Is whoever wins the election screwed?

The DoD needs to ensure the weapon systems we have always have an advantage on everyone out there to deter them from challenging us in their corner of the world even in our backyard.

The Air Force needed the F-22 to counter the growing air threat from China, in addition to giving our pilots the safety in being in a superior weapon system.

The US military doesn't believe in throwing mass numbers of people into battle and being ok with mass casualties like the Russians and Chinese. We actually want our military people to come home in one piece after winning the battle.

So the USAF wanted the F-22 and F-35 to replace the F-111, F-15 and F-16 to ensure we keep the edge over our enemies and emerging enemies the next 10-20 years or until they reach us and we need to get ahead again with a new weapon system.

So when you idiots are ok with gutting the DoD budget because YOU with your zero knowledge of military operations chime in about how much the DoD spends compared to Brazil or how well the F-15 has performed since the 1970s, it is all bullshit flowing from your lips. can cut the DoD budget to $0 next year and it won't put a dent in the debt.
Sure we could do that. I'm in favor of funding it to the level of the threat. That's all. We don't need fighters or subs that are superior to what we already have.

The majority of the debt spending is the social security scam and shut the fuck up.
Nah...I'll keep on talking; making you look...well sort of fun.

We should take the money we're not spending on defense in the first year and start paying off some of the debt. We could start with building superior schools, free college education/advanced vocational training for all students who graduate high school, increased funding on nationwide WI-FI, to close the cyber gap, etc... All of which will pay dividends in the future.

You really want to de-fund SSN. Now that's funny.

The Chinese don't report their true numbers so there is nothing out there, dumbfuck.
So estimate, I say it's about 48% of every dollar spent. What do you think it is--since you're admitting you don't know.

Go do some crack or meth and get off my radar.
From the looks of things, you've smoked my share of it already...and the shares of many other people.

"Corporations are people my friend!" Willard Romney. Too damn funny.
The DoD needs to ensure the weapon systems we have always have an advantage on everyone out there to deter them from challenging us in their corner of the world even in our backyard.

The Air Force needed the F-22 to counter the growing air threat from China, in addition to giving our pilots the safety in being in a superior weapon system.

The US military doesn't believe in throwing mass numbers of people into battle and being ok with mass casualties like the Russians and Chinese. We actually want our military people to come home in one piece after winning the battle.

So the USAF wanted the F-22 and F-35 to replace the F-111, F-15 and F-16 to ensure we keep the edge over our enemies and emerging enemies the next 10-20 years or until they reach us and we need to get ahead again with a new weapon system.

So when you idiots are ok with gutting the DoD budget because YOU with your zero knowledge of military operations chime in about how much the DoD spends compared to Brazil or how well the F-15 has performed since the 1970s, it is all bullshit flowing from your lips.


You have to add in "around the world".

That's what goofs you guys up. The Constitution makes no provision for that other then ensuring our commercial fleet is able to conduct trade without being harrassed.

We have "enemies" essentially because we project power. Simple as that. If we lived by the same rules we wanted other countries to follow..we would not be spending so much on "defense".
Idiot, a F-22 can carry JDAMs so it can blow up WMD on the ground. It also deters a cyber attack like I talked about since it can be used the blow the shit out of a country that does a cyber attack. Throw in some SSBNs, B-2s, etc to do the job too.

You have no security clearance or military background, so shut the fuck up about military matters. You have no clue about Iran, China and Russia.

Your military knowledge is pathetic.

The DoD isn't worried about an "invasion," it's worried about an attack like 9/11 but on a greater scale like with WMD or a cyber attack.
And an F22 raptor or a Virginia Class sub will stop that? Do tell.

China can launch either kind of attack. North Korea can nuke us. Russia can nuke us and attack us via cyber. Iran is working on a nuke attack option, but you idiots don't care.
Really? And our having 800 ships as opposed to 600 ships will stop the Iranian nuclear attack?

Since 1968, we've had the following:

8 years of Nixon Ford-R
4 years of Carter
12 Years of Reagan/Bush Sr.
8 years of Clinton
8 years of Bush Jr.
4 years of Obama counting this one.

8+12+8=28 years of GOP steward ship
4+8+4=16 years of DNC Stewardship. Nobody stopped North Korea. Your plans to stop Iran are what? Invasion? Sure...pardon me while I laugh.

But an invasion could happen after they nuke or cyber attack us back to the stone ages, but I prefer not to find out....idiot.
From Iran to the Pacific Coast. Wow..and you were criticizing someone else's understanding of the military?

