Is White Supremacy "Racist"?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
If one makes the claim that a group of people is "superior," then it is required that you state the basis upon which you make that claim. It has recently been claimed that the United States was founded on the basis of "white supremacy," and hence "we" are evil ab initio.

So if it is postulated that the Founders were "white supremacists" one might well inquire what THEIR criteria were. Were they JUSTIFIED in believing that "white" Europeans were superior to any other "race" in the discussion at that time. Keep in mind of course, that saying one "race" is superior to another race is NOT the same as saying that every member of that race is individually superior to every member of the other races under consideration. We are talking about "whites: in general, and their culture, technology, society, and so on. Obviously, there are examples of primitive populations who break the mold, and are the equal of any member of a "superior" population. And their are individuals in the superior population who are low-intelligence, and so on.

Consider the native Americans. While they could be commended for learning to survive under harsh conditions, they were a profoundly primitive population. They had no written language, almost no animal husbandry or agricultural knowledge, stone-age technology, no metallurgy, and had not even discovered or invented the WHEEL. Their naturalist religions were extremely primitive and human sacrifice was ubiquitous, particularly among the Aztecs. Their knowledge of the earth and navigation were almost non-existent, and their weapons technology had not advanced since the stone age. The only animals they domesticated were horses that had brought here by the Spaniards. Without any doubt whatsoever, European whites were superior to the native populations.

Black Africans? Same thing. At the time of the Declaration, they were basically primitive hunter-gatherers with no literature, science, technology, agriculture, no metallurgy, and primitive stone-age weapons. And so forth.

Is it any wonder that the Founders believed that the Europeans who had come and settled in the New World were "superior" to the other populations worth considering? It was a fact.

So is "white supremacy" the product of "racism" if it is warranted by known facts?

I recognize that under current Leftist moral theology, no culture is superior or inferior to any other culture, but this is obviously bullshit, so bear with me.
If one makes the claim that a group of people is "superior," then it is required that you state the basis upon which you make that claim. It has recently been claimed that the United States was founded on the basis of "white supremacy," and hence "we" are evil ab initio.

So if it is postulated that the Founders were "white supremacists" one might well inquire what THEIR criteria were. Were they JUSTIFIED in believing that "white" Europeans were superior to any other "race" in the discussion at that time. Keep in mind of course, that saying one "race" is superior to another race is NOT the same as saying that every member of that race is individually superior to every member of the other races under consideration. We are talking about "whites: in general, and their culture, technology, society, and so on. Obviously, there are examples of primitive populations who break the mold, and are the equal of any member of a "superior" population. And their are individuals in the superior population who are low-intelligence, and so on.

Consider the native Americans. While they could be commended for learning to survive under harsh conditions, they were a profoundly primitive population. They had no written language, almost no animal husbandry or agricultural knowledge, stone-age technology, no metallurgy, and had not even discovered or invented the WHEEL. Their naturalist religions were extremely primitive and human sacrifice was ubiquitous, particularly among the Aztecs. Their knowledge of the earth and navigation were almost non-existent, and their weapons technology had not advanced since the stone age. The only animals they domesticated were horses that had brought here by the Spaniards. Without any doubt whatsoever, European whites were superior to the native populations.

Black Africans? Same thing. At the time of the Declaration, they were basically primitive hunter-gatherers with no literature, science, technology, agriculture, no metallurgy, and primitive stone-age weapons. And so forth.

Is it any wonder that the Founders believed that the Europeans who had come and settled in the New World were "superior" to the other populations worth considering? It was a fact.

So is "white supremacy" the product of "racism" if it is warranted by known facts?

I recognize that under current Leftist moral theology, no culture is superior or inferior to any other culture, but this is obviously bullshit, so bear with me.

Speaking to a related angle . . .

What you're getting at, it seems, is the morality of a clearly superior civilization using its advanced technology to subdue, conquer and displace lesser technologically capable ones, which is the only argument the Left can make for condemning European Colonialism in the New World or anywhere else. And that is perhaps the most hypocritical of accusations a postmodernist politically correct zealot could make. The postmodernists argue ad nauseam there's no absolute code of morality, that all morality is situational and relative. How then could they argue the immorality of the European Colonialist without admitting to an overarching code of moral behaviors? The irony is so tasty.
How then could they argue the immorality of the European Colonialist without admitting to an overarching code of moral behaviors? The irony is so tasty.
Digging deep into the past to justify a clearly racist act committed in real time falls short of a valid excuse for being a racist bigot today

In my view of things

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Trump is a pathological liar which is a mental illness that makes trump unqualified to be President of the USA.

