Is Trump Fit To remain as the President of the USA?

Do you want a liar for President of the USA-?

  • yes

    Votes: 9 39.1%
  • no

    Votes: 14 60.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
A liar? Why didn't they ask that question when Hillary's husband molested an intern, was impeached for lying about it and bombed freaking Europe to deflect attention from his peculiar sexual urges?
They did, genius...they impeached him....durrrrr
It is a sad commentary on America when we feel compelled to accuse or defend a president of lying. Maybe we should add something to the Presidential oath? But then can we ever create an oath that takes care of everything? The oath might take a few hours.
How much did Hillary and the Democrats pay for that fake Russian Dossier? Talk about collusion!
For a while there I believed people who chastise Hillary even though she is no longer in politics is because they cannot find a doll to stick their pins in; so hay, Hillary, that's it. Go after her, she cannot defend herself so go for it. After all, they have nothing constructive to add to the conversation so; be da rude one, the obnoxious one, da ass in the crowd.

Now I am not so sure, we now know that there a a lot of Russian moles among us who will do what it takes to create strife and bitterness where it wasn't before.

These people are Russian moles with curry hair.
b.t.w. they wear sunglasses even when the sun don't shine
You aren't making any sense, but that isn't unusual for a Leftist. Just pointing out some facts which easily prove that the Dems are far more guilty of what they accuse the Republicans of.
The Truth About Who Trump Is

Trump’s charitable giving--Helderman reported that they couldn’t find a single cash donation to charity that Trump personally had made over the previous five years.
Trump and the Truth: His Charitable Giving

Trump promised $1 million of his own money to veterans' causes; Trump lied

Trump’s tax reform—
The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported that under the Act individuals and pass-through entities like partnerships and S corporations would receive about $1,125 billion in net benefits (i.e. net tax cuts offset by reduced healthcare subsidies)

corporations would receive around $320 billion in benefits.
the Act would add an estimated $2.289 trillion to the national debt
over ten years
The individual and pass-through tax cuts fade over time and become net tax increases starting in 2027 while the corporate tax cuts are permanent.
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 - Wikipedia

[1] These tax cuts drastically increase our National Dept
[2] give a permanent tax break to the rich
[3] throw a few crumbs to the working class for a few years
[4] then (for the working class) the rate goes back to where it was.

Trump’s Increased spending in 2018 bumped the deficit up 17 percent to $779 billion in fiscal year 2018, largely due to an increase in spending and a decrease in corporate tax revenue because of the Republican tax cuts late last year. The deficit is now on track to surpass $1 trillion before 2020.
U.S. budget deficit reaches higher level under Trump than at any point in Obama's second term

Trump filed bank bankruptcy six (6) times, after accruing about $1.8 billion in debt; he will take America with him on his seventh (7) bankruptcy

----Donald Trump's greatest achievements---- (to date)

Trump revokes background checks to buy guns
Trump Signs Bill Revoking Obama-Era Gun Checks for People With Mental Illnesses

President Donald Trump quietly signed a bill into law Tuesday rolling back an Obama-era regulation that made it harder for people with mental illnesses to purchase a gun.
Trump signs bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for mental illness

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Monday rejected an Obama-era plan to make automobiles more fuel efficient

Trump sons' hunting in focus as US lifts import ban on African elephant trophies
The Trump administration’s decision to loosen restrictions around the import of elephant trophies.

Donald Trump Jr and Eric Trump are prolific big-game hunters and during the 2016 campaign, images re-emerged of the pair on a 2011 hunting trip posing with animals they had killed on safari, including an elephant, a buffalo and a leopard.
Jane on Twitter

President Donald Trump again called for an end to the filibuster and
NO MORE DACA DEAL," Trump tweeted Sunday morning.
Trump tweets: 'NO MORE DACA DEAL' - CNNPolitics

Hillary won the popular vote, Trump bought of the Delegates representing the voters
Hillary Clinton…………… 65,844,610

Donald Trump's………… 62,979,636

with a difference of ………2,864,974.

Trump is president because Russian and others hacked into our electoral system manipulating the data. They also flooded our media with “false” accusations of misconduct by Hillary and associates. It was and is being proven to be from foreign sabotage.

In the here and now; Trump has committed treason.