In reality, China, Russia or Iran taking control of their part of the world with their military and the US not being able to stop it would damage our economy in the long run like say China takes over Asia, Russia parts of Europe and Iran over the middle east.....that is what the DoD worries about while you are picking up male dates in central park.
Your personal attacks do nothing to move your arguments forward. They're so lame that there was little hope for them anyway.

Can you reference any papers where the DOD is wargaming our response to any of these threats you are harping about?

While you're at it, you still haven't told us how much % we spend compared to the rest of the world.

Still your move.

Cue the personal attack 5...4...3...2..
We keep putting faith into the parties and the parties are totally in it for themselves.

The DNC and the RNC are, if you think about it, just like labor unions; and the country is the business.

They do what they can to keep their members employed.

When a business moves the jobs overseas, the unions lose. The government can't be outsourced but there is a very good parallel; When someone suggests changing the game to include a 3rd party; both react as if their birthright has been yanked from them and, since they are in power, they sabotage the process.

It's always interesting to see the bitter union haters fully embrace the GOP as if it is something different. Embracing the DNC is just as silly. Neither one of them care about you and in many cases, the unions don't care about the companies that their members work for.

Well said.

However, it is not the unions that is the problem per se, but rather the individuals who run them. Those individuals are just as corrupt as the men and women who run the two parties that you mentioned.

Which is why regardless of who wins, we're screwed.


I have to disagree to a degree (lol at the phrasing). I firmly believe that we get the Government we deserve. So too unions get the leadership their rank and file want more often than not.

I have to disagree to a degree. ;)

We don't have the government we deserve. What we have are two very rich and powerful parties that swindled their way into power. They didn't achieve their power because we didn't care or didn't pay attention. They achieved it through dishonest practices.

Your statement seems to blame the victim rather than the culprit.

Did we wear our skirts too high and thus we deserved to be raped?


PS: no, I'm not blaming the rape victim. I am just using the example from the issue that got some play about six months ago.
Dumbfucks like you kept the US military in check prior to WWII and allowed the Nazis to rise to power, then it only led to millions dead and the world economy turned on its head.....nice plan, dumbfuck.

The DoD needs to ensure the weapon systems we have always have an advantage on everyone out there to deter them from challenging us in their corner of the world even in our backyard.

The Air Force needed the F-22 to counter the growing air threat from China, in addition to giving our pilots the safety in being in a superior weapon system.

The US military doesn't believe in throwing mass numbers of people into battle and being ok with mass casualties like the Russians and Chinese. We actually want our military people to come home in one piece after winning the battle.

So the USAF wanted the F-22 and F-35 to replace the F-111, F-15 and F-16 to ensure we keep the edge over our enemies and emerging enemies the next 10-20 years or until they reach us and we need to get ahead again with a new weapon system.

So when you idiots are ok with gutting the DoD budget because YOU with your zero knowledge of military operations chime in about how much the DoD spends compared to Brazil or how well the F-15 has performed since the 1970s, it is all bullshit flowing from your lips.


You have to add in "around the world".

That's what goofs you guys up. The Constitution makes no provision for that other then ensuring our commercial fleet is able to conduct trade without being harrassed.

We have "enemies" essentially because we project power. Simple as that. If we lived by the same rules we wanted other countries to follow..we would not be spending so much on "defense".
The DoD needs to ensure the weapon systems we have always have an advantage on everyone out there to deter them from challenging us in their corner of the world even in our backyard.

The Air Force needed the F-22 to counter the growing air threat from China, in addition to giving our pilots the safety in being in a superior weapon system.

The US military doesn't believe in throwing mass numbers of people into battle and being ok with mass casualties like the Russians and Chinese. We actually want our military people to come home in one piece after winning the battle.

So the USAF wanted the F-22 and F-35 to replace the F-111, F-15 and F-16 to ensure we keep the edge over our enemies and emerging enemies the next 10-20 years or until they reach us and we need to get ahead again with a new weapon system.

So when you idiots are ok with gutting the DoD budget because YOU with your zero knowledge of military operations chime in about how much the DoD spends compared to Brazil or how well the F-15 has performed since the 1970s, it is all bullshit flowing from your lips.

You're the one talking about Iran moving their troops through the Arabian gulf to the Pacific coast. After you said they can nuke us of course.

It was the funniest thing I've read in a long time.

