Is there something wrong with majority rules?

How many here agree with Senator Gregg?

Senator Judd Gregg of New Hampshire, the senior Republican on the Budget Committee, who has been warning Democrats not to attempt to use reconciliation for the health care legislation, famously defended the process when Republicans were using it in 2005. “Is there something wrong with majority rules?” Mr. Gregg asked. “I don’t think so.”

people here have very few principles they are willing to come out and defend

I opposed the creation of reconciliation in the first place -it was a deliberate decision to bypass and bastardize the Constitution that requires at least 60 votes to pass any bills in the Senate -without any distinction about what those bills might involve. The Senate was created to be the deliberative body against tyranny of the minority and to give pause for a government that might go bad and tyrannize even the majority -forcing them to take much longer to contemplate, discuss and debate the full consequences of a bill that was most likely passed in the House with little deliberation and consideration. The House was created to be the fast and dirty body, able to pass bills with a simple majority while historically the Senate, BECAUSE at least 60 votes were required -would be able to put a stop to the bad bills the House routinely produces. As a result and THANK GOD, most of the bills passed in the House do NOT become law. If the Senate couldn't muster those 60 votes to pass a bill, that is just TOUGH SHIT. Nobody gets elected on the grounds they intend to act like a member of the other party and carry out their agenda. It isn't supposed to be easy for the Senate to pass bills or create new law, the founders wanted it to be difficult - because otherwise the real power would not lie with WE THE PEOPLE but with those occupying an elected office and constantly exposed to the corrupting influence of POWER.

I never understood where Robert Byrd, KKK grand poobah Democrat ever believed anyone in the Senate, who is just temporarily holding an elected office and doesn't own it - had the authority to make up a rule out of whole cloth for the specific purpose of bypassing the Constitutional requirements and limitations specifically placed on that body. It promptly opened the door to further and ever more bastardization of our Constitution, to the point it is trying to be used to allow government to tyrannize the majority as the Democrats are fully intent on doing to us right now -and no matter what. With Pelosi even telling Dems that if it means it costs them their careers, they should FORCE on the American people what they have vigorously said they do NOT want while they will then arrogantly turn around and FORCE them to pay for what they didn't want! That ARROGANT BITCH should be the first in line to lose her job but won't be -how dare she demand other Dems risk what she isn't risking at all.

The creation of the reconciliation rule opened the door for its potential abuse. And only an idiot would think it would not end up being abused in this way. It is the nature of the beast that those in government constantly seek to expand the size and power of government because it expands THEIR power. It is why when hearing complaints about using reconciliation for a government takeover of 1/6 our economy and a bill that will nearly double the size of government in one fell swoop with the creation of SEVENTY new government bureaucracies -Democrats immediately whine about how Republicans used reconciliation to pass tax cuts. But without bothering to admit those tax cuts still passed by more than the 60 votes the Constitution required anyway! And when did tax cuts become the equivalent of the creation of 70 new government bureaucracies and THE most massive expansion of government and government POWERS in our history? Do NOT try to tell me that it is the proper use of reconciliation to to ram through a bill that will double the size of government, tremendously expand the power and control of government over YOUR life and add MASSIVE debt to an already massive debt we cannot pay already while government puts its foot in the door for the full takeover of 1/6 our economy in the IDIOTIC pretense that government can do a better, less expensive, higher quality job of providing health care than the private sector is within the intent of reconciliation and no different from using it to pass TAX CUTS which in no way expanded either the size or power of government! Byrd created the perfect means of allowing the corruption of the Senate to bypass its Constitutional restrictions and limitations.

Power corrupts and Byrd ended up creating the very means of allowing the Senate to become another fast and dirty body like the House. It CORRUPTED the Senate - eliminating THE most important Constitutional measure intended to try and prevent our government from tyranny and prevent the Senate from being like the fast and dirty House in the first place. If Democrats shove this health care MONSTROSITY down our throats using reconciliation, it means ANY bill under consideration in the Senate technically involves budget matters in some way and therefore whichever party even holds the bare majority in the Senate can use reconciliation to ram through whatever THEY want and forcibly impose it on WE THE PEOPLE against their will. And we should expect both to do so now. And of course send us the bill for it. THAT is tyranny -ramming down the throats of the people what they oppose is tyranny and then forcing them to foot the bill for it after is just adding insult to it.

People never realize what tyranny even looks like until after it has taken full hold and people are undeniably suffering as the result of it and under it. But by that time it is too late - tyranny is well established and the people in the worst position to readily do much to rid themselves of it. So take a good look at this process right now -because when Democrats impose this on us all, as they have said they are willing to do even though the vast majority do NOT want this bill passed at all, do NOT want to pay for it, do not want that kind of massive growth in government and expansion of government powers --you will be getting a terrific look firsthand at how tyranny gains a foothold in a system in the first place. Democrats are going to take their best shot at it because they believe in the end THEY will benefit from it. They know good and well WE THE PEOPLE sure as hell won't benefit from a bill that will immediately impose massive taxes we will all have to pay for years and years before the day government perhaps MIGHT pay its first benefit. Somewhere between 4-8 years from now. THIS is how evil sneaks in and undermines our Constitutional system. Tranny never walks in openly on a free people as the evil it really is but always dressed up pretending it is there to provide a "good" thing for the people whether they want it or not. But allowing tyranny in means making government your master and YOU its slave. And history has proven government is a bad, bad master. Power corrupts and the more power a government has, the more corrupt it is and will become. How often does mankind have to see that and personally experience before GETTING IT? The notion that a bigger and more powerful government will somehow be LESS corrupt would be laughable on its face -if it didn't carry such grave consequences not just for us but our children and grandchildren. Who will never thank us for what we did.

