ISIS throws man off roof to his death for being gay

The slavery system in the USA----in reference to black slaves was extremely primitive-----it was chattel slavery-----Islamic slavery is also chattel slavery------equally barbaric

I often think of those unfortunate Black Muslim women from Darfur, and how many were captured and made into slaves by Arab Muslims. Many of them who were lucky to get away are now living in tents in refugee camps in Chad.
I just said I found rape repulsive. I also said I was happy to see rapists strung up. Again, I would have preferred it done after due process.

I am not sure if you are just not clever enough to understand. The use of the U.S. was as an example of how even western law in a fairly recent period, was able to differentiate between crimes against slaves and non-slaves. I could have used the Republic of Venice which abolished slavery in 950. Most western countries abolished slavery before the U.S. became the U.S. so they weren't recent examples.

The bottom line here is that you tried to drag the U.S. in when it came to rape and slavery when it is your own Muslims friends who are doing the rape and slavery bit these days to an awful lot of people. Now I don't have someone playing musical chairs with me that my screen name is shown posting around the clock like yours, so you carry on like a little robot and I will have to catch up with you later while you keep on going like some Energizer Bunny.

No, I was trying to explain how slave owners behave and what their belief system was. The U.S. was used as the last western state with western laws that had legal slavery. Your conspiracy theories are not plausible, by the way. I don't have one Muslim friend, I just don't know any Muslims well enough. I was stationed in Muslim country while in the Army, but I had Muslim military colleagues who really never became friends, just work associates.

ok-----you were off topic.-----White southern slave owners raped their slaves----150 years ago-----in a part of the US.
Thanks for letting us know. I have had lots of muslim
friends and colleagues-------they were people at work----but
I did socialize and spent time in their homes and got to know
all about islam from them over many decades. In fact ----
I was in that situation during the 1971 war between west and east Pakistan------when 1/4 million girls were raped by the west Pakistani army.------None of those criminal acts
were prosecuted as crimes by West Pakistan-----not one-----because in accordance with ISLAMIC LAW----they were entirely legal. I will explain----in war RAPE of enemy girls is legal according to Islamic law if the girls are not muslims----
in order to deal with the problem that lots of the raped girls were muslims (also lots hindus---so that was ok) the clerics of west Pakistan made a DECLARATION OF TAKFIR----
which means-----the whole of EAST PAKISTAN was declared ----not muslim------so RAPE AWAY NOBLE JIHADIS----------so now you know why so much rape is
going on right not in the middle east ----IT'S LEGAL.

Rape of slaves was legal in roman and greek law of the ancient world-----but not in jewish law.
It was legal in Jewish law as long as the slave "recovered".

Exodus 21:21
"...but they (owners) are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property...."
Arab / Muslim slave trade made the Europeans look like amateurs, yet it is rarely spoken about. Slavery was such an integral part of the culture that the word black in Arabic and slave are one and the same.
So is the word for slave in Arabic "white" when the slave is white? Remember, we bombed the Barbary pirates because they were enslaving white Americans. "the shores of Tripoli" and all that.
So is the word for slave in Arabic "white" when the slave is white? Remember, we bombed the Barbary pirates because they were enslaving white Americans. "the shores of Tripoli" and all that.
the word for slave in Arabic is ABED------no matter what color the slave is. As a kind of slang----which is so standard that it is the Arabic language-----persons with black skin are called ABED (slave). Too complicated for you? try to cope---arabs (ie the natives of Arabia---Arabic speakers of the Arabian desert-)-----were involved in TRADE---because Arabia is situated on the SILK TRAIL-----arabs specialized in SLAVE TRADE---since they are also right on the road to sub-Saharan Africa from whence they took slaves------early on for
Egypt ----and the market expanded to Persia and Greece and to rome etc-------black slavery. Pre islam----MECCA was a
big time TRADING CENTER------considered kinda holy by the pre-Islamic arabs-----the CENTER OF THEIR CULTURE--- also the place where the black rock landed. Arabia depended on trade------it is largely desert. It did not develope a "culture" in the way that Mesopotamia and Egypt did because it could not sustain much agriculture
Arab / Muslim slave trade made the Europeans look like amateurs, yet it is rarely spoken about. Slavery was such an integral part of the culture that the word black in Arabic and slave are one and the same.

What is funny, Roudy, is that the dynamic musical chairs duo had to first bring up slavery in America. When that didn't quite work for them, they had to go way back in time to Biblical days. In ancient times there were many wars going on, and the warriors no doubt also brought back captives to use as slaves. However, today, in the 21st century, the Muslims are the ones still using slaves.
It was legal in Jewish law as long as the slave "recovered".

Exodus 21:21
"...but they (owners) are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property...."

wrong again-----the law is that if a slave is HARMED----if any blood is drawn or he loses a tooth or something like that ---he goes free. If he recovers----without harm-----the owner cannot be charged with attempted murder -----if he dies two weeks later---then the owner cannot be charged with murder because it cannot be determined that whatever harmed him killed him-----
why do you bother to discuss that which you do not know. The jewish laws of slavery were far and away more civilized than
anything in your disgusting background----in the filth of shariah---the owner can kill the slave -----LEGALLY or rape the slave LEGALLY.