In law, treason is the crime that covers some of the more extreme acts against one's nation or sovereign.[1] . A person who commits treason is known in law as a traitor.
In English law, high treason was punishable by being hanged,

Don’t hang Trump-----Just Impeach him
Last edited:
The Truth About Who Trump Is

Trump’s charitable giving--Helderman reported that they couldn’t find a single cash donation to charity that Trump personally had made over the previous five years.
Trump and the Truth: His Charitable Giving

Trump promised $1 million of his own money to veterans' causes; Trump lied

Trump’s tax reform—
The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported that under the Act individuals and pass-through entities like partnerships and S corporations would receive about $1,125 billion in net benefits (i.e. net tax cuts offset by reduced healthcare subsidies)

corporations would receive around $320 billion in benefits.
the Act would add an estimated $2.289 trillion to the national debt
over ten years
The individual and pass-through tax cuts fade over time and become net tax increases starting in 2027 while the corporate tax cuts are permanent.
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 - Wikipedia

[1] These tax cuts drastically increase our National Dept
[2] give a permanent tax break to the rich
[3] throw a few crumbs to the working class for a few years
[4] then (for the working class) the rate goes back to where it was.

Trump’s Increased spending in 2018 bumped the deficit up 17 percent to $779 billion in fiscal year 2018, largely due to an increase in spending and a decrease in corporate tax revenue because of the Republican tax cuts late last year. The deficit is now on track to surpass $1 trillion before 2020.
U.S. budget deficit reaches higher level under Trump than at any point in Obama's second term

Trump filed bank bankruptcy six (6) times, after accruing about $1.8 billion in debt; he will take America with him on his seventh (7) bankruptcy

----Donald Trump's greatest achievements---- (to date)

Trump revokes background checks to buy guns
Trump Signs Bill Revoking Obama-Era Gun Checks for People With Mental Illnesses

President Donald Trump quietly signed a bill into law Tuesday rolling back an Obama-era regulation that made it harder for people with mental illnesses to purchase a gun.
Trump signs bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for mental illness

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Monday rejected an Obama-era plan to make automobiles more fuel efficient

Trump sons' hunting in focus as US lifts import ban on African elephant trophies
The Trump administration’s decision to loosen restrictions around the import of elephant trophies.

Donald Trump Jr and Eric Trump are prolific big-game hunters and during the 2016 campaign, images re-emerged of the pair on a 2011 hunting trip posing with animals they had killed on safari, including an elephant, a buffalo and a leopard.
Jane on Twitter

President Donald Trump again called for an end to the filibuster and
NO MORE DACA DEAL," Trump tweeted Sunday morning.
Trump tweets: 'NO MORE DACA DEAL' - CNNPolitics

Hillary won the popular vote, Trump bought of the Delegates representing the voters
Hillary Clinton…………… 65,844,610

Donald Trump's………… 62,979,636

with a difference of ………2,864,974.

Trump is president because Russian and others hacked into our electoral system manipulating the data. They also flooded our media with “false” accusations of misconduct by Hillary and associates. It was and is being proven to be from foreign sabotage.

In the here and now; Trump has committed treason.

In law, treason is the crime that covers some of the more extreme acts against one's nation or sovereign.[1] . A person who commits treason is known in law as a traitor.
In English law, high treason was punishable by being hanged,

Don’t hang Trump-----Just Impeach him

Hillary won the popular vote,

We don't use popular vote to elect presidents. Never have. Not once.

Trump bought of the Delegates representing the voters

You mean by spending about half the amount Hillary spent? That was funny.
Is Trump Fit To remain as the President of the USA?

As of 05/18/2019

The question was asked to other forum participants

Do you want a liar for President of the USA-?

14 posters said,.,.,.,. NO

9 said .,,,,,,.,.,,,...,,,,.YES

Case closed----

Is Trump Fit To remain as the President of the USA?



1. a person who tells lies.

"the man was a notorious liar"
“Liar - Google Search

God does not like lying but He never used the term

li·ar | \ ˈlī(-ə)r \
Definition of liar
: a person who tells lies has a reputation as a liar
Definition of LIAR

With just 10 days before he finishes his first year as president, Trump has made 2,001 false or misleading claims in 355 days, according to our database that analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement uttered by the president. That’s an average of more than 5.6 claims a day.

What's going on with Donald Trump? Psychologist explains the president’s lies, reversals

Trump's lies and reversals are not due to mental illness but because he reacts to people and situations in the moment, with no thought of future or past.

Late last year, 27 prominent mental health professionals were so concerned about Trump’s odd and sometimes belligerent behavior that they contributed chapters to an unprecedented book called, "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump." Their deep concern, they said, justified setting aside an important ethical standard of the mental health professions — the one that forbids mental health professionals from diagnosing public figures they’ve never actually evaluated.

Trump lies. And lies. And lies.

When the history of the Trump era is written, this quotation from our president will play a prominent role in explaining the distemper of our moment and the dysfunction of his administration. Trump was talking about media coverage of his trade war, but he was also describing his genuinely novel approach to governing: He believes that reality itself can be denied and that big lies can sow enough confusion to keep the truth from taking hold.

