religious it's a culture of thuggery and corruption. The Syrian people had a chance to free themselves from the shackles of a brutal dictator two years ago. Unfortunately the idiot we have in office today, refused to do anything, and the Islamists moved in like vultures. At this point it's too late and useless to do anything until this whole madness plays itself out. This is what happens when Americans vote for a weak knucklehead as president. There is a difference.
Let us all join together & pray that both terrorist sides & all factions within the Syrian conflict reign victorious in rubbing each other out, until there are none. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Maybe you are in the wrong thread. This one is about opponents of the Syrian gov´t canceling each other.
Hey, I'm just wondering if the Hezbo leader is still hiding in Syria or not. You don't need to have such a hissy-fit over it.

As far as I'm concerned they're all terrorists if you ask me. Whether they be secular or religious it's a culture of thuggery and corruption. The Syrian people had a chance to free themselves from the shackles of a brutal dictator two years ago. Unfortunately the idiot we have in office today, refused to do anything, and the Islamists moved in like vultures. At this point it's too late and useless to do anything until this whole madness plays itself out. This is what happens when Americans vote for a weak knucklehead as president. There is a difference.
Oh they'll be killing each other for the next few decades, at least.
Well here’s some good news. The “rebels” and Jihadists are going after each other.

Ah, Islamic logic... It isn't really logical, but it's the only logic that matters in the dar al-Islam,

Yes, when the ummah stray too far from the shari'ah, Allah must send a great godly wave of murder to cleanse His lands of that pesky not-so-devout Muslim buildup. And that's Islamic logic, kuffar.

Syria government takes advantage as rebels battle jihadists near Aleppo | GlobalPost

Syrian troops seized a rebel-held town north of Aleppo on Saturday and pushed toward the second city, taking advantage of fighting between rebels and jihadists elsewhere, activists said.
"Regime forces have taken over the area of Naqarin and are advancing towards the industrial area of Aleppo city," said the Aleppo Media Centre, a network of activists on the ground.
"This advance is clearly a result of the rebels being busy fighting Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant," activist Nazeer al-Khatib told AFP in a Skype call.
Zionists praying for death and destruction of others, why should a soul in this world be surprised by that?

My Prayers are for peace, not more bloodshed.
Zionists praying for death and destruction of others, why should a soul in this world be surprised by that?

My Prayers are for peace, not more bloodshed.

Oh gee----the very same meccaist who regularly prays to her dog 'god' for the annhilation
of Israel and dead jewish babies in the gutter-----who REJOICED when two innocent young
recruits died in a helicopter accident just because they were JOOOOS and who farted
out "I AM TIRED OF READING ABOUT IT" when innocent children were shot
to death in a school in the UAS----------------- And who warbled
with delight when an 85 year old man died of sickness in his own bed-----calling the death
kinda funny--------85 years old------it took quite a long time for the lump she
worships to DECIDE
Zionists praying for death and destruction of others, why should a soul in this world be surprised by that?

My Prayers are for peace, not more bloodshed.
Bullshit. You defend tyrants and Islamist terrorists, hellbound Jihad Sherri.
Zionists praying for death and destruction of others, why should a soul in this world be surprised by that?

My Prayers are for peace, not more bloodshed.


You hypocritical sack of shit !

You are the one who started a thread about two IAF pilots who died in accidental training crash. You thanked God for their deaths Sherri ! Two people you didn't know nothing about, yet you thanked God for their deaths and called them baby killers without providing any evidence for that.
Show me one Zionist who thanks God for the death of anyone.

Then you gloat over the death of Sharon.

You are a pathetic liar Sherri. And a pathetic human being.
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Zionists praying for death and destruction of others, why should a soul in this world be surprised by that?

My Prayers are for peace, not more bloodshed.

Oh gee----the very same meccaist who regularly prays to her dog 'god' for the annhilation
of Israel and dead jewish babies in the gutter-----who REJOICED when two innocent young
recruits died in a helicopter accident just because they were JOOOOS and who farted
out "I AM TIRED OF READING ABOUT IT" when innocent children were shot
to death in a school in the UAS----------------- And who warbled
with delight when an 85 year old man died of sickness in his own bed-----calling the death
kinda funny--------85 years old------it took quite a long time for the lump she
worships to DECIDE

I don't know any Arab who calls for the destruction of Israel.. They want a just peace, a state of their own and the return of Shaaba Farms and the Golan Heights.

