Will the Democrat Gestapo Flip on Soros?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
It's only a matter of time before the actors in the failed Democrat Coup D'etat are brought to face justice.

My question is, "Will they actually take a bullet for Soros?" Are they willing to face the ultimate price for their treachery or will they say that he's the one who been running the entire coup in exchange for life imprisonment?
I would bet a million bucks that Clapper the coward ends up flipping on Brennan and Obama and Comey the clown...
You conservative snowflakes are as dumb as a post. Just because your fake messiah is in trouble you resort to the twelve year come back, no, you are. If dark money is feeding you pills stop taking them, they are stupid pills and you are proving they work, or maybe you're just dumb and easily led. What buffoons Americans on the right have become. Losers who cheer their loser status, resentment is so unbecoming, grow up fools.

CDZ - The Emasculated American

Education For A Republican

I have asked this question many times and have never received a substantive answer. Answers usually take the form of name changing or taking responsibility for something that isn't in the conservative playbook. I'll give a hint where I am coming from, I see American conservatives as people who look to a past that never was, who feel deep down a sense of loss or impending loss, someone somewhere is taking something that is rightfully theirs, and who feel if only they were granted more power all would be wonderful. This is their sense of the world for it is a psychological mindset rather than a world based in reality. This question applies to libertarians too with the difference, libertarians look to a future that never will be. So my question is, please tell me / us what a conservative or conservatism has accomplished that is good for the nation and all its people? Since most libertarians resemble conservatives you can give it try too. Please remember one thing, this is about 'conservatism' and not about other ideologies or political parties. Oppositional replies are irrelevant. Please stick to the topic question.
Soros's election eve meltdown over Hillary's loss made "Hitler finds out" look as calm as a yogi. He panicked and immediately hit the switch to activate "plan B" to remove Trump from office. He's getting up in year and feasting on fetus hearts is not keeping him as young as it used to. Had Hillary won he would have completed the destruction of the USA as a sovereign nation. The Second Amendment would be gone and we'd be signed up to a One World Government in a battle against Climate Change. But the Lord himself working through his archangel Putin defeated St. Hillary the Inevitable.

Soros is out of time and when Clapper or Comey flips, he'll have to hide on a private island.
You conservative snowflakes are as dumb as a post. Just because your fake messiah is in trouble you resort to the twelve year come back, no, you are. If dark money is feeding you pills stop taking them, they are stupid pills and you are proving they work, or maybe you're just dumb and easily led. What buffoons Americans on the right have become. Losers who cheer their loser status, resentment is so unbecoming, grow up fools.

CDZ - The Emasculated American

Education For A Republican

I have asked this question many times and have never received a substantive answer. Answers usually take the form of name changing or taking responsibility for something that isn't in the conservative playbook. I'll give a hint where I am coming from, I see American conservatives as people who look to a past that never was, who feel deep down a sense of loss or impending loss, someone somewhere is taking something that is rightfully theirs, and who feel if only they were granted more power all would be wonderful. This is their sense of the world for it is a psychological mindset rather than a world based in reality. This question applies to libertarians too with the difference, libertarians look to a future that never will be. So my question is, please tell me / us what a conservative or conservatism has accomplished that is good for the nation and all its people? Since most libertarians resemble conservatives you can give it try too. Please remember one thing, this is about 'conservatism' and not about other ideologies or political parties. Oppositional replies are irrelevant. Please stick to the topic question.

Nobody, and I mean nobody, not even the Starkey's think you're clever
You conservative snowflakes are as dumb as a post
Smart enough to have our man in the White House and a majority in the House and Senate and smart enough to own the SCOTUS.......chew on that awhile....
Soros's election eve meltdown over Hillary's loss made "Hitler finds out" look as calm as a yogi. He panicked and immediately hit the switch to activate "plan B" to remove Trump from office. He's getting up in years and feasting on fetus hearts is not keeping him as young as it used to. Had Hillary won he would have completed the destruction of the USA as a sovereign nation. The Second Amendment would be gone and we'd be signed up to a One World Government in a battle against Climate Change. But the Lord himself working through his archangel Putin defeated St. Hillary the Inevitable.

Soros is out of time and when Clapper or Comey flips, he'll have to hide on a private island.
Americans Deprived of Pride

Soros was trying to bring us the Hilladomor.
The real question is, why don't RWNJs know what Soros actually does?

Oh yeah, I forgot.

Ya can't fix stupid. they believe any and all lies that feed their agenda, including the lie that he said he was going to bring down the US. Idiots. That's trump's job. A uch more imporatnt question is why does the right despise philanthropy? Why do they worship trump lying about donations to vets? Why do RWNJs lvoe that he's stealing from them?

About Soros, I've read a lot about him and have never found anything. I realize that RWNJs don't read any more than trump does but here you are -

Why Populists Hate George Soros And How It Started

George Soros: financier, philanthropist – and hate figure for the far right

George Soros is a favorite target of the right — here's how that happened

George Soros is a man we should all admire – and that’s why the right hates him so much

George Soros and the Demonization of Philanthropy
The real question is, why don't RWNJs know what Soros actually does?

Oh yeah, I forgot.

Ya can't fix stupid. they believe any and all lies that feed their agenda, including the lie that he said he was going to bring down the US. Idiots. That's trump's job. A uch more imporatnt question is why does the right despise philanthropy? Why do they worship trump lying about donations to vets? Why do RWNJs lvoe that he's stealing from them?

About Soros, I've read a lot about him and have never found anything. I realize that RWNJs don't read any more than trump does but here you are -

Why Populists Hate George Soros And How It Started

George Soros: financier, philanthropist – and hate figure for the far right

George Soros is a favorite target of the right — here's how that happened

George Soros is a man we should all admire – and that’s why the right hates him so much

George Soros and the Demonization of Philanthropy

Soros is plain fucking evil
The real question is, why don't RWNJs know what Soros actually does?

Oh yeah, I forgot.

Ya can't fix stupid. they believe any and all lies that feed their agenda, including the lie that he said he was going to bring down the US. Idiots. That's trump's job. A uch more imporatnt question is why does the right despise philanthropy? Why do they worship trump lying about donations to vets? Why do RWNJs lvoe that he's stealing from them?

About Soros, I've read a lot about him and have never found anything. I realize that RWNJs don't read any more than trump does but here you are -

Why Populists Hate George Soros And How It Started

George Soros: financier, philanthropist – and hate figure for the far right

George Soros is a favorite target of the right — here's how that happened

George Soros is a man we should all admire – and that’s why the right hates him so much

George Soros and the Demonization of Philanthropy


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