Is the UN antisemitic? In other words, is the whole world systemically racist against Jews?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

headquarters on Friday, November 11, 2022. (AP/Jeenah Moon)
NEW YORK — The United Nations General Assembly passed more resolutions critical of Israel than against all other nations combined in 2022, contributing to what observers call an ongoing lopsided focus on the Jewish state at the world body.
The General Assembly approved 15 anti-Israel resolutions last year, versus 13 resolutions criticizing other countries, according to a tally by the pro-Israel monitoring group UN Watch.
Russia was the focus of six resolutions condemning its invasion of Ukraine. North Korea, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Syria, Iran and the US were hit with one resolution each.

Saudi Arabia, China, Lebanon, Turkey, Venezuela and Qatar, which have poor human rights records or were involved in regional conflicts, were not dinged by any resolutions criticizing them.

Imagine, the world thinks Bibi is worse than Putin or Xi or starving Marvin genocidal North Korea.


Democrats will deny this, but at the same time expect us to believe that since more blacks are convicted of crimes on average than whites, the system must be rigged against them.

Hypocrisy is such a wonderful thing.
The UN is a shithouse for the collectivist global elite.

It's a malignancy that ought to have been built in Moscow and shit the bed right along with the ussr.


headquarters on Friday, November 11, 2022. (AP/Jeenah Moon)
NEW YORK — The United Nations General Assembly passed more resolutions critical of Israel than against all other nations combined in 2022, contributing to what observers call an ongoing lopsided focus on the Jewish state at the world body.
The General Assembly approved 15 anti-Israel resolutions last year, versus 13 resolutions criticizing other countries, according to a tally by the pro-Israel monitoring group UN Watch.
Russia was the focus of six resolutions condemning its invasion of Ukraine. North Korea, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Syria, Iran and the US were hit with one resolution each.

Saudi Arabia, China, Lebanon, Turkey, Venezuela and Qatar, which have poor human rights records or were involved in regional conflicts, were not dinged by any resolutions criticizing them.

Imagine, the world thinks Bibi is worse than Putin or Xi or starving Marvin genocidal North Korea.


Democrats will deny this, but at the same time expect us to believe that since more blacks are convicted of crimes on average than whites, the system must be rigged against them.

Hypocrisy is such a wonderful thing.
The UN is right, but it's ultimately controlled by the USG via the UNSC.

Israel is a terrorist organization posing as a country.

The UN, along with every Totalitarian on the Face of The Earth, is anti-Capitalist.

Capitalism is the only economic system that can support democratic Republics. And democratic Republics are the only political systems that can support Freedom.

If it's one thing Totalitarians can't stand, it is freedom. By its very nature, freedom is anti-totalitarian. Ergo, Capitalism is anti-totalitarian.

dimocrap FILTH are anti-capitalist through and through.

Israel is the only Capitalist system in that part of the world. Capitalism, with all its flaws, works. It is the only political system that can support a Free People, period.

And since scum of the Earth dimocrap FILTH are totalitarian, they are anti-capitalist to the core.....

Since the vast majority of the members of the UN are totalitarian, they are anti-capitalist.

I made it more complicated than it needs to be, but it gets to the point eventually
The problem is not the UN.

The problem is Islam.

Islam is incompatible with Western Culture and Western Democracy.

Islamic scripture contains embedded and explicit permission to commit violence in defense of the faith and its believers.

Mind you, that permission has restrictions upon it, but those restrictions are easily and routinely circumvented.

It would be like Jesus saying:

"Love Thy Neighbor, unless he is not a believer, or he is attacking another believer, in which case, God will reward you for coming to the defense of the faith and your co-religionists, and he will reserve His best rewards for those of you who die while doing just that."

Couple that with stipulations that Mohammed was the FINAL prophet and that his teachings and those of the Quran are not to be superceded or reinterpreted and you have a belief system that is profoundly incapable of substantive reform or modernization.

Oh, non-believers can easily point to the violence of the Old Testament, but, for Christians, the teachings of the NEW Testament supercede the Old... whenever a teaching of The Master conflicts with something found in the Old, the teachings of the Master (the teachings of the New Testament) control. "Love Thy Neighbor" overrides everything else in the final analysis.

Christians have committed great crimes and spilled much blood over the centuries, there can be no dispute about that.

But here's a major philosophical and spiritual difference:

When Christians do these things they do so in direct VIOLATION of the teachings of The Master regarding what God wants. No matter how savage or cruel a Christian (or group of them) are, those teachings eventually reemerge and reboot things.