The fact is most of those in Congress either couldn't hack it in the real world or never had to in the first place. This kind of mindboggling arrogance they are showing, the utter contempt they reveal for WE THE PEOPLE is undeniable PROOF about the nature of power and how it is a filthy, corrupting influence. The longer someone is exposed, the more likely they have been seduced by power and the reason we all need to make sure those in government have only a minimal exposure to the seductive corruption of power by voting them out regularly. Again, regardless of party.
How many here agree with Senator Gregg?

Senator Judd Gregg of New Hampshire, the senior Republican on the Budget Committee, who has been warning Democrats not to attempt to use reconciliation for the health care legislation, famously defended the process when Republicans were using it in 2005. “Is there something wrong with majority rules?” Mr. Gregg asked. “I don’t think so.”

people here have very few principles they are willing to come out and defend

It would appear to me that *YOU* have a lack of understanding of ETHICS especially when the VAST MAJORITY of Americans are SOURED on this bill and have said "NO"...

What is so HARD of this? Now the Democrats are saying "FUCK YOU" to the PEOPLE.

How hard is this actually? WHOM runs this nation? The politicians or THOSE THAT SENT THEM?
How many here agree with Senator Gregg?

Senator Judd Gregg of New Hampshire, the senior Republican on the Budget Committee, who has been warning Democrats not to attempt to use reconciliation for the health care legislation, famously defended the process when Republicans were using it in 2005. “Is there something wrong with majority rules?” Mr. Gregg asked. “I don’t think so.”

people here have very few principles they are willing to come out and defend

Nothing wrong with majority rules....the majority of Americans DON'T WANT THIS BULLSHIT HEALTHCARE UNION GIVEAWAY SCHEME...
It is what the constitution outlines.

The Constitution outlines majority rule with protections for the minority.

Pure majority rule results in what Tocqueville very properly labelled "The Tyranny of the Majority:".

And Interesting that OBAMA spelled out his fears of such a Majority when Republicans held it. NOT so much when Democrats HOLD IT.

Pay attention Grump you fucking MORON

Move along T...adults are talking.....

Keep going you moronic OAF. I checked the entire thread and the LINK didn't work. I fixed it for your edification.

and *YOU* don't PORTEND to tell me what to DO Mother Fucker.

Got it straight?

That wasn't the point of my post you drunk loser...

Your moronic post does not surprise me...anybody who uses "the Patriot" as their avatar is related to Cletus the Slack-jawed Yokel, therefore trying to make any sense out of them is like poking a sloth with a stick.....
No, actually in 2005 it was used for healthcare reform.

No it wasn't. It was used to reduce Medicare spending, not to create Medicare itself.

It was used to dramatically increase medicare spending, not reduce it.

So if the healthcare bill before the house and senate merely consisted of extending medicare to all you would then support a reconciliation effort to pass it?
Move along T...adults are talking.....

Keep going you moronic OAF. I checked the entire thread and the LINK didn't work. I fixed it for your edification.

and *YOU* don't PORTEND to tell me what to DO Mother Fucker.

Got it straight?

That wasn't the point of my post you drunk loser...

Your moronic post does not surprise me...anybody who uses "the Patriot" as their avatar is related to Cletus the Slack-jawed Yokel, therefore trying to make any sense out of them is like poking a sloth with a stick.....

*YOU* Have NO Idea of what your saying. That is evident. YOU lost this one. Suck it up and try again.

Your response, and attack is evidence enough. My advice to you is get a life, (And NOT AT OTHERS' EXPENSE)...Yeah...*I* have YOUR NUMBER.

*I* am ON to *YOU*

YOU have telegraphed it enough to the point of NASEUM.
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*YOU* Have NO Idea of what your saying. That is evident. YOU lost this one. Suck it up and try again.

Your response, and attack is evidence enough. My advice to you is get a life, (And NOT AT OTHERS' EXPENSE)...Yeah...*I* have YOUR NUMBER.

*I* am ON to *YOU*

YOU have telegraphed it enough to the point of NASEUM.

I know exactly what I'm saying, but the nuances of the English language are lost on the likes of you - you shouldn't have dropped out of high school..

The only thing you are on is a bicycle without a seat by the sounds of it....
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*YOU* Have NO Idea of what your saying. That is evident. YOU lost this one. Suck it up and try again.

Your response, and attack is evidence enough. My advice to you is get a life, (And NOT AT OTHERS' EXPENSE)...Yeah...*I* have YOUR NUMBER.

*I* am ON to *YOU*

YOU have telegraphed it enough to the point of NASEUM.

I know exactly what I'm saying, but the nuances of the English language are lost on the likes of you - you shouldn't have dropped out of high school..

The only thing you are on is bicycle without a seat by the sounds of it....

You DumbFuck...YOU don't know me -nor- my Education. *YOU* have NO EARTHLY CLUE. Therefore I leave this thread and *YOU* with a mild *chuckle* unto myself.

Keep stabbing in that darkness.:lol:

I've NAILED yer ASS.

And YOU may visit ME on MY home turf if you have the brass NADS to do so. Allsigns point that you don't. Yer a WIMP...a Keyboard Terrorist NAZI...:lol:
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