Is The Term 'White Supremacist' Unfair?

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
What if you're white and don't like affirmative action, etc., but you're not an actual neo-Nazi?

Occidental Observer

Most white advocates seek a general right of group self-determination that at most involves non-involvement with other racial groups, especially coercive involvement. Forced busing, affirmative action, immigration and non-discrimination laws are all examples of coercion that are opposed by white advocates.

In other words, they wish to simply decline the demands of other racial groups. That's "supremacy"? That's like calling a woman who refuses a man's sexual advances a "female supremacist."


I might also propose that black or Hispanic groups be called "black advocacy" or "Hispanic advocacy" groups, instead of the partisan-sounding "civil rights group." Really? "La Raza" is concerned about everyone's civil rights? Please.
What if you're white and don't like affirmative action, etc., but you're not an actual neo-Nazi?

Supremacism goes beyond neo-Nazism.

White supremacy is the belief that white people are superior to people of other racial backgrounds. The term is sometimes used specifically to describe a political ideology that advocates the social and political dominance of whites.[1]

White supremacy, as with racial supremacism in general, is rooted in ethnocentrism and a desire for hegemony.[citation needed] It is associated with varying degrees of racism and a desire for racial separation. White supremacy has often resulted in anti-black racism and antisemitism.[citation needed] Different forms of white supremacy have different conceptions of who is considered white, and not all white supremacist organizations agree on who is their greatest enemy.[2]

Whites who are opposed to racial privilege are not supremacists, unless they support whites having privileges that exceed those of other groups.

I feel like AA has run its course and should be discontinued, but I am far from a white supremacist.

Neo-nazism is a somewhat separate, but related movement.
The term neo-Nazism refers to post-World War II far right political movements, social movements, and ideologies seeking to revive Nazism, or some variant that echoes core aspects of Nazism such as racial or ethnic nationalism or Völkisch integralism.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7]

Neo-Nazis rarely use the word neo-Nazi to describe themselves, often opting for labels such as National Socialist, Nationalist or related terms.[5] A few scholars refer to neo-Nazism as "neo-National Socialism."[1] Some groups and individuals who support the ideology openly eschew Nazi-like terms to avoid social stigma or legal consequences.[citation needed] Some European countries have laws prohibiting the expression of pro-Nazi, racist or anti-Semitic views.

Most neo nazis are white supremacists, but not all white supremacists are neo nazis.

One thing that has bothered me recently is attempts by the SPLC and the ADL to link the anti-immigration movement to white supremacy and neo-nazism. There are a LOT of Americans who are opposed to the current U.S. system of immigration who are in no way racist. I am opposed to AA and also to rampant illegal immigration, but I definitely don't consider myself a racist.
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You should be called White Racist Douche Bags Living in the 19th Century!

By the way there are a lot of Black Supremacists aka the New Black Panthers, Black Guerilla Army, Nation of Islam and NAACP. And Latino Supremacist like Brown Berredas, La Raza, La Mecha and Atlzan.

There are even White Leftist Supremacist, perfect example is of leftist supremacy is Shogun!

Note you don't have to be a racist to be against illegal immigration or La Raza! See Rosanna Pulido, a Mexican American running for Rahmbos open seat in Chicago!

What if you're white and don't like affirmative action, etc., but you're not an actual neo-Nazi?

Occidental Observer

Most white advocates seek a general right of group self-determination that at most involves non-involvement with other racial groups, especially coercive involvement. Forced busing, affirmative action, immigration and non-discrimination laws are all examples of coercion that are opposed by white advocates.

In other words, they wish to simply decline the demands of other racial groups. That's "supremacy"? That's like calling a woman who refuses a man's sexual advances a "female supremacist."


I might also propose that black or Hispanic groups be called "black advocacy" or "Hispanic advocacy" groups, instead of the partisan-sounding "civil rights group." Really? "La Raza" is concerned about everyone's civil rights? Please.
The automatic presumption that every White who objects to racist laws or the application of laws that is racist, makes one a White Supremicist is liberal bullshit.

Personally, I suspected that the original application of Affirmative Actions laws was designed to widen the rife between poor white and poor minorities.

And it worked splendidly to do just that, too, didn't it?

After all who actually suffers if AA laws (or their application) is racist?

Poor White Males, mostly, and those who depend on them, too.

And who was the greatest beneficary class of those laws as they were once applied?

Upper middle class White women, far more than Blacks or other minorities.


Because those laws were applied based on race and gender rather than on actual need.

I don't know if it's still the case, but I remember when, when I tallied up all the classes of people who were to be given succor through AA laws, what Idiscovered is that the ONLY people who would not be given help getting government contracts (this I learned as I was considering becoming a real estate appraiser for the FEDS) was...get this


FYI, that was the policy of the Federal Government in about 1994 or so.

Have things changed since then?

I really don't know.

But then, everybody else on earth, based on ethnic or race or gender, was to be given extra consideration but those two classes of people.

That's not racist and genderist, too?!
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Affirmative Action was a secret conspiracy by white women to put you under our stiletto heels like the dogs you are!!!111!!!!

ooops. Got a little froth on my chin.
You should be called White Racist Douche Bags Living in the 19th Century!

By the way there are a lot of Black Supremacists aka the New Black Panthers, Black Guerilla Army, Nation of Islam and NAACP. And Latino Supremacist like Brown Berredas, La Raza, La Mecha and Atlzan.

Aren't you forgetting Zionism?

Which, by the way, I oppose only in so far as it hurts whites. Racial nationalism of any kind, I believe, is inherently legitimate.
You should be called White Racist Douche Bags Living in the 19th Century!

