Isis rebels 'hunt opponents', say refugees


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
So many people being needlessly murdered, so many displaced, just because of differing religious beliefs.

3 July 2014

Isis rebels 'hunt opponents', say refugees

Isis rebels have been methodically hunting down non-Sunnis and those opposed to the militants, refugees from the rebel-held towns have told the BBC.

Isis demanded officials and soldiers pledge allegiance to the caliphate they recently declared or face execution.

More than one million Iraqis have fled their homes over the month as Isis seized Mosul, Tikrit and other cities in the north-west.

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BBC News - Iraq crisis: Isis rebels 'hunt opponents', say refugees
also saw video of isis comparing photos of people that were dressed in military uniform to captured people that are in civilian dress . If the people are recognized as the same then its execution for them .
also saw video of isis comparing photos of people that were dressed in military uniform to captured people that are in civilian dress . If the people are recognized as the same then its execution for them .

Can you imagine what would happen to all the people in the Middle East who are not Sunnis if these religious nuts took over? It is bad enough as it is when it comes to how many are ill treated because of their various beliefs, but it would be a bloodbath if these savages ever took hold of the region.

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