As for Ariel Sharon dying in his own filth.. I am sure he was well-cared for.
A fine and just image is that, Arial Sharon dying in his own filth, never waking from an eight year God allowed coma.

Pitiful is another word that comes to mind.

A pitiful man dies and here in this thread his followers pray for death for others in Syria.

We all certainly see the face of Zionism in our world fully exposed.
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A fine and just image is that, Arial Sharon dying in his own filth, never waking from an eight year God allowed coma.

Pitiful is another word that comes to mind.

A pitiful man dies and here in this thread his followers pray for death for others in Syria.

We all certainly see the face of Zionism in our world fully exposed.

Ariel Sharon died at the age of 85----in the delicate care of those who loved him.
An interesting fact-----not learned by those who never read the bible and are---
IN GENERAL ignorant -----70 years is the age that MOSES (way back then)
mentioned in his prayer as the "LIVE SPAN OF MAN"-----Interestingly enough
he was absolutely right. Even today practioners of medicine consider
70----the age of the onset of senescence. Among the concepts of "the
people of the book" there is a concept of "AGE OF DEATH" a divine decree
based on ones "good works"----- Ariel Sharon lived beyond the
cut off age 70------which is ----in simplistic terms ----a symbol of
his USEFULNESS. Moses lived to 120 years-----an age jews continue
to ascribe to the concept of-----a reward. All of this stuff is sorta poetic----
but it does underline the filth of of the above poster------her great heroes----
eg the rapist pig of arabia and arafart and adolf abu ali------did not even
attain the given life span of 70 years and all died in filth------the rapist
screaming in agony, adolf abu ali with a bullet in his brain, and arafart---
infected with HIV. while the noble ARIEL SHARON died in the company
of his children-----and in the delicate care of those who love him-------
and whilst the isa-respecters continue to wallow in filth and as hey continue to
murder their own children
A fine and just image is that, Arial Sharon dying in his own filth, never waking from an eight year God allowed coma.

Pitiful is another word that comes to mind.

A pitiful man dies and here in this thread his followers pray for death for others in Syria.

We all certainly see the face of Zionism in our world fully exposed.

Ariel Sharon died at the age of 85----in the delicate care of those who loved him.
An interesting fact-----not learned by those who never read the bible and are---
IN GENERAL ignorant -----70 years is the age that MOSES (way back then)
mentioned in his prayer as the "LIVE SPAN OF MAN"-----Interestingly enough
he was absolutely right. Even today practioners of medicine consider
70----the age of the onset of senescence. Among the concepts of "the
people of the book" there is a concept of "AGE OF DEATH" a divine decree
based on ones "good works"----- Ariel Sharon lived beyond the
cut off age 70------which is ----in simplistic terms ----a symbol of
his USEFULNESS. Moses lived to 120 years-----an age jews continue
to ascribe to the concept of-----a reward. All of this stuff is sorta poetic----
but it does underline the filth of of the above poster------her great heroes----
eg the rapist pig of arabia and arafart and adolf abu ali------did not even
attain the given life span of 70 years and all died in filth------the rapist
screaming in agony, adolf abu ali with a bullet in his brain, and arafart---
infected with HIV. while the noble ARIEL SHARON died in the company
of his children-----and in the delicate care of those who love him-------
and whilst the isa-respecters continue to wallow in filth and as hey continue to
murder their own children

The great age of the Patriarchs is error.. attributed to scribes who used the counting method for sheaves of grain in stead of human years.
A fine and just image is that, Arial Sharon dying in his own filth, never waking from an eight year God allowed coma.

Pitiful is another word that comes to mind.

A pitiful man dies and here in this thread his followers pray for death for others in Syria.

We all certainly see the face of Zionism in our world fully exposed.

Ariel Sharon died at the age of 85----in the delicate care of those who loved him.
An interesting fact-----not learned by those who never read the bible and are---
IN GENERAL ignorant -----70 years is the age that MOSES (way back then)
mentioned in his prayer as the "LIVE SPAN OF MAN"-----Interestingly enough
he was absolutely right. Even today practioners of medicine consider
70----the age of the onset of senescence. Among the concepts of "the
people of the book" there is a concept of "AGE OF DEATH" a divine decree
based on ones "good works"----- Ariel Sharon lived beyond the
cut off age 70------which is ----in simplistic terms ----a symbol of
his USEFULNESS. Moses lived to 120 years-----an age jews continue
to ascribe to the concept of-----a reward. All of this stuff is sorta poetic----
but it does underline the filth of of the above poster------her great heroes----
eg the rapist pig of arabia and arafart and adolf abu ali------did not even
attain the given life span of 70 years and all died in filth------the rapist
screaming in agony, adolf abu ali with a bullet in his brain, and arafart---
infected with HIV. while the noble ARIEL SHARON died in the company
of his children-----and in the delicate care of those who love him-------
and whilst the isa-respecters continue to wallow in filth and as hey continue to
murder their own children

The great age of the Patriarchs is error.. attributed to scribes who used the counting method for sheaves of grain in stead of human years.