When Muslims do these things they do so in COMPLIANCE with the teachings of their Founder and his distorted vision of what God wants. Whatever collective Conscience is attributable to Islam is a weak and feeble and useless thing BY COMPARISON.

Consequently, Christianity has a much better set of "brakes" against the worst of human behavior than does Islam.

When was the last time that you heard of a universally popular call for a religiously-focused Crusade against the enemies of Christianity by Western Countries? Sometime back in the 12th or 13th century?

When was the last time that you heard of a universally popular call for a religiously-focused Jihad against the enemies of Islam by Eastern Countries? This morning?

Christians cannot possibly and completely "live up to" the ideals and high standards established by Jesus of Nazareth but that's the entire point of an Ideal, isn't it?


Islam is far more worldly and practical and bloody arrangement; a much lower and easier bar for the faithful to address.

And, while both faiths have a history of spreading their belief system through warfare, it is interesting to note during the early centuries of the Christian faith that Christianity was spread by the downtrodden and enslaved as a message of Love, while from its very inception Islam was spread by force-of-arms; copy-cat Abraham-ism, modified for new audiences of ignorant, gullible folk.

When it comes to comparing Christianity (and The West) to Islam (and The East), modern Christianity is far more tolerant of Islam and other faiths than is Islam, which, to this very day, demonstrates very little sustained and genuine tolerance of other faiths.

These things, and other factors, comprise my conviction that Islam is ultimately incompatible with Western Civilization and Democracy and that it is ultimately hostile to the spiritual and political life of Western countries such as the United States.
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The problem is not the UN.

The problem is Islam.

Islam is incompatible with Western Culture and Western Democracy.

Islamic scripture contains embedded and explicit permission to commit violence in defense of the faith and its believers.

Mind you, that permission has restrictions upon it, but those restrictions are easily and routinely circumvented.

It would be like Jesus saying:

"Love Thy Neighbor, unless he is not a believer, or he is attacking another believer, in which case, God will reward you for coming to the defense of the faith and your co-religionists, and he will reserve His best rewards for those of you who die while doing just that."

Couple that with stipulations that Mohammed was the FINAL prophet and that his teachings and those of the Quran are not to be superceded or reinterpreted and you have a belief system that is profoundly incapable of substantive reform or modernization.

Oh, non-believers can easily point to the violence of the Old Testament, but, for Christians, the teachings of the NEW Testament supercede the Old... whenever a teaching of The Master conflicts with something found in the Old, the teachings of the Master (the teachings of the New Testament) control. "Love Thy Neighbor" overrides everything else in the final analysis.

Christians have committed great crimes and spilled much blood over the centuries, there can be no dispute about that.

But here's a major philosophical and spiritual difference:

When Christians do these things they do so in direct VIOLATION of the teachings of The Master regarding what God wants. No matter how savage or cruel a Christian (or group of them) are, those teachings eventually reemerge and reboot things.

When Muslims do these things they do so in COMPLIANCE with the teachings of their Founder and his distorted vision of what God wants. Whatever collective Conscience is attributable to Islam is a weak and feeble and useless thing BY COMPARISON.

Consequently, Christianity has a much better set of "brakes" against the worst of human behavior than does Islam.

When was the last time that you heard of a universally popular call for a religiously-focused Crusade against the enemies of Christianity by Western Countries? Sometime back in the 12th or 13th century?

When was the last time that you heard of a universally popular call for a religiously-focused Jihad against the enemies of Islam by Eastern Countries? This morning?

Christians cannot possibly and completely "live up to" the ideals and high standards established by Jesus of Nazareth but that's the entire point of an Ideal, isn't it?


Islam is far more worldly and practical and bloody arrangement; a much lower and easier bar for the faithful to address.

And, while both faiths have a history of spreading their belief system through warfare, it is interesting to note during the early centuries of the Christian faith that Christianity was spread by the downtrodden and enslaved as a message of Love, while from its very inception Islam was spread by force-of-arms; copy-cat Abraham-ism, modified for new audiences of ignorant, gullible folk.

When it comes to comparing Christianity (and The West) to Islam (and The East), modern Christianity is far more tolerant of Islam and other faiths than is Islam, which, to this very day, demonstrates very little sustained and genuine tolerance of other faiths.

These things, and other factors, comprise my conviction that Islam is ultimately incompatible with Western Civilization and Democracy and that it is ultimately hostile to the spiritual and political life of Western countries such as the United States.
Go here Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth Read it, understand it
The U.N. is nothing but an extortion racket mostly preying on the U.S. but also catering to oil producing countries in the mid east that hate Israel.
The U.N. is nothing but an extortion racket mostly preying on the U.S. but also catering to oil producing countries in the mid east that hate Israel.
Well, you'd be pissed, too if you kept getting your ass handed to you by the smallest kid in class :dunno:
Time to move the UN to Iran and turn the building site into a riverfront park.
As bad as the UN is, and it is, it's still better than no UN.