A pathological liar is someone who lies compulsively. While there appears to be many possible causes for pathological lying, it's not yet entirely understood why someone would lie this way.Aug 27, 2018

Pathological lying

Pathological lying, also known as mythomania and pseudologia fantastica, is the chronic behavior of compulsive or habitual lying.

Unlike telling the occasional white lie to avoid hurting someone’s feelings or getting in trouble, a pathological liar seems to lie for no apparent reason. This can make it frustrating or hard to know what to do if you believe you’ve met one.

Though pathological lying has been recognized for more than a century, there’s not yet a clear universal definition of the condition.

Some pathological lying may result from a mental condition, such as antisocial personality disorder (sometimes called sociopathy), while others appear to have no medical reason for the behavior.
Pathological Liar: How to Cope with Someone’s Compulsive Lies

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If one makes the claim that a group of people is "superior," then it is required that you state the basis upon which you make that claim. It has recently been claimed that the United States was founded on the basis of "white supremacy," and hence "we" are evil ab initio.

So if it is postulated that the Founders were "white supremacists" one might well inquire what THEIR criteria were. Were they JUSTIFIED in believing that "white" Europeans were superior to any other "race" in the discussion at that time. Keep in mind of course, that saying one "race" is superior to another race is NOT the same as saying that every member of that race is individually superior to every member of the other races under consideration. We are talking about "whites: in general, and their culture, technology, society, and so on. Obviously, there are examples of primitive populations who break the mold, and are the equal of any member of a "superior" population. And their are individuals in the superior population who are low-intelligence, and so on.

Consider the native Americans. While they could be commended for learning to survive under harsh conditions, they were a profoundly primitive population. They had no written language, almost no animal husbandry or agricultural knowledge, stone-age technology, no metallurgy, and had not even discovered or invented the WHEEL. Their naturalist religions were extremely primitive and human sacrifice was ubiquitous, particularly among the Aztecs. Their knowledge of the earth and navigation were almost non-existent, and their weapons technology had not advanced since the stone age. The only animals they domesticated were horses that had brought here by the Spaniards. Without any doubt whatsoever, European whites were superior to the native populations.

Black Africans? Same thing. At the time of the Declaration, they were basically primitive hunter-gatherers with no literature, science, technology, agriculture, no metallurgy, and primitive stone-age weapons. And so forth.

Is it any wonder that the Founders believed that the Europeans who had come and settled in the New World were "superior" to the other populations worth considering? It was a fact.

So is "white supremacy" the product of "racism" if it is warranted by known facts?

I recognize that under current Leftist moral theology, no culture is superior or inferior to any other culture, but this is obviously bullshit, so bear with me.
To draw a well rounded conclusion; one must include all peoples who believe in “white supremacy”. In order to do this one must rely more upon observable behavior, rather than “claims” made by such people.
When one does this; it becomes quickly apparent that the majority of “white supremacists” are anything but white. For it is this ardent belief in the supremacy of all that whites have created, by hook or by crook; that motivates them to flee their homelands, and converge on all lands where whites have settled.
Not only forsaking the lands of their ancestors, in favor of finding a better life in “white founded” nations. But also willing to risk great hardship, peril and even death not only for themselves, but also their own children just for the chance to be accepted in.
Belief in white supremacy is very real. And more often than not; those who bemoan it, are often the ones most passionately captivated by it...
If one makes the claim that a group of people is "superior," then it is required that you state the basis upon which you make that claim. It has recently been claimed that the United States was founded on the basis of "white supremacy," and hence "we" are evil ab initio.

So if it is postulated that the Founders were "white supremacists" one might well inquire what THEIR criteria were. Were they JUSTIFIED in believing that "white" Europeans were superior to any other "race" in the discussion at that time. Keep in mind of course, that saying one "race" is superior to another race is NOT the same as saying that every member of that race is individually superior to every member of the other races under consideration. We are talking about "whites: in general, and their culture, technology, society, and so on. Obviously, there are examples of primitive populations who break the mold, and are the equal of any member of a "superior" population. And their are individuals in the superior population who are low-intelligence, and so on.

Consider the native Americans. While they could be commended for learning to survive under harsh conditions, they were a profoundly primitive population. They had no written language, almost no animal husbandry or agricultural knowledge, stone-age technology, no metallurgy, and had not even discovered or invented the WHEEL. Their naturalist religions were extremely primitive and human sacrifice was ubiquitous, particularly among the Aztecs. Their knowledge of the earth and navigation were almost non-existent, and their weapons technology had not advanced since the stone age. The only animals they domesticated were horses that had brought here by the Spaniards. Without any doubt whatsoever, European whites were superior to the native populations.