I am fully aware of the source of your filth------I read the islamo Nazi pig propaganda long ago -----in pre-computer times
So is the word for slave in Arabic "white" when the slave is white? Remember, we bombed the Barbary pirates because they were enslaving white Americans. "the shores of Tripoli" and all that.
No you fucking idiot, you are missing the point entirely as usual.

Abd or Abdah in Arabic means slave, hence for example, the name "Abdullah" means slave to Allah. The Arabs mistreated Black Africans so badly that they only saw them as born slaves. Muslims still practice slavery.

It was legal in Jewish law as long as the slave "recovered".

Exodus 21:21
"...but they (owners) are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property...."

wrong again-----the law is that if a slave is HARMED----if any blood is drawn or he loses a tooth or something like that ---he goes free. If he recovers----without harm-----the owner cannot be charged with attempted murder -----if he dies two weeks later---then the owner cannot be charged with murder because it cannot be determined that whatever harmed him killed him-----
why do you bother to discuss that which you do not know. The jewish laws of slavery were far and away more civilized than
anything in your disgusting background----in the filth of shariah---the owner can kill the slave -----LEGALLY or rape the slave LEGALLY.

I am fully aware of the source of your filth------I read the islamo Nazi pig propaganda long ago -----in pre-computer times

It was Bible Gateway. Is that a Nazi site? Please let me know, I do not want to access Nazi sites.

"Exodus 21 21 ESV - But if the slave survives a day or two - Bible Gateway"
So is the word for slave in Arabic "white" when the slave is white? Remember, we bombed the Barbary pirates because they were enslaving white Americans. "the shores of Tripoli" and all that.
No you fucking idiot, you are missing the point entirely as usual.

Abd or Abdah in Arabic means slave, hence for example, the name "Abdullah" means slave to Allah. The Arabs mistreated Black Africans so badly that they only saw them as born slaves. Muslims still practice slavery.

So, "abd" or Abdah" means "black" in Arabic and also means slave whether the slave is black or white skinned. Although I always thought black was أسود in Arabic.

In any case, Arab slavers are a despicable bunch, I agree.
It was legal in Jewish law as long as the slave "recovered".

Exodus 21:21
"...but they (owners) are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property...."

wrong again-----the law is that if a slave is HARMED----if any blood is drawn or he loses a tooth or something like that ---he goes free. If he recovers----without harm-----the owner cannot be charged with attempted murder -----if he dies two weeks later---then the owner cannot be charged with murder because it cannot be determined that whatever harmed him killed him-----
why do you bother to discuss that which you do not know. The jewish laws of slavery were far and away more civilized than
anything in your disgusting background----in the filth of shariah---the owner can kill the slave -----LEGALLY or rape the slave LEGALLY.

I am fully aware of the source of your filth------I read the islamo Nazi pig propaganda long ago -----in pre-computer times

It was Bible Gateway. Is that a Nazi site? Please let me know, I do not want to access Nazi sites.

"Exodus 21 21 ESV - But if the slave survives a day or two - Bible Gateway"

I am not familiar with the site------I am familiar with the bible and jewish law. --------I have also been around and in the course of my LONG life have heard and read all kinds of misrepresentations of jewish law. ------really idiotic things.
I have no axe to grind about jewish law------I was brought up 100% secular-----never even attended those few hours after school things called "Hebrew school"----in fact as a kid I spent more time in presbyterian "sunday school" coloring cartoons of jesus holding a lamb----than in synagogues-----but----I do KNOW a lot more than the average wasp-----and---I later found out that I know a lot more than catholic divinity
students. Someday I will take a look at "gateway". Of course if you are interested in jewish law-----consult a jewish website. If you want to know something about shariah----ask me If you want to know about Hinduism and Taoism------ask someone else
So is the word for slave in Arabic "white" when the slave is white? Remember, we bombed the Barbary pirates because they were enslaving white Americans. "the shores of Tripoli" and all that.
No you fucking idiot, you are missing the point entirely as usual.

Abd or Abdah in Arabic means slave, hence for example, the name "Abdullah" means slave to Allah. The Arabs mistreated Black Africans so badly that they only saw them as born slaves. Muslims still practice slavery.

So, "abd" or Abdah" means "black" in Arabic and also means slave whether the slave is black or white skinned. Although I always thought black was أسود in Arabic.

In any case, Arab slavers are a despicable bunch, I agree.

still wrong Abd means slave in Arabic and arabs use the word to describe black people------is this concept too much for you?-------it's ok ----did you pass high school geometry-----in the past I tutored really dim kids to get them thru---simply
high school geometry-------feel free to ask questions
So, you believe that claiming someone far more educated than you are is dim will somehow make your case. Listen son, I have forgotten more than you will ever learn dimwit.
So, you believe that claiming someone far more educated than you are is dim will somehow make your case. Listen son, I have forgotten more than you will ever learn dimwit.

IRosie, I hope when you read this particular post of one of the musical chair duo you had a good laugh. This is like Comedy Central and the male of the team is behind the microphone at the moment.

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