We have air superiority over anything China has produced or will produce. I'm all in favor of funding the military relative to the threat. I'm also in favor of researching the next generation of weapons but not fielding them until we get a handle on the budget.

China nuking it's biggest trading partner? Not gonna happen.
Some of you really scare me. Well, not scare so much as worry me. We are gutting the military, we are tripling the healthcare costs to the retirees, and you fools don't think our enemies are wringing their hands and laughing? You keep denutting our military and it won't be long before we are challenged and don't have the forces to combat it or the troops who want to join seeing the way their promised benefits can be stripped away.

Go ahead and laugh, you may not be able to later........

Which "enemy" has the capability to invade the United States.

Go on.

Show us all.

Depending upon your definition of invade.

Al Quaeda already did.

Iran is playing with nukes and has put a missle into space.

North Korea is laughing at us.

Do you really believe that Russia is our friend?

And Red China has an army about 10 times the size of ours, if they had a way to get them here we would all be speaking Cantonese.

And I haven't a clue who else would like a shot at us. But i certainly don't want to find out.........

A strong military is still our best defense.

Remember the leader of the progressive movement?
"Walk softly and carry a big stick."

Hate to tell ya Ollie, but with the regime change in N. Korea, I don't really think they're laughing at us as they are currently trying to re-establish diplomatic relations.

A top U.S. envoy say progress was made in negotiations with North Korean officials on details of a plan to supply 240,000 tons of U.S. food aid to the communist nation.

Robert King, the special envoy for human rights in North Korea, spoke to reporters after Wednesday's talks in Beijing.

"We've discussed a number of the issues," said King. "We've made progress, we still have issues to resolve, and we'll be meeting tomorrow to deal with those issues.''

The talks could clear the way for the first U.S. food assistance to North Korea in three years. Last week, Washington announced an agreement under which North Korea agreed to freeze its nuclear and missile tests, and allow the return of United Nations nuclear inspectors, in return for food aid.

US Sees Progress in North Korea Food Aid Talks | Asia | English

And, I don't really consider 1 terrorist attack an "invasion" either. Invasions are usually done with sustained military presence, not just 1 attack.

Iran doesn't really have the capabilities (yet), but I kinda think that the new Aegis destroyers are capable of taking out missiles, as we've already shot down an ICBM a couple of times already in tests.

No, I don't really believe that Russia is our friend, but I don't think they're interested in coming over here to invade as they already have a lot of civil issues on their plate.

As far as China? Taking out your number one business partner is bad for an economy.
Idiot, a F-22 can carry JDAMs so it can blow up WMD on the ground. It also deters a cyber attack like I talked about since it can be used the blow the shit out of a country that does a cyber attack. Throw in some SSBNs, B-2s, etc to do the job too.

You have no security clearance or military background, so shut the fuck up about military matters. You have no clue about Iran, China and Russia.

Neither it seems do you. I've worked with plenty of guys who were former military and the last thing they discuss in public is their "security clearance".
You are nothing but an idiot behind a keyboard.

Nobody is going to de-fund SS, it needs to be fixed to prevent it from eating the entire fucking budget.

You are worried about DoD spending when it pales to SS spending and there is no cap on SS spending, whereas DoD spending can be cut tomorrow if Congress and the POTUS agree. can cut the DoD budget to $0 next year and it won't put a dent in the debt.
Sure we could do that. I'm in favor of funding it to the level of the threat. That's all. We don't need fighters or subs that are superior to what we already have.

The majority of the debt spending is the social security scam and shut the fuck up.
Nah...I'll keep on talking; making you look...well sort of fun.

We should take the money we're not spending on defense in the first year and start paying off some of the debt. We could start with building superior schools, free college education/advanced vocational training for all students who graduate high school, increased funding on nationwide WI-FI, to close the cyber gap, etc... All of which will pay dividends in the future.

You really want to de-fund SSN. Now that's funny.

The Chinese don't report their true numbers so there is nothing out there, dumbfuck.
So estimate, I say it's about 48% of every dollar spent. What do you think it is--since you're admitting you don't know.

Go do some crack or meth and get off my radar.
From the looks of things, you've smoked my share of it already...and the shares of many other people.

"Corporations are people my friend!" Willard Romney. Too damn funny.
The DoD needs to ensure the weapon systems we have always have an advantage on everyone out there to deter them from challenging us in their corner of the world even in our backyard.

The Air Force needed the F-22 to counter the growing air threat from China, in addition to giving our pilots the safety in being in a superior weapon system.