Black Africans? Same thing. At the time of the Declaration, they were basically primitive hunter-gatherers with no literature, science, technology, agriculture, no metallurgy, and primitive stone-age weapons. And so forth.

Is it any wonder that the Founders believed that the Europeans who had come and settled in the New World were "superior" to the other populations worth considering? It was a fact.

So is "white supremacy" the product of "racism" if it is warranted by known facts?

I recognize that under current Leftist moral theology, no culture is superior or inferior to any other culture, but this is obviously bullshit, so bear with me.

Speaking to a related angle . . .

What you're getting at, it seems, is the morality of a clearly superior civilization using its advanced technology to subdue, conquer and displace lesser technologically capable ones, which is the only argument the Left can make for condemning European Colonialism in the New World or anywhere else. And that is perhaps the most hypocritical of accusations a postmodernist politically correct zealot could make. The postmodernists argue ad nauseam there's no absolute code of morality, that all morality is situational and relative. How then could they argue the immorality of the European Colonialist without admitting to an overarching code of moral behaviors? The irony is so tasty.
For the last 2000 years, the globe has been shaped by aggressive and/or technically superior countries and their armies. That is the way of humans, we have been fighting each other from the primitive tribe level to modern day. American Indians were "conquered" by gradual displacement and containment into reservations. Africans were conquered by Muslims who sold them into slavery to the highest bidder. And in the current day, we have two super powers slowly circling each other waiting to see who blinks first. Is that immoral? No. If you want to maintain your sovereignty, then you better be ready to defend it or get ready to be conquered.
The words:
¨White Supremacy¨ is a racist slur!

Was it white supremacy that kept white students from crossing a bridge at Berkeley?
Is it white supremacy when six black men who look like they could be Obama's sons beat up an 80 year old white woman because less than six black bays can´t handle a 80 year old white woman?

Why aren´t there ever six white kids out there sucker punching 80 year old black women?
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Trump is a pathological liar which is a mental illness that makes trump unqualified to be President of the USA.

A pathological liar is someone who lies compulsively. While there appears to be many possible causes for pathological lying, it's not yet entirely understood why someone would lie this way.Aug 27, 2018

Pathological lying

Pathological lying, also known as mythomania and pseudologia fantastica, is the chronic behavior of compulsive or habitual lying.

Unlike telling the occasional white lie to avoid hurting someone’s feelings or getting in trouble, a pathological liar seems to lie for no apparent reason. This can make it frustrating or hard to know what to do if you believe you’ve met one.

Though pathological lying has been recognized for more than a century, there’s not yet a clear universal definition of the condition.

Some pathological lying may result from a mental condition, such as antisocial personality disorder (sometimes called sociopathy), while others appear to have no medical reason for the behavior.
Pathological Liar: How to Cope with Someone’s Compulsive Lies

I am sure your panties were all in a wad when Obama and his administration lied and admitted it...

ACA Architect: 'The Stupidity Of The American Voter' Led Us To Hide Obamacare's True ...
Nov 10, 2014 · Today, new video surfaced in which Gruber said that “the stupidity of the American voter” made it important for him and Democrats to ...
Contrary To White House Denials, Emails Show Jonathan Gruber Was 'Integral' To Obamacare

Jun 21, 2015 · For some, it's Gruber's comments about the “stupidity of the American voter.” Arguably more important
White supremacy may not be racist ... but it is an oxymoron.
Trump is a pathological liar which is a mental illness that makes trump unqualified to be President of the USA.

A pathological liar is someone who lies compulsively. While there appears to be many possible causes for pathological lying, it's not yet entirely understood why someone would lie this way.Aug 27, 2018

Pathological lying

Pathological lying, also known as mythomania and pseudologia fantastica, is the chronic behavior of compulsive or habitual lying.

Unlike telling the occasional white lie to avoid hurting someone’s feelings or getting in trouble, a pathological liar seems to lie for no apparent reason. This can make it frustrating or hard to know what to do if you believe you’ve met one.

Though pathological lying has been recognized for more than a century, there’s not yet a clear universal definition of the condition.