Try again ----MOSES is not one of the "PATRIARCHS" His age of death is
recorded at 120 years-------we are not talking about METHUSALAH. Moses,
himself-----described that life span of man as 70------excellent observation on his
part. age 70 is----even today considered a kind of "CUT OFF" age by
medical practioners. You made no point------except to demonstrate the fact
that you fail to grasp the actual value and STYLE of ancient scriptural writings
Ariel Sharon died at the age of 85----in the delicate care of those who loved him.
An interesting fact-----not learned by those who never read the bible and are---
IN GENERAL ignorant -----70 years is the age that MOSES (way back then)
mentioned in his prayer as the "LIVE SPAN OF MAN"-----Interestingly enough
he was absolutely right. Even today practioners of medicine consider
70----the age of the onset of senescence. Among the concepts of "the
people of the book" there is a concept of "AGE OF DEATH" a divine decree
based on ones "good works"----- Ariel Sharon lived beyond the
cut off age 70------which is ----in simplistic terms ----a symbol of
his USEFULNESS. Moses lived to 120 years-----an age jews continue
to ascribe to the concept of-----a reward. All of this stuff is sorta poetic----
but it does underline the filth of of the above poster------her great heroes----
eg the rapist pig of arabia and arafart and adolf abu ali------did not even
attain the given life span of 70 years and all died in filth------the rapist
screaming in agony, adolf abu ali with a bullet in his brain, and arafart---
infected with HIV. while the noble ARIEL SHARON died in the company
of his children-----and in the delicate care of those who love him-------
and whilst the isa-respecters continue to wallow in filth and as hey continue to
murder their own children

The great age of the Patriarchs is error.. attributed to scribes who used the counting method for sheaves of grain in stead of human years.

Try again ----MOSES is not one of the "PATRIARCHS" His age of death is
recorded at 120 years-------we are not talking about METHUSALAH. Moses,
himself-----described that life span of man as 70------excellent observation on his
part. age 70 is----even today considered a kind of "CUT OFF" age by
medical practioners. You made no point------except to demonstrate the fact
that you fail to grasp the actual value and STYLE of ancient scriptural writings

People in those times married young and started families.. To live to age 70 was considered great old age.

Or, do you also believe that Adam and Eve were 90 feet tall?
Is the Hezbollah leader still hiding under the protective arms of Syria's Assad, or did he pack his bags and leave to another Muslim terrorist shithole? I bet you the pig is hiding in Iran now surrounded by women and children as human shields, of course. Just like they do back home in Palestine. LOL
Maybe you are in the wrong thread. This one is about opponents of the Syrian gov´t canceling each other.

Damn I thought it was about Sterling Archer. Glad to hear ISIS will still be selling their cocaine.
Zionists praying for death and destruction of others, why should a soul in this world be surprised by that?

My Prayers are for peace, not more bloodshed.

Oh gee----the very same meccaist who regularly prays to her dog 'god' for the annhilation
of Israel and dead jewish babies in the gutter-----who REJOICED when two innocent young
recruits died in a helicopter accident just because they were JOOOOS and who farted
out "I AM TIRED OF READING ABOUT IT" when innocent children were shot
to death in a school in the UAS----------------- And who warbled
with delight when an 85 year old man died of sickness in his own bed-----calling the death
kinda funny--------85 years old------it took quite a long time for the lump she
worships to DECIDE

I don't know any Arab who calls for the destruction of Israel.. They want a just peace, a state of their own and the return of Shaaba Farms and the Golan Heights.

As for Ariel Sharon dying in his own filth.. I am sure he was well-cared for.

Would that be as in the peace that we see in Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon and Pakistan. They have 22 states already why do they need another one, time to take some back and we can start with Pakistan. They never owned Shaaba farms or the Golan heights did they, they were owned by Jews who bought them from the Ottoman rulers.

I wonder if Arafat died in his own filth like Mohamed did when he was poisoned by his Jewish sex slave.

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