Trumps Lies T r u m p ’ s L i e s Many Americans have become accustomed to President Trump’s lies. But as regular as they have become, the country should not allow itself to become numb to them. So we have catalogued nearly every outright lie he has told publicly since taking the oath of office. Updated: The president is still lying, so we've added to this list, taking it through Nov. 11, and provided links to the facts in each case.
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

In a truly superhuman feat, The Washington Post has tallied all the “falsehoods” that have spewed from Trump’s mouth and fingers since January 20, 2017, to April 27, 2019. Per the Post, that’s a whopping 10,111 in 828 days. And the situation vis-à-vis the president being a pathological liar is getting markedly worse. After telling a mere 5,000 false and misleading statements during his first 601 days in office, the pace and frequency of the lies has accelerated such that he doubled his bullshit in just a third of the time, telling almost 23 lies a day in the seven-month period beginning in late October, during midterm elections.

Report: Trump Has Told More Than 10,000 Lies Since Being Inaugurated

LYING Trump; you are FIRED !!!!

Last edited:
The Truth About Who Trump Is

Trump’s charitable giving--Helderman reported that they couldn’t find a single cash donation to charity that Trump personally had made over the previous five years.
Trump and the Truth: His Charitable Giving

Trump promised $1 million of his own money to veterans' causes; Trump lied

Trump’s tax reform—
The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported that under the Act individuals and pass-through entities like partnerships and S corporations would receive about $1,125 billion in net benefits (i.e. net tax cuts offset by reduced healthcare subsidies)

corporations would receive around $320 billion in benefits.
the Act would add an estimated $2.289 trillion to the national debt
over ten years
The individual and pass-through tax cuts fade over time and become net tax increases starting in 2027 while the corporate tax cuts are permanent.
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 - Wikipedia

[1] These tax cuts drastically increase our National Dept
[2] give a permanent tax break to the rich
[3] throw a few crumbs to the working class for a few years
[4] then (for the working class) the rate goes back to where it was.

Trump’s Increased spending in 2018 bumped the deficit up 17 percent to $779 billion in fiscal year 2018, largely due to an increase in spending and a decrease in corporate tax revenue because of the Republican tax cuts late last year. The deficit is now on track to surpass $1 trillion before 2020.
U.S. budget deficit reaches higher level under Trump than at any point in Obama's second term

Trump filed bank bankruptcy six (6) times, after accruing about $1.8 billion in debt; he will take America with him on his seventh (7) bankruptcy

----Donald Trump's greatest achievements---- (to date)

Trump revokes background checks to buy guns
Trump Signs Bill Revoking Obama-Era Gun Checks for People With Mental Illnesses

President Donald Trump quietly signed a bill into law Tuesday rolling back an Obama-era regulation that made it harder for people with mental illnesses to purchase a gun.
Trump signs bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for mental illness

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Monday rejected an Obama-era plan to make automobiles more fuel efficient

Trump sons' hunting in focus as US lifts import ban on African elephant trophies
The Trump administration’s decision to loosen restrictions around the import of elephant trophies.

Donald Trump Jr and Eric Trump are prolific big-game hunters and during the 2016 campaign, images re-emerged of the pair on a 2011 hunting trip posing with animals they had killed on safari, including an elephant, a buffalo and a leopard.
Jane on Twitter

President Donald Trump again called for an end to the filibuster and
NO MORE DACA DEAL," Trump tweeted Sunday morning.
Trump tweets: 'NO MORE DACA DEAL' - CNNPolitics

Hillary won the popular vote, Trump bought of the Delegates representing the voters
Hillary Clinton…………… 65,844,610

Donald Trump's………… 62,979,636

with a difference of ………2,864,974.

Trump is president because Russian and others hacked into our electoral system manipulating the data. They also flooded our media with “false” accusations of misconduct by Hillary and associates. It was and is being proven to be from foreign sabotage.

In the here and now; Trump has committed treason.

In law, treason is the crime that covers some of the more extreme acts against one's nation or sovereign.[1] . A person who commits treason is known in law as a traitor.
In English law, high treason was punishable by being hanged,

Don’t hang Trump-----Just Impeach him
Yada yada yada...more gibberish.

Newsflash...we have a great economy and we live in a much more secure world than we did under Obama. The crooked America hating Dems are promising high taxes, socialism, shitty economy, an unstable / insecure world, and dividing people along race, gender, and economic lines.
In a truly superhuman feat, The Washington Post has tallied all the “falsehoods” that have spewed from Trump’s mouth and fingers since January 20, 2017, to April 27, 2019. Per the Post, that’s a whopping 10,111 in 828 days. And the situation vis-à-vis the president being a pathological liar is getting markedly worse. After telling a mere 5,000 false and misleading statements during his first 601 days in office, the pace and frequency of the lies has accelerated such that he doubled his bullshit in just a third of the time, telling almost 23 lies a day in the seven-month period beginning in late October, during midterm elections.
Report: Trump Has Told More Than 10,000 Lies Since Being Inaugurated

Pathological lying is a behavior of habitual or compulsive lying.

