Is this Class Warfare?


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
Raising the taxes on one select class? That's the definition, right? According to you 'class warfare' whiners...

Wis. budget panel cuts tax credit for poor

May 31, 2011


Republicans on the Legislature's finance committee tucked a host of tax changes into the state budget Tuesday, reducing credits for the working poor and expanding tax breaks on business investments.

The committee adopted a massive motion covering a wide swath of tax revisions on a 12-4 party line vote. Chief among them was a provision cutting back on the earned income tax credit.

Wis. budget panel cuts tax credit for poor - BusinessWeek
Now tell me, are they aiming at the poor here or are they applying the same standard to everyone?

Because if you are applying an equal standard across the board than no it's not class warfare.

If you are dividing people up into classes and attacking them then yes it is.
So the bottom 50% that don't pay income taxes should continue to get additional tax breaks and subsidizies? Is that right whiner?
Is this Class Warfare?

There is no such thing as ‘class warfare’; it’s a contrivance of the right in an effort to justify their support of the wealthy in the context of conservative dogma: the fallacy that the wealthy are ‘job creators’ and are entitled to tax breaks and the like accordingly. Taking advantage of tax breaks to maximize profits, they create no jobs and only enrich shareholders.
Raising the taxes on one select class? That's the definition, right? According to you 'class warfare' whiners...

Wis. budget panel cuts tax credit for poor

May 31, 2011


Republicans on the Legislature's finance committee tucked a host of tax changes into the state budget Tuesday, reducing credits for the working poor and expanding tax breaks on business investments.

The committee adopted a massive motion covering a wide swath of tax revisions on a 12-4 party line vote. Chief among them was a provision cutting back on the earned income tax credit.

Wis. budget panel cuts tax credit for poor - BusinessWeek

Most all states have regressive tax systems where the lowest income earners pay the highest percentage of taxes, while the highest income earners pay the least. And they want to take credits away from the poor. It's laughable. Of course, most people have no clue that states have such regressive tax systems as they just get caught up in all the propaganda that the rich pay all the taxes.
Is this Class Warfare?

There is no such thing as ‘class warfare’; it’s a contrivance of the right in an effort to justify their support of the wealthy in the context of conservative dogma: the fallacy that the wealthy are ‘job creators’ and are entitled to tax breaks and the like accordingly. Taking advantage of tax breaks to maximize profits, they create no jobs and only enrich shareholders.

opinions are like assholes and everyone has one
Is this Class Warfare?

There is no such thing as ‘class warfare’; it’s a contrivance of the right in an effort to justify their support of the wealthy in the context of conservative dogma: the fallacy that the wealthy are ‘job creators’ and are entitled to tax breaks and the like accordingly. Taking advantage of tax breaks to maximize profits, they create no jobs and only enrich shareholders.

opinions are like assholes and everyone has one

Did you make that up?
I've never heard it before...can I use it?
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There is no 'class' in America, so how can we have 'class warfare'?

Wealth = Class for the GOP. Little do they know class is much harder to come by than merely having money.

Depends on how you're defining the word 'class'. We are not a class based society. Read the damned Constitution. Not rocket science.

This obsessional use of 'class' is a political tool used by those who wish to divide the nation. And that is playing politics rather than putting country first. Should you prefer to put your party over your country, that is your decision. But make that decision knowing what you are doing. I will not blame the GOP or the Dems for this, both sides use 'class' as a weapon.... it is to our shame that we fall for it.
There is no 'class' in America, so how can we have 'class warfare'?

Wealth = Class for the GOP. Little do they know class is much harder to come by than merely having money.

Depends on how you're defining the word 'class'. We are not a class based society. Read the damned Constitution. Not rocket science.

This obsessional use of 'class' is a political tool used by those who wish to divide the nation. And that is playing politics rather than putting country first. Should you prefer to put your party over your country, that is your decision. But make that decision knowing what you are doing. I will not blame the GOP or the Dems for this, both sides use 'class' as a weapon.... it is to our shame that we fall for it.

Class dismissed!
Class war?

As long as a society has people with very different circumstance(for whatever reason) and certainly this society has groups in wildly different circumstances, then social policies will effect those different groups differently.

That's just the way it is.

The most significant element that determines "CLASS" in this society, is based on individual and family wealth.

Protesting that ours is a "classless" society is just so much nonsense.

The very existence of a society with division of labor, implies that some kind of class politics is in play.
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Class war?

As long as a society has people with very different circumstance(for whatever reason) and certainly this society has groups in wildly different circumstances, then social policies will effect those different groups differently.

That's just the way it is.

The most significant element that determines "CLASS" in this society, is based on individual and family wealth.

Protesting that ours is a "classless" society is just so much nonsense.

Historically, 'class' based societies were those that one was born into a certain societal structure and one could not move from that class.

Since when has that been the case in America? Never. People have always had the ability to move up or down, depending on their own hard work. I am sick and tired of people bitching about 'class'. There is no fucking class based society in America.

It's a weapon. And a despicable one.
Simple taxes = Fair taxes.

Fair taxes, a budget balanced by law and then build an economy your children can ride to the stars.

It ain't rocket science, y'all. :smoke:

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