By the way there are a lot of Black Supremacists aka the New Black Panthers, Black Guerilla Army, Nation of Islam and NAACP. And Latino Supremacist like Brown Berredas, La Raza, La Mecha and Atlzan.

Aren't you forgetting Zionism?
Nope, zionism is needed because of bigots like you!

Which, by the way, I oppose only in so far as it hurts whites. Racial nationalism of any kind, I believe, is inherently legitimate.
Wait hold back up stop the press, you are against Zionism! What I would have never thought! Some dumb redneck like you make no sense. you want to Jews to go to some distant Island and when they do and make it a modern regional economic powerhouse, you cry foul. See douche bags, like yourself do not know what you want.

You are many times like the Blacks racist who you are complaining about. Black racist say each and everything is the white man's fault. They say this an excuse for their own failures. They don't want to point the finger at themselves, so they point it at the white man. You do the exact same thing with Blacks, Jews and Latinos!
Wait hold back up stop the press, you are against Zionism! What I would have never thought! Some dumb redneck like you make no sense. you want to Jews to go to some distant Island and when they do and make it a modern regional economic powerhouse, you cry foul. See douche bags, like yourself do not know what you want.

You are many times like the Blacks racist who you are complaining about. Black racist say each and everything is the white man's fault. They say this an excuse for their own failures. They don't want to point the finger at themselves, so they point it at the white man. You do the exact same thing with Blacks, Jews and Latinos!

You don't follow my posts. I've never blamed whites' problems exclusively on any group, and I've often said our own biggest enemy is ourselves.

I also didn't say I was "against Zionism." I said I was against it in so far as it HURTS WHITES, but as to the Jewish project of a homeland, I get it. Surely that's not too subtle a difference for you to grasp.

I'm also not a "dumb redneck." Hate me all you want, but neither epithet applies to me.
Is The Term 'White Supremacist' Unfair?

What if you're white and don't like affirmative action, etc., but you're not an actual neo-Nazi?

Definition from dictionary -

white su·prem·a·cy

racial view: the view that white people are supposedly genetically and culturally superior to all other people or races and should therefore rule over them

Yes, it is unfair because it is racist and wrong.
I'm also not a "dumb redneck." Hate me all you want, but neither epithet applies to me.
If you could you would ship all the Jews, Latino, Blacks, Arabs, Indians, Native Americans, Asian Americans and Gays off to some distant land outside of America. I would say that puts you in the dumb redneck category!

And I don't hate you, I pity you!
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It's not only a fair statement it is the absolute truth supported by Biblical passages and historical documents. The main prooblem is that people want to deny truth, they are revisionists.
white su·prem·a·cy

racial view: the view that white people are supposedly genetically and culturally superior to all other people or races and should therefore rule over them

What "dictionary" does this come from? You can't say that a "view" is "supposedly" anything... that's redundant. If it's a view, it's a view and needs no further qualification. Also, "white supremacy" as a specific category... but no other racial group? Uh-huh. The double standard again. A black man says he should "rule over" someone, and he's just a "civil rights activist." Duh.
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You must always remember that "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter."
And I don't hate you, I pitty you!

Dumb redneck it is. Interesting how dumb rednecks can spell "pity" but racist Jews can't. What's the world coming to?

Racist Jews? LOL that is always the white supremacist calling card! Never mind that the Jews were some of the biggest supporters of the civil rights movement, never mind they were some of the biggest fighters for equal rights and affirmative action, never mind they were some of the biggest fighters against segregation and for busing and never mind to this day they remain one of the most liberal segments of the population.
The Jews supported civil rights because they wanted it too. They knew that civil disobedience was necessary to win civil rights. The blacks did the dirty work for the Jewish people. Who says the Jews aren't smart ?
The Jews supported civil rights because they wanted it too. They knew that civil disobedience was necessary to win civil rights. The blacks did the dirty work for the Jewish people. Who says the Jews aren't smart ?

Douche bag the Jews didn't need civil rights, they were already doing fine in housing, employment and in business! They supported civil rights movement because it was the right thing to do! In all retrospect it did little for the Jews! If you knew a damn thing, which you don't, the civil rights movement mainly and specifically helped the Blacks and Latinos!
Would you, if it were without your ability to do so, remove all non-Whites and Jews from America, William?

If so, then you are a White racist.

Now if you would be motivated to do so because you believed tother races are inferior to Whites THEN you would be, as I understand the term, a White SUPREMEICIST.

If, on the other hand, you would have our nation do that because you do not think that Whites and other races should live together, THEN you are a White Separatist.

Having read your posts for a while now, I'd say you were a White Separatist.

And while I don't want to live in your ideal nation, I understand why some people might want to.

For exactly the same reasons that Zionists want Israel to exist, or the Kurds want a Kurdistan, or the AmeriIndians want control over their lands.

To have and maintain at least one place where your society is one which you are comfortable living in.

I'd give you guys Idaho and/or Montana if it were within my ability to do so, and the good people of those states didn't object.

Obviously you know nothing of racism in America. That's sad.
The wife and I combine to make in normal years around $150K, that puts us well into the middle class. I rather live in a more affluent neighbor of Blacks, Asians, Indians, Arabs and Latinos than live in a lower class all white neighborhood and have my children go to school with more affluent and upper middler class Black, Asian, Indian, Arab and Latino kids than lower class white children! Call me an ignorant classist, but I rather have my children go to school with children regardless of race and religion of a similar social class than going to a school with the same race (non-hispanic white) and religion but a lower class!

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