It was first described in the medical literature in 1891 by Anton Delbrueck.[2] Although it is a controversial topic,[2] pathological lying has been defined as "falsification entirely disproportionate to any discernible end in view, may be extensive and very complicated, and may manifest over a period of years or even a lifetime".

Defining characteristics of pathological lying include

· An internal motive for the behavior can be discerned clinically: e.g., long-lasting extortion or habitual spousal battery might cause a person to lie repeatedly, without the lying being a pathological symptom.[2]

· The stories told tend toward presenting the liar favorably. The liar "decorates their own person"[3] by telling stories that present them as the hero or the victim. For example, the person might be presented as being fantastically brave, as knowing or being related to many famous people, or as having great power, position, or wealth.

Some psychiatrists distinguish compulsive from pathological lying, while others consider them equivalent; yet others deny the existence of compulsive lying altogether; this remains an area of considerable controversy.[4]
Pathological lying - Wikipedia

Trump.,.,.,. We now know who/what you are; a Pathological liar
unfit to be President Of The USA~!!!!!!
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Newsflash...we have a great economy and we live in a much more secure world than we did under Obama

bla, bla,,,.,bla.,.,..bla,,.,bla.,.,..bla,,.,bla.,.,..bla,,.,bla.,.,..bla,,.,bla.,.,..bla
Yada yada yada...more gibberish.
A Russian mole perhaps--?
In a truly superhuman feat, The Washington Post has tallied all the “falsehoods” that have spewed from Trump’s mouth and fingers since January 20, 2017, to April 27, 2019. Per the Post, that’s a whopping 10,111 in 828 days. And the situation vis-à-vis the president being a pathological liar is getting markedly worse. After telling a mere 5,000 false and misleading statements during his first 601 days in office, the pace and frequency of the lies has accelerated such that he doubled his bullshit in just a third of the time, telling almost 23 lies a day in the seven-month period beginning in late October, during midterm elections.
Report: Trump Has Told More Than 10,000 Lies Since Being Inaugurated

Pathological lying is a behavior of habitual or compulsive lying.

It was first described in the medical literature in 1891 by Anton Delbrueck.[2] Although it is a controversial topic,[2] pathological lying has been defined as "falsification entirely disproportionate to any discernible end in view, may be extensive and very complicated, and may manifest over a period of years or even a lifetime".

Defining characteristics of pathological lying include

· An internal motive for the behavior can be discerned clinically: e.g., long-lasting extortion or habitual spousal battery might cause a person to lie repeatedly, without the lying being a pathological symptom.[2]

· The stories told tend toward presenting the liar favorably. The liar "decorates their own person"[3] by telling stories that present them as the hero or the victim. For example, the person might be presented as being fantastically brave, as knowing or being related to many famous people, or as having great power, position, or wealth.

Some psychiatrists distinguish compulsive from pathological lying, while others consider them equivalent; yet others deny the existence of compulsive lying altogether; this remains an area of considerable controversy.[4]
Pathological lying - Wikipedia

Trump.,.,.,. We now know who/what you are; a Pathological liar
unfit to be President Of The USA~!!!!!!
A "newspaper" that lies and spreads Leftist propoganda and fake conspiracies accusing others of "lying". Now that's rich!

"Trump has lied 10,000 times" - Only from the mind of a mentally ill Leftard!
and we live in a much more secure world than we did under Obama.

Peak trump cultism
Well he didn't remove the Libyan dictator that had given up his nukes to be replaced by radical Islamists, he didn't draw an invisible red line and then sat on his hands to watch the genocide of half a million by the leader and ISIS grabbing a chunk of the country, he didn't send billions in cash as ransom to Iran's leaders, he didn't ignore N Korea shooting missile after missile over Japan and our allies and threaten the American mainland with nuclear holocaust, he didn't pick his nose while Russia was interfering with our elections, AS THAT INCOMPETENT IDIOT OBAMA DID.

How's that for starters, Leftist cultist infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome?
Newsflash...we have a great economy and we live in a much more secure world than we did under Obama

bla, bla,,,.,bla.,.,..bla,,.,bla.,.,..bla,,.,bla.,.,..bla,,.,bla.,.,..bla,,.,bla.,.,..bla
Yada yada yada...more gibberish.
A Russian mole perhaps--?
Which part of what I said is untrue, oh paid commie propagandist?

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