Is Trump isolating the United States on orders? Whose orders?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Who would want to sign a treaty with the United States after Trump trashed the Iran Nuclear Treaty?

Who would sign a trade agreement with the United States after Trump trashed trade agreements?

Who would agree to be a covert agent for the United States after Trump gives classified material to Russians and orders an FBI informant for the United States to be publicly outed?

Do Democratic Countries feel nervous with Trump's embrace of authoritarian dictators and his anti democratic behavior, his attacks on the free press and his threats to jail political opponents?

Is there anyone in the world who would trust Donald Trump after all his dishonest statements and outright lies?

How many ways are there left for Donald Trump to isolate this country from the rest of the world?

How long, if ever, will it take this country to repair the damage Trump is causing this country in every way possible?

And finally, is this all being put in place by Trump alone, or is he being guided by someone? And who would that someone be?

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The clueless will never understand the meaning of a ONE WORLD ORDER.
Who would want to sign a treaty with the United States after Trump trashed the Iran Nuclear Treaty?

Who would sign a trade agreement with the United States after Trump trashed trade agreements?

Who would agree to be a covert agent for the United States after Trump gives classified material to Russians and orders an FBI informant for the United States to be publicly outed?

Do Democratic Countries feel nervous with Trump's embrace of authoritarian dictators and his anti democratic behavior, his attacks on the free press and his threats to jail political opponents?

Is there anyone in the world who would trust Donald Trump after all his dishonest statements and outright lies?

How many ways are there left for Donald Trump to isolate this country from the rest of the world?

How long, if ever, will it take this country to repair the damage Trump is causing this country in every way possible?

And finally, is this all being put in place by Trump alone, or is he being guided by someone? And who would that someone be?

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The rest of the world grasps what's going on better than you do, R-Derp! The days of Barack Obama signing deals that were horrible for the US are over. Anything that he pushed through without the approval of Congress that's a bad agreement, Trump is going to tear up. When new deals are negotiated, Trump will be doing it. I know that frosts your cupcakes, little buddy...but that's the way it works!
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Who would want to sign a treaty with the United States after Trump trashed the Iran Nuclear Treaty?

Who would sign a trade agreement with the United States after Trump trashed trade agreements?

Who would agree to be a covert agent for the United States after Trump gives classified material to Russians and orders an FBI informant for the United States to be publicly outed?

Do Democratic Countries feel nervous with Trump's embrace of authoritarian dictators and his anti democratic behavior, his attacks on the free press and his threats to jail political opponents?

Is there anyone in the world who would trust Donald Trump after all his dishonest statements and outright lies?

How many ways are there left for Donald Trump to isolate this country from the rest of the world?

How long, if ever, will it take this country to repair the damage Trump is causing this country in every way possible?

And finally, is this all being put in place by Trump alone, or is he being guided by someone? And who would that someone be?

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The rest of the world grasps what's going on better than you do, R-Derp! The days of Barack Obama signing deals that were horrible for the US are over. Anything that he pushed through without the approval of Congress that's a bad agreement, Trump is going to tear up. When new deals are negotiated, Trump will be doing it. I know that frosts your cupcakes, little buddy...but that's the way it works!
Deals with who? What are you talking about?
The only deal I know for sure is the one Trump made with Carrier. How did that work out?

Carrier Still Moving Some Jobs to Mexico Despite Trump Deal
Who would want to sign a treaty with the United States after Trump trashed the Iran Nuclear Treaty?

Who would sign a trade agreement with the United States after Trump trashed trade agreements?

Who would agree to be a covert agent for the United States after Trump gives classified material to Russians and orders an FBI informant for the United States to be publicly outed?

Do Democratic Countries feel nervous with Trump's embrace of authoritarian dictators and his anti democratic behavior, his attacks on the free press and his threats to jail political opponents?

Is there anyone in the world who would trust Donald Trump after all his dishonest statements and outright lies?

How many ways are there left for Donald Trump to isolate this country from the rest of the world?

How long, if ever, will it take this country to repair the damage Trump is causing this country in every way possible?

And finally, is this all being put in place by Trump alone, or is he being guided by someone? And who would that someone be?

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Nope. He's just not selling this country out to the highest bidder like your hero's have done.
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It's late Deanie boy.