Some pathological lying may result from a mental condition, such as antisocial personality disorder (sometimes called sociopathy), while others appear to have no medical reason for the behavior.
Pathological Liar: How to Cope with Someone’s Compulsive Lies

You're TDS which is a mental illness
The words:
¨White Supremacy¨ is a racist slur!

Was it white supremacy that kept white students from crossing a bridge at Berkeley?
Is it white supremacy when six black men who look like they could be Obama's sons beat up an 80 year old white woman because less than six black bays can´t handle a 80 year old white woman?

Why aren´t there ever six white kids out there sucker punching 80 year old black women?

"Three young white men who admitted they were out hunting black people to attack when they beat, ran over and killed a 47-year-old car plant worker in Mississippi's capital city were sentenced Tuesday to federal prison following a hate crimes investigation."

3 white men 'hunting black people' sentenced to prison in death of black man in Mississippi -

" In a report released Thursday titled Race and Hispanic Origin of Victims and Offenders, 2012-2015, the DOJ’s Bureau of Justice Statistics found that a majority of most violent crimes are committed by people who are the same race as their victims. Indeed, the rate of white-on-white violent crime, it found, is about four times the rate of black-on-white crime."

White supremacists' favorite myths about black crime rates take another hit from BJS study
The words:
¨White Supremacy¨ is a racist slur!

Was it white supremacy that kept white students from crossing a bridge at Berkeley?
Is it white supremacy when six black men who look like they could be Obama's sons beat up an 80 year old white woman because less than six black bays can´t handle a 80 year old white woman?

Why aren´t there ever six white kids out there sucker punching 80 year old black women?

"Three young white men who admitted they were out hunting black people to attack when they beat, ran over and killed a 47-year-old car plant worker in Mississippi's capital city were sentenced Tuesday to federal prison following a hate crimes investigation."

3 white men 'hunting black people' sentenced to prison in death of black man in Mississippi -

" In a report released Thursday titled Race and Hispanic Origin of Victims and Offenders, 2012-2015, the DOJ’s Bureau of Justice Statistics found that a majority of most violent crimes are committed by people who are the same race as their victims. Indeed, the rate of white-on-white violent crime, it found, is about four times the rate of black-on-white crime."

White supremacists' favorite myths about black crime rates take another hit from BJS study
According to the bureau judicial statistics 84% of interracial violence is blacks attacking whites
Trump is a pathological liar which is a mental illness that makes trump unqualified to be President of the USA.

A pathological liar is someone who lies compulsively. While there appears to be many possible causes for pathological lying, it's not yet entirely understood why someone would lie this way.Aug 27, 2018

Pathological lying

Pathological lying, also known as mythomania and pseudologia fantastica, is the chronic behavior of compulsive or habitual lying.

Unlike telling the occasional white lie to avoid hurting someone’s feelings or getting in trouble, a pathological liar seems to lie for no apparent reason. This can make it frustrating or hard to know what to do if you believe you’ve met one.

Though pathological lying has been recognized for more than a century, there’s not yet a clear universal definition of the condition.

Some pathological lying may result from a mental condition, such as antisocial personality disorder (sometimes called sociopathy), while others appear to have no medical reason for the behavior.
Pathological Liar: How to Cope with Someone’s Compulsive Lies

You're TDS which is a mental illness

There is no such thing. TSS or Trump Supporter Syndrome is a phenomenon typified by people suffering from psychosis which is a mental illness.
Trump is a pathological liar which is a mental illness that makes trump unqualified to be President of the USA.

A pathological liar is someone who lies compulsively. While there appears to be many possible causes for pathological lying, it's not yet entirely understood why someone would lie this way.Aug 27, 2018

Pathological lying

Pathological lying, also known as mythomania and pseudologia fantastica, is the chronic behavior of compulsive or habitual lying.

Unlike telling the occasional white lie to avoid hurting someone’s feelings or getting in trouble, a pathological liar seems to lie for no apparent reason. This can make it frustrating or hard to know what to do if you believe you’ve met one.

Though pathological lying has been recognized for more than a century, there’s not yet a clear universal definition of the condition.

Some pathological lying may result from a mental condition, such as antisocial personality disorder (sometimes called sociopathy), while others appear to have no medical reason for the behavior.
Pathological Liar: How to Cope with Someone’s Compulsive Lies

You're TDS which is a mental illness

There is no such thing. TSS or Trump Supporter Syndrome is a phenomenon typified by people suffering from psychosis which is a mental illness.
TDS is real when people do stupid shit just because they don't like the President such as what a normal sound-minded person would not do or harming themselves because they don't like the president is Trump Derangement Syndrome

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