Is there a better band than AC/DC?


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I liked ACDC but its OK to have more than three chords in a song.
When asked by Howard Stern how he felt about critics saying that AC/DC has put out the same album for the last 5 or 10 years Brian Johnson replied; "Well I'd say it's more like the last 20 or 30 years!" :D

Don't know if this was posted already:

[ame=]AC/DC-Back in Black(Funk Version) - YouTube[/ame]
ZZ Top
Dire Straits
Bon Jovi (twice – got paid in both times - wouldn't pay to see 'em myself)
George Thorogood (twice ’86-’89)
Neil Young
Bruce Springsteen
Bob Dylan
Tom Petty
Eric Clapton
David Bowie
Rolling Stones
U2 (twice – ‘84 and ‘90)
In that time period - yes. Your right - I shouldn't say "flash in a pan" - more like...inferno in a pan. What Beatle maniacs forget:
The Beatles only lasted about 5 years.
In that 5 year period they we're G I A N T S...but by 1970 their record sales were nosediving and they broke up. That is what I mean by flash in a pan - they couldn't sustain it. The Beatles didn't change the world for Pete's sake - western culture was ALREADY changing rapidly - the Beatles was a part of an ongoing culture revolution, but they were neither the catalyst or the engine of it...just like Joplin, Hendrix, Stones etc. were a part of it.
You think so?

Before the Beatles: The rock world was dominated by solo artists with professional songwriters from the US.
After the Beatles: This changed to rock "groups" from the UK with "self-penned" songs.

Before the Beatles: record albums were of secondary consideration to singles ("45s") in mass marketing. Albums contained largely "filler" material (unexceptional songs) along with one or two hits.
After the Beatles:They (The Beatles) made albums more important by rarely incorporating singles on them.

Before the Beatles: There were no music videos.
After the Beatles: There was MTV.

Before the Beatles: There were no large, outdoor, concert stadium shows until their concert at Shea Stadium in '65.
After the Beatles: We got the Monterey Pop Festival and Woodstock, to name a few.

Before the Beatles: Everybody was using "butch wax" and combing their hair straight back with the James Dean look.
After the Beatles: We have the "mop top" and the start of everyone growing their hair out.

Before the Beatles: Everybody was wearing leather trousers, plaid shirts, and slacks in basic black, white and grey colors.
After the Beatles: You had the the Mod youth cult and their Edwardian collarless suits, which later gave way to the psychedelic era.

Before the Beatles: Drugs were a forbidden, taboo subject people wouldn't talk about in mixed company.
After the Beatles: Drugs became a recreational activity embraced by the masses.

And if none of that convinces you, just think about this, The Beatles are covered more by other artists (in all forms of media), than any other group (or songwriters) in music history.
The Beatles changed the world, what other bands can you say that about?

Oh for Pete's sake...there should be some kind of cattle prod to snap people out of their delusions concerning the Beatles.
It goes without saying the Beatles were a HUUUUUGE success and influence in the mid-60's.
However they were of course short-lived. By the late 60's they were only having minor hits and waning record sales. And of course they broke up soon after.
Other bands have had way-way-waaaaay better success than the Beatles when considering longevity and continued success in future albums.
What the Beatles really were - were the most successful commercialized flash in a pan band in world history. All of their success happened within just a few years when they were the only game in town.

The Beatles influenced how people dressed, how people thought, and were about the best known people in the world.
Allow me to put this Beatle thing in perspective...

There are basically 3 major milestones (or turning events) in rock history that hit the music scene like a freight train and got everybody's attention. Events you couldn't help but notice, even if you tried. And they were:

The first big event
Elvis Presley: The first white guy who sang like a black soul singer.

Before Elvis, this is what people were listening to...

[ame=]Bill Haley - Rock Around The Clock (1956) - YouTube[/ame]

...which, even though it started the whole rock ball rolling, was a pretty bubble gum, warm and fuzzy, high school tune.

So you're used to hearing that on the radio, then all of sudden, one day, coming out of left field, you hear this...

[ame=]Elvis Presley - Heartbreak Hotel - YouTube[/ame]

...but just 6 years later, that had run it's coarse.

The second big event
The Beatles: Who started the British invasion.

Just like Elvis before, this was the No.1 song for 5 weeks in 1963...

[ame=]Jimmy Gilmer & The Fireballs - Sugar Shack - YouTube[/ame]

...the song is so sock-hoppish, it's almost like a cartoon. And that, along with Blue Velvet (Bobbie Vinton) and Dominique (the Singing Nun), were the top 10 songs being played on the radio. Then, all of sudden one day, coming out of left field, you hear this...

[ame=]The Beatles - Twist and Shout [New Stereo Mix Exp] [HD] - YouTube[/ame]

...and once again, music changed its direction.

The third biggest event
Hendrix: The first black guy who appealed to white women.

Just like the Beatles before, people were a little tired of wanting to hold your hand and what followed, just like the others, came right out of left field like a freight train...

[ame=]Jimi Hendrix - Purple Haze (Live) HDV - YouTube[/ame]
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^^^ No one is over the Lord. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


Ants are over "the lord".

They exist.."the lord"...not so much.

If ants ever organized globally, we wouldn't last a day. :thup:

"I'm not afraid of insects taking over the world, and you know why? It would take about a million ants just to aim a gun at me, let alone fire it. And you know what I'm doing while they're aiming it at me? I just sort of slip off to the side, and then suddenly run up and kick the gun out of their hands." - Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts
I pray that you meet the Lord some day soon. :) :) :)
^The polite way to say I wish you would fuck off and die.

I wonder if that makes it less threatening to jillian and Ravi? :dunno:
I have never once said that a person has to die in order to meet the Lord. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Another thing that I have never once said to anyone online are swear words. :) :) :)
The Beatles changed the world, what other bands can you say that about?

Oh for Pete's sake...there should be some kind of cattle prod to snap people out of their delusions concerning the Beatles.
It goes without saying the Beatles were a HUUUUUGE success and influence in the mid-60's.
However they were of course short-lived. By the late 60's they were only having minor hits and waning record sales. And of course they broke up soon after.
Other bands have had way-way-waaaaay better success than the Beatles when considering longevity and continued success in future albums.
What the Beatles really were - were the most successful commercialized flash in a pan band in world history. All of their success happened within just a few years when they were the only game in town.

The Beatles influenced how people dressed, how people thought, and were about the best known people in the world.

For a short period of time.
Look, the Beatles was a giant rock band - no denying. But they are not the God-Like other-worldly creatures like the Beatle maniacs make them out to be. They had the best run of any band still today - BUT - it was a short run. McCartney and Lennon believed they could manage themselves and did a catastrophic job with multiple bad decisions like making a rule that George Harrison could write no more than 2 songs on an Harrison took his songs and went out on his own and of course did very well.
There are plenty of other bands that had huge influence on music and culture - like the Stones, Joplin, The Who, Zepplin
Let's not lose sight of the fundamental hyperbole permeating every corner of the original Beatles claim: Influencing the course of rock music, no matter to what degree, still hardly qualifies as "changing the world".

Get a fucking grip people. :lol:

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