Get some sleep, and try again tomorrow. ..... :cool:
I know you think you're clever. But you are so bad at it.
You never have anything interesting to add. You come across as a pretty ignorant person.
In fact, the Reason I put:
Personal attacks:

was because I knew you were just there just under that rock. And there you are.
I know that my posts really irk you for you to spend so much time stalking me.
So go ahead. Have fun. I suspect it's the only fun you have.
In a way, you're my biggest "fan".
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These white wingers so obscure. They say Obama or Clinton did "it" whatever "it" is. They give no examples. It's as if they assume everyone has memorized their nonsensical and easily disproved talking points.
Well, I guess I'll just have to disappoint these rejects.
What I listed is provable. It's on the news.
We can name every treaty and every country.
And we have video and statements to point to directly from the Orange Clown himself.
So let's don't make stuff up when we have so much proven material to work with.
Are all deals created equal? Are all agreements binding for eternity?

All contracts have a clause to outline how the deals can end. When you are buying a house. Sorry, forgot who I was talking to. When the rest of us buy a house, or sell one, we get contracts. The contract does not mean the deal is done, it means it is beginning. There are conditions that have to be met, and if any of them are not met, for whatever reason, the deal falls through.

If the house does not meet the standards for the type of loan, then the deal can and will fall through on financing. If the house doesn’t meet the standards of an inspection, the deal can and will fall through. If that happens, does it mean the buyer or seller are horrible business people or terrible for letting the contract lapse?

There are exit sections of treaties too. How to end the participation of the treaty by one of the signatories. France left NATO for example, early on in the Treaty. Britain recently decided to abandon the EU. Was France a horrible country for leaving NATO? Or did they make the choice they felt best represented their own interests?

Some deals look pretty good on paper, but once you get into it, you find it isn’t a good deal. So you use the exit that is part of the deal, and you walk away. It doesn’t mean you can’t have any other deals.

I was looking for a house. I found one that looked to be what we wanted. I liked it. The wife liked it. We decided to put in a bid. We put as one of the conditions that it had to pass the inspection. And we paid the inspector several hundred to go in and tell us everything that he found. He found a lot. A hell of a lot more wrong that we had imagined, or feared. We looked at the costs of the repairs, and we decided that it would push the cost higher than we were comfortable with. The house would have to be nearly gutted to be properly brought to code and made suitable.

I walked away from the deal. I don’t know who bought the house, I don’t care. It wasn’t the right deal for me. I found another house, and tried to put a contract in the day after the house was removed from the “sale” market and put up as a rental. I was unaware of the change, and the response of the seller or former seller was insulting to say the least. He could keep that damned house until hell froze over before I’d pay a dollar for it.

Finally I found a much better house, for less money, that met nearly every requirement we had. The wife liked it, I liked it a hell of a lot. We bought it. It needed a few updates and repairs, but it would leave us still in budget, and the house closing was finally completed.

Our experience was not as smooth as others, and not as rocky as others still. But that is the deals as we know them.

NAFTA has an exit clause. In case the trade deal no longer is in our best interest. Mexico could leave it for the same reason, if it no longer is in their best interests.

Otherwise we would have gone into World War II required by the deals before to keep sending oil to Japan along with a lot of other material. That would be just flat assed stupid. We would have to load the material on a ship, and then attack our own ships to make sure we didn’t sell the enemy the war materials they desperately needed.
Are all deals created equal? Are all agreements binding for eternity?

All contracts have a clause to outline how the deals can end. When you are buying a house. Sorry, forgot who I was talking to. When the rest of us buy a house, or sell one, we get contracts. The contract does not mean the deal is done, it means it is beginning. There are conditions that have to be met, and if any of them are not met, for whatever reason, the deal falls through.

If the house does not meet the standards for the type of loan, then the deal can and will fall through on financing. If the house doesn’t meet the standards of an inspection, the deal can and will fall through. If that happens, does it mean the buyer or seller are horrible business people or terrible for letting the contract lapse?

There are exit sections of treaties too. How to end the participation of the treaty by one of the signatories. France left NATO for example, early on in the Treaty. Britain recently decided to abandon the EU. Was France a horrible country for leaving NATO? Or did they make the choice they felt best represented their own interests?

