Is this a Conspiracy Topic? UFO's

We are all aware of that Deflection idea . Old and continuing "noise" .And it has been part of CIA strategy since the fifties .
More interesting are the number of recent emerging whistleblowers who are reporting details about captured craft -- and sometimes bodies-- with the total now well into double figures .
Of course , if you are only determined to just keep repeating inanities like , " Dumbasses " , any useful discussion is doomed .
People like myself who believe your view is absurdly over stated are far from stupid or gullible.
We also notice that "Chatter "and "Noise "are at unprecedented levels .
That , with other unshared intel, leads us to believe that a level of disclosure will be reached very soon -- before summer of next year at latest -- which will be stratospheric in terms of content .
As ever , eyes to the sky .

Do you realize that interstellar travel would require acceleration levels that would crush any living being? Remember the whole F=ma thing from high school?

On the other hand, do you seriously believe that the idea of nuclear propulsion of aircraft never occurred to the U.S. military? That they put nuclear propulsion on submarines and ships, but they never thought of putting it on aircraft?

The lack of any public record of nuclear propulsion on aircraft, alone proves that there was a coverup. Records were probably destroyed.

Did you notice how all the 'UFO' crashes happened near Government air bases?

Remember the whole 1+1=2 thing from grammar school?
UFOs are now officially UAP and of course the subject is 100% factual because there are Unidentified Aerial Phenomena and with literally millions of sightings all over the planet, and , in modern times , say from 1940 onwards.
The more interesting questions are whether any of these are :-
1. Manned craft or not .
2. Craft from outside of this planet .
3.Craft from this planet but not created by us as a species .
4.Craft from this planet that have come from out of so called secret Black Ops handled solely by our species, and almost certainly from reverse engineering of crashed UAPs
5.As previous, but with direct co-operation with extra terrestrials .

Dr Stephen Greer is the foremost investigator , although I believe Jacques Vallee to be even better informed though he is not as widely generally known .

When you have absorbed all of the information available --- years and years of required research, you will not think in terms of Conspiracy .
The chances are that for all five question areas the evidence all points to the same overall conclusion with about 99.99% certainty . But imho .
However, misinformation , misdirection and outright lies are staple diet as most Governments have no clear information and Disclosure strategy -- Chile is an exception .
The moment you start letting the Sheeple know the truth , you lose control over them and the existing wealth elite lose their power and money .
If only because a different form of propulsion -- anti gravity being the most likely , would change this planet forever in just about every area imaginable.

Lots of sceptics but 99.99% of them have little to no subject knowledge and/or are 100% generally Cognitively Rigid ( a mental illness condition) and/or have existing belief systems which they regard as 100% incompatible with belief in UAPs that are manned and where off - world beings are involved .

Stephen Greer is all about Disclosure which is such a delicate and complex matter .
Particularly if and when you then move to the next level and you suggest that the underlying force behind matters are Space Aliens who direct and manipulate what we label Deep State as their prime Earth asset .
That is a huge step too far for nearly everybody to take on board though I am not in the least embarrased to admit that it is something that I believe in with at least a judged 95% + certainty .
Others believe in Trump or vaccines or climate change or a Christian type God . Most of us are consumed with our belief systems but in not too damaging ways to self and others .
My belief is academic to the extent that I am unlikely to see full Disclosure in this life . Though definitely next time around . imho .
Let's just see what the government has been hiding for decades. It should be reassuring to the most fearful among us that if these are E.T.s from distant planets they apparently mean us no harm. If they were aggressive, they would have already obliterated or imprisoned us by now.
Let's just see what the government has been hiding for decades. It should be reassuring to the most fearful among us that if these are E.T.s from distant planets they apparently mean us no harm. If they were aggressive, they would have already obliterated or imprisoned us by now.

It is likely that ET walks amongst us. It's possible that Gates and some of the men of Davos are aliens, and have harmed humanity by way of the bioweapons brought by them.

My theory is that like humans, there are good aliens and bad aliens.

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