The US military doesn't believe in throwing mass numbers of people into battle and being ok with mass casualties like the Russians and Chinese. We actually want our military people to come home in one piece after winning the battle.

So the USAF wanted the F-22 and F-35 to replace the F-111, F-15 and F-16 to ensure we keep the edge over our enemies and emerging enemies the next 10-20 years or until they reach us and we need to get ahead again with a new weapon system.

So when you idiots are ok with gutting the DoD budget because YOU with your zero knowledge of military operations chime in about how much the DoD spends compared to Brazil or how well the F-15 has performed since the 1970s, it is all bullshit flowing from your lips.

You're the one talking about Iran moving their troops through the Arabian gulf to the Pacific coast. After you said they can nuke us of course.

It was the funniest thing I've read in a long time.

We have air superiority over anything China has produced or will produce. I'm all in favor of funding the military relative to the threat. I'm also in favor of researching the next generation of weapons but not fielding them until we get a handle on the budget.

China nuking it's biggest trading partner? Not gonna happen.

Just the slightest bit of knowledge about Chinese history basically demonstrates that they are a "insular" culture. They have little interest in projecting military power around the world. You'd have to go back to the Mongol invasion of parts of Europe to make that point.

America? Heck. Iraq.

Dumbfucks like you kept the US military in check prior to WWII and allowed the Nazis to rise to power, then it only led to millions dead and the world economy turned on its head.....nice plan, dumbfuck.

And we built the A-Bomb and deployed it in 18 months. Bringing the war to a halt. Had Germany not surrendered; they would have gotten it first, not Japan.

You may know this but you don't seem too bright....psst...we have nukes now. Such a calamity as WWII would not take place again because of the calamity involved in ending it. I would worry about the Iranian troop ships coming through the Indian ocean though. Could happen any moment. :eusa_clap:

Still, there is no accounting for madmen with weapons...for that you're correct. I know, it's surprising as hell. But no amount of preparation will prevent the madman from taking you down with him. If North Korea nukes San Francisco, we have no counter for that except to nuke them back. We could quadruple the gun budget and we'd not have any counter for that after spending 4X. So why spend it?
What the fuck are you talking about?

I never said Iran was going to invade us or the Pacific, I said Iran can dominate the middle stupid fuck. China can dominate Asia, but you think that is a good thing.

As for China nuking us, they will use as long as we are good for them, then they will cut us off. If our debt consumes our ability to repay them then like a drug dealer to a junkie, they will harm us someway.

The DoD needs to ensure the weapon systems we have always have an advantage on everyone out there to deter them from challenging us in their corner of the world even in our backyard.

The Air Force needed the F-22 to counter the growing air threat from China, in addition to giving our pilots the safety in being in a superior weapon system.

The US military doesn't believe in throwing mass numbers of people into battle and being ok with mass casualties like the Russians and Chinese. We actually want our military people to come home in one piece after winning the battle.

So the USAF wanted the F-22 and F-35 to replace the F-111, F-15 and F-16 to ensure we keep the edge over our enemies and emerging enemies the next 10-20 years or until they reach us and we need to get ahead again with a new weapon system.

So when you idiots are ok with gutting the DoD budget because YOU with your zero knowledge of military operations chime in about how much the DoD spends compared to Brazil or how well the F-15 has performed since the 1970s, it is all bullshit flowing from your lips.

You're the one talking about Iran moving their troops through the Arabian gulf to the Pacific coast. After you said they can nuke us of course.

It was the funniest thing I've read in a long time.

We have air superiority over anything China has produced or will produce. I'm all in favor of funding the military relative to the threat. I'm also in favor of researching the next generation of weapons but not fielding them until we get a handle on the budget.

China nuking it's biggest trading partner? Not gonna happen.
The DoD needs to ensure the weapon systems we have always have an advantage on everyone out there to deter them from challenging us in their corner of the world even in our backyard.

The Air Force needed the F-22 to counter the growing air threat from China, in addition to giving our pilots the safety in being in a superior weapon system.

The US military doesn't believe in throwing mass numbers of people into battle and being ok with mass casualties like the Russians and Chinese. We actually want our military people to come home in one piece after winning the battle.

So the USAF wanted the F-22 and F-35 to replace the F-111, F-15 and F-16 to ensure we keep the edge over our enemies and emerging enemies the next 10-20 years or until they reach us and we need to get ahead again with a new weapon system.