Some deals look pretty good on paper, but once you get into it, you find it isn’t a good deal. So you use the exit that is part of the deal, and you walk away. It doesn’t mean you can’t have any other deals.

I was looking for a house. I found one that looked to be what we wanted. I liked it. The wife liked it. We decided to put in a bid. We put as one of the conditions that it had to pass the inspection. And we paid the inspector several hundred to go in and tell us everything that he found. He found a lot. A hell of a lot more wrong that we had imagined, or feared. We looked at the costs of the repairs, and we decided that it would push the cost higher than we were comfortable with. The house would have to be nearly gutted to be properly brought to code and made suitable.

I walked away from the deal. I don’t know who bought the house, I don’t care. It wasn’t the right deal for me. I found another house, and tried to put a contract in the day after the house was removed from the “sale” market and put up as a rental. I was unaware of the change, and the response of the seller or former seller was insulting to say the least. He could keep that damned house until hell froze over before I’d pay a dollar for it.

Finally I found a much better house, for less money, that met nearly every requirement we had. The wife liked it, I liked it a hell of a lot. We bought it. It needed a few updates and repairs, but it would leave us still in budget, and the house closing was finally completed.

Our experience was not as smooth as others, and not as rocky as others still. But that is the deals as we know them.

NAFTA has an exit clause. In case the trade deal no longer is in our best interest. Mexico could leave it for the same reason, if it no longer is in their best interests.

Otherwise we would have gone into World War II required by the deals before to keep sending oil to Japan along with a lot of other material. That would be just flat assed stupid. We would have to load the material on a ship, and then attack our own ships to make sure we didn’t sell the enemy the war materials they desperately needed.
These were my questions:

Who would want to sign a treaty with the United States after Trump trashed the Iran Nuclear Treaty?
Who would sign a trade agreement with the United States after Trump trashed trade agreements?

Who would agree to be a covert agent for the United States after Trump gives classified material to Russians and orders an FBI informant for the United States to be publicly outed?

Do Democratic Countries feel nervous with Trump's embrace of authoritarian dictators and his anti democratic behavior, his attacks on the free press and his threats to jail political opponents?

Is there anyone in the world who would trust Donald Trump after all his dishonest statements and outright lies?

How many ways are there left for Donald Trump to isolate this country from the rest of the world?

How long, if ever, will it take this country to repair the damage Trump is causing this country in every way possible?

And finally, is this all being put in place by Trump alone, or is he being guided by someone? And who would that someone be?


So your answer was to answer my questions with questions?
Who would want to sign a treaty with the United States after Trump trashed the Iran Nuclear Treaty?

Who would sign a trade agreement with the United States after Trump trashed trade agreements?

Who would agree to be a covert agent for the United States after Trump gives classified material to Russians and orders an FBI informant for the United States to be publicly outed?

Do Democratic Countries feel nervous with Trump's embrace of authoritarian dictators and his anti democratic behavior, his attacks on the free press and his threats to jail political opponents?

Is there anyone in the world who would trust Donald Trump after all his dishonest statements and outright lies?

How many ways are there left for Donald Trump to isolate this country from the rest of the world?

How long, if ever, will it take this country to repair the damage Trump is causing this country in every way possible?

And finally, is this all being put in place by Trump alone, or is he being guided by someone? And who would that someone be?

Start the personal attacks in:



Moron, learn what a treaty is.

There was no treaty with Iran.
Who would want to sign a treaty with the United States after Trump trashed the Iran Nuclear Treaty?

Who would sign a trade agreement with the United States after Trump trashed trade agreements?

Who would agree to be a covert agent for the United States after Trump gives classified material to Russians and orders an FBI informant for the United States to be publicly outed?

Do Democratic Countries feel nervous with Trump's embrace of authoritarian dictators and his anti democratic behavior, his attacks on the free press and his threats to jail political opponents?

Is there anyone in the world who would trust Donald Trump after all his dishonest statements and outright lies?

How many ways are there left for Donald Trump to isolate this country from the rest of the world?

How long, if ever, will it take this country to repair the damage Trump is causing this country in every way possible?

And finally, is this all being put in place by Trump alone, or is he being guided by someone? And who would that someone be?

