ISIS Demands the SAA Surrender at Kuweires Airbase


Nov 14, 2012
In a letter from ISIS, the infidels of the Syrian army are asked to do penance and retreat from the airbase. This, however, resulted in the death of at least two dozen ISIS terrorists.


"The militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) fired a capsule that contained a letter addressed to the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) at the Kuweires Airbase, demanding their full surrender of the base and their weapons, along with their commitment to repentance for their infidelity to Islam and Allah.

For the soldiers at the Kuweires Airbase in the southeastern part of the Aleppo Governorate, they have committed to not surrendering the base to the militants to ISIS, despite being outnumbered and encircled; this has not deterred the soldiers entrenched at the base from carrying out an offensive from time-to-time.

Over the weekend, the soldiers at the Kuweires Airbase refused to call the phone numbers provided in the letter and as a result, ISIS stormed the village of Karkiz from the south, attempting to infiltrate the SAA’s positions before nightfall; this attack was foiled by the soldiers that were entrenched at the village, resulting in the death of at least two dozen enemy combatants.

On Monday, ISIS attempted to infiltrate into Karkiz for the second time in five days; however, their attack was foiled once again, as the Syrian Arab Air Force provided the imperative coverage for the soldiers protecting the small village directly south of Kuweires Airbase.

According to a military source in Aleppo, ISIS has sustained heavy casualties as a result of their multiple attacks, including a Tunisian field commander and a number of Chechen, Libyan, Saudi, Kuwaiti, and Malaysian militants."

ISIS Demands the SAA Surrender at Kuweires Airbase Fierce Clashes Ensue

Meanwhile, the SAA recaptured 8 villages from ISIS

"The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF) and Kata’eb Al-Ba’ath – launched a counter-offensive in southeast Al-Hasakah in order to recapture lost territory and to cutoff the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham’s main supply route in the province.

The counter-offensive began on early Monday morning, when the SAA and NDF stormed a number of villages on the road to the ISIS stronghold of Al-Houl; this resulted in extremely violent clashes that aggregated into a high casualty count for all parties involved in these firefights.

After several firefights in the morning, the SAA, NDF, and Al-Ba’ath Battalions were able to capture eight villages in southeast Al-Hasakah, leaving ISIS at risk to have their supply route cutoff to Al-Shadadi; this would create a major dilemma for the ISIS fighters entrenched at Mosul (provincial capital of the Nineveh Governorate in Iraq) and in the Deir Ezzor Governorate.

According to a military source in Al-Hasakah, the SAA and their allies captured the following eight villages on Monday: Al-Salihiyah, Al-Hamir, Ward Al-Shaqra, Sakhar, Al-Sarrab, Al-Mujeebrah, Rajman, and Al-Tabah.

The source further added that the SAA and their allies suffered a confirmed 32 casualties during their offensive in southeast Al-Hasakah; meanwhile, ISIS casualties were estimated between 60-90 militants, including a number of foreign combatants that could not be identified by the SAA."

Syrian Army Captures 8 Villages in Southeast Al-Hasakah
Isis attacks on two locations:

"The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) has launched another large-scale offensive against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and National Defense Forces (NDF) in eastern Syria; however, this time at the province of Deir Ezzor and the encircled Kuweires Military Airbase in southeast Aleppo.

Prior to the start of this offensive at Kuweires Military Airbase, the militants from ISIS sought to weaken the SAA’s fortifications at the surrounding villages in order to position themselves for their primary assault that was launched on Thursday morning in the southeastern sector of the Aleppo Governorate.

ISIS did just that on Thursday morning, as they would storm the SAA’s barricades that surround Kuweires Military Airbase at the western and southern flanks; this militant assault was meant to overwhelm the entrenched and embattled soldiers protecting this strategic airport.

Unfortunately for the swarming ISIS militants, they were met with fierce resistance from the soldiers protecting the southern and western guard posts, resulting in the death of over 25 armed combatants and the eventual repelling of this coordinated offensive at Kuweires Military Airbase.

Meanwhile, in southeast Syria, ISIS has reportedly sent over 1,0o0 recently trained combatants to the Deir Ezzor Front after these men completed their “Jihadist training” near their stronghold of Al-Mayadeen.

According to a source in Deir Ezzor, the militants from ISIS have attacked the Al-Rashidiyah, Sheikh Yasseen, Hatla, Al-Sina’a (Industrial), and Al-Haweeqah Quarters in the provincial capital, while they also assaulted the perimeter of the Deir Ezzor Military Airport from Al-Mari’iyah and Al-Jaffra.

At the long-time contested island of Haweejah Al-Sakr, ISIS launched another attack in order to clear out the SAA’s 104th Airborne Brigade of the Republican Guard – they were reportedly unsuccessful."

ISIS Launches a Major Offensive at Both Deir Ezzor and Kuweires Airbase
ISIS Offensive Forestalled at the Kuweires Military Airport

"The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham’s (ISIS) large-scale offensive at the Kuweires Military Airport has produced little success for the militant group, as the soldiers from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAF) have forestalled any enemy advance past their defensive barriers, despite being outnumbered and encircled.

For five straight days, ISIS relentlessly charged the Kuweires Military Airbase’s defensive barriers at the southern and western flanks, attempting to infiltrate past the SAA’s positions in order to enter the encircled base in southeast Aleppo; however, the assault proved unsuccessful, as the entrenched soldiers successfully repelled all infiltration attempts by the enemy combatants.

According to a military source in the As-Safira District, the soldiers from the SAA reported that all barriers have been secured and that they have combed through the surrounding area around the Kuweires Military Airbase to eliminate any potential threat from the enemy combatants in nearby villages to the south of the base.

The source further added that the soldiers from the SAA entrenched at the Kuweires Military Airbase have reported the death of at least 80 enemy combatants from ISIS, including three field commanders from Chechnya and Libya that were killed on Wednesday and Thursday.

For now, the Kuweires Military Airbase is fully secured and under the control of the Syrian Armed Forces, with ISIS only firing mortar shells from a distance – the latter did not charge the base on Sunday.

The SAA did, however, shoot down another ISIS reconnaissance drone that was seen circling the Kuweires Airbase on Sunday; it is the fourth reconnaissance drone that has been downed by the Syrian Armed Forces."

ISIS Offensive Forestalled at the Kuweires Military Airport

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