So when you idiots are ok with gutting the DoD budget because YOU with your zero knowledge of military operations chime in about how much the DoD spends compared to Brazil or how well the F-15 has performed since the 1970s, it is all bullshit flowing from your lips.

You're the one talking about Iran moving their troops through the Arabian gulf to the Pacific coast. After you said they can nuke us of course.

It was the funniest thing I've read in a long time.

We have air superiority over anything China has produced or will produce. I'm all in favor of funding the military relative to the threat. I'm also in favor of researching the next generation of weapons but not fielding them until we get a handle on the budget.

China nuking it's biggest trading partner? Not gonna happen.

Just the slightest bit of knowledge about Chinese history basically demonstrates that they are a "insular" culture. They have little interest in projecting military power around the world. You'd have to go back to the Mongol invasion of parts of Europe to make that point.

America? Heck. Iraq.


Cultures change. If anything, the fossil fuel based economies are only sustainable as long as there are fossil fuels. So I wouldn't rule out imperialism. However, nuking your largest trading partner isn't on the agenda. WE can be sure of that.
I could care less about you picking up military guys in bars....

Idiot, a F-22 can carry JDAMs so it can blow up WMD on the ground. It also deters a cyber attack like I talked about since it can be used the blow the shit out of a country that does a cyber attack. Throw in some SSBNs, B-2s, etc to do the job too.

You have no security clearance or military background, so shut the fuck up about military matters. You have no clue about Iran, China and Russia.

Neither it seems do you. I've worked with plenty of guys who were former military and the last thing they discuss in public is their "security clearance".
Bush got anything he asked for after 9/11, ANYTHING, including Iraq. Bush II can no long do any damage. The question is: who can pull us OUT of the defense industry addiction & get back working on the US? Plus handle Syria, NK, Iran, all of whom have have REAL WMD's.

The real issue is not just WMD's. It's oil pipelines. Democrats burn just as much oil as republicans do.

Yeah.........and if that shale oil ever spills, the environment is screwed because shale oil has to have an additive in it to make it flow through the pipe, but if it hits air, the additive evaporates almost immediately and you're left with bitumin which SINKS in water.

The only way to get it out is to vibrate the floor of whatever water it spilled into and shake it to the surface and then get it.

Interestingly enough, the cleanup does almost as much damage to the environment as the spill.

I was refering to piplines from the Caspian Sea area though Afganistan & oil & pipelines in Iraq.

As for your Keystone nonsense - Yeah right - One more oil pipeline is going to a big environmental problem. :cuckoo:

Idiot, a F-22 can carry JDAMs so it can blow up WMD on the ground. It also deters a cyber attack like I talked about since it can be used the blow the shit out of a country that does a cyber attack. Throw in some SSBNs, B-2s, etc to do the job too.

You have no security clearance or military background, so shut the fuck up about military matters. You have no clue about Iran, China and Russia.

Hey long did you serve and in what branch, because you've made a SERIOUS error in your "military" thinking.

If you take a JDAM and blow up a WMD facility such as a bio weapons or chemical weapons storage area or factory, do you realize what will happen?

That's right..........all those toxins will be let into the air.

There's a REASON we had so many troops on the ground looking for WMD's, because if we blew them up, the land around it would be inhabitable.

Where did you learn your military tactics, FAUX Nooze and Risk?
Well I can definitely say we sure as HELL do not need another 4 years of Obama.
This is obvious to anyone except the sheep.
Romney is not my particular choice...but I will be voting for him without the slightest pause.

Ditto... see my sig line...
You're the one talking about Iran moving their troops through the Arabian gulf to the Pacific coast. After you said they can nuke us of course.

It was the funniest thing I've read in a long time.

We have air superiority over anything China has produced or will produce. I'm all in favor of funding the military relative to the threat. I'm also in favor of researching the next generation of weapons but not fielding them until we get a handle on the budget.

China nuking it's biggest trading partner? Not gonna happen.

Just the slightest bit of knowledge about Chinese history basically demonstrates that they are a "insular" culture. They have little interest in projecting military power around the world. You'd have to go back to the Mongol invasion of parts of Europe to make that point.

America? Heck. Iraq.


Cultures change. If anything, the fossil fuel based economies are only sustainable as long as there are fossil fuels. So I wouldn't rule out imperialism. However, nuking your largest trading partner isn't on the agenda. WE can be sure of that.

Aside from technology..the overall basis of Chinese terms of projecting military power around the world..hasn't changed all that much in centuries.

It's simply not something they are interested in.

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