Start the personal attacks in:



It's posts like these that make me/us miss the old mueller investigation, now that its over we are going to be treated to 6 more years of this kinda nonsense...

start excuse making in...

well you know
Last edited:
Who would want to sign a treaty with the United States after Trump trashed the Iran Nuclear Treaty?

Who would sign a trade agreement with the United States after Trump trashed trade agreements?

Who would agree to be a covert agent for the United States after Trump gives classified material to Russians and orders an FBI informant for the United States to be publicly outed?

Do Democratic Countries feel nervous with Trump's embrace of authoritarian dictators and his anti democratic behavior, his attacks on the free press and his threats to jail political opponents?

Is there anyone in the world who would trust Donald Trump after all his dishonest statements and outright lies?

How many ways are there left for Donald Trump to isolate this country from the rest of the world?

How long, if ever, will it take this country to repair the damage Trump is causing this country in every way possible?

And finally, is this all being put in place by Trump alone, or is he being guided by someone? And who would that someone be?

Start the personal attacks in:



trump takes his orders from tyroneweaver
Who would want to sign a treaty with the United States after Trump trashed the Iran Nuclear Treaty?

Who would sign a trade agreement with the United States after Trump trashed trade agreements?

Who would agree to be a covert agent for the United States after Trump gives classified material to Russians and orders an FBI informant for the United States to be publicly outed?

Do Democratic Countries feel nervous with Trump's embrace of authoritarian dictators and his anti democratic behavior, his attacks on the free press and his threats to jail political opponents?

Is there anyone in the world who would trust Donald Trump after all his dishonest statements and outright lies?

How many ways are there left for Donald Trump to isolate this country from the rest of the world?

How long, if ever, will it take this country to repair the damage Trump is causing this country in every way possible?

And finally, is this all being put in place by Trump alone, or is he being guided by someone? And who would that someone be?

Start the personal attacks in:




Nope. He's just not selling this country out to the highest bidder like your hero's have done.

You got proof of that claim? Quoting Hannity or fox isn't proof.
There was no treaty with Iran.
There was an agreement with Iran Trump trashed and pissed off the other parties. He trashed the TPP. When he made noises about rejoining he was laughed at. He has zero credibility internationally. Oh, ok, with those important allies Saudi and Israel, given. No one else.
mr trump is well known for saying that if someone hits him, he hits them back twice as hard...

yet he oddly displays no instinct in hitting back at russia...

NSA chief says Trump hasn't told him to confront Russian cyber threat

our ignorant so-called president is concerned only with himself and HIS image as he'd rather "hit back" at his own country "twice as hard" for merely seeking due process discovery in defense of our national security.

just to save face for his wounded ego, teflon don would rather drag down his own country because the guy clearly has no honor. he's literally cheated and lied his way through every level of relationship he's ever had.

at this point, i wouldn't put anything past him...
Who would want to sign a treaty with the United States after Trump trashed the Iran Nuclear Treaty?

Who would sign a trade agreement with the United States after Trump trashed trade agreements?

Who would agree to be a covert agent for the United States after Trump gives classified material to Russians and orders an FBI informant for the United States to be publicly outed?

Do Democratic Countries feel nervous with Trump's embrace of authoritarian dictators and his anti democratic behavior, his attacks on the free press and his threats to jail political opponents?

Is there anyone in the world who would trust Donald Trump after all his dishonest statements and outright lies?

How many ways are there left for Donald Trump to isolate this country from the rest of the world?

How long, if ever, will it take this country to repair the damage Trump is causing this country in every way possible?

And finally, is this all being put in place by Trump alone, or is he being guided by someone? And who would that someone be?

Start the personal attacks in:



Moron, learn what a treaty is.

There was no treaty with Iran.
Mike Pompeo lays out steep terms for Iran nuclear treaty

Well, there's none now, obviously.
There was no treaty with Iran.
There was an agreement with Iran Trump trashed and pissed off the other parties. He trashed the TPP. When he made noises about rejoining he was laughed at. He has zero credibility internationally. Oh, ok, with those important allies Saudi and Israel, given. No one else.
I doubt Arabia and Israel take him with any more than a grain of salt.
Remember, it was Israel's secrets that Trump outed to Russia.

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