I know that's hard to believe but it is true.

I just wish we could get the other Countries to pony up some money for it
As bad as the UN is, and it is, it's still better than no UN.
Agreed. The world needs a place for its various nations to come together to talk.
I know that's hard to believe but it is true.

I just wish we could get the other Countries to pony up some money for it
As much as I support the idea of the UN, I am quickly coming to believe we should park it elsewhere.

Maybe move UN headquarters to some big independent island or another with a large airport and decent amenities.

Whatever it takes so that we don't have to host the damned thing anymore and take $hit from some of its lowlifes.

Moving forward, we should adjust our contributions to only pay our percentage-share of the world's population.

Or: 330,000,000 in the US
÷ 8,000,000,000 total world population = .0415 ( 4.15% ).

We should be paying 4.15% of the UN budget ;) ...the other 95.85% isn't our problem.

If the rest of the world isn't interested in paying its fair share then they just don't want it badly enough and it can fold its tent.
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The problem is not the UN.

The problem is Islam.

Islam is incompatible with Western Culture and Western Democracy.

Islamic scripture contains embedded and explicit permission to commit violence in defense of the faith and its believers.

Mind you, that permission has restrictions upon it, but those restrictions are easily and routinely circumvented.

It would be like Jesus saying:

"Love Thy Neighbor, unless he is not a believer, or he is attacking another believer, in which case, God will reward you for coming to the defense of the faith and your co-religionists, and he will reserve His best rewards for those of you who die while doing just that."

Couple that with stipulations that Mohammed was the FINAL prophet and that his teachings and those of the Quran are not to be superceded or reinterpreted and you have a belief system that is profoundly incapable of substantive reform or modernization.

Oh, non-believers can easily point to the violence of the Old Testament, but, for Christians, the teachings of the NEW Testament supercede the Old... whenever a teaching of The Master conflicts with something found in the Old, the teachings of the Master (the teachings of the New Testament) control. "Love Thy Neighbor" overrides everything else in the final analysis.

Christians have committed great crimes and spilled much blood over the centuries, there can be no dispute about that.

But here's a major philosophical and spiritual difference:

When Christians do these things they do so in direct VIOLATION of the teachings of The Master regarding what God wants. No matter how savage or cruel a Christian (or group of them) are, those teachings eventually reemerge and reboot things.

When Muslims do these things they do so in COMPLIANCE with the teachings of their Founder and his distorted vision of what God wants. Whatever collective Conscience is attributable to Islam is a weak and feeble and useless thing BY COMPARISON.

Consequently, Christianity has a much better set of "brakes" against the worst of human behavior than does Islam.

When was the last time that you heard of a universally popular call for a religiously-focused Crusade against the enemies of Christianity by Western Countries? Sometime back in the 12th or 13th century?

When was the last time that you heard of a universally popular call for a religiously-focused Jihad against the enemies of Islam by Eastern Countries? This morning?

Christians cannot possibly and completely "live up to" the ideals and high standards established by Jesus of Nazareth but that's the entire point of an Ideal, isn't it?


Islam is far more worldly and practical and bloody arrangement; a much lower and easier bar for the faithful to address.

And, while both faiths have a history of spreading their belief system through warfare, it is interesting to note during the early centuries of the Christian faith that Christianity was spread by the downtrodden and enslaved as a message of Love, while from its very inception Islam was spread by force-of-arms; copy-cat Abraham-ism, modified for new audiences of ignorant, gullible folk.

When it comes to comparing Christianity (and The West) to Islam (and The East), modern Christianity is far more tolerant of Islam and other faiths than is Islam, which, to this very day, demonstrates very little sustained and genuine tolerance of other faiths.

These things, and other factors, comprise my conviction that Islam is ultimately incompatible with Western Civilization and Democracy and that it is ultimately hostile to the spiritual and political life of Western countries such as the United States.
Are you suggesting that the Christian Crusades which resulted in tens of millions of innocent souls brutally murdered, and even tortured, was due to the powers that be wanting to present the love of Jesus?

If so then let me interest you in this bridge that I have for sale...

Are you suggesting that the Christian Crusades which resulted in tens of millions of innocent souls brutally murdered, and even tortured, was due to the powers that be wanting to present the love of Jesus?

If so then let me interest you in this bridge that I have for sale...'
Nope. That's not what I